Meeting of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
Date: Wednesday 5 February 2020
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee held on 4 December 2019
4. Follow-ups from Previous Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee Meetings 3
5. Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda 11
Information or Performance Monitoring
6. Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update 13
7. Summary of Activity and Investment in the Coastal and Marine Area 39
8. Right Tree Right Place - Principles to Guide the Business Case 43
9. Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review 49
10. Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda 57
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
SUBJECT: Follow-ups from Previous Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee Meetings
Reason for Report
1. Attachment 1 lists items raised at previous meetings that require follow-ups. All items indicate who is responsible for each, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Decision Making Process
2. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings staff report. |
Authored by:
Ceri Edmonds Manager Policy and Planning |
Leeanne Hooper Governance Lead |
Anna Madarasz-Smith Team Leader/Principal Scientist Marine and Coast |
Approved by:
Iain Maxwell Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management |
⇩1 |
Follow-ups from Previous Meetings |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
Subject: Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. This item provides the means for committee members to raise minor matters they wish to bring to the attention of the meeting.
2. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing order 9.13 states:
2.1. “A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.”
3. That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 10:
Topic |
Raised by |
Leeanne Hooper GOVERNANCE LEAD |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
Subject: Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update
Reason for Report
1. To briefly recap recent decisions taken by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, and associated climate change response actions underway, including the decision in June 2019 to declare a climate emergency and direct staff to develop a comprehensive programme of work
2. To seek feedback and ‘test’ preliminary ideas about how the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council might lead a joined-up collective response in Hawke’s Bay to climate change.
Focus areas for Councillors’ feedback
3. At this time, this report is not recommending that the Committee make any specific decision at the meeting. Instead, this paper deliberately invites feedback from Councillors as a forerunner to developing a comprehensive programme of work in response to climate change, including regional leadership for climate change awareness and action[1]. At the meeting, feedback is invited on the following.
3.1. Assumption that Regional Councillors don’t disagree with the June 2019 Climate Emergency Declaration by the previous Council.
3.2. An approach during 2020 that is more about ‘getting on with it’ than having a series of councillor workshops on how we might do it (i.e. less councillor workshopping on climate change response in favour of greater external liaison on programme setup).
3.3. The Regional Council cannot solve the local climate change response alone. We will need to work with others to make a difference.
3.4. Setup and working through an agile and relatively small-sized HBRC-led steering group, rather than fixed meeting schedule of the EIC Committee or formalities associated with some other joint committee.
3.5. Interim ‘governance’ working party overseeing development of a coordinated regional response programme then moving to a form of enduring governance arrangement. Initially, this would be local government and iwi.
3.6. At staff level, a working group involving members from city and district councils to shape and steer programme development.
3.7. Noting that HBRC’s Pieri Munro Te Pou Whakarae has advised the Project Team to present a briefing paper to the Maori Committee meeting on 4 March. That paper would seek their input and direction about the roles and responsibilities for tāngata whenua in developing the regional climate change response programme for Hawke’s Bay.
3.8. No 2020-21 Annual Plan process for the Regional Council, but alignment with LTP process spanning remainder of 2020 and early 2021 (refer to the three-phased engagement approach described in Attachment 1, which Councillors previewed during their Strategy session in November).
3.9. Scheduling a conference for mid-late 2020 to feature a variety of presentations and speakers showcasing climate change response work and potential additional community mitigation and adaptation initiatives. Attendees to cover a broad spectrum of organisations, groups and individuals, actively incorporating youth participation.
3.10. What further information do we need to base our programme on/around? For example, a regional climate change risk assessment; a regional-scale inventory of greenhouse gas emissions (‘GHGs’); a public perceptions survey baseline (and future repeatable surveys) to monitor trends in community profile, attitude and actions for climate change response.
3.11. To deliver this work within existing budgets or secure additional resourcing or de-prioritise other planned work.
4. The remainder of this report is background context-setting advice.
“Action on climate change requires coherent and consistent governance across central and local government. Action on climate change requires a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and risks, innovation, and prioritised actions to achieve our vision for prosperous communities.” (LGNZ Local Government Position Statement on climate change).
5. Climate change is a global issue with local effects. Rising greenhouse gas concentrations, global average sea level and average temperature rise are being felt in our communities in the form of extreme weather events causing river and coastal flooding, drought and severe coastal erosion.
6. Past hazard assessments for the region indicate that over the next century our region can expect sea levels to continue to rise, more extreme weather, more intense rainfall, warmer, drier summers, fewer frosts, milder winters and shifting seasons. In addition, the climate will also vary from year to year and decade to decade owing to natural processes such as El Niño. Climate change effects over the next decades are predictable with some certainty, and will vary from place to place. Many of those projections were documented in the 2017 NIWA report ‘Hawke’s Bay Climate Change Projections: prepared for Landcare Research New Zealand Limited.’
7. Councils are at the forefront of managing the risk to New Zealand’s natural and built environment through mitigation and adaptation actions. Through its environmental planning and regulation role, much of the responsibility for adaptation falls to local government. However, councils cannot address these issues by themselves. All parts of society, a diverse range of actions and policy approaches are required to effectively manage the risks climate change presents.
8. With respect to mitigation, councils can play an important role by working with communities to reduce emissions. As a business organisation, the Regional Council can also take steps to procure goods and services that are ‘climate-friendly’ and reduce its own emissions, waste, energy consumption, etc. A number of such initiatives are in place, in progress or planned for the future (Attachment 2). These are just some of the ingredients that would feature in a comprehensive programme of work in response to climate change.
9. In the Council’s Strategic Plan 2017-2021, four of the 23 strategic goals are:
9.1. by 2025, coastal hazards are being managed to meet foreseeable climate change risks to coastal communities out to 2100
9.2. by 2030, flood risk is being managed to meet foreseeable climate change risks out to 2100
9.3. by 2030, Hawke’s Bay has environmentally sustainable, harvestable water identified and stored or plans to be stored if required
9.4. by 2040, Hawke’s Bay is carbon neutral.
10. To achieve those 23 strategic goals, over the past few years the Regional Council has made a series of decisions and launched a number of significant proposals that lay stronger foundations. Most notably, the 2018-28 Long Term Plan has been described as “revolutionary” in that it signals a new era in the way the Council manages the environment. With a strengthened environmental focus and emphasis on land, water and biodiversity, the LTP includes upscaling and accelerated work in land and water management (i.e. science, policy, regulation and incentives). To enable that, some of the things Council has agreed include:
10.1. completing a Capital structure review
10.2. completing shareholding transactions for Port of Napier Limited
10.3. increasing user charges
10.4. borrowing up to $35 million over ten years to provide incentives to change farming practices in the region.
Climate Emergency Declaration and Local Government Leaders’ Climate Change Declaration
11. On 26 June 2019, the Regional Council declared a climate emergency when it passed the following resolution (ref RC69/19): “[The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council]
11.1. Declares a climate emergency, recognising global warming to be an urgent and pervasive threat to human and ecological wellbeing.
11.2. Commits to providing an annual progress report in relation to its existing programme of work and additional future programmes relating to climate change.
11.3. Includes climate change as a primary factor for consideration in its decision making processes.
11.4. Commits to developing a comprehensive programme of work in response to climate change, including regional leadership for climate change awareness and action.
11.5. Requests staff develop a programme of community engagement on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
11.6. Directs the Chief Executive to further reduce the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions and report annually on progress within the annual progress report.
11.7. Advocates to the Ministry for the Environment to include greenhouse gas emissions in the consenting process under the Resource Management Act.
11.8. Makes further submissions, as appropriate, to the Zero Carbon Bill.”
12. The Regional Council is a signatory to the 2015 Local Government Leaders’ Climate Change Declaration. The Declaration features seven principles under headings of precaution, stewardship/kaitiakitanga, equity/justice, anticipation (thinking and acting long-term), understanding, cooperation and resilience. The local government sector’s position on climate change is documented by Local Government New Zealand – the “sector voice” for all 78 councils in Aotearoa. In a 4-page summary, the statements are:
12.1. Local government will collaborate
12.2. Local government will incorporate climate change implications into urban development and land-use decisions and take a long term approach to waste management and energy use, including transport infrastructure
12.3. Local government will take an all hazards approach to managing risks
12.4. Local government will factor in the impacts of climate change on water security.
12.5. What local government requires of central government is:
12.5.1. a national campaign to raise awareness of climate change
12.5.2. policy alignment and a clear mandate to address climate change
12.5.3. a decision on fiscal responsibility for adaptation
12.5.4. co-investment with central government to support low carbon, climate resilient infrastructure.
Surveying residents’ perceptions
13. In the Regional Council’s two-yearly independent survey of HB residents’ perceptions, the 2019 survey[2] sought residents’ opinions about climate change. Sixty-five percent of the 800 respondents indicated they are ‘somewhat to very concerned’ about the impact of climate change and thirty percent believe the Regional Council should give ‘high to very high’ priority to addressing the impacts of climate change.
14. Project leaders are currently considering the merits of designing an additional community survey to aid in building a ‘before’ snapshot of public perceptions and knowledge of climate action in the region. This is a one-time-only opportunity to obtain a richer snapshot before the regional council and its partners proceed to build a comprehensive programme of climate action, and the associated targeted communications, community engagement etc. Over time, repeated surveys would enable us to ‘test’ effectiveness of the programme on community awareness and action highlighting areas for particular focussed effort.
