Meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Date: 5 July 2024
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Title Page
1. Welcome/Karakia/Housekeeping/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee meetung held on 14 June 2024
4. Te Awanga erosion issues: Technical Advisory Group (TAG) review 3
5. Project Manager's July 2024 update 5
6. Current coastal projects update 13
7. Update on follow-ups from previous meetings 15
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
5 July 2024
Subject: Te Awanga erosion issues: Technical Advisory Group (TAG) review
Reason for report
1. This item introduces a short-term concept design for the construction of groynes and gravel barriers at Te Awanga and Haumoana beaches.
Executive summary
2. Over the past several months, the Te Awanga community has been advocating for the use of Ecoreef, a new type of tiered concrete structure, for building their sea defences. The main structures they aim to protect with this revetment are Te Awanga’s lagoon, domain and hall. The Te Awanga community recently presented to the Joint Committee, outlining their concerns about erosion and inundation risks, and the proposed Ecoreef solution.
3. This initiative was recently supported by Hastings District Council, which has arranged funding for the initial stages of this project.
4. As the Ecoreef approach diverges from the pathway proposed by the Coastal Strategy, an assessment is required to determine whether the Ecoreef solution is consistent with the direction of the Strategy and whether the works can complement (or offer an alternative to) the proposed pathway for Te Awanga. This paper provides a high-level assessment of these questions, initial conclusions, and proposed future work.
5. At Haumoana and Te Awanga, two options (C2 and D2) have been developed to give effect to the recommendations of the community panels. Option C2 consists of extending the Tukituki groyne by 20m and carrying out operational nourishment of 52,000 m3/y. Option D2 consists of building 4 groynes and extending the Tukituki groyne by 10m. It also includes an initial renourishment of 239,000m3 and operational renourishment of 28,000m3/y of gravel. Both options also include the construction of a gravel barrier (116,869m3) for a high level of inundation protection at Te Awanga and a low level of protection in Haumoana.
6. Ecoreef is a hexagonal interlocking module made of reinforced concrete that has been designed for the marine environment. The designers claim that the Ecoreef system has the ability to control and effectively dissipate wave energy, which could provide for wave overtopping flood protection at Te Awanga. It also allows the construction of accesses for pedestrians as well as planting.
Preliminary findings
7. From initial analysis, the following preliminary findings are noted.
7.1. There is a clear and urgent need for risk mitigation works for erosion and inundation at Te Awanga, particularly in the vicinity of the lagoon, and Hastings District Council has made some commitments to progress these works.
7.2. The community has undertaken significant work to consider and compare alternatives, prior to confirming their preferred Ecoreef solution.
7.3. The Ecoreef product appears to be able to provide a solution for armouring the most vulnerable parts of the Te Awanga coastline.
7.4. As a gravel-filled structure, the Ecoreef product appears to complement the gravel nourishment proposal at Te Awanga, and it could function to strengthen the gravel crest and provide a ‘backstop’ solution during periods of erosion.
7.5. Consideration will need to be given to the effects of scouring of the edge of the structure / downstream erosion.
7.6. Consideration will need to be given to the cumulative financial impact of funding the Ecoreef proposal in addition to gravel nourishment and groynes as currently proposed by the Strategy.
Conclusions and further work
8. Overall, the Ecoreef proposal appears to offer a solution that can complement the direction of the Strategy.
9. By providing a solid / structural core to key parts of the beach crest, it may offer an opportunity to reduce the level and frequency of beach nourishment proposed by the Strategy, assuming beach scouring and edge effects are not significant. Additional analysis will be required to determine whether this is the case.
10. Actual and potential adverse effects from adding a hard structure to the beach will need to be considered.
11. For now, Hastings District Council has confirmed funding for the initial stages of the Ecoreef proposal and proposes to advance the proposal through detailed design and resource consenting processes.
12. Assuming the Ecoreef proposal proceeds to construction, and once the Strategy is adopted, further work can be completed to assess how beach nourishment and groynes under the Strategy can work with and alongside the existing structure.
13. A key consideration will be how community consultation on the Strategy accommodates (or not) the Ecoreef proposal, alongside the pathway recommended by the community panels. Staff advise that the Strategy acknowledges the alternative Ecoreef solution is in development, and that the final shape and form of the Te Awanga solution is informed by and responsive to any solution advanced by Hastings District Council in the interim.
