Regional Council Workshop



Date:                        7 August 2024

Time:                       9.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item          Title                                                                                                                                                                         Page


1.             Welcome/Karakia/Apologies/Notices

2.             Napier Urban Waterways                                                                                                                                3



3.             Engagement for the Upper Tukituki and Heretaunga Plains Cyclone Gabrielle scheme reviews                                                                                                                                                                                    5


Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Council - Workshop

7 August 2024

Subject: Napier Urban Waterways


Reason for report

1.     This item introduces the workshop with Morrison Low to discuss a draft business case for the management of Napier Urban Waterways.


2.     Further to the joint Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) Napier City Council (NCC) Workshops held on the 15 November 2021, and 29 June 2022 HBRC and NCC, supported by Morrison Low, have continued to develop the business case to support a change to the way that the Napier Urban waterways are managed.

3.     The current arrangements date back to 1989 and have a mixed responsibility model for how the open waterway network is operated.

4.     The purpose of the first stage was to review the 1989 agreement and work with both HBRC and NCC staff to recommend an ownership and operating model that is fit for purpose.

5.     During the 15 November 2021 workshop Morrison Low presented the findings of the Napier Urban Waterways- Service Delivery Review.

6.     Taking onboard feedback from that workshop a more detailed analysis has been undertaken. Morrison Low has broadly followed New Zealand Treasury’s Better Business Case model to develop a draft business case for discussion with both HBRC and NCC as the second stage of the analysis.


7.     Stuart Cross from Morrison Low will present the draft business case to Council and, along with staff, facilitate discussion and agree next steps. A similar workshop occurred with NCC on 1 August 2024.


Authored & approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Council - Workshop

7 August 2024

Subject: Engagement for the Upper Tukituki and Heretaunga Plains Cyclone Gabrielle scheme reviews


Reason for report

1.      Attached to this paper is a PowerPoint presentation to kick-off discussion on the engagement approach needed to improve flood resilience in the Heretaunga Plains and Upper Tukituki Flood Schemes. 

2.      A comprehensive engagement programme is needed due to the scale and cost of potential solutions and community interest.  A three year programme is proposed, which takes us to the inclusion of costs and funding in the next Long Term Plan, to be adopted in June 2027.

3.      The engagement strawman is informed by recommendations from the HB Independent Flood Review Pae Matawai Parawhenua related to mana whenua and community. Involving Te Tiriti partners early in the co-design of the engagement process is an important feature of the strawman. It also includes engagement options such as a Citizens Assembly for consideration.



Authored & approved by:

Desiree Cull

Strategy & Governance Manager





Presentation - Comms and Engagement for HPFPS and Upper Tukituki reviews




Presentation - Comms and Engagement for HPFPS and Upper Tukituki reviews

Attachment 1