Climate change legislation
15. In late 2019, Parliament passed the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill into legislation. That amended the Climate Change Response Act 2002 and is a blueprint for New Zealand to deliver on the Paris Agreement signed in April 2017.[3]
16. The Climate Change Response Act as amended now sets up a framework of five year emissions budgets for achieving those targets and establishes a new, politically neutral and independent Climate Change Commission[4] to keep us on track and to hold successive governments accountable to implementing actions to achieve the zero carbon goal by 2050. The Commission is also responsible for developing a National Climate Adaptation Plan which has had foundation works laid down by the preparation of a National Climate Change Risk Assessment Framework and work currently underway on the national risk assessment itself.
17. Along with these changes, councils can expect useful direction when Government releases its first National Climate Change Risk Assessment due in mid-2020 (future six-yearly risk assessments will be undertaken by the Climate Change Commission).
18. The Government has previously announced its intention to review the resource management system. In 2019, a six-person panel was appointed by Government Ministers to lead a comprehensive review of the Resource Management Act and other significant legislation comprising the resource management system. In November 2019, the Panel released an issues and options paper outlining main issues to be addressed in the reform process and offers possible ways in which they might be addressed. Addressing climate change and natural hazards was identified as one of 14 key issues to be addressed in the review. It is very likely that the review will lead to legislative reform, but any such new legislation will not be in place within the current term of the Labour-led Government. This poses a degree of uncertainty if the reform will continue after the outcome of the Government elections later this year.
ETS and the farming sector
19. Over the next 5 years, farm-based greenhouse gas emissions from livestock and synthetic fertilisers will be addressed through a novel approach, apart from the Emissions Trading Scheme. Farming sector leaders and the Government are partnering to reduce primary sector emissions through an action plan which includes:
19.1. improved tools for estimating and benchmarking emissions on farms
19.2. integrated farm plans that include a climate module
19.3. investment in research, development and commercialisation
19.4. increased farm advisory capacity and capability
19.5. incentives for early adopters
19.6. recognition of on-farm mitigation such as small plantings, riparian areas and natural cover.
20. Mandatory reporting of livestock emissions will be required from the beginning of 2024. From 2025, the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading Reform) Amendment Bill (2019) prices agricultural livestock emissions at the farm level and fertiliser at the processor level.
Council actions across Hawke’s Bay
21. All Hawke’s Bay councils are factoring climate change into policy, regulatory, operational and corporate support areas. Activities can be grouped into broad focus areas of leadership, planning and regulation, infrastructure and asset management, emissions reduction, information to increase community resilience, procurement and investment. Nonetheless, this ‘business as usual’ for councils’ activities is constantly growing and evolving. For example, the Regional Council currently has two e-bikes, six electric vehicles and four hybrid vehicles in its fleet compared to just a few years ago when it had only a single small hybrid.
22. The Regional Council’s Annual Reports, plus interim quarterly activity reporting document the organisation’s energy use, staff travel etc. Staff intend further detailed metrics will feature in those future reports. In this way, the Regional Council’s own actions will be far more transparent and show how the Regional Council is indeed leading and ‘walking the talk’ (i.e. Attachment 2 Row C.1).
23. Attachment 2 presents an indicative summary of HBRC’s current actions. This builds on staff briefings presented to the HBRC Environment and Services Committee in June and August last year. The layout of actions referenced in Attachment 2 builds on a three-pillar approach (refer Attachment 1) which was presented in November 2019 to the incoming 2019-22 Regional Councillors as part of an induction session. The three pillars suggested for a strategic response in Hawke’s Bay to climate change are:
23.1. Framework – best practice information, assessment and reporting framework that is compliant with both national and international obligations and standards
23.2. Engagement – HBRC leading an informed and engaged community in partnership with iwi and other local authorities
23.3. Action – both mitigation and adaptation pathways. Priorities are understood and resourced appropriately, and the community has confidence that progress is happening and real.
24. There have been preliminary exchanges amongst the Chief Executives of the Regional Council and four main Hawke’s Bay territorial authorities. Some of the key points arising from those preliminary exchanges are:
24.1. many of the territorial authorities’ activities already factor in climate change and nowadays this is the norm rather than an exception
24.2. much of the new 2019-2021 councillors’ work in past few months has been focussed on induction and setting up representation on committees. None have yet had a focussed conversation on their respective council’s priorities for climate change response action
24.3. territorial authorities look to the regional council for technical expertise on climate projections, research and application. They typically do not have that kind of expertise in-house
24.4. territorial authority chief executives anticipate their respective councillors would support a regionally coordinated response on climate change led by the Regional Council that involves the TLAs
24.5. forming an interim working group is preferable for agility and less rigidity of meeting schedules etc. A cross-council and iwi working party could provide regular reports to the HB Leaders Group (Mayors and Regional Chair) until a more permanent governance arrangement is established.
24.6. the interim working group would be supported by a small group of staff from the regional council and TLAs
24.7. it would be useful to build a complete picture of collective council action across the region augmenting those activities by HBRC noted in Attachment 2.
25. There are limited resources allocated within HBRC’s budgets for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years. To put this in context, budgets for Project 194 (‘Response to Climate Change’) are as follows:
25.1. 2019-20 TOTAL = $24,800 (incl $16,300 external costs)
25.2. DRAFT 2020-21 TOTAL = $25,700
26. To progress development of a coordinated action programme, a well-targeted programme ought to be informed by a risk assessment and also an inventory of emissions at whole-of-region scales[5]. By way of example, an emissions inventory for the Waikato region in 2016 cost almost $60,000 and its first three-yearly refresh is estimated to cost over $75,000. To be clear, records and monitoring of the Regional Council’s own carbon footprint has been completed and is ongoing.
27. Beyond 2021, the Council’s long term plan development process presents an opportunity to boost resources for climate action in Hawke’s Bay, if that is the Council’s desire. The public engagement dimensions of the LTP process also present an opportunity for pairing community engagement on a programme of climate change response actions.
28. In addition to community engagement alongside the LTP, engagement with tāngata whenua is crucial. Mr Pieri Munro (Te Pou Whakarae) has advised the Project team that a briefing paper should be presented to the Maori Committee meeting on 4 March to seek their input and direction about the roles and responsibilities for tāngata whenua in developing the regional climate change response programme for Hawke’s Bay.
Community engagement opportunities
29. Recent surveys indicate New Zealanders are becoming increasingly concerned about climate change. In Hawke’s Bay, the Regional Council’s 2019 Residents Perception Survey results painted a similar picture.
30. In June 2019, the Regional Council’s declaration of a climate emergency was accompanied with a direction that council officers “develop a programme of community engagement on climate change mitigation and adaptation.”
31. During development of a comprehensive climate change response programme, it will be important to engage and communicate with multiple stakeholders throughout the process. Forms of engagement will vary by audience. A communications plan is currently under preparation with the intent that communications and community engagement:
31.1. would work within existing project budgets
31.2. builds on existing local initiatives and projects (for example, the adaptation planning and communications as part of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy project)
31.3. aligns with preparation and drafting of the council’s 2021-31 Long Term Plan (e.g. regional roadshows and hui) and
31.4. works with initiatives of other regions, businesses and central government.
Conference in 2020
32. The idea of a conference later in 2020 has been suggested. The scale, content and timing of such a conference will be dependent on the resourcing that can be secured for such an event. Assuming a small council/iwi working party is to be assembled, that working party can be assigned the task of scoping out the purpose, timing and calibre of the conference. Subject to appropriate resourcing being secured, event planning can be handed over to a dedicated project team thereafter.
33. In terms of timing, the Prime Minister’s announcement of the General Election date (19 September 2020) will be a relevant consideration, at least in terms of content for central government workstreams, political speaker availability and national profile.
Community Engagement - Youth
34. Under the banner of ‘HB Youth Climate Action 2020 and beyond,’ planning has commenced for a two day youth camp in June 2020. With Council’s support, secondary school students and teachers will be invited to participate in an action collaboration to discuss the impacts and risks of the climate crisis and the unique challenges and opportunities it presents to Hawke’s Bay.
35. The outcome will be to inform, collaborate and empower rangatahi to have a voice and work as a partner with Council. These types of initiatives would complement a fuller calendar of community engagement activities through mid-late 2020 (for example, a conference as mentioned above).
Decision Making Process
36. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
1. That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee: 1.1. Receives and considers the “Regional Climate Change Response Programme Development Update” staff report. 1.2. Provides staff with feedback on the matters outlined in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.11 of the staff report. |
Authored by:
Dale Meredith Senior Policy Planner |
Gavin Ide Principal Advisor Strategic Planning |
Approved by:
Tom Skerman Group Manager Strategic Planning |
⇩1 |
21 November 2019 Strategy Workshop Climate Change Paper |
⇩2 |
Draft Climate Change Action Plan |
21 November 2019 Strategy Workshop Climate Change Paper |
Attachment 1 |
Council STRATEGY Workshop
Thursday 21 November 2019
Subject: Climate Change
Reason for Report
1. This item presents recent examples of engagement with the community on climate change, proposes an all-of-region strategic response to the declared climate emergency, and seeks guidance on the breadth and scale of the engagement, including:
1.1. Is the expectation that the regional council will coordinate a truly regional response across both iwi and local government?
1.2. expectations of the scale and resourcing of the community engagement approach?
2. Notwithstanding the limited resources allocated within the 2019-20 financial year, staff preference is not to focus solely on developing the framework, but to mobilise activity across all three pillars in order to retain the confidence of the community and to demonstrate momentum following Council’s declaring in June 2019.
Executive Summary
3. Staff recommend a path of action for the development and delivery of an all-of-region strategic response to climate change, with the proposal identifying three key pillars for a strategic response.