Decision-making process
14. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Te Awanga erosion issues: Technical Advisory Group (TAG) review staff report.
Authored by: Approved by:
Dr Joao Albuquerque Coastal Specialist |
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Attachment/s There are no attachments for this report.
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
5 July 2024
Subject: Project Manager's July 2024 update
Reason for report
1. This report provides an update on project-related matters including timeframes, budgets and tracking towards milestones.
Project dashboard
2. The project dashboard (Table 1) is provided to summarise current project status for budget, timeline and all eight Strategy Workstreams (WS). An assessment of each project element is made on a ‘traffic light’ basis, with a brief commentary provided to explain the rating given.
3. There are no status changes to report in this period.
Table 1: Project Dashboard Report: July 2024
Status: |
On Track |
Under Stress |
Key Risk |
Metric |
Status |
Commentary |
Project Budget |
2023/2024 budget underspent relative to forecast. Carryover unspent funds to 2024/2025. |
Project Timeline |
September 2024 target for notifying proposed Strategy on track to be achieved. However, ‘Key Risk’ status assigned to acknowledge continued delays that have occurred to date in progressing the Strategy and the challenges and uncertainty for communities experiencing ongoing effects from coastal hazards. |
WS1: Funding / Governance |
Funding model work progressing. Refinement underway with Joint Committee prior to HBRC taking lead role to finalise. Status reflects complexity of challenge to develop a principled and practical funding model, and current financial environment. |
WS2: LGA Consultation |
LGA Consultation requirements (Section 16 / LTP amendment) on track to be achieved. |
WS3: Comms & Engagement |
Comms and engagement plan for early engagement phase in implementation. |
WS4: Design |
Gravel nourishment feasibility assessment completed, confirming gravel is available to support beach nourishment activities although required volumes particularly for capital nourishment are high. CoastSnap on track for deployment in July/August. |
WS5: Mātauranga Māori |
External contractor engaged to provide expertise and capacity. PSGEs have confirmed capacity constraints are limiting ability to engage in Strategy development at this time. Desktop work to develop draft cultural values frameworks based on existing information underway. Outcome to be provided to PSGE’s in the first instance for review. |
WS6: Coastal Ecology |
Draft coastal ecology monitoring plan has been received and reviewed by HBRC science team. Mana Whenua engagement sought to expand / refine monitoring plan. Recommended monitoring is currently cost-prohibitive. TAG working on options to progress. |
WS7: Regulatory |
Discussion document on key regulatory matters for the Strategy to drive through local planning frameworks presented to Joint Committee. Outcome now reflected in Strategy drafting. |
WS8: Signals and Triggers |
Thresholds development process completed and outcome will be reflected as draft thresholds in Strategy document. TAG has assessed the development of signals and triggers and has determined to pause further work until the Strategy has been adopted with confirmed thresholds. Workstream currently on hold. |
HBRC Strategy consultation timing update
4. On 19 June 2024, TAG workshopped the Strategy funding model with HBRC councillors. The process of HBRC receiving recommendations from the Joint Committee and finalising the Strategy and funding model for public consultation as an amendment to HBRC’s Long Term Plan was also discussed.
5. HBRC provided high level feedback on the funding model, and requested that:
5.1. HBRC staff consider optimal timing for Strategy consultation in alignment with other initiatives underway within HBRC, and
5.2. That a joint session is held between the Joint Committee and HBRC to support the delivery of Joint Committee recommendations and the commencement of HBRC’s work to refine and finalise the Strategy for consultation.
6. HBRC staff have since recommended that Strategy consultation take place in March 2025 (instead of October 2024 as currently proposed). This will provide HBRC with additional time and capacity to assess organisational impacts, finalise implementation arrangements and create additional space from what continues to be a complex Long Term Plan development and adoption process.
7. TAG is working through the implications of this decision, including adjusting timeframes for early engagement (currently planned for August), however the following draft amended programme has been prepared.
