Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee



Date:                        Friday 15 March 2024

Time:                       11.30am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item          Title                                                                                                                                                                         Page


1.             Welcome/Karakia/Notices/Apologies

2.             Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.             Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 10 November 2023

4.             Acknowledgement of contributions from Ann Redstone                                                                      3

Information or Performance Monitoring

5.             Project Manager's March 2024 update                                                                                                        5

6.             Communication and Engagement Plan update                                                                                      13

7.             Update on Government's intentions for natural hazard-related policy and reforms               17

8.             Current coastal projects update                                                                                                                   27

9.             Follow-up actions update                                                                                                                               31




Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Acknowledgement of contributions from Ann Redstone        


Reason for report  

1.     This report provides an opportunity for the Joint Committee to recognise the contributions of Ann Redstone, who recently stepped down from her role as a Hastings District Council Councillor and Joint Committee member.


2.     Ann Redstone resigned from her role as Hastings District Council Councillor in February 2024 for health reasons.

3.     This brings to a close a long and close association with this Committee and the development of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy.

4.     Malcolm Dixon and Alwyn Corban will remain as HDC’s appointed Councillors with Tania Kerr as the alternate. HDC will make decisions on any new appointments following the by-election process.

5.     The project team wish to express their best wishes and gratitude to Ann for her support and contributions to this project over many years.

Decision-making process

6.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee recognises and thanks Ann Redstone for her contributions as a member of the Joint Committee.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Project Manager's March 2024 update        


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides an update on project-related matters including timeframes, budgets and tracking towards milestones.

Project Dashboard

2.     The following project dashboard (Table 1) is provided to summarise current project status for budget, timeline and all eight Strategy Workstreams (WS). An assessment of each project element is made on a ‘traffic light’ basis, with a brief commentary provided to explain the rating given.

3.     Where a rating has changed from the preceding report, the metric is shown in red underline with an arrow showing the change in status.

Table 1: Project Dashboard Report: March 2024


On Track


Under Stress

Key Risk





Project Budget



2023-2024 budget on track – no budget issues in this FY forecasted.

Project Timeline



New August/September 2024 target for notifying proposed Strategy on track to be achieved.  ‘Key Risk’ status is assigned to acknowledge continued delays that have occurred to date in progressing the Strategy and the challenges and uncertainty for communities experiencing ongoing effects from coastal hazards.

WS1: Funding / Governance



Funding model work progressing. Draft funding model has been prepared for review and further development with Joint Committee and HBRC.

WS2: LGA Consultation



LGA Consultation requirements (Section 16 / LTP amendment) on track to be achieved.

WS3: Comms & Engagement



Comms and engagement plan now developed for pre-engagement phase and in implementation. Consultation phase being scoped.

WS4: Design



Key focus is on inflation adjusting costs for physical works, developing technical drawings into consultation concepts and confirming feasibility. On track with internal resource support from HBRC.

WS5: Mātauranga Māori



External contractor engaged to provide expertise and capacity. Preliminary hui held late in 2023 but planned wider engagement has been difficult to secure due to capacity constraints. Desktop work progressing in the interim. Joint Committee advice / support for engagement sought. 

WS6: Coastal Ecology



Draft coastal ecology monitoring plan has been received and reviewed by HBRC science team. Mana Whenua engagement sought to expand / refine monitoring plan. Recommended monitoring is currently cost-prohibitive. TAG working on options to progress.

WS7: Regulatory



National regulatory framework still uncertain post-elections. Work in progress to develop discussion document on key regulatory matters for the Strategy to drive through local planning frameworks. This work will inform the regulatory chapter of the Strategy.

WS8: Signals and Triggers



Thresholds development process completed. TAG has assessed the development of signals and triggers and has determined to pause further work until the Strategy has been adopted with confirmed thresholds. Workstream currently on hold.


4.     There are no status changes to report in this period.

5.     Commentary in relation to the Mātauranga Māori workstream is highlighted. The ongoing inability to engage effectively with tangata whenua remains a key issue for the Strategy. From engagement efforts made to date there is strong interest in this work and a range of concerns and issues that require exploration, however, capacity in the face of extensive demands on time and resources remains the key barrier to progressing engagement. Staff propose a separate meeting with interested Joint Committee members to discuss this plus the options and opportunities to advance engagement with tangata whenua.

Strategy timeline

6.      The Joint Committee has previously requested an infographic / timeline to better communicate the key steps and critical path to confirming a final Strategy. This has been developed and is provided as Attachment 1.