3.1. Framework - best practice information, assessment and reporting framework that is compliant with both national and international obligations and standards.
3.2. Engagement - HBRC leading an informed and engaged community in partnership with Iwi and other local authorities.
3.3. Action - Both mitigation and adaptation pathways – priorities are understood and resourced appropriately – and the community has confidence that progress is happening and real.
4. This brief research paper identifies how communities are being engaged at a local, regional, national and international level in relation to climate crisis.
5. Appendices identify examples of work HBRC is currently involved with that contribute towards mitigation and adaptation, and some website and report links are provided, including to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
6. The Regional Council is Hawke’s Bay’s key environmental agency responsible for working with our community to protect and manage the region’s precious taonga of rivers, lakes, soils, air, coast and biodiversity for health, wellbeing, and connectivity.
7. The Council declared a climate change emergency on 26 June 2019. The move came after numerous councils overseas and throughout New Zealand also declared a climate emergency.
8. It is assumed that councillors aware of the climate crisis (Paris Agreement, sea level rise, etc) and of the Regional Council’s intent to develop a structured work plan to adapt to and mitigate the effects of rapid climate change.
Overall findings
9. Most of the work being done by local government is, by and large, voluntary, and in the adaptation space (65%), supported by mitigation (30%). Governments around the world have yet to set policy frameworks that enforce meeting targets. The only countries with climate legislation to date are Australia, Mexico, Peru and the United Kingdom. Italy has developed strategies to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis, through its National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, but there is no legal requirement for regional or local councils to meet the targets.
10. Issues being encountered with legislation and strategies include a disconnect with local and regional planning systems, exclusion of potential implications, risks of being impossible to implement because of lack of technical tools or resources, lack of legal obligation to meet or implement targets, and disconnect with community.
11. A review of research highlights the importance of:
11.1 locally relevant goals and visions established in collaboration with stakeholders
11.2 clearly defined procedures for the implementation of ‘adaptation’ (joint term for adaptation and mitigation) into ‘business as usual’ work
11.3 the creation of mitigation and adaptation structures supported by appropriate human resources, both within and outside city administrations[6]
11.4 Community engagement and buy-in to change behaviour and support policy implementation will drive the change needed to face the climate crisis[7].
Community engagement
12 Research has shown that local government and organisations are best placed to tackle the challenge of the climate crisis in cities because:
12.1 They can engage communities at a local level to develop mitigation and adaptation actions that are appropriate and affective responses, and are personally relevant and motivating [8]
12.2 They are places of high energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions [9]
12.3 The complexity of infrastructure and urban economic assets make them vulnerable to climate change [10]
Behaviour change
13 The climate crisis is an issue that cannot be solved in silos or just by organisations or groups of communities, or even one generation. It requires a whole of community, country, and generational response and behaviour change. A sustained, strategic public engagement and dialogue to create behaviour change is required to see substantive behavioural transformations.
14 The engagement needs to be built from values up rather than numbers down – it’s crucial to put a human face on the conversation. This way policy change will be shaped and informed from a bottom up perspective. Peer to peer communication is shown to be the best way to create behaviour change rather than a top-down strategy, by talking to people about the issues they love and connecting them to the climate crisis.
15 We need to tell stories that make it real for people, and show them real solutions and actions they and their family can do to be part of the change. We need to actually show what ‘2 degrees warmer’ would mean for Hawke’s Bay locals in terms of beaches, rivers, floods, droughts, etc.
16 By telling new stories we can shift the climate crisis from being scientific and far away to a social reality part of everyone’s life. Sustained and substantive behavioural transformations come not from gradually reprogramming our behaviour, but from internalising the reasons for doing so.
17 Social marketing can play a role in altering and shifting particular behaviours but must be anchored in notions of identify, values, and citizenship if they can meaningfully create a response to the climate crisis – involving not just the widespread adoption of behaviour change but also acceptance for policy interventions[11]. Social marketing can create acceptance, adoption, and buy-in if done well.
18 In engaging, language choices must be conscious and framed for a strategic outcome. Language should reflect the urgency of action that must be taken. This should be balanced with language and messages that focus on specific actions to minimise impact.
19 European research found that policy implementation on climate change was most successful when it had support from sector groups and communities. In order to boost the chances of successful policy implementation, 96% of the engagement plans in the study aimed to increase citizens' awareness on the climate emergency through activities such as information campaigns, and community meetings.
20 Auckland City Council is currently engaging on a Climate Action Framework following the declaration of a climate emergency on 11 June 2019. The consultation lasts seven weeks and involves online submissions, email and post feedback, and in-person feedback at 18 community events. There is a website hub with information about the consultation, why it’s happening, and how the community can get involved.
21 The framework sets out a range of actions that individuals and communities can be involved in delivering from how to get around Auckland, what foods you have access to, how your community adapts to the changing climate, to the green spaces Aucklanders have access to. The style of language on the website and in key documents is notably in plain English and is free of jargon.
22 The Chair of the council’s Environment and Community Committee, Councillor Penny Hulse, put out a video explaining why Auckland Council declared an emergency and what it means for Aucklanders. The framework out for consultation focuses on eleven key moves that need to be made to get to a carbon neutral Auckland by 2050.
23 To get people engaged in creating solutions, a technique used in several countries is ‘visualisation’ to make the climate crisis understandable to communities, allow them to see possible solutions, and accelerate local capacity building and policy implementation
24 This is to bring the information about the climate crisis down to a local level, develop scenarios where the community can see impacts of the climate crisis with a range of drivers, impacts, responses, and adaptation and mitigation strategies, and use visual tools to get as much buy-in and interest on action plans and solutions, and achieve rapid learning. The tool uses four scenarios, ranging from do nothing, adapt to risk, efficient development, to deep sustainability. The actions and impacts relevant to each scenario are explained and make it real for the community.
25. Local Government New Zealand Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) is encouraging councils across the country to take leadership on the climate crisis adaptation and mitigation. LGNZ has developed a position statement, and presented research for councils to use as a guide to create change.
26. Looking at what actions the councils around the country have taken in this space, LGNZ summarised these themes for councils to consider when developing a framework.
26.1 Realise co-benefits: reduced congestion, improved health outcomes, waste minimisation
26.2 Long term-agenda: all actions or strategies should take a long-term view for long-lasting change
26.3 Holistic and systems approach: strategies encompassing councils’ systems, functions, and operations
26.4 Resilience: consider whether strategies enhance community resilience
26.5 Community buy-in is essential: for change to be long-lasting and effective the community need to support it
26.6 Councils can lead behavioural change: Leading the charge can inspire communities to do the same.
27 An example close to home is the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board who developed a sustainability strategy to lower their carbon footprint, establish emissions reduction targets and set up a sustainability working group.
28 To develop their strategy HBDHB employed an external project manager with experience in transport behaviour change and managed a thorough consultation process with staff, patients and the community. To set their targets, they conducted an investigation into what their carbon footprint was and broke it into the areas of staff and patient travel, energy, and waste, and then set up measurable goals for reducing their carbon footprint.
29 One result of their strategy is their GoWell travel scheme which rewards staff for carpooling. Cycling was encouraged along with new cycle storage and more staff showers. Bus travel was subsidised for staff and patients. The up-take of the GoWell scheme has been significant.
30 Nelson District Council has allocated $254,500 dedicated to a climate change work programme including staff resources, participating in the Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme (CEMARS) programme, establishing a Climate Forum and Taskforce and ongoing work with the community. The Council also created a reserve fund of $500,000 (from the Port Nelson special dividend) for possible climate change initiatives.
31 The European Commission launched the Covenant of Mayors in 2008 to endorse and support the efforts of local authorities in the implementation of sustainable energy policies addressing climate mitigation by means of a reduction in fossil fuels consumption. The signatories of the new Covenant committed to prepare and implement a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) before 2030.
32 The plan should cut emissions by 40% by 2030, include a risk and vulnerability assessment of land areas, assess the threat posed to people, property, and the environment of which they depend, and prioritise actions based on these. Particular focus is paid to energy consumption in the sectors the local authority can influence (municipal and tertiary buildings, equipment, and facilities; residential buildings; and transport).
33 The plans have to be approved and adopted by the Covenant signatories’ city councils and then submitted to the Covenant of Mayors Office (CoMO) for a review process which ends with the acceptance of the plan. The plan is then monitored every two years. Rotorua Lakes, Auckland City, Greater Wellington Regional and Christchurch City Councils have committed to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
34 Chile has developed a country wide climate change adaptation and mitigation plan following engagement at all levels of government, industry leaders, technical experts, communities and business. Projects that have come out of this include information-sharing between government and academia on climate emissions and projections, and measures of emissions. Chile is now set to introduce a proposed Climate Change Law.
35 Further planned activities include developing a climate change financial strategy in line with Chile’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), and strengthening climate governance in municipalities, for example by creating deeper links with the Regional Climate Change Committees.
Adaptation and mitigation
36 Christchurch City Council has developed the Sustainable Energy Strategy and the Energy Action Plan which sits under the Christchurch Energy Action Plan and focuses on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and encouraging uptake of battery electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. CCC has also created a Target Sustainability Service, provides the sustainable homes and Build Back Smarter programmes, supports community gardens, and operates the Yougo electric vehicle car sharing scheme.
37 Rotorua Lakes Council developed a comprehensive Sustainable Living Strategy in 2016 with strong community engagement. The strategy is holistic and takes into account the community’s sustainability, such as being able to healthily house and feed tamariki, and environmental sustainability. The six objectives of the plan focus on community resilience, access to nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle, land and water management, waste minimisation, and reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions and energy efficiency.