7.1. 5 July (today) – Joint Committee workshop to refine funding model
7.2. 19 July 2024 – Joint Committee formal meeting to confirm recommendations to HBRC on Strategy and funding model
7.3. 31 July 2024 – HBRC Council workshop, Joint Committee members invited to attend to support presentation of Joint Committee recommendations to HBRC
7.4. August – December 2024 – HBRC to refine funding model and Strategy, develop consultation document and LTP amendment
7.5. October / November 2024 – early engagement (TBC)
7.6. February 2025 – HBRC decision to commence consultation
7.7. March 2025 – Strategy consultation.
8. This draft revised programme does not substantially alter the work of the Joint Committee which will largely conclude its work by the end of July. The main alteration is to provide additional time for HBRC ahead of community consultation.
9. For completeness it is noted that there is no communications and engagement agenda item in today’s meeting as TAG refines the approach to align with revised consultation timing. A communications and engagement update will be provided to the next joint committee meeting.
Central Government: Climate Inquiry
10. As reported in the June meeting, the Finance and Expenditure Committee's Inquiry into climate adaptation was announced on 10 May 2024. The approximately 150 public submissions made to the Environment Committee’s previous inquiry into climate adaptation, including the submission made by this Joint Committee, will be considered by the new inquiry.
11. The Finance and Expenditure Committee has invited new submissions. In discussion with the Joint Committee, TAG has prepared a new submission to reinforce previous messaging and comment on at least some of the new questions posed by the Finance and Expenditure Committee's inquiry.
12. This new submission was circulated as a draft to the Chair and Deputy Chairs, with a final version lodged on 16 June 2024 (Attachment 1).
13. TAG will update the Joint Committee on the opportunity to speak to the submission(s) as soon as information on hearing timing is available.
Decision-making process
14. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Project Manager's July 2024 update.
Authored by: Approved by:
Simon Bendall Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager |
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
1⇩ |
Coastal Hazards Joint Committee - Submission on the Inquiry into Climate Adaptiation - 16Jun24 |
Coastal Hazards Joint Committee - Submission on the Inquiry into Climate Adaptiation - 16 June 2024 |
Attachment 1 |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
5 July 2024
Subject: Current coastal projects update
Reason for report
1. This report provides an opportunity for the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to update the Joint Committee on various coastal projects that members have expressed an interest in keeping abreast of.
Westshore resource consent renewal
2. No further activity in this period.
3. Current consent conditions on beach scraping require any gravel scraped from the seaward side to be replaced with similar material. However, close sources of gravel are no longer available making this approach even more cost prohibitive. These issues remain unresolved.
Haumoana 18
4. No further activity in this period.
Maraetotara River at Te Awanga
5. The Hastings District Council has agreed to include funding of $730,000 for stage 1 of an ECO Reef in the Long-Term Plan to protect the Te Awanga Lagoon’s stormwater function.
6. A separate report from TAG on the proposal’s compatibility with the wider strategy is on the agenda.
7. No further activity in this period.
8. From the agreed actions from the Cape Coast residents meeting action plan, held in September 2023.
Action 1: HBRC to investigate and implement a more effective solution for pump station, review levels of service.
8.1. The Heretaunga Plains – Haumoana / Te Awanga scheme review will commence in August 2024 with a draft report to be completed by late 2024.
Action 2: HDC to request variation to consent to allow for shingle on the sea side of the crest to be used for crest management.
8.2. Remains under Investigation.
Action 3: Graeme Hansen (with support of CC community) to develop a plan about how to progress, including how the Ecoreef solution might be funded and what the consenting process would look like.
8.3. See update under Maraetotara River at Te Awanga.
9. The next meeting of the Climate Action Joint Committee is scheduled on 5 August.
10. The Joint Committee will continue to progress a Climate Action Plan with a focus on emissions reduction and climate adaptation.
11. Of interest to this joint committee is that an external advisor has been engaged to scope what a Climate Vulnerability Risk Assessment would entail and scan what is happening nationwide in this area. The early findings will be presented to the Climate Action Joint Committee in August.
Decision-making process
12. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Current coastal projects update.
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
5 July 2024
Subject: Update on follow-ups from previous meetings
Reason for report
1. This item tracks items raised at previous meetings that require action. A list of outstanding items is prepared for each meeting, including who is responsible for each, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment.
2. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Decision-making process
3. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Update on follow-ups from previous meetings.
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
1⇩ |
Follow-ups from previous meetings |