Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee



Date:                        27 November 2023

Time:                       1.30pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item          Title                                                                                                                                                                         Page


1.             Welcome/Karakia/ Apologies

2.             Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.             Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee meeting held on 28 August 2023

Decision Items

4.             Emergency Management Bill: Group Submission                                                                                    3

Information or Performance Monitoring

5.             NEMA update                                                                                                                                                        9

6.             Regional Recovery Agency - Cyclone Gabrielle recovery update                                                     11

7.             CDEM Group Manager's Monitoring and Performance Report                                                        15

8.             Update on the independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle                                                                                                      21

Decision Items (Public Excluded)

9.             Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller and Recovery Manager appointments                                                                                                                                                      23

10.          Confirmation of the Public excluded Minutes of a meeting held on 28 August 2023              25

HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023

Subject: Emergency Management Bill: Group Submission


Reason for Report

1.      The purpose of this report is to provide the Joint Committee with a copy of a submission made recently on the proposed Emergency Management Bill (EMB) and to seek endorsement of the submission.

Background /Discussion

2.      The EMB was introduced to Parliament in July 2023. Submissions closed on 3 November 2023.

3.      A draft submission was distributed and discussed with committee members.

4.      The submission has now been lodged and it is asked that the Joint Committee now formally endorse this submission. 

5.      With the current change in Parliament, the EMB is now considered lapsed, and indications are that any probable new Government will seek to make changes to it. If this is the case further submissions will be called for and there will be an opportunity to raise any additional matters.

6.      In any event the Group has reserved the right to make a submission in person to the Select Committee.

Financial and resource implications

7.      There are no significant financial or resource implications arising from this decision.

Decision Making Process

8.      Council and its committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

8.1.       The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset, nor is it inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

8.2.       The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.



That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the Submission to Emergency Management Bill: Direction Endorsement report.

2.      Endorses the HB CDEM Group submission to the Emergency Management Bill as proposed.



Authored and Approved by:

Ian Macdonald

HB CDEM Group Controller / Manager





HBCDEM Group Submission to EM Bill




HBCDEM Group Submission to EM Bill

Attachment 1


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HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023

Subject: NEMA update


Reason for report

1.       This item introduces the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) update.




That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the NEMA update.



Authored and Approved by:

Ian Macdonald

HB CDEM Group Controller / Manager




There are no attachments for this report.  

HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023

Subject: Regional Recovery Agency - Cyclone Gabrielle recovery update


Reason for report

1.      This report provides an update to the Joint Committee on recovery activity post Cyclone Gabrielle.


2.      In February 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle inflicted significant loss and damage to the HB region along with other parts of the country: tragic loss of lives and livelihoods, displacement of whānau, and damage to the economy, infrastructure, businesses, homes and the environment. A major recovery effort faced HB following the event.

3.      In line with national guidelines, the approach taken to Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery is “Locally led, Regionally coordinated, Nationally supported.” Within that context, organisations across region are engaged in recovery activities in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023. The region, through the Matariki Governance Group (MGG), established the Hawke’s Bay Regional Recovery Agency (RRA) to coordinate recovery efforts across the region and with Government. While the RRA reports to an Oversight Board and MGG to ensure wide regional engagement, recovery activity also falls within the purview of the CDEM Joint Committee as part of the broader CDEM framework.

4.      It is noted that members of the Joint Committee also sit on the MGG.

Recovery planning, restoration progress and government engagement

5.      The first iteration Regional Recovery Plan was submitted to Government on behalf of the region at the end of June 2023. This was followed up with a more detailed Action Plan. The first iteration plan was built ‘bottom up’ setting out detailed recovery actions and priorities signalled by MGG partner organisations. The Plan and associated documents are available on the HB Recovery website  and is attached to this update report.