38 One aspect of Palmerston North City Council’s response to the climate crisis is the collaborative Eco Design Service, responsible for building awareness and knowledge across the district of sustainable building practices and available grants. The service is offered to homeowners, renters, community groups, designers, architects, and tradespeople, and seeks to encourage sustainable design ideas, and upgrading of existing homes to improve heat, health outcomes and reduce energy costs. While the focus of this initiative is on sustainability more generally, it is designed to encourage residents to think about ways in which energy consumption, and therefore emissions, can be reduced at home.
39 In an Italian study on local authority climate planning of adaptation and mitigation found the majority of promoted actions aimed at increasing energy performances in old municipal buildings, upgrading the municipal fleet and promoting local public transport, smart mobility system, cycling, walking, car sharing/pooling, and electric cars, and an increase of energy production from renewable sources, mainly through the implementation of PV, solar thermal and biomass[12].
Corporate adaptation and mitigation
40 The Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC) are a group of 122 businesses and organisations who are focused on reducing emissions in New Zealand. Local business member 3R is facilitating the Hawke’s Bay Climate Change Forum on 25 November.
41 The Aotearoa Circle is a partnership of public and private sector leaders who are committed to the pursuit of sustainable prosperity.
42 Christchurch City Council has internal council programme of work including the Resource Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emission Policy which guides management of energy use, Greenhouse Gas emission generation, solid waste generation and water use. The Council’s strategic priorities include climate change leadership and an informed/ proactive approach to natural hazards risks.
43 Environment Canterbury has created a Resource Efficiency Group which assesses ECan’s carbon footprint and feasibility of obtaining ‘Zero Carbon’ and reducing emissions. ECan is developing a process to ensure that the climate crisis is robustly and consistently factored into relevant Council decisions across portfolios. In the future, it will develop the case to transition its transport fleet to EV and/or mobility as a service model.
44 Greater Wellington Regional Council has developed a Climate Change Strategy designed to align and coordinate actions across GWRC’s responsibilities and operations. It has established a Corporate Sustainability Programme - committing resource to measuring GWRC’s own emissions and implementing measures to reduce them.
45 In 2016, GWRC amended its vehicle purchase policy to prioritise the purchase of EVs - internal combustion engine vehicles are now only purchased when no suitable EV option exists. The fleet now has eight EVs with a network of EV chargers across all GWRC offices and depots across the region, for staff and visitors, with a view to expand this network over time. There is also a focus on waste minimisation, energy efficiency, provision of facilities and services that encourage active and public transport use amongst staff, encouraging car-pooling, etc.
46 Rotorua Lakes Council: As part of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy RLC has developed a Community Carbon Footprint and an organisation footprint. A vulnerability assessment, and an adaptation and mitigation plan are expected to follow. This includes reduced Council air and vehicle travel, and increased use of digital communication technology for meetings.
47 Councils across the country are part of regional working groups, i.e. GWRC has worked with all councils in the region to establish a Regional Climate Change Working Group, comprised of one main and one alternate elected member from each council. The purpose of the group is to provide a forum through which councils can network, discuss issues, share information and, where appropriate, achieve a consistent approach across all jurisdictions on climate crisis mitigation and adaptation. Similar groups are also in Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Auckland, and Northland.
48 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council currently collects data on energy and fuel use, electricity and gas emissions from its head office, and air travel kilometres. Its 2019-20 Annual Report will include more comprehensive reporting of corporate Greenhouse Gas emissions and actions taken to reduce these across all regional council activities (see Appendix 1 following).
What approach to community engagement?
49 As the Regional Council’s work plan evolves, relative to Climate Change, it considers the opportunity to create ownership through a resourced, high-impact community engagement and behaviour change campaign, or a lesser path to manage community expectations for change.
50 A matrix of options and indicative costs is laid out in the following table.
Engagement level |
Possible Tactics |
Early Indicative Cost |
HIGH (preferred approach)
· Develop comprehensive engagement plan for consultation on CC framework · Develop comprehensive mid/ long-term social/ digital marketing strategy to affect behaviour change · Work with partner councils and lead the delivery of the engagement and strategy · Create Regional Council, TLA and key stakeholder governance group · Create Regional Council, TLA, expert, and key stakeholder working group/ TAG · Create a suite of communication and social marketing tools for long term engagement with communities and stakeholders, e.g. dedicated website, online resources, overt public displays/illustrations · Ongoing community engagement with all levels of Hawke’s Bay community · Facilitate sector leaders to share their expert views on the issue and potential solutions through a series of ‘town hall’ meetings, up to x3 per year · Run workshops in all Hawke’s Bay communities to engage at a low-local level on the framework · Engage with all schools in Hawke’s Bay to enable their involvement in the development of the framework. Ongoing engagement for behavior change · After early engagement, develop a framework for mitigation and adaptation that touches each community, with clear actions for each audience type in the region,. · Change all language used to reflect the crisis, not simply a change |
Staff time + $250 - 800k |
· Develop engagement plan for consultation on framework · Develop mid/ long-term social marketing strategy for behaviour change · Work with partner councils to deliver the engagement and strategy · Create limited communication and social marketing tools for engaging with communities and stakeholders, e.g. dedicated website · Ongoing community engagement with some levels of Hawke’s Bay community · Run workshops in large Hawke’s Bay communities to engage on the framework · Engage with some schools · After early engagement, develop a framework for mitigation and adaptation that touches some audiences, with clear actions for those audiences · Change all language used to reflect the crisis, not simply a change |
Staff time + $175 - 300k |
· Develop light engagement plan for consultation on framework · Develop social marketing strategy for behavior change · Take a back seat on work with partner councils to deliver the engagement and strategy · Ongoing community engagement with city centres and some remote communities in Hawke’s Bay · Run workshops in city centres in Hawke’s Bay to engage on the framework · After initial light engagement, develop a framework for mitigation and adaptation that touches some parts of the region, and provides clear actions for the Hawke’s Bay community. · Change all language used to reflect the crisis, not simply a change |
Staff time + $35 - 80k |
51. Key take outs from this report are:
51.1. Engagement must be tangible – as real as possible – and understandable by all in community using simple, effective and engaging language
51.2 Use sustained digital/ social marketing campaign to develop and execute behaviour change initiatives that cross the entire community
51.3 Ensure any change / policy is directed from a bottom up approach
51.4 Three pronged focus of engagement includes:
51.4.1 What will the climate crisis physically do in our region?
51.4.2 What can we, as a community, do?
51.4.3 What is the Regional Council doing itself?
52 Next steps for community engagement are:
52.2 Further develop HBRC’s preferred option for community engagement with key messages, timeline, refined order of costs and actions.
52.3 Further develop website content covering the climate crisis, the Regional Council’s response, and high level impacts to the region.
52.4 Align community engagement programme with other related work (e.g. refresh of Strategic Plan 2017-2021, Draft Annual Plan 2020-21, input to develop the Draft LTP 2021-2031, Climate Change Risk assessment & readiness work, and other community engagement, such as for freshwater).
Appendix 1 - HBRC Mitigation & Adaptation Activities 2019-20
53 There are a range of ways in which the Council is leading in mitigating the effects of climate change. The two tables following identify mitigation and adaptation responses.
Area |
Mitigation activity |
Climate Change Benefit |
Transport |
Public transport provided, and use of a Super Gold card |
Reduction in · Vehicle emissions · Fuel demand · Regional carbon footprint
Reduction is able to be achieved because of more choice in transport options and fuel types |
Promoted cycleways include the regional network and iWays |
E-vehicles are promoted |
Driver-Share app under development |
Napier-Wairoa rail line reinstatement |
E-vehicles and e-bikes in vehicle fleet, cycling and public transport use for staff is promoted |
Biodiversity |
Wetland enhancement, riparian planting, erosion control planting, and forestry ‘Right tree, right place’ is under development |
Carbon sequestration |
Reduction in energy and material used and corporate carbon footprint. Reduction is able to be achieved because of more efficient resource use, less waste, and alternative practices e.g. more skype meetings |
Energy |
Buildings’ Lighting, heating, materials, skype in meeting rooms & various other operational initiatives |
Housing Clean heat, sustainable homes |
Corporate Ethical Investment Policy – no fossil fuels Reduce, re-use, recycle initiatives Emission reporting |
Area |
Adaptation activity |
Climate Change Benefit |
Natural resources |
Water Irrigation efficiency, efficient allocation & use, measuring flows & use, security of supply projects, and regional freshwater security programme in Tukituki & Heretaunga |
Natural resources are used in more sustainable ways, recognising climate change effects. These actions will enable community wellbeing to be sustained, now and into the future Reduce the adverse impacts of extreme weather events, including droughts, heavy rainfall, wind and new pests and diseases |
Land Erosion control, including the Hill Country Erosion Fund, and shade, shelter & fodder |
Biodiversity Riparian planting, Predator-Free HB, pest management, wetland restoration, ecosystem prioritisation |
Air Particulate control and urban emissions inventory |
Monitor and regulate |
Monitor, inform & educate, develop climate change predictions, and report on situation and trends |
Good information improves climate change awareness and responses |
Manage effects of resource use and set bottom lines |
Regional plan controls set development parameters to recognize and minimise the risk of climate change |
Human activities |
Primary sector Future Farming and catchment modelling & management |
The regional economy is better able to adapt to likely climate change, thereby sustaining the regional community |
Civil defence Reduce natural hazard risk, increase readiness, reaction, and recovery for hazard events |
Communities within the region are better prepared & able to respond to any climate-related hazard |
Climate-related hazards Flood protection & drainage, including upgrade of the Heretaunga Plains Flood Protection Scheme, coastal defences, and proposed Coastal Protection Fund |
Physical defence systems provided, with future investment recognising changing climate risks |
Development Clifton – Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy, HPUDS, flood assessment, 3 Waters |
Adaptations are made to where and how development occurs, including for housing and infrastructure investments Resources are allocated effectively & efficiently to achieve long term, sustainable regional benefits |
Appendix 2 - HBRC Examples of Mitigation & Adaptation
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Strategy 2100
54. Clifton to Tangoio is the most developed and populated part of the Hawke’s Bay coastline, as well as hundreds of people’s homes located along this coast, there are businesses and industry, roads, bridges, electrical/gas/water/sewage services, a seaport and an airport.