Strategy consultation update

7.      Following engagement in February 2024 with the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) at HBRC to update on the Strategy development process, timeframes have been adjusted slightly on pre-engagement and Strategy consultation.

8.      Strategy pre-engagement was to take place in May/June and HBRC’s consultation process was in August 2024. These will be delayed by 1 month, with pre-engagement now taking place in July and consultation in September.

9.      This change has been made to allow HBRC’s Long Term Plan (LTP) process to conclude with an adopted LTP (by the end of June) before the Strategy pre-engagement process starts. This creates clearer separation between two significant consultation initiatives for HBRC.

10.    There is no material effect on Strategy outcomes from this change.


Strategy process update

11.    The Strategy consultation process has been intended to be run as an amendment to HBRC’s LTP. The LTP amendment is required to:

11.1.     Make a proposal for the regional council to undertake a significant new activity under section 16 of the Local Government Act to give effect to the outcomes agreed by the Partner Councils in the Memorandum of Transition (i.e. that HBRC leads Strategy implementation), and

11.2.     Provide funding mechanisms for Strategy implementation.

12.    This means that the consultation process will include three key components:

12.1.     The Strategy document in full

12.2.     A supporting consultation document including a proposed funding model, and

12.3.     A document outlining the specific changes that are proposed to be made to HBRC’s LTP.

13.    As a result of the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act 2023, HBRC’s usual LTP process has been modified. One of the modifications is that the LTP will only cover a 3-year period, instead of the usual 10 years.

14.    TAG has sought advice on how this might affect an LTP amendment process for the Strategy, and can confirm that,although modified, the process is able to continue.

15.    It is highlighted that the financial impact of Cyclone Gabrielle and recovery efforts has had an effect on HBRC’s financial outlook. TAG is continuing to work with HBRC ELT, finance team and councillors over the coming months on any implications for Strategy implementation.

Strategy outline update

16.    For visibility and as a reminder of the form the Strategy will take, Table 2 presents the current draft outline for the Strategy document, with a status update provided on the content for each section.



Content Status

1.   Introduction

Reason for the Strategy, problem definition.

Ready for write up.

2.   Strategy Development Process

Outline process, Community Panel report, etc.

Ready for write up.

3.   Proposed Responses (Short Term)

For each priority unit, outline the Councils preferred option and alternative option(s) for the short term / first action of each pathway.

Ready for write up (based on Panel recommendations and Design Workstream outcomes).

4.   Proposed Medium- and Long-Term Responses

For each priority unit, outline the Councils preferred option and any alternatives for the medium- and long-term actions of each pathway.

Ready for write up (based on Panel recommendations, Design Workstream outcomes and Managed Retreat Workstream outcomes).

5.   Adaptation Thresholds

Present proposed adaptation thresholds. Discuss signals and triggers approach. 

Thresholds ready for write up (based on community panel engagement). Signals and triggers will follow post Strategy adoption.

6.   Funding Principles

Set out proposed funding principles based on LGA requirements

Set out a proposed Funding Model for Strategy implementation that gives effect to principles

Define financial impact from Strategy implementation for short term actions.

Preliminary funding model developed, currently in testing and refinement with Joint Committee and HBRC.

7.   Regulatory Framework

Set out the requirements for the local regulatory framework that will need to be in place to support and complement physical works undertaken through the Strategy – eg. addressing moral hazards, facilitating Strategy implementation, etc.

Discussion paper in development to inform final Strategy content (based on Regulatory Workstream outcomes).

8.   Strategy Implementation 

Describe implementation model for the Strategy (role of HBRC, Advisory Committee, etc).

Ready for write up (as confirmed by Memorandum of Transition).

9.   Strategy Monitoring and Review

Describe strategy monitoring and review process

10 year review cycle confirmed + triggered review process in development. 


Publication: Saving the Cape Coast

17.    The book Saving the Cape Coast: A legacy of frustration and hope was published by Walking on Water (WOW) in November 2023. Joint Committee members and TAG have been gifted copies of the book.

18.    Compiled and edited by Keith Newman (who is also formerly a panel member for the Southern Assessment Panel formed for the Strategy), the book provides an analysis of coastal protection efforts along the Cape Coast since the 1960s. It is described as a resource for stakeholders in the Strategy and others engaged in decision-making around protecting coastal communities from natural hazards.

