Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 6 September 2024
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Title Page
1. Welcome/Karakia/Housekeeping
2. Conflict of interest declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 12 July 2024
4. Public Forum 3
Information or Performance Monitoring
5. Regional Transport Programme September 2024 update 7
6. RoadSafe Hawke's Bay update 11
7. Public Transport September 2024 update 13
8. Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update 19
9. Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update 21
10. Verbal Advisory representative reports
Glossary of Transport terms
Climate Emergency Response Fund |
Death and serious injury |
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority |
Emissions Reduction Plan |
Greenhouse gases |
Government Position Statement The government’s land transport priorities for a 10-year period. Includes details of how funding through NLTF can be utilised |
Investment logic map |
Land Transport Management Act The core legislation that sets out how Councils can manage land transport |
National Land Transport Fund |
National Land Transport Plan |
On demand public transport A public transport service designed to suit the needs of the user, operating in the same manner / style as a service such as Uber rather than a regular scheduled service |
Programme business case |
PT |
Public transport |
Road Controlling Authority |
Regional Land Transport Plan A statutory document established by the RTC setting the strategic direction and transport investments across HB - reviewed every three years |
Regional Public Transport Plan Prepared by HBRC, this sets out the public transport services across HB and defines policies and procedures for public transport. It also details information and infrastructure supporting public transport. |
Road Safety Hawke’s Bay |
Regional Speed Management Plan Plan sets a ten-year vision and a three-year implementation plan for speed management on all HB roads. |
Regional Transport Advisory Group Specialist council officers and subject matter experts that provide advice to the RTC |
Regional Transport Committee – includes Councillors from every Council in HB |
SH |
State highway (SH5, SH2, SH50 etc) |
Speed and Infrastructure Programme |
tCO2e |
Tonnes of CO2 equivalent |
Vehicle kilometres travelled |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: Public Forum
Reason for report
1. This item provides the means for the Committee to give members of the public the opportunity to address the Committee on matters within its terms of reference (attached).
2. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Standing Orders provide for public forums as follows:
14. Public Forums
Public forums are a defined period of time, usually at the start of a meeting, which, at the discretion of a meeting, is put aside for the purpose of public input. Public forums are designed to enable members of the public to bring matters to the attention of the local authority.
In the case of a committee or sub-committee, any issue, idea or matter raised in a public forum must also fall within the terms of reference of that meeting.
Requests must be made to the HBRC Governance Team (06 8359200 or at least one clear day before the meeting; however, this requirement may be waived by the Chairperson.
A period of up to 30 minutes, or such longer time as the meeting may determine, will be available for the public forum at each scheduled Regional Council, Corporate & Strategic Committee, Environment & Integrated Catchments Committee and Regional Transport Committee meeting.
Speakers can speak for up to 5 minutes. No more than two speakers can speak on behalf of an organisation during a public forum. Where the number of speakers presenting in the public forum exceeds 6 in total, the Chairperson has discretion to restrict the speaking time permitted for all presenters.
The Chairperson has the discretion to decline to hear a speaker or to terminate a presentation at any time where:
· a speaker is repeating views presented by an earlier speaker at the same public forum
· the speaker is criticising elected members and/or staff
· the speaker is being repetitious, disrespectful or offensive
· the speaker has previously spoken on the same issue
· the matter is subject to legal proceedings
· the matter is subject to a hearing, including the hearing of submissions where the local authority or committee sits in a quasi-judicial capacity.
14.3 Questions at public forums
At the conclusion of the presentation, with the permission of the Chairperson, elected members may ask questions of speakers. Questions are to be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by a speaker.
Following the public forum no debate or decisions will be made at the meeting on issues raised during the forum unless related to items already on the agenda.
Decision-making process
3. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Forum speakers’ verbal presentations.
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Team Leader Governance |
Approved by:
Desiree Cull Strategy & Governance Manager |
1⇩ |
2022-25 Regional Transport Committee Terms of Reference |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: Regional Transport Programme September 2024 update
Reason for report
1. This agenda item provides an update on the progress on the Regional Transport Advisory Group (RTAG) workstreams and updated Regional Transport Programme Tracker (attached).
2. The Regional Transport Programme Tracker was introduced in February 2023 and provides a snapshot of the RTAG workstreams in addition to the commentary provided in this paper.
Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP)
3. The final RLTP was adopted at the full Regional Council meeting on 24 July and filed with NZTA Waka Kotahi for inclusion in the National Land Transport Plan (NLTP). The NZTA board will adopt the NLTP by 30 August 2024, publishing it soon after.
4. Funding allocations for continuous programmes, low cost / low risk, improvements, and capital projects will be clear once the NLTP is published.
Regional Speed Management planning
5. TAG developed a regional submission on the proposed changes to the Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024.
6. To date TAG is unaware of any further progress or decisions around the proposed changes to the Rule. Further advice and discussion will be provided to the Committee in due course.
RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay
7. The Road Safety Strategy is progressing as staff time and resourcing allows.
8. A separate RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay agenda item provides detailed updates on activities.