55. The Strategy is being developed to understand coastal hazards risks and the management options for this key part of the Hawke’s Bay coastline. It’s making a start with the priority areas between Clifton and Tangoio, but will move to focus on other coastal areas in future.
56. The Strategy will identify the areas that may be affected by various coastal hazards over the long term and the risks to public and private property, cultural sites and areas, recreational use and infrastructure services.
56. The project is a joint initiative between Hawkes Bay Regional Council, Napier City Council and Hastings District Council.
58. The strategy development commenced in late 2014 and has been through the following stages.
58.1 2014- Project establishment and context setting
58.2 2015- Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment
58.3 2016- Decision making framework and funding model
58.4 2017- Evaluation Panel process
58.5 2018- Implementation Phase
58.6 2019- Implementation Phase
59. In 2018 the Report of the Northern and Southern Cell Assessment Panels was published and noted by Napier City Council, Hastings District Council and Hawkes Bay Regional Council. This document is the summary of the work from 2014 to 2018 and reflects the recommended pathway for each priority cell.
60. Next steps are do develop a funding and governance model to take the strategy forward. This has proven to be a challenging area to align all three councils with the joint committee. Only funding for execution of the project $100,000 p.a. is included in forward budgets. There is currently no allowance in the LTP for construction of coastal protection infrastructure.
60. The following work packages are to be progressed over the next 12 months:
60.1 Completion of Concept Design Report for each priority cell excluding Pandora
60.2 Stress test- analysis of extreme climate change scenario vs recommended pathways
60.3 Managed Retreat- definition and planning level estimate of retreat options
60.4 Triggers- definition of triggers and signals for initiating pathway response
60.5 Regulatory- analysis of current regulatory framework and recommended improvements
60.6 Consent Risk Assessment- determine level of comfort in consenting pathways under current.
61 A significant step in the delivery of this coastal strategy is the public consultation required under the Local Government Act for the formulation of a new rating mechanism and significant investment portfolio. As this is a collaborative effort across multiple agencies boundaries it is likely that consultation will occur outside of the LTP process. Consideration should be made as to how consultation for the coastal strategy may fit into the wider climate change portfolio. Detailed information and reports can be found at
Figure 1 Summary of pathway for each priority area
Heretaunga Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Upgrade to 1:500
62. The Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme covers the low lying historic river plains of the Tutaekuri, Ngaruroro, Clive and lower Tukituki Rivers. It provides protection against frequent flooding to most of Hastings, Flaxmere, Havelock North and Napier urban areas. The area directly benefiting from the Scheme covers approximately 39,000 hectares with a population of around 110,000 people living within the scheme boundary- approximately 75% of the Hawke’s Bay population.
63. The scheme as we know it today has evolved over the last 130 years from the efforts of Local River boards in the late 1800s, through to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council in recent times. Improvements in the Scheme have followed significant flooding events and specific catchment and asset reviews.
64. In 2015 HBRC had consultation with LTP with a Level of Service (LoS) increase to 1:500, no objections were noted during this process and therefore this was adopted as part of the LTP. In addition to this, other Regional Councils across New Zealand consistently adopted this approach.
65. The overall aim of the project is to increase LoS from 1:100 to 1:500 year, protect productive land and residential areas of Napier and Hastings against more frequent sever weather events. It is supported by an economic review completed in October 2010.
66. The project is based the Ministry of Environment provided guidance Tools for Estimating the Effects of Climate Change on Flood Flow May 2010- A Guidance Manual for Local Government in New Zealand
67. A budget of $20M has been allocated for the next 10 years. The budget has been based on ability to fund via existing revenue rather than an evidence based project estimate.
68. The project is currently under review to formulate a detailed work plan, milestones, estimates and business base.
69. A preliminary high level program for the project is following.
69.1 Desktop review of project history Dec 2019
69.2 Site investigations and asset condition assessment March 2020
69.3 Modelling
69.3.1 Tutaekuri Jan 2020
69.3.2 Ngararoro May 2020
69.3.3 Clive Oct 2020
69.3.4 Lower Tutaekuri Feb 2021
70 Engineering and cost benefit analysis
70.1 Tutaekuri March 2020
70.2 Ngararoro July 2020
70.3 Clive Dec 2020
70.4 Lower Tutaekuri April 2021
70.5 Business Case July 2021
71 There are likely to be significant land issues to be resolved once the form of upgrades is known. The complexity of this project is high.
72 Following a detailed business case, design and construction activities can commence post July 2021
Appendix 3 - Further Information
73. Nelson District and Christchurch City Councils have developed climate change specific areas on their website that tell their climate change story well.
74. Auckland has developed a website specifically for engaging with the public on ideas and actions –
75. The Climate Leaders Coalition website:
76. The Aotearoa Circle website:
77. The Ministry for the Environment’s Climate Change webpage covers what the government is doing, information about climate, likely impacts, emerging government responses and opportunities for personal involvement:
78. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change website, which the United Nations has made responsible for assessing the science related to climate change:
79. Sean Weaver prepared a report, Hawke’s Bay Climate Resilience Programme (2017), for HBRC on a climate change framework of the current LTP 2018-2028:
80. Climate & Rapid Behaviour Change: What do we know so far? written by the Rapid Transition Alliance in 2018 discusses behaviour change and how this can be achieved to mitigate the damage to the planet due to our current behaviour, i.e. a culture of disposability, short-term convenience and built-in obsolescence.
81. Climate change response in NZ communities: Local scale adaptation and mitigation planning is a New Zealand local government focused article discussing the current efforts and influencing factors in climate change mitigation and adaptation planning and action. It found New Zealand’s decentralized approach to climate change adaptation has the potential to create effective change, but also increases the risk of fragmented, low-impact action. Hurdles to change included lack of public awareness or demand to take action, lack of funding, and no legal mandate to implement adaptation plans.
82. The US Environmental Protection authority has a Local Climate Action Framework: A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide.
83. A number of members of CLC are also members of the NZ Sustainable Finance Forum (the Aotearoa Forum). This Forum, comprising public and private sector leaders, is charged with delivering a sustainable finance roadmap to help NZ shift to a more sustainable financial system that supports social, environmental and economic wellbeing. They are currently receiving feedback on their recently released draft report on sustainable finance (which includes with respect to climate change):
84. Bell Gully has recently released a report, The Big Picture: Climate Change Getting Your Business Ready (Feb 2019) which summarises some of the concerns for businesses: (
Authored by:
Dale Meredith Senior Policy Planner |
Approved by:
Tom Skerman Group Manager Strategic Planning |
There are no attachments for this report.
Attachment 2 |
Indicative Draft Climate Change Action Plan
These goals are drawn from the Strategic Plan 2017-2021, and projects are based on the Annual Plan 2019/2020. Those items appearing in green italics are currently unfunded initiatives (e.g. Climate Conference, community perceptions survey, regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory, contestable community fund, wider community engagement than currently provided for the LTP review).