19.    In addition to presenting the history of ongoing efforts to respond to coastal erosion and the risks of inundation, the book critiques Strategy implementation and in particular the lack of central government support, the regulatory constraints, and the designs and costs for the initial actions in the pathways at Haumoana and Te Awanga.

20.    This is the first meeting of the Joint Committee since the book was published. Given the full agenda, focus on the funding model workshop, and the scope and breadth of the book, there is limited scope to discuss this book and its conclusions in detail at this meeting.

21.    Staff consider that further discussion is warranted however, and that the Committee may wish to consider extending an invitation to Mr Newman to acknowledge the work and invite commentary and discussion at its next meeting.

Decision-making process

22.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.


That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Project Manager's March 2024 update staff report.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Coastal Strategy timeline



Coastal Strategy timeline

Attachment 1


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Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Communication and Engagement Plan update        


Reason for Report

1.      This report updates the committee on communications and engagement since November 2023, and discusses the communications and engagement plan for the period July - September 2024.


2.      A communications and engagement strategy was presented to the committee in the November 2023 meeting seeking to:

2.1.       maintain and increase community understanding of, interest in, and build buy-in to the coastal hazards mahi.

2.2.       enable and facilitate meaningful engagement with communities using effective and innovative approaches.

2.3.       align with and complement engagement activities occurring through the Mātauranga Māori Workstream.

3.      The plan was developed acknowledging the complexity of the project and working towards a consultation process occurring in August 2024.

Discussion: Communication and Engagement for pre-engagement and consultation

4.      A community newsletter was sent out in December 2023, following the November Joint Committee meeting.

5.      Further communications and engagement planning has occurred to support reconnecting with the community over the next six months in the lead up to formal Strategy consultation.

6.      To clearly differentiate between Regional, Napier City, and Hastings District councils’ consultations, particularly Long Term Plans (LTP), and reduce engagement fatigue in the community, pre-engagement will occur in July (1-21) following adoption of LTPs, and consultation on the Strategy is now planned to occur in September.

7.      This is a slight change from the original schedule which had pre-consultation occurring in May/June and consultation taking place in August.

8.      The purpose of pre-engagement is to provide the community with information to assist them in understanding the proposed Strategy, including timeframes, proposed actions, and costs. This enables the community time to understand the problem, alternatives, opportunities, and solutions ahead of consultation.

9.      Pre-engagement in July will involve the below key engagement tools below which focus on driving participation and partnership.

9.1.       Videos

9.2.       Media (releases and opinion pieces)

9.3.       Social media (using HBRC, NCC, HDC and other partner and community channels)

9.4.       Community champions

9.5.       Events (coastal walk and talks)

9.6.       Survey

10.    This list has been revised from what was previously presented because the Hastings District Council engagement container is not available. Advertising and the number of events have also been reduced slightly with more activity shifted into the consultation period to better balance engagement effort and reduce engagement fatigue.

11.    The purpose of consultation is to obtain community feedback on the proposed Strategy, including timeframe, proposed actions, and rating impact.

12.    Consultation in September is proposed to involve the below key engagement tools which will build on the pre-engagement undertaken in July.

12.1.     Consultation document and submission form

12.2.     DL to every household

12.3.     Website

12.4.     Media (releases and opinion pieces)

12.5.     Social media (using HBRC, NCC, HDC and other partner and community channels)

12.6.     Advertising

12.7.     Champions

12.8.     Video

12.9.     Events (coastal talks, pop-ups, pedal to porch, community panel discussions, presentations, speech comp).

13.    Alongside this work ahead of consultation and as part of the Interim Response Plan, CoastSnap will be launched in the next few months. Communications to support this will include signage, video, web content, social media, and media.

Next Steps

14.    With any feedback from the Joint Committee, TAG will continue planning to implement the communications and engagement plan.

15.    Reporting at each Joint Committee meeting will be provided to update on engagement activities and outcomes.

16.    In addition, Joint Committee members will be advised of key engagement activities by email, so they have the opportunity to participate.

Decision-making process

17.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Communication and Engagement Plan update.



Authored by:

Rebecca Ashcroft

Consultant Frank Engagement

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager

Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.  



Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Update on Government's intentions for natural hazard-related policy and reforms        


Reason for Report

1.      This brief report outlines a range of the Government’s intentions that relate to natural hazard resource management policy and planning. It is not a comprehensive outline of the Government’s much wider range of proposals. The purpose is to provide a snapshot of what is known about the new Government’s intentions, following this Committee’s submissions on two Government initiatives prior to the 2023 general election.

2.      The new Coalition Government is underpinned by Coalition party agreements.[1] Shortly after formation, the coalition government unveiled its ‘100-day plan’ outlining 49 key actions the government intended to be delivered in its first 100 days.

3.      Many of the new Government’s intentions are outlined in its 100-day plan and coalition agreements. Until fuller proposals are announced, there are limited details available that can be used to inform any potential impacts or reshaping of work programmes associated with preparation of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy.


4.      The new Government was sworn in on 27 November 2023 and signed coalition agreements were publicly released on 24 November. The following points relating to natural hazard resource management have been drawn from the coalition agreements and the ‘100-day Plan.’[2]

Natural hazard-related resource management

5.       Repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act and introduce a fast-track consenting regime. *

6.       Repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 and Spatial Planning Act 2023 by Christmas. *

7.       Amend the Resource Management Act 1991 to:

7.1.          Make it easier to consent new infrastructure including renewable energy, allow farmers to farm, get more houses built, and enhance primary sector including fish and aquaculture, forestry, pastoral, horticulture and mining.

7.2.          Streamline the plan preparation process in Schedule 1 of the RMA. 

7.3.          Simplify the planning system and related statutes including the Public Works Act and the Reserves Act. 

7.4.          The Parties commit to establish a fast-track one-stop-shop consenting and permitting process for regional and national projects of significance. The process will include a referral by Ministers for suitable projects. A Bill to introduce this process and make other essential statutory amendments will have its first reading as part of the government’s 100-day plan. *

8.       Replace the Resource Management Act 1991 with new resource management laws premised on the enjoyment of property rights as a guiding principle.

9.       Cut red tape and regulatory blocks on irrigation, water storage, managed aquifer recharge and flood protection schemes.

Government’s resource management reform work programme

Phase One – Repeal of Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act

10.    The Government is moving ahead with its work programme to reform New Zealand’s resource management laws. The Minister for Regulatory Reform Hon Chris Bishop wrote to councils in December 2023 outlining that work programme. A copy of the full letter is in Attachment 2 to this report.

11.    Phase one was completed last year with the repeal of the Spatial Planning Act and Natural and Built Environment Act (NBEA).   The Resource Management Act 1991 was reinstated while the fast-track consenting provisions of the NBEA were also retained in the interim.

Phase Two – Fast-track consenting Bill

12.    Phase two involves the development of a new permanent ‘fast-track’ consenting framework. Cabinet has indicated the new fast-track regime will include:

12.1.     a new fast-track consenting process contained in a standalone Act with its own purpose statement focused on economic development

12.2.     a priority for regionally and nationally significant infrastructure and development projects

12.3.     a process for projects to be referred by ministers to the fast-track process if they meet appropriate criteria

12.4.     projects referred to the fast-track consenting process going to an Expert Panel, which will assess the applications and apply any necessary conditions to ensure adverse effects of the project are managed

12.5.     limited scope for the Expert Panel to decline a project once it has been referred

12.6.     a list of specified projects included in the legislation that will be first to be referred to an Expert Panel

12.7.     a ‘one-stop-shop’ process for approvals under a range of legislation - not only RMA resource consents (e.g. Conservation Act and Wildlife Act).

13.    The Government has committed to upholding Treaty of Waitangi settlements as part of the new fast-track regime.

14.    Councils would not be the consenting authority for fast-track proposals, but could be applicants for projects if they have eligible projects.

15.    A Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament by 7 March 2024 and then referred to a select committee for consideration. Following that there will be an opportunity for any person to make a submission on that Bill. Timing and length of the submission period is unknown.

Phase Three – Resource Management Act reform

16.    Phase three of the Government’s resource management reform work programme involves the development of replacement resource management laws “based on the enjoyment of property rights.” Development of the new RMA framework will take place over the next 24 months, with a Bill expected to be introduced in late 2026.

17.    Hon Chris Bishop, Minister Responsible for RMA Reform wrote[3] to all councils on 13 December 2023 stating:

“The Government is committed to honouring the undertakings made by the Crown through Treaty of Waitangi settlements and other arrangements. Treaty settlement arrangements reached between iwi and the Crown will be protected through the repeal and any future resource management reform processes.”

18.    It is understood that similar commitments have also been made directly to settled iwi groups in both writing and verbally. Both coalition agreements include similar commitments to uphold existing Treaty settlements. There is however no publicly available information on how that commitment will be given effect in the proposed fast-track consenting bill, or other legislation, or how the rights and interests of iwi groups who have not yet settled will be protected.

Joint Committee Submission update: Select Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation

19.    The Environment Committee’s Inquiry into climate adaptation was initiated under the previous Labour-led Government. Submissions to the Inquiry closed on 1 November 2023. A submission was lodged by this Joint Committee.

20.    All submissions received on the inquiry have now been published on Parliament’s website:

21.    Staff understand that submissions analysis is underway. Next steps for the Select Committee Inquiry are at this stage unclear.

Joint Committee Submission update: Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-Making (NPS-NHD)

22.    The proposed NPS-NHD was intended to ensure that local government considers the risk of all natural hazards (including the effects of climate change) when making decisions relating to all new developments. The NPS-NHD would only apply to new resource consents and would not affect existing resource consents, existing use rights and activities currently permitted in district and regional plans.

23.    The submissions period closed on 20 November 2023. A submission was lodged by the Joint Committee.

24.    Staff understand that 102 submissions were received, which are currently being reviewed ahead of a briefing for Ministers. A summary of those submissions is expected to be published in due course. Next steps for the NPS-NHD are at this stage unclear.

Potential submission: Fast-track consenting Bill

25.    As noted above, a Bill is anticipated to be introduced in early March. The Bill would be referred to a Select Committee with a public submission opportunity following. While details of the Bill are yet to be unveiled, staff do anticipate that it is likely to raise at least two key factors with relevance to development and future implementation of the Strategy:

25.1.  Will the fast-track consenting system pose barriers and/or perverse outcomes for implementing the Strategy (once completed)?

25.2.  will the fast-track consenting system present some opportunities for swifter implementation of some of the Strategy’s agreed actions and works associated with the preferred adaptation pathways?

26.    In anticipation that the Select Committee submission period will open and close prior to the next regular meeting of the Joint Committee (17 May 2024), key members of the Technical Advisory Group will review the Bill and liaise with the Joint Committee Chairperson about whether a submission from the Joint Committee might be warranted (or not). Any submission that is developed will be circulated to members electronically as a draft for feedback, and submitted subject to approval from the Chairperson.

Decision-making process

27.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Joint Committee receives and notes the Update on Government’s intentions for natural hazard-related policy and reforms staff report.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager

Gavin Ide

Principal Advisor Strategic Planning

Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Summary of Government intentions from Coalition Agreements and 100 day plan




13 Dec 2023 Letter from Hon Chris Bishop




Summary of Government intentions from Coalition Agreements and 100 day plan

Attachment 1


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13Dec23 Letter from Hon Chris Bishop

Attachment 2


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Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Current coastal projects update        


Reason for report

1.      This report provides an opportunity for the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to update the Joint Committee on various coastal projects that members have expressed an interest in keeping abreast of.

Rangatira Revetment

2.      Revetment is complete.

3.      Clause 7.5 of the Coastal Hazards Memorandum of Transition (MOT) requires consultation with HBRC for any new coastal hazards assets not listed in the MOT. In accordance with this clause, NCC and HBRC have exchanged letters acknowledging further discussion on transition is required.

Westshore resource consent renewal

4.     This work package is to secure a new consent for the renourishment of Westshore Beach that expires in 2027.

5.     Discussions have been held with NCC regarding the alignment of the gravel bund and the option to extend the rock armouring of the Rangatira sea wall. Extension of the sea wall was not considered as an option thus far due to the high cost. Extension of the bund to tie into seawall to be included in future works. Other options will be considered during the review of the renourishment programme.

6.     We are starting the review of the beach renourishment programme. The beach renourishment works for 2024 has started.

7.     Consent costs will vary depending on what type of works will be considered in the future.

7.1.    Costs associated with the continuation of the beach renourishment option will be similar.

7.2.    For the construction of a structure on the foreshore (i.e. groynes or rock revetment) the consent requirements will increase due to additional engineering and environmental investigations and consultation will be required.  For comparison, an initial cost estimate of $1.4M has been received for the extension of the rock armouring (79m) to the Rangatira sea wall. 

8.     On completion of the beach renourishment works review, the consenting costs for the preferred option will be able to be better defined.

Haumoana shingle crest height

9.      No activity during period. HDC looking at consent conditions, particularly source of replenishment gravel, and considering options.

Haumoana 18

10.    There has been no recent interaction between HDC and the H18 residents during this period.

Maraetotara River at Te Awanga

11.    Damage to the foreshore adjacent to the Maraetotara River at Te Awanga was caused by floodwaters from Cyclone Gabrielle. This damage left some properties at risk from water intrusion from high seas. A public meeting was held with the community on 26 April 2023 to discuss possible solutions and how they might be funded.

12.    The Heretaunga Recovery Plan includes, for consideration, a proposed construction of a revetment to repair damage to the Maraetotara River channel in order to increase the resilience of the area to future weather events and protect homes in Wellwood Terrace and Kuku Street.

13.    Further erosion and sea water intrusion occurred on 10 July 2023 in the Te Awanga lagoon area, with some metres of erosion to a 200m section of coast, impacting the beach access and parking area, as well as causing power outages. Since this time, there has been a replenishment of gravel to this area that has given some immediate respite to the problem but needs ongoing monitoring.

14.    A meeting was held with representatives of the Haumoana, Te Awanga and Clifton area, along with HBRC and HDC Councillors and staff on the 12 September 2023, discussing a number of coastal related issues in the area, including the Te Awanga Lagoon area. A number of actions have been documented and a follow up email has been provided which clarifies current levels of understanding and advice as to a possible way forward, with focus on using the next LTP process for any substantive progress. RMA Emergency provisions are still a fallback option should circumstance change, requiring more immediate intervention.

15.    Te Awanga representatives are still keen to pursue some level of protection for the section of coast adjacent to the Te Awanga lagoon, with a preference for a revetment style intervention. The next step is to progress this through the LTP process. A follow up meeting has been held with Te Awanga reps advising there is no funding money available from the Flood Recovery funding source. Also advised that any protection proposal would need to be brought to the attention of HBRC as part of the Memorandum of Transition process.


16.   HDC Council staff have continued to engage with North Shore Road representatives as the erosion problems in this area are aggravated by recent cyclone and sea events.  No further work during the period.

17.   The Cyclone Gabrielle event has caused a greater level of damage to the coastline immediately north of North Shore Road and to a section at the Esk River end of North Shore Road. The section of road near the Esk River section has resulted in HDC roading section placing limestone rock as foundation and protection works along with backfilling and reinstatement to road level. This work was carried out as part of emergency works associated with the cyclone. Further investigations are required to determine the next steps for the northern section.

18.   The erosion to the north of North Shore Road has eroded the access track back into private property, and residents are seeking advice and assistance to address this issue. The Esk/ Whirinaki Resilience project, part of responding to Cyclone Gabrielle, is considering flood protection and river mouth management options, that could have relevance to the North Shore Road area and there may be an opportunity to consider how these areas could work together.  

Coastal Inundation Assessment Project update

19.    The report was released on 14 December 2023 and a note was added to LIMs on the same day. The information is now being used to inform decisions under the Building Act and is available to view on the Hawke’s Bay Hazards Portal. NCC and HDC have both held drop-in sessions for the public to come and discuss the modelling. 


Hawke’s Bay Climate Action

20.    The Climate Action Joint Committee met on 11 December 2023 and endorsed:

20.1.     a living Vision and Strategy document with six focus areas in biodiversity, urban / housing, waste, transport, primary industries, waimāori/freshwater to develop a climate action plan

20.2.     a split funding approach to share funding for the Climate Action Joint Committee administration and work programme between the five partner councils.

21.    Four main actions fall within the programme of Joint Committee work for the next three years: develop a climate action plan, undertake a climate change risk assessment, continue monitoring regional greenhouse gas emissions and a proposal to offer community climate action funding.

22.    The next meeting of the Climate Action Joint Committee is on 11 March 2024.

Decision-making process

23.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Current coastal projects update.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.  



Heretaunga | Hastings District Council


Mana Ahuriri website



Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee  

Friday 15 March 2024

Subject: Follow-up actions update        


Reason for Report

1.     This item tracks items raised at previous meetings that require action. A list of outstanding items is prepared for each meeting, including who is responsible for each, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment.

2.     Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.

Decision Making Process

3.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Follow-up actions update.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Actions items from previous meetings




Actions items from previous meetings

Attachment 1


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[1] An agreement between the National Party & ACT NZ plus an agreement between the National Party & NZ First.

[2] Further information and other resource management-related themes are set out in Attachment 1.

[3] Full copy of letter is in Attachment 3.