Transport Emissions Reduction Plan
9. The draft Transport Emissions Reduction chapter, endorsed by the Committee on 3 November 2023, has been built into the Regional Emissions Reduction Plan presented to the Climate Action Joint Committee. Transport-related actions were built into the RLTP where applicable.
Active Transport
10. Planned Transport Choices projects will not proceed as planned due to funding no longer being available.
11. Progress on the Regional Active Transport Strategy has been delayed. The primary reasons for this are the impacts of cyclone on staff time and RLTP development. It is expected work will resume throughout 2024.
Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) implementation
12. The RPTP, adopted in September 2022, set out a step change for public transport services across the urban areas. The RPTP outlined a move away from the current one-way loop coverage model to a frequent bi-directional patronage model.
13. Staff continue to work towards the new network, scheduled for mid-2025.
Decision-making process
14. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Transport Programme September 2024 update staff report.
Authored by:
Bryce Cullen Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst |
Russell Turnbull Manager Transport |
Approved by:
Katrina Brunton Group Manager Policy & Regulation |
1⇩ |
Transport Programme tracker |
Under Separate Cover |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: RoadSafe Hawke's Bay update
Reason for report
1. This report provides the Committee with an update on the business-as-usual activities of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay.
Strategic fit
2. RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay provides education and interventions across the region linked to and informed by road-based transport risk factors. By doing this, RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay helps to reduce the impact and severity of road trauma, creating safer communities.
RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay – a year in review
3. RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay launched its new strategic direction, visual identity, and messaging approximately 12 months ago. The main launch was anchored around a large Labour Weekend fatigue stop, carried out with NZ Police on State Highway 5. Following the launch the RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay team have since been busy delivering an extensive work programme across the regional community. The accompanying presentation showcases a small portion of the work that has been carried out.
4. A highlight of the programme was the Hawke’s Bay youth road safety Expo held in May. As reported at the previous RTC meeting the Expo attracted over 2,000 students from across the region. A summary video is provided in the supporting PowerPoint presentation.
5. Existing youth programmes, such as Building Futures and the Ignite Youth Employment scheme continue to be delivered every six weeks with road safety education, messaging, and best practice being well received by participants.
6. RoadSafe staff continue to support NZ Police with a range of business-as-usual check points. These checkpoints include alcohol breath testing and spotting operations that look for a range of behaviours such as cellphone usage and use of restraints. Providing support to these business-as-usual activities means Police can focus greater resource on enforcement and provides RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay a great opportunity for roadside educations and interventions.
7. The Business road safety programme continues with a recent session held for Centralines in collaboration with Connect Driving Trust. This workshop delivered interactive and impactful workshops and activities focused on a range of risk factors. Additional businesses / industries are being identified for this road safety initiative.
8. Child restraint clinics continue across the region with semi-regular free check in clinics in both CHB and Hastings, with more planned. It is intended that the programme be expanded to early childhood centres at pick up and drop off times to check child restraints and deliver education.
9. Fatigue stops continue across the region with planning well underway for the large fatigue stop on State Highway 5 over the forthcoming labour weekend. Smaller fatigue stops continue approximately every 6 weeks in collaboration with NZ Police and their Impairment Prevention Team.
10. Motorcycle safety initiatives and educational events, including the motorcycle crash card developed by RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay, are being well received in the motorcycling community. Several joint motorcycling initiatives have been carried out in collaboration with Horizon’s Regional Council promoting the crash card. Motorcycling education is further supported by events such as a biker’s breakfast at local dealerships, promoting the ACC RideForever programme.
11. Driver licensing resources have been developed, targeted at learner drivers. These resources have tip sheets and videos that are designed to help educate learners with their journey, providing best practice advice in line with the road code. Driver licensing tip sheets are being promoted through school driver licensing programmes.
12. The Hawke’s Bay RoadSafe team has also developed and carried out a joint ACC initiative with eight schools around Hawke’s Bay. The initiative focused on the ‘have a hmmm’ campaign being run by ACC. This initiative focused on delivering road safety messaging and education at the school gate, encouraging good road user education from an early age.
Community capability build
13. A core intent of the new strategic direction for RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay is to develop long term capability within communities to enable community centric delivery. Staff have secured the services of two experienced contractors to help further embed a community delivery approach. As with any capability build initiative, this is a long-term programme.
2024 – 2027 activity list
14. Indicative allocations for road safety promotion and education were released in early August around 3 – 4 months later than expected. Funding for road safety promotion is down across the country. As a result, NZTA have asked lead Council’s to review and revise their 2024 – 2027 activity lists to fit within their indicative funding envelope.
15. The indicative allocation for RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay is 66% down on the initial bid, resulting in significant changes to the planned programme of work. The activity list has gone from 23 planned activities / initiatives across the period to a total of 8. Most of the planned activities centre around supporting Police BAU outcomes, targeting impairment, distraction, and speed among others.
Decision-making process
16. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the RoadSafe Hawke's Bay update staff report.