HBRC Strategic Goals:
1. By 2025, coastal communities are being managed to meet foreseeable climate change risks to coastal communities out to 2100
2. By 2030, flood risk is being managed to meet foreseeable climate change risks out to 2100
3. By 2030, Hawke’s Bay has environmentally sustainable, harvestable water identified and stored or plans to be stored if required
4. By 2040, Hawke’s Bay is carbon neutral
5. By 2050 all highly erodible land is under tree cover
Table1: Indicative Current Action Plan
Time |
A |
Framework Identify, establish & maintain the resources, systems & data needed to address climate change risks and vulnerabilities within Hawke’s Bay |
A.1 |
Identify & assess climate change risks & vulnerabilities: · Improve understanding of Hawke’s Bay risks & impacts o Update models & seasonal forecasts with southern hemisphere data o Stocktake of risk knowledge & analyses o Undertake scenario modelling & resilience studies, including for water management o Flood risk assessments o Natural hazard risk assessments o Matauranga Maori perspective · Benchmark community awareness, issues, priorities & responses [NB 2019 survey included climate change questions] |
2020 Ongoing
Ongoing 2020-21 2020, 2-yearly |
A.2 |
Identify resources & opportunities for mitigation & adaptation: · Consider climate change in making HBRC decisions · Review proposed Annual Plan projects re climate change · Develop water security programme · Identify Future Farming research initiatives · Undertake 3-D Aquifer mapping of key aquifers |
Ongoing 2020 2020 2019 2020 |
A.3 |
Develop an agreed regional path to address climate change: · Develop a Strategy & living Climate Action Plan · Update Transportation plans & strategies (e.g. land transport management, cycling etc) · Continue to develop CDEM community-response plans · Review of RPS, & rolling program of regional plan changes · Update Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy · Progress Clifton – Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2100 · Review flood control & drainage system levels of service |
2020 & ongoing At review
Ongoing Ongoing With RPS review Ongoing 2020-2021 |
A.4 |
Monitor & evaluate progress: · Air & regional greenhouse gas emissions inventories · Input to national climate change risk & response monitoring · Use Annual Report to highlight key corporate results · Make quality data available |
2020, 5-yearly As requested Annually Ongoing |
B |
Relationship Identify, establish & maintain relationships with the many parties that are affected by, and may help address, climate change |
B.1 |
Establish climate change regional governance: · Establish HBRC preliminary working group · Establish interim governance, preferably with TAs & iwi · Establish longer term governance with regional partners Establish technical advisory panel |
2020 2020 2021 |
B.2 |
Engage with businesses, communities & iwi to respond to climate change: · Co-host preliminary meeting with 3-R · Hold 2 x Youth Fora through Enviroschools · Use LTP preliminary consultation to discuss issues & opportunities · Hold a Hawke’s Bay Climate Conference · Align with ongoing LTP process to develop action proposals · Use LTP consultation to confirm Climate Action Plan · Business Hub services · Future Farming initiative · Open data initiatives (e.g LAWA, community science) |
Nov 2019 1st half 2020 April-May 2020
Mid-late 2020 Sept 2020 Apr-Jun 2021 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
B.3 |
Leverage resources: · Build on existing co-funding projects e.g. Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Forum; Heatsmart · Partner with relevant parties e.g. PSGEs, TAs, DOC, NIWA etc · Establish community contestable fund |
As relevant
B.4 |
Communicate information & progress: · Refresh the HBRC website, reflecting urgency of crisis · Hold a Hawke’s Bay Climate Conference · Create a new Climate Crisis Hawke’s Bay portal |
2019 Mid-late 2020 2020 |
B.5 |
Influence behaviour change: · Develop, implement & monitor a behaviour change marketing strategy |
2020-21 |
B.6 |
Engage with central government through: · Direct communication · LGNZ · Submission processes on proposed legislation |
Ongoing Ongoing As relevant |
Time |
C |
Action Address climate change risks & vulnerabilities |
C.1 |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: Leading by example Mitigation: · Measure corporate carbon footprint · Monitor & report energy use in buildings · Move to e-vehicles, e-bikes · Incentivise use of public transport by staff · Travel choices: o Use online meetings where possible o Offset air travel emissions · Implement Ethical Investment Policy (no fossil fuels) · Waste management (Reduce, reuse, recycle) · HBRC agenda papers online · HBRC meetings livestreamed (YouTube, facebook) Adaptation: · Locate new buildings & services away from risk areas (Guppy Rd) |
Annual Monthly, annual Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Ongoing Ongoing |
C.2 |
Region-wide Activities: Mitigation: · Administer 1 Billion Tree/Right Tree Right Place programme · Administer Heatsmart home insulation & heating subsidy · Administer subsidised passenger transport · Encourage & support e-vehicle infrastructure · Manage HBRC forests Adaptation: · Natural resources management: o Develop & apply the water allocation calculator |
C.3 |
Northern Activities Mitigation: · Reduce hill country erosion · Lake Whakaki hot spot Adaptation: · |
C.4 |
Central Activities Mitigation: · Lake Tutira hotspot · Ahuriri hot spot · Construct Bayview-Whirinaki Cycleway · Reduce hill country erosion Adaptation: · Implement Clifton Tangoio Coastal Strategy: o Westshore coastal works o Tangoio? · Construct Awanui stopbank · Support Te Tua augmentation scheme · Review Napier Stream Levels of Service |
C.5 |
Southern Activities Mitigation: · Lake Whatuma hot spot · Reduce hill country erosion Adaptation: · |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
Subject: Summary of Activity and Investment in the Coastal and Marine Area
Reason for Report
1. In previous council meetings Councilors have requested a summary of the activities undertaken, and the investment that Council makes in the marine and coastal areas. The following report outlines the key areas of Council that work within the marine/coastal area, key activities and approximate annual investment.
2. The Hawke’s Bay coastal marine area (CMA) covers the area between the Mean High Water Spring (MHWS – the average point a spring high tide reaches) out to 12 nautical miles (~22km). This is approximately 701,372 hectares, or just over 1/3 of the total area managed by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
3. Additionally, the Coastal Marine Environment/Coastal Margin (CME) includes those areas that contribute to the coastal marine area but may formally sit outside these boundaries.
4. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is responsible for promoting the sustainable management of the CMA. The framework for the protection, management and use of coastal resources is set in the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP; HBRC 2014). This plan gives effect to the RMA and the NZCPS at a regional level.
5. Activities within Regional Council fit within this mandate, and specifically towards the strategic goals identified below.
Strategic Fit
6. Council’s activities in the marine and coastal area contribute towards the strategic goals of:
6.1. Healthy and functioning biodiversity including the identification of priority areas for ecosystem restoration by 2020, active restoration by 2030 and the protection of indigenous habitats and ecosystems through active marine biosecurity protocols.
6.2. Contributing towards success measurements for Smart, Sustainable Land Use, by providing receiving water measurements with which to assess contaminant reduction.
6.3. Contributing towards success measurements for Water Quality, Safety and Certainty by providing information on receiving water and coastal catchments.
6.4. Sustainable Services and Infrastructure by providing the information and plans to support coastal hazard management.
7. The coastal environment is the receiving environment for any land-based activities that may affect the water quality of rivers. It is also subject to pressures from fisheries related activities, and activities associated with vessel traffic.
8. Additionally, the coastal environment can place pressure on adjacent land and infrastructure through inundation and storm surges.
9. Council have recently requested a summary of Council activities and investment in the coastal marine area. These total some $1.1 million of annual direct investment and 6 FTE. The detail of the breakdown for this follows.
Integrated Catchment Management – Environmental Science/Environmental Information
10. The Environmental Science and Environmental Information sections undertake work associated with describing, and determining the state and trends associated with marine habitats. This includes designing monitoring, research and investigation programmes, data collection and management, data analysis and reporting.
11. Current projects under this programme include; Recreational Water Quality, Sediment Quality, Intertidal Reef Ecology, Estuarine Ecology, Sandy Beach Ecology, Nearshore Water Quality, Coastal Monitoring Buoys, and Saline Transition Zones.
12. Additionally, the Marine Hotspot programme has provided the opportunity to undertake subtidal habitat mapping of the Wairoa and Clive Hards, and around Cape Kidnappers.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
313 Coastal Research |
0.75 FTE |
$48,700 |
331 Coastal SOE |
2.5 FTE |
$186,635 |
355 Marine Enhancement (Hotspot) |
0.25 FTE |
$200,000 |
Integrated Catchment Management – Catchment Services (Marine Biosecurity)
13. Marine biosecurity is included within the wider Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP – operative February 2019). The strategy aims to reduce the likelihood of introduction of marine pests into Hawke’s Bay by undertaking biennial surveys of the Ahuriri Inner Harbour, undertaking a risk analysis of vessels entering the Harbour, and dive surveys as required. Dry docking and cleaning of vessels which do not meet the RPMP is required.
14. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is of the Top of the North Marine Biosecurity Partnership (Auckland Council, Northland Regional Council, Gisborne District Council, Waikato Regional Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and MPI) to share information, best practice, resources and collaborate on research.
The plan has a strong emphasis on education.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
Marine Biosecurity |
0.3 FTE |
$20,000 |
Strategic Planning – Policy and Planning
15. The Policy and Planning team are responsible for the preparation, development and review of the Regional Coastal Environment Plan. The RCEP was made operative in 2014 with commencement of the review programmed for 2021. A Plan Effectiveness Review commenced in 2019 and is currently being peer reviewed by staff.
16. The Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Management Strategy is a strategic long-term strategy for managing coastal hazards within this area and is led by the Asset Management team, involving Policy, other HBRC departments and local authorities. Policy maintain a degree of involvement in the Coastal Hazards Strategy, attending meetings and providing advice where practicable.
17. Policy and Planning maintain a watching brief as an interested party to proceedings on over 30 applications lodged for parts of Hawke’s Bay region's coastal area under Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
191 RCEP Effectiveness & Coastal Hazards Strategy |
0.1 – 0.25 FTE |
$61,300 |
196 Statutory Advocacy |
0.05 |
Legal approx. $2000 each quarter for regular review and updates. |
Regulation – Consents, Compliance and Harbourmaster
18. Activities not permitted under the Regional Coastal Environment Plan require resource consent, and associated assessment of compliance with consent conditions. This can vary annually depending on the type and number of consents received and those requiring compliance monitoring.
19. Assessment of the level of investment in this area is difficult due to consent applications that may run across several years. However, as an example in the 3 years between 1 January 2017 and 1 January 2020 a total of just over $587,000 was billed from consent applications within the coastal marine area. These costs are recovered.
20. Similarly, compliance investment is also difficult to ascertain accurately, however as an example in the calendar year between 1 January 2019 and 1 January 2020 a total of just over $36,400 was billed for compliance monitoring within the coastal marine area. These costs are recovered.
21. The compliance investment above does not include activities associated with Pollution Response.
22. The Harbourmaster promotes the safe and navigable use of the regions waterways. This includes activities such as development and enforcement of Navigation Safety Bylaws, education, permitting and removing hazards to safe navigation. Investment is detailed below.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
460 Navigation Aids and Regulation |
1.4 FTE |
$182,400 |
Asset Management – Coastal Hazards
23. The Asset Management team undertake monitoring and research associated with coastal hazards and inundation. This includes coastal profile monitoring to measure beach accretion and erosion, analysis of storm surges, and design input to assist the Coastal Hazard Strategy.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
322 Coastal Processes Investigations |
0.35 FTE |
$403,000 |
CDEM – Oil Spill Response
24. Regional Council has responsibilities under the Marine Transport Act to respond to oil pollution and oil spills. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council have staff trained at both a local level (to respond to Tier 1 and Tier 2 level oil spills – smaller spills which can be resolved at the local level), as well as staff who are trained and currently sit on the National Response Team (Tier 3 level oil spills which require a national response led by Maritime NZ).
