Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee
Date: Monday 27 January 2025
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Wairoa District Council 97-103 Queen Street Wairoa |
Item Title Page
1. Welcome/Karakia/Housekeeping/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declaration
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee meeting held on 25 November 2024
Decision Items
4. HB CDEM Transformation Programme update 3
5. HB CDEM Group Controller appointments 9
6. Local Controller removal 13
Information or Performance Monitoring
7. National Emergency Management Agency update 15
8. Collective achievements post Cyclone Gabrielle 19
Decision Items (Public Excluded)
9. Confirmation of 25 November 2024 Public Excluded Minutes 21
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: HB CDEM Transformation Programme update
Reason for report
1. This item provides the Joint Committee an update on the HB CDEM Group Transformation programme.
Staff recommendations
2. Staff recommend that the Joint Committee approves the proposed HB Transformation Strategy (attached) for implementation.
Background /Discussion
3. The HB CDEM Joint Committee commissioned a review of the response of HB CDEM Group response to Cyclone Gabrielle.
4. The review identified critical shortcomings in the ability of HB CDEM to respond to large scale events.
5. The review made a series of significant recommendations. The recommendations range from empowering communities, to integrating mana whenua into HB CDEM at all levels, to the structure and function from the Group office, the local role of individual councils and disaster scenario planning.
6. The first HBCDEM Transformation update was provided to the Joint Committee on 25 November 2024.
7. The 25 November 2024 HB CDEM Transformation update stated the following will occur before the 27 January 2025 meeting:
7.1. Workshop the draft HB CDEM Transformation Strategy with the Joint Committee.
7.1.1. Completed with guidance provided and engagement approach directed.
7.2. Engage on the DRAFT HB CDEM Transformation Strategy with TKO, the HB CDEM Group, local councils and Coordinating Executives Group members.
7.2.1. Mostly completed. The Acting Group Manager engaged with the HB CDEM Group and the Emergency Services Coordinating Committee. Local Councils and were engaged by the HB CDEM Transformation Director over the period 27 November – 12 December 2024. Māori engagement has proved challenging to coordinate and has yet to formally occur.
7.3. Re-draft the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy and gain Joint Committee approval, ideally in an extraordinary meeting prior to years end (2024).
7.3.1. Post the Joint Committee Workshop of 25 November 2024 it was directed that the re-drafted HB CDEM Transformation Strategy be submitted to the 27 January 2025 Joint Committee meeting for approval.
8. The 25 November 2024 HB CDEM Transformation updated asked the Joint Committee to note the following:
8.1. The intent to conduct, in 2025, a range of training activities and exercises culminating in a major Hawkes Bay wide emergency management exercise.
8.1.1. This remains the plan and intent, with detail to follow.
8.2. Each Council should be prepared for a series of emergency management exercises to occur in 2025.
8.2.1. This remains the plan and intent, with detail to follow.
8.3. Each Council should be prepared to make staff available for individual training courses in the first half of 2025.
8.3.1. This remains the plan and intent, with detail to follow.
8.4. Engagement with mana whenua is a major component of HB CDEM Transformation with kōrero to occur in 2025 and beyond.
8.4.1. Engagement has begun, with kōrero with Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka (Nuhaka) and Rongomaiwahine (Mahia) occurring on 16 December 2024. The Māori Partnerships team at HBRC are in the process of coordinating further kōrero for 2025.
8.5. The Joint Committee should note that as identified there is risk to local and regional emergency management BAU and response over the transformation period.
8.5.1. No change to this risk.
HB CDEM Transformation Strategy
9. Following the presentation of the DRAFT HB CDEM Strategy to the Joint Committee on 25 November 2024 the following engagement activities occurred:
9.1. The Chair of the Coordinating Executives Committee (CEG) spoke to committee members on a 1:1 basis where required.
9.2. The Acting Group Manager HB CDEM briefed the HB CDEM Group and the Emergency Services Coordinating Committee.
9.3. The HB CDEM Transformation Director briefed Local Councils
9.4. A standard briefing pack was provided to all stakeholders prior to physical engagement. Some Local Councils chose to receive the presentation in formal Council meetings, others in Committee meetings or as part of a Workshop. All briefings were held “in-committee”. In addition, all stakeholders were offered the opportunity to provide feedback immediately or to submit written feedback by 15 January 2025.