Authored by:
Bryce Cullen Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst |
Russell Turnbull Manager Transport |
Approved by:
Katrina Brunton Group Manager Policy & Regulation |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: Public Transport September 2024 update
Reason for Report
1. This agenda item provides an update on Public Transport operations in the region.
2. The responsibility for contracting public transport services is assigned to regional councils under the Land Transport Management Act 2003, section 35.
3. As part of Council’s responsibility to the transport disadvantaged, Total Mobility services are provided where suitable transport operators exist to deliver the service. Transport disadvantaged means people who the regional council has reasonable grounds to believe are the least able to travel to basic community activities and services (for example, work, education, healthcare, welfare and shopping).
GoBay operations
4. No major changes have occurred in the GoBay operations since the last RTC paper.
5. There have been some additions to the live tracking of the buses in the region. Work was conducted with the Transit app company to have the GoBay buses added into their app which is available on all smart devices.
5.1. HBRC used the free tier option provided by Transit. This means that functionality is limited and there is user pay options for the public (if they wish to do so). This means the live updates and routes you can see are limited to your location rather than being able to view the whole network.
6. Live tracking of the bus network is also available through the Google Maps app.
Public Transport Patronage
7. Previous requests were to have patronage data dating further back. This can now be seen in Figure 1 below which shows patronage dating back over the previous 10 years and a steady decline in patronage from 2013-14 and 2021-22.
Figure 1: HBRC bus patronage
Figure 2: GoBaybus patronage
8. Figure 2 shows patronage is stronger now than before the return to full timetables in January.
9. At the previous RTC meeting, the team received a request to have fare revenue data dating back further than just the previous financial year. We have been able to source data dating back to 2016/17. This is shown in figure 2 below. We can see a clear dip in 2019-20, attributable to Covid-19 lockdowns, then a further significant dip in 2022-23 and into 2023-24 when multiple factors applied, such as significant discounts for children and young people introduced by central government, bus driver shortages (missed trips) and Cyclone Gabrielle.
Figure 3: GoBay Fare Revenue (July 2016 – June 2024)
10. Figure 4 below shows the fare revenue over the past 12 months. Since the fare increase in May of this year, fare revenue continues to be trending upwards.
Figure 4: GoBay Fare Revenue (July 2023 – July 2024)
On Demand Public Transport (ODPT)
11. An agreement has been reached with GoBus to extend the MyWay service until the end of the current PT contract period, which ends 31 July 2025. There is still currently no intention to continue the service beyond this date.
12. Figure 5 below show the MyWay patronage over the past year and has been updated to include July 2024 data.
Figure 5: MyWay Passenger stats (July 23 – June 24)
Missed/Cancelled Trips
13. Since the reinstatement of all services at the end of January 2024, there have been fluctuations in the number of trips cancelled due to various reasons ranging from mechanical issues with the bus fleet, driver illness and SH51 road closures. The large number of cancellations in May were due to both driver illness and mechanical issues with the buses. See figure 6 below for an overview.
Figure 6: GoBay Trip Cancellations (January 2024 – July 2024)
Total Mobility
14. The Total Mobility Scheme provides subsidised taxi travel for Hawke’s Bay residents who are unable to use public transport due to a significant, permanent impairment. People assessed for and registered to the scheme receive a 75% fare discount up to a maximum fare value of $50. The scheme is administered by the Regional Council and funded by both Council and NZTA / Waka Kotahi.
15. There has been a significant increase in demand for the Total Mobility service over the past year and the current budget will not be able to accommodate this growth if it continues. We have therefore instigated a review, which commenced with an operator’s forum on 27 August to discuss the seriousness of the issue, and to look at immediate and future measures to better manage within the budget we have. We are also visiting assessors to have the same discussion.
16. The TM review will be wrapped up into a review of the Regional Passenger Transport Plan which will be completed next calendar year. New contracts with operators will then be agreed and issued.
17. Figure 7 below shows the trips over the last year.
Figure 7: Total Mobility Trips (July 2023 – July 2024)
Decision-making process
18. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Transport September 2024 update staff report.
Authored by:
Zavia Hands-Smith Sustainable Transport Advisor |
Bryce Cullen Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst |
Russell Turnbull Manager Transport |
Approved by:
Katrina Brunton Group Manager Policy & Regulation |
Attachment/s There are no attachments for this report.
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update
Reason for report
1. This item introduces the Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update and presentation.
Decision-making process
2. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update.
Authored and Approved by:
Leeanne Hooper Team Leader Governance |
NZTA detailed update |
Under Separate Cover |
NTZA presentation for RTC |
Under Separate Cover |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 6 September 2024
Subject: Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update
Reason for report
1. This item introduces the Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update by way of a presentation.
2. Scott Elwarth and Jacob Laird from TREC will be attending the meeting in person to deliver the presentation.
Decision-making process
3. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update.
Authored and Approved by:
Leeanne Hooper Team Leader Governance |
6 September TREC Presentation |
Under Separate Cover |