25. The costs of training for, or responding to, national level spills are met by Maritime NZ.
Programme |
Internal time |
Budgeted External Expenditure |
720 |
0.13 – 0.24 FTE |
$14,500 |
Other Activities in Council
26. Many other sections within Council undertake activities that have indirect benefit to the coastal marine area, this includes activities such as catchment management including the Erosion Control Scheme which reduces sediment transport to the ocean and tsunami research and planning. These additional indirect investments have not been calculated.
Next Steps
27. The State of the Hawke’s Bay Coastal Marine Environment Report: 2013-2018 has recently been completed and is currently being reviewed for publication. This outlines our understanding of the coastal marine area and the current state and trends, and provides a baseline with which to refine the science programs to deliver information to council to support the sustainable management of the Hawke’s Bay coastal area. The Marine and Coast Science programme will be assessed based on this report, a review of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Science Strategy (currently underway), and a review of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Marine and Coast Science Programme (near completion).
28. Implementation of the marine biosecurity component of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan over the next 2 years will inform the progression of this programme of works meet the objectives of the plan.
29. The Regional Coastal Environment Plan is currently a stand-alone document, however there is an opportunity to incorporate this and review alongside the Regional Resource Management Plan which is also due for review in 2020/2021.
Decision Making Process
30. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the “Summary of Activity and Investment in the Coastal and Marine Area” report. |
Authored by:
Ceri Edmonds Manager Policy and Planning |
Alice McNatty Senior Advisor Biosecurity |
Anna Madarasz-Smith Team Leader/Principal Scientist Marine and Coast |
Approved by:
Iain Maxwell Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
Subject: Right Tree Right Place - Principles to Guide the Business Case
Reason for Report
1. This item discusses the principles and poses key questions of Councl to guide staff over the next 18 months in preparing the business case for any potential additional role for Council in afforestation. It also provides a high level timeline and discussion of Right Tree Right Place project resourcing.
Executive Summary
2. Targeted afforestation is a critical tool to achieve a range of outcomes that this Council is seeking. A significant investment has been made through the $30m in the Erosion Control Scheme, but this is focused on the most at risk parts of our landscape and in reality is insufficient on its own to deliver regional outcomes with regards protecting a significant proportion of the regions erodible land.
3. Staff are asking Council to consider whether it has an additional role in afforestation in the region. This role could be in further regulation, building internal staff capacity/capability, supporting land user practice change, direct investment or a combination of any of these. Staff are developing a business case over the next 18 months leading up to the 2021-2031 Long term Plan to support Council decision making on this matter.
4. The “Right Tree, Right Place” (RTRP) project was initiated by the previous Council, and executed by HBRIC with co-funding from Te Uru Rakau/Forestry New Zealand, to examine afforestation opportunities for the Hawke’s Bay region. At the December 2019 EICC meeting the committee received presentations on a number of aspects of the RTRP project. That committee indicated a desire that in the lead in to the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan it wished to discuss Council’s role in broader regional afforestation options. The importance of Council building clarity on its role, internal and community capacity building and industry relationships relating to forestry, are key to a strategic discussion on regional afforestation. In particular Council’s ability to deliver the outcomes it seeks and the relationship between; fully grant funded, public/private and fully commercial investments in delivering those outcomes is important.
5. The region faces significant challenges around the adverse impacts of erosive processes and corresponding sedimentation alongside its response to the climate change challenge. In addition there are opportunities for carbon sequestration and regional carbon neutrality, as well as improved climate resilience. Diversification and inclusion of more trees in the agricultural landscape can also lead to reduced externalities, positive impacts on freshwater and marine ecology, a more biodiverse landscape and increased farm profitability.
6. Over the next two to three decades planting trees will be critical to achieving a range of outcomes within the Hawke’s Bay region. As a result of this, planting trees is likely to see significant investment by a range of investors. This investment is already occurring now through investments such as the Council’s $30m Erosion Control Scheme (ECS) funding, the One Billion Trees central government funding and private investment ranging from large-scale plantation forestry conversions to on-farm riparian planting.
7. Within Hawke’s Bay, Council initially identified 252,000ha of the region as land at risk or erosive processes and so potentially a priority for consideration for planting. Of this, modelling indicates that the worst 100,000ha if put under tree cover would approximate halve the total sediment yield. There is expected to be around 20,000 ha of the highest risk land planted over the next ten years by grant funding initiatives directly supported by Council such as through the ECS. This regional context represents significant challenges, risks and opportunities. The “Right Tree, Right Place” (RTRP) project is seeking to provide information to support quality decisions on the future of our region’s planting programmes. However the strategic context within which any afforestation investments will need to be established by Council.
8. The RTRP project has identified that complementarity of Council driven, diversified afforestation activity with pastoral farming will be essential. Processes around farm environment management planning, arising principally from freshwater reform, will drive key interventions. It will be essential to build on, and in some cases start, conversations and develop landowner understanding about afforestation options, and to build capacity in catchment management teams to ensure maximum synergy with ECS and other Council and central government programmes. The social and human drivers for why people do/do not plant trees is a critical part of the potential success of any Council investment in the RTRP.
9. The overall goal of this next phase of the RTRP due diligence is to assess if there is an additional role, beyond the ECS, for Council to play in regional afforestation. If so options for a range of components need to be assessed and further advice provided to Council on matters such as the funding, scope, areas of focus and delivery of the investment.
Principles Guiding Business Case Preparation
10. Principles to guide business case preparation over the next 18 months will be important for staff involved in the next phase of the RTRP Project. The following principles are proposed and feedback/guidance is sought from Councillors as to whether these are appropriate and / or whether other principles should be included.
10.1. Inclusion of Māori – Council has demonstrated through a range of mechanisms a commitment to cultural values. This commitment would continue to be reflected in the RTRP project.
10.2. Recognition of ecosystem benefits – In 2008-2010 Council considered a significant LTP investment in regional afforestation initiative called Trees on Farms. This investment did not proceed for a number of reasons. One of those was that it was approached as a purely commercial investment with no ability to recognise the significant value from ecosystem services that the investment would realise. The initial findings of the RTRP project regarding ecosystem services is that for each dollar of economic value from timber there is 1.5 dollars of ecosystem services value derived from planting. Staff propose that the value derived from ecosystem services should be recognised if any additional RTRP investment is made.
10.3. Long term investment with Intergenerational benefits – Any investment in forestry needs to be considered in a long term, e.g. 2-3 decades or more context. Afforestation is also likely to have intergenerational benefits both in terms of realising financial returns from wood, honey or carbon and ecosystem services.
10.4. Leverage and partnerships – A conservative estimate of the total investment required to put the RTRP across 250,000 ha is between $500m and $1-1.5b. In this context leveraging Council’s investment will be critical to impact and opportunities for leverage should be sought where they drive the outcomes Council is seeking. Partnerships are a key opportunity for leverage. Partners should bring additional scale or access to skills and resources that enable Council to better deliver the outcomes it seeks.
10.5. Utilising market forces – In some cases market forces will operate successfully to realise the outcomes Council is seeking. In this context being clear on where council should invest and why is important. If the market will operate to effectively deliver Councils outcomes it is suggested that there should not be a direct investment role for council in that activity. This does not preclude, however, a more indirect role for Council. An indirect role could include building industry partnerships and internal capability to support creating opportunities for more industry investment.
10.6. Multiple revenue streams – should Council choose to have a direct investment that realises revenue it should ensure that there are multiple revenue streams from wood, carbon, honey and other sources.
10.7. Stronger more resilient farms – Diversified afforestation activity on strong pastoral farms is a key principle. Blanket forestry across whole farms is not an outcome sought by the RTRP project.
11. Do councillors agree with these principles to guide the preparation of the business case? Are there other key principles that staff should take into account during the due diligence?
Key questions to resolve in the lead up to the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan
12. During the period of the RTRP second phase due diligence there are a number of key questions that need to be answered. These questions are important as they will help define Councils role and refine if, why, where, when and how any investment might be made. Staff propose the following as key questions to be answered progressively over the next 18 months.
12.1. What are the guiding principles for any potential investment?
12.2. What is the broader strategic context that the investment sits within and what are the implications of this for the investment?
12.3. How does the investment align with other key HBRC and external partner investments?
12.4. What is Councils role in the investment? Where might Council choose to invest and why?
12.5. Where are the opportunities for partnership, leverage and impact? What are the benefits and risks of these?
12.6. What is the most appropriate way to fund the investment? Debt, HBRIC investment funds, or rates?
12.7. What are the goals or targets for any investment and how are outcome and output progress towards these goals measured?