10. There was broad and consistent acceptance of the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy across all stakeholders. However, feedback was provided on specific areas where improvement or clarification was required. The areas for improvement or clarification in the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy have been summarised following.
10.1. Improvements required to ensure the community is placed at the heart of the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy. This was a major, consistent focus across all stakeholders.
10.2. Improvements required in the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy to emphasize the importance of volunteers in the HB CDEM system, not just staff from Local Councils.
10.3. Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities and Service level Agreements must be a major focus of any subsequent work post adoption of the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy. Specifically Roles and Responsibilities was a major, consistent focus across all stakeholders
10.4. All stakeholders provided guidance on their desire for the HB CDEM system to be measured, assured and transparent is it relates to its capability and effectiveness. Specifically, assurance was a major, consistent focus across all stakeholders.
10.5. A number of stakeholders expressed their desire to have visibility of both the Regional HB CDEM system status and Local CDEM system status.
10.6. A number of stakeholders expressed their view that hazard modelling, reporting, early warning and public information must be emphasised in any subsequent work post adoption of the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy.
10.7. A number of stakeholders expressed their view that improvements to HB CDEM system governance are required with mention of transformation governance and Māori governance specifically mentioned.
10.8. A number of stakeholders expressed their view that the lifelines and the broader emergency services participants within the HB CDEM system report, brief and provide more visibility of their capacity and capability to the Coordinating Executives Group and the Joint Committee.
11. The HB CDEM Transformation Strategy has been modified based on the feedback received. The modified HB CDEM Transformation Strategy has been reviewed by the Acting Group Manager of HB CDEM and the Chair of the Coordinating Executive Group. A good portion of the feedback will appear within the HB CDEM Transformation Implementation Plans that will be produced over the first half of 2025.
12. The HB CDEM Strategy Vision is: Together, as a community, we aim to create a safe, informed and resilient Hawke’s Bay that is prepared for, responds to, and recovers from emergencies and disasters well. Our community is at the heart of our civil defence system. We will build stronger connections, trust and empower local voices, and enhance collaboration across the region.
13. There will be four themes that guide the HB CDEM transformation:
13.1. a system that places the community its heart
13.2. a system that is prepared and ready
13.3. a system that is highly effective, capable and assured
13.4. a system that is balanced and responsive to local needs
14. The HB CDEM Strategy should be considered a living document. Over time, as the HB CDEM system transforms, the Hawkes Bay emergency management environment will also continue to evolve. As such the Joint Committee should be prepared for modifications to the HB CDEM Strategy to be proposed for consideration and endorsement over the next three years.
15. Attached as Appendix 1 is the final HB CDEM Transformation Strategy for approval.
HB CDEM Transformation update
16. Attached as Attachment 2 is a draft of the HB CDEM Transformation dashboard. The dashboard provides an update on the HB CDEM Transformation activities as at 27 January 2025.
HB CDEM Transformation Programme next steps
17. On 18 December 2024 HBRC endorsed the re-prioritisation of the HB CDEM Group budget to fund the HB CDEM Transformation Programme for FY 24/25. The HBRC Annual Plan development process for FY 25/26, including funding for the HB CDEM Group has already occurred. A HB CDEM Group budget re-prioritisation will occur over the period January – April 2025. Based on this re-prioritisation process a revised FY 25/26 HB CDEM Group budget, with HB CDEM Transformation funding included, will be presented to HBRC for approval. The HB CDEM Transformation Programme will require additional funding in FY 25/26 and FY 26/27 with the scale of that additional funding yet to be refined. Council Chief Executives are in discussions about the best approach to managing this situation.
18. A HB CDEM Transformation communications plan is being developed and will be presented at the March 2025 Joint Committee meeting.
19. Following the 27 January 2025 Joint Committee meeting the following HB CDEM Transformation implementation actions will occur over the next quarter.
Māori Partnership
19.1. Māori Partnership Plan: January – March 2025
19.2. Kōrero mana whenua northern region: December 2024 onwards
19.3. Kōrero mana whenua central region: February 2025 onwards
19.4. Kōrero mana whenua southern region: February 2025 onwards
Community Connections
19.5. Community Connections Plan: January – March 2025
19.6. Rebalanced local structure: January 2025 onwards
19.7. Rebalanced Regional structure: January 2025 onwards
Infrastructure and Assets
19.8. Infrastructure and Assets Plan: January – March 2025
19.9. Communication review: March 2025 onwards
19.10. ICT review: October 2024 to May 2025
19.11. Common operating picture review: October 2024 to May 2025
19.12. EOC and ECC review: March 2025 onwards
Training and Exercising
19.13. Exercise design: February – May 2025
19.14. EOC and ECC exercises: July – September 2025
19.15. Combined regional exercise: November 2025
19.16. Individual Training: February – June 2025
Performance and Assurance
19.17. Performance and Assurance Plan: January – March 2025
19.18. HB CDEM Governance review: February – May 2025
19.19. Planning: TBC
Service Level Agreements
19.20. draft Service Level Agreements: February – May 2025
19.21. draft Roles and Responsibilities: February – May 2025.
Decision-making considerations
20. Councils and their committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded that the Joint Committee can exercise its discretion and make these decisions without consulting directly with the community.
That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee:
1. Receives and notes the HB CDEM Transformation Programme update staff report and HB CDEM Transformation dashboard.
2. Approves the HB CDEM Transformation Strategy as proposed, for implementation by the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group.
Authored by:
Matt Boggs Director HB CDEM Transformation |
Approved by:
Doug Tate CHBDC Chief Executive |
1⇨ |
HB CDEM Transformation Strategy |
Under Separate Cover |
2⇨ |
HBCDEM Transformation dashboard 27 January 2025 |
Under Separate Cover |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: HB CDEM Group Controller appointments
Reason for report
1. At the 25 November 2024 Joint Committee meeting, the Committee requested a more robust process for Controller appointment.
2. This report provides an update on progress and seeks the Committees endorsement of the approach which will completed and applied to all future Controller selections.
3. A Civil Defence Emergency Management Group must appoint, either by name or by reference to the holder of an office, a suitably qualified and experienced person to be the Group Controller for its area. [s26(1)]
4. A Group must appoint, either by name or by reference to the holder of an office, at least 1 suitably qualified and experienced person to be the person or persons who are to perform the functions and duties and exercise the powers of the Group Controller on the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Group Controller or the absence from duty of the Group Controller for any reason, for the duration of the vacancy or the absence.[s26(2)]
5. A Civil Defence Emergency Management Group may appoint 1 or more persons to be a Local Controller, and direct that person or persons to carry out any of the functions and duties of, or delegated to, the Group Controller of the Group and to exercise the powers of Controllers in the area for which the Group Controller is appointed, including, but not limited to, the powers in sections 86 to 94 There is no national guidance on what is considered suitably qualified and experienced. [s27(1)]
6. Despite the requirement for a "suitably qualified and experienced person" under the CDEM Act, there is no set criterion or national certification process for Controllers, although this is currently under consideration by NEMA.
7. The current selection process in Hawke's Bay is consistent with that of other CDEM Groups and includes the following steps:
7.1. Potential candidates identified
7.2. Endorsement from the candidate’s Chief Executive or senior manager (usually from a territorial authority), accompanied by the candidate’s CV
7.3. A meeting between the Group Controller and the candidate to discuss roles and responsibilities
7.4. Candidates must have completed or commit to completing the Controller Development Pathway
7.5. If deemed suitable, the Group Controller recommends the Joint Committee make the appointment.
8. In response to the Joint Committee’s request for a more robust process, we consulted with other CDEM Group offices.
9. Few responses were received. While some provided guidance on role descriptions and expected knowledge, skills, and attributes, none suggested significantly more robust processes.
10. HB staff met with the NEMA Capability Development Team to discuss development of the National Controller selection process and explore its applicability to Group or Local Controllers.
11. Considering the above, the proposed process for Hawke’s Bay includes the following steps:
11.1. Call for expressions of interest, requiring candidates to submit a CV relevant to the Controller role, obtain endorsement from their organisation’s Chief Executive or senior leader, and complete a Controller Leadership Capabilities Self-Assessment Tool
11.2. Shortlist candidates based on their expressions of interest and self-assessment results
11.3. Conduct reference checks
11.4. Conduct Police vetting (more comprehensive than a criminal records check)
11.5. Interview shortlisted candidates with a panel comprising the primary Group Controller, a senior emergency services representative, and a senior leader or Controller from a territorial authority
11.6. Administer a personality assessment (funded by Hawke's Bay Emergency Management Office). The results will inform the candidate's development if appointed
11.7. If suitable, obtain Joint Committee endorsement (not formal appointment) and require the candidate to complete the RRANZ Controller Development Programme, including any prerequisites. The Emergency Management Office currently funds up to two Controllers per year for this programme
11.8. While undertaking the RRANZ Controller Development Programme, Territorial Authorities provide opportunities for candidates to attend Controller meetings, participate in responses and exercises as a Deputy Controller under supervision, and gain practical experience. Note that Deputy Controllers do not hold powers or authority outside the direction of an appointed Group or Local Controller
11.9. Upon completing the face-to-face portion of the development programme, the Joint Committee formally appoints the candidate as an alternate Group Controller or Local Controller, including delegating the necessary powers.
12. If a Controller is not employed by a Territorial Authority, a contract will be required. This contract should set expectations, protection from liabilities while performing the role, reimbursement for incurred costs, and the payment schedule.
13. Newly appointed Controllers may require ongoing support. A mentoring process will be developed, which could include virtual support from experienced Controllers in other regions during responses.
14. Appointed Controllers are required to:
14.1. Attend regional Controller meetings
14.2. Lead exercises annually
14.3. Participate in training and development
14.4. Undergo 360-degree feedback every three years.
15. Note: NEMA is considering this process as a pilot, with the potential for adoption as part of a nationally consistent approach.
16. The Local Controllers for Hawke’s Bay are:
16.1. Juanita Savage (Wairoa)
16.2. Te Arohanui Cook (Wairoa)
16.3. Michael Hardie (Wairoa)
16.4. Craig Cameron (Hastings)
16.5. Clint Adamson (Hastings)
16.6. Dean Ferguson (Hastings)
16.7. Raul Oosterkamp (Hastings)
16.8. Rachael Bailey (Napier)
16.9. Stephanie Murphy (Napier)
16.10. Steve Gregory (Napier)
16.11. Russell Bond (Napier)
16.12. Ben Swinburne (Central Hawke’s Bay)
16.13. Dylan Muggeridge (Central Hawke’s Bay)
16.14. Reuben George (Central Hawke’s Bay).
17. Appointments and associated delegations are contained in the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan.
Financial and resource implications
18. There are no significant financial or resource implications arising from these decisions.
Decision-making process
19. Councils and their committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded that the Joint Committee can exercise its discretion and make these decisions without consulting directly with the community.
That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:
1. Receives and considers the HB CDEM Group Controller appointments staff report.
2. Endorses the outlined Controller selection process, with the understanding that it will be further developed into a formal policy.
3. Notes that feedback on the outcome of the process will be provided to the Joint Committee after its initial implementation.
Authored by:
Shane Briggs HB CDEM Acting Group Manager / Controller |
Approved by:
Doug Tate CHBDC Chief Executive |
Attachment/s There are no attachments for this report.
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: Local Controller removal
Reason for report
1. This item seeks the removal of Michael Hardie as a Local Controller from the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan, following his resignation from Wairoa District Council.
2. Wairoa District Council currently has three appointed and trained Local Controllers.
3. Michael Hardie, one of the appointed Local Controllers, resigned from his position with Wairoa District Council in December.
4. Wairoa District Council has two remaining Local Controllers:
4.1. Juanita Savage
4.2. Te Arohanui Cook.
5. Wairoa District Council has identified a replacement Local Controller and will seek approval for the appointment at an upcoming Joint Committee meeting.
6. In the interim, if Wairoa District Council requires additional Local Controllers during an emergency, Local Controllers appointed for the entire Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group area can act as Local Controllers for Wairoa and may exercise their powers as needed.
7. The Joint Committee may appoint 1 or more persons to be a Local Controller, and direct that person or persons to carry out any of the functions and duties of, or delegated to, the Group Controller and to exercise the powers of Controllers in the area for which the Group Controller is appointed, including, but not limited to, the powers in sections 86 to 94.
8. Local Controllers are appointed for the entire Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group area, rather than being limited to their specific territorial authority area.
9. In the event of a wider regional emergency, Local Controllers may exercise their delegated powers across any part of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group area covered by the state of emergency.
10. The Local Controllers for Hawke’s Bay, following Michael Hardie’s resignation, are:
10.1. Juanita Savage (Wairoa)
10.2. Te Arohanui Cook (Wairoa)
10.3. Craig Cameron (Hastings)
10.4. Clint Adamson (Hastings)
10.5. Dean Ferguson (Hastings)
10.6. Raul Oosterkamp (Hastings)
10.7. Rachael Bailey (Napier)
10.8. Stephanie Murphy (Napier)
10.9. Steve Gregory (Napier)
10.10. Russell Bond (Napier)
10.11. Ben Swinburne (Central Hawke’s Bay)
10.12. Dylan Muggeridge (Central Hawke’s Bay)
10.13. Reuben George (Central Hawke’s Bay).
11. Appointments and associated delegations are contained in the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan and as such represent a minor change to the Plan.
Decision-making considerations
12. Council and its committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:
12.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset, nor is it inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
12.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
12.3. The decision is not significant under the criteria contained in Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy.
12.4. The proposed amendments to the Group Plan meet the requirements of section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and can be considered as a minor change to the Group Plan that does not need public consultation.
12.5. There are no members of the community affected by this decision.
12.6. Given the nature and significance of the decision to be made, the Joint Committee can exercise its discretion and make this decision without consulting directly with the community.
That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:
1. Receives and considers the Local Controller Appointments staff report.
2. Agrees to the removal of Michael Hardie as a Local Controller for the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group.
3. Agrees to amend Appendix 5: Key Appointments of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan pursuant to section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 to remove Michael Hardie as a Local Controller.
Authored and approved by:
Shane Briggs HB CDEM Acting Group Manager / Controller |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: National Emergency Management Agency update
Reason for report
1. This item introduces the NEMA update to the Joint Committee, attached.
2. Dave Gawn, NEMA CE, will attend the meeting and speak to the update.
That the HB CDEM Coordinating Executive Group receives and notes the National Emergency Management Agency update.
Authored and approved by:
Shane Briggs HB CDEM Acting Group Manager / Controller |
1⇩ |
NEMA update Hawke's Bay JC 27 January 2025 |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: Collective achievements post Cyclone Gabrielle
Reason for report
1. This item introduces the combined presentation on collective achievements of stakeholders and communities since Cyclone Gabrielle.
2. Cyclone Gabrielle struck New Zealand in February 2023, causing widespread damage across the North Island. The cyclone tragically became one of New Zealand's mass fatality events, claiming 11 lives, with the estimated economic cost reaching up to $14.5 billion.
3. The official response phase in Hawke’s Bay continued until 28 April 2023, with all states of emergency lifted by 14 March 2023.
4. Response activities progressed into the recovery phase, marked by the establishment of the Regional Recovery Agency in April 2023.
5. Following the event, several reviews were initiated to evaluate the response efforts:
5.1. The Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group committed to conducting a review in April 2023.
5.2. The Independent Review into the Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Response to Cyclone Gabrielle commenced in August 2023 and was released in March 2024.
5.3. The Government Inquiry into Severe Weather Events commenced in June 2023 and released in April 2024.
6. In August 2024, the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Director of Transformation was appointed to lead the development of a transformation strategy. This strategy focuses on creating a safer, more informed, and resilient Hawke’s Bay by overhauling the region's emergency management systems to enhance preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities
7. The transformation strategy is scheduled for sign-off in January 2025, marking a critical milestone in the recovery process.
8. During this period, territorial authorities, emergency services, the Emergency Management Office, the Regional Recovery Agency, partner organisations, and communities have worked proactively on enhancing community resilience, recovering affected areas, and improving readiness for future events.
9. This joint presentation seeks to highlight the collective achievements of stakeholders and communities since Cyclone Gabrielle.
That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the Collective achievements post Cyclone Gabrielle report and presentation.
Authored and approved by:
Shane Briggs HB CDEM Acting Group Manager / Controller |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 January 2025
Subject: Confirmation of 25 November 2024 Public Excluded Minutes
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes Agenda Item 8 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded. The reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are:
General subject of the item to be considered |
Reason for passing this resolution |
Grounds under section 48(1) for the passing of the resolution |
Confirmation of 25 November 2024 Public Excluded Minutes |
In considering the candidates for Controller the names, experience and qualifications will be made available which, if made public would breach the privacy of the individuals concerned. |
s7(2)(a) Excluding the public is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons. s7(2)(f)(ii) Excluding the public is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs by protecting councillors and/or council employees and contractors/ consultants from improper pressure or harassment. |
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Team Leader Governance |
Approved by:
Desiree Cull Strategy & Governance Manager |