6.      Subsequently, discussions were held with the Government’s Cyclone Recovery Unit and departments to assist in gaining support for regional actions and priorities. A range of significant Government support has been provided to the region’s recovery linked to the needs outlined in the Plan. However, not all of the support requested has been able to be provided, not least because of the Government current fiscal position. A summary of support provided to the region to date is included in the plan documents available on the website.

7.      A broad programme of recovery coordination and engagement has been carried out across the region, utilising a pou structure comprising Whānau and Community, Economic, Primary Sector, Environment and Infrastructure. There has been significant local leadership by councils, NKII, PSGE, taiwhenua, marae and other mana whenua organisations, businesses, sector groups, Government agencies and NGOs, delivering for the needs of their communities and stakeholders. These organisations have been driving their own/local recovery, assisted by regional coordination and advocacy where necessary, and Government assistance where available.

8.      The region’s councils and other partner organisations are working very effectively together to pursue recovery needs and aspirations.

Future of Severely Affected Land (FoSAL) update

9.      A key early piece of work in regional recovery efforts was addressing with Government the FoSAL and support for affected homeowners. This work included the application of a land categorisation system developed by Government, and negotiations with Government on cost-sharing arrangements to support property buyouts, flood protection works and other Government infrastructure support to assist councils to manage recovery costs.

Funding arrangements

10.    The Crown has appointed Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) as its agent for administering funding and related arrangements under the North Island Weather Events 2023 – Hawke’s Bay Crown Funding Agreement between the Crown and Councils. Work has commenced on putting work programmes, programme management and monitoring requirements, and funding and administrative arrangements required under the agreement in place.

Land Categorisation and Flood Protection works

11.    Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) has completed the major elements of work required on land categorisation. It continues to carry out further work linked to its work on flood protection concept design. The initial phase of concept design work is expected to be completed prior to Christmas, with work programmes to be developed beyond that. Regulatory relief for the consenting processes required for the work programme will be a key area of focus for HBRC and the RRA.

12.    In recent weeks, HBRC has signalled to the Crown, Hastings District Council (HDC) and residents that land originally categorised as 2A at Tangoio Beach would be moving to Category 3. Design work and engagement carried for Whirinaki/Pohutukawa Drive has indicated that a design solution is feasible in the area, and Pohutukawa Drive residents have been advised they are moving from Category 2A to 2C (and eventually to Category 1 when the solution has been advanced/built). Similarly, a number of sites at Ohiti Road have been shifted from 2A to 2C.

Category 3 property buyouts

13.    HDC, together with Napier City Council, has established the property buyout office and programme to complete the buyout offer process for Category 3 homeowners. Meetings with the first tranche of Category 3 homeowners are underway and are progressing well. The team is hoping to have the first transactions completed prior to Christmas 2023.

14.    One constraint raised by the programme office is the amount of valuation capacity available to the programme, with many local valuers preferring to work for property owners rather than Councils. The programme team is working toward solutions to address this constraint.

Transport projects

15.    The Hastings, Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay District Councils are well advanced with their programme planning for transport projects funded under the FoSAL Funding Agreement. Meetings with CIP are taking place to lock in programmes and funding forecasts and arrangements. It is noted that the vast bulk of the transport programme funded under the FoSAL agreement sits with HDC.

Silt and debris

16.    The removal of silt and debris from productive land and affected residential areas has been a significant area of focus for the HBRC and councils, and for affected landowners. Large areas of land have been returned to productive use. Significant Government assistance for this work has been provided following coordinated advocacy efforts. Work in this area is likely to remain an area of focus over the next few months.

Transition to resilience and opportunity capture

17.    There is still significant restoration phase work to be done. However, strong progress has been and is being made and focus is increasingly turning to ensuring the rebuild happens in a way that adds resilience to the region’s infrastructure and systems and enables the region to capture opportunities as this work is carried out. Key questions as part of this work are:

17.1.  How to we ensure what we rebuild and restore is resilient?

17.2.  How do we ensure recovery investment is directed to capture opportunities and improvements?

17.3.  How do we best channel investment expenditure so that it maximises benefits to