12.8. What is the proposed quantum of investment?
12.9. How does an HBRC investment support landowner decision making on putting the Right Tree in the Right Place?
12.10. If there is an investment what are the potential delivery mechanisms for the investment?
13. Are there any other key questions that should be considered by staff during the due diligence?
Project Structure
14. The following project structure is proposed:
14.1. Council is the governance group through the Environment and Integrated catchments Committee and Regional Council meetings
14.2. A steering group comprised of Iain Maxwell, Tom Skerman and Jess Ellerm will provide high level guidance to the business case team
14.3. Catchment Services manager Campbell Leckie has been seconded to lead the business case
14.4. Project management services will be contracted into support the preparation of the business case
14.5. Other HBRC staff will be involved with the business case on a as needs be basis.
Budget and timeline
15. During the course of the 18-24 month Trees on Farm due diligence in 2009-10 around 1.5 FTEs and $150,000 in external consultancy costs were invested. The actual costs for the next 18 month phase of the RTRP business case preparation will be dependant on its scope, degree of detail and complexity. It would be appropriate, however to expect that costs may be at a comparable level to those above. More detail on the resourcing requirements for the due diligence will be brought to the committee on its 8 April Meeting.
16. A high level indicative timeline for the next 18 months is attached.
Decision Making Process
17. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee receives and considers the “Right Tree Right Place - Principles to guide the business case” staff report. |
Authored by:
Campbell Leckie Manager Catchment Services |
Approved by:
Iain Maxwell Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management |
⇩1 |
Right Tree Right Place EICC Reporting Timeline |
Right Tree Right Place EICC Reporting Timeline |
Attachment 1 |
Right Tree Right Place – EICC Reporting Timeline
January – February 2020 |
March 2020 |
April 2020 |
May 2020 |
June 2020 |
Environment & Integrated Catchments Committee |
5 Feb · Principles of investment and key questions
8 April · Indicative 15 month work programme · Likely RTRP phase two resourcing requirements · Develop key questions (Strategic context and alignment/ Partnerships) · Examples and Case studies |
July/August 2020 |
September/October 2020 |
November / December 2020 |
Environment & Integrated Catchments Committee |
1 July 2020 · Councils role in any additional investment Potential areas for investment (for example direct investment, internal capability, landowner extension) |
16 September 2020 · Areas for investment (continue) · Potential funding mechanisms · Goals and targets for investment areas |
4 November 2020 · Areas for investment (continue) · Potential funding mechanisms (continue) · Goals and targets for investment areas (continue) · High level potential investment options |
January – February 2021 |
March/April 2021 |
May/June 2021 |
Environment & Integrated Catchments Committee |
Feb 2021 · Long term plan investment options |
April 2021 · Final decisions on any options to be consulted on in the long term plan |
June 2021 · Long term plan submissions on any afforestation investment options · Long Term Plan 2021-2031 decisions by Council on afforestation options |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
Wednesday 05 February 2020
Subject: Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review
Reason for Report
1. This report is to update Council on progress of the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review which seeks to investigate the merits of upgrading the scheme from current level of protection 1 in 100 year (1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)) to a new level of protection 1 in 500 year (0.2% AEP).
Executive Summary
2. The current levels of service are based on legal requirements, community expectations and physical restrictions inherited over the evolution of the Scheme. The flood control river assets are designed and maintained to provide protection from flooding with up to a 1% chance of being exceeded in any one year.
3. The Scheme, as we know it today, has evolved over the last 130 years from the effort of Local River Boards in the late 1800s, through to the Hawke’s Bay River Board, the Hawke’s Bay Catchment Board and since 1989, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Improvements in the scheme have followed significant flood events and specific catchment and asset reviews.
4. Council operates and maintains a network of stopbanks, live edge protection zones, hydraulic structures and pump stations, as well as managing the river, stream and drainage channels to ensure they work as expected during flood events. The overall aim of the scheme is to reduce the risk of flood and erosion damage while maintaining a high quality river environment.
5. Attachment 1: Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme – Scheme Boundary shows the extent of the scheme.
6. The Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme covers the low lying historic river plains of the Tutaekuri, Ngaruroro, Clive and lower Tukituki Rivers. It provides protection against frequent flooding to most of Hastings, Flaxmere, Havelock North and Napier urban areas. The area directly benefiting from the Scheme covers approximately 39,000 hectares with a population of around 138,000 people living within the scheme boundary. This equates to approximately 82% of the Hawke’s Bay population.
7. Anticipated projection of climate change in the Hawke’s Bay region suggests lower total overall rainfall but more frequent, more intense, rain events in the future. Seasonal changes are also anticipated with lower rainfall in winter and spring and greater rainfall in summer and autumn. Greater intensity events are likely to result in increased frequency of flooding and may be a key driver for increasing the design level of protection afforded by the flood control scheme.
8. The most recent upgrade of the flood control scheme was undertaken more than 20 years ago when land use on the plains was less intensive and land values much lower than they are today.
9. Through the 2015 LTP process, HBRC noted that Level of Services would be reviewed over time, but no further specific consultation was carried out. In the 2018-28 LTP consultation document “Facing our Future,” the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review was not specifically consulted on however the project was included as a major works in the pipeline and potential for future consultation was identified. The project Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme named in this document states “Improve flood carrying capacity from a “1 in a 100-year” event level to a “1 in a 500-year” level, in response to climate change.” No further consultation with the public has been carried out since the Facing the Future document was released.
10. In recent years, the Ministry for Environment provided guidance to local government on the significance of climate change and therefore this puts additional emphasis on understanding the impact of climate change and considering the level of service provided. (Climate Change Effects and Impacts Assessment – A Guide Manual for Local Government in New Zealand (2nd edition 2008)).
11. A budget of $20M has been allocated for the next 10 years (2018-28).
12. The paragraphs below describe a high level schedule, key deliverables and project gateways. Alternatively, Attachment 2, Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review shows a diagram of key project activities.
13. July 2018 – The project was approved for delivery through approval of the LTP. During the 2018-19 financial year, flood frequency analysis (based on existing hydrological records), has been carried out on Tutaekuri, Ngaruroro, Clive and lower Tukituki rivers. Flood frequency analysis is a technique used to predict flow values corresponding to specific return periods for a given river. The information is used as an input to the hydraulic modelling.
14. July 2019 – A dedicated project manager was assigned and project team briefed on deliverables, timeframe and budget was allocated to specific tasks.
14.1. Hydraulic Modelling – 1:500, 1:200 and 1:100 event scenarios are being developed for each river.
14.2. Asset Condition Assessment – Assessing the condition and likely performance of the existing flood protection assets. To date we have completed the assessment for the Tutaekuri River and the assessment for remaining assets in the scheme will follow this year (2020).
14.3. Consultation and Communication – One of the key steps moving forward is to understand how we proceed with communication and consultation with iwi and stakeholders. A detailed plan is currently being developed.
14.4. Land Management Investigation – This includes land identification, risk assessment, ownership, land use and what future land acquisition we may require for the potential engineering work.
14.5. Engineering Optioneering – It is possible that a 1:500 year flood protection may be unachievable in some areas due to financial constraints, land constraints, engineering limitations, economic analysis or environmental impact. This part of the work will indicate what other options there might be for enhancing the current flood protection to deal with the effects of climate change.
15. July 2020- Project Gateway for Design
15.1. Preliminary Design and Economic Analysis – Preliminary/concept design work and economic analysis from engineering optioneering work.
15.2. Business case and refined budget approval – Final report and council paper with refined budget for 10 year period with design options for each river including a detailed project risk assessment.
16. July 2021- Project Gateway for Procurement
16.1. Engineering design and detailed design – This process allows us to identify, refine and solve problems for recommended options and it will also allow us to define phases for construction, land requirements, consents, tendering, contract preparation, etc.
16.2. Construction phase 1 – Contract Award and commencement of construction on high priority locations.
Decision making Process
17. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee receives the “Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme Level of Service Review” staff report. |
Authored by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Martina Groves Manager Regional Projects |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
⇩1 |
Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme – Scheme Boundary |
⇩2 |
Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme - Level of Service Review |
Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee
5 February 2020
Subject: Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the Minor Items to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.
Topic |
Raised by |
[1] Commitment as per HBRC Resolution Ref RC69/19 (and also restated in full in paragraph 0 of this report).
[2] Full survey results online at:
[3] The Paris Agreement is an international commitment to limit global warming to well below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
[4] The Government established an interim Climate Change Commission while the ‘Zero Carbon Bill’ progressed through Parliamentary legislation stages.
[5] StatsNZ has led compilation of national greenhouse gas emissions by sector over the past few decades. Work is currently underway to disaggregate that high-level work by region. That disaggregation work is expected to be completed by June 2020.
[6] Christian Göpfert 1 & Christine Wamsler2 & Werner Lang (2018) A framework for the joint institutionalization of climate change mitigation and adaptation in city administrations; 1 March 2018, Springer
[7] Corner, A., & Clarke, J. (2017). Talking Climate: From Research to Practice in Public Engagement. Palgrave Macmillan
[8] Measham, T. G., Preston, B. L., Smith, T. F., Brooke, C., Gorddard, R., Withycombe, G., et al. (2011). Adapting to climate change through local municipal planning: Barriers and challenges. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(8), 889–909.
[9] Sims, R. E. H., Schock, R. N., Adegbululgbe, A., Fenhann, J., Konstantinaviciute, I., Moomaw, W., et al. (2007). Energy supply. In B. Metz, O. R. Davidson, P. R. Bosch, R. Dave, & L. A. Meyer (Eds.). Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeCambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press
[10] Geneletti, D., & Zardo, L. (2016). Ecosystem-based adaptation in cities: An analysis of European urban climate adaptation plans. Land Use Policy, 50, 38–47.
[11] Corner, A., & Clarke, J. (2017). Talking Climate: From Research to Practice in Public Engagement. Palgrave Macmillan
[12] Pietrapertosa, F., Khokhlov, V., Salvia, M., & Cosmi, C. (2018). Climate change adaptation policies and plans: A survey in 11 South East European countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 3041–3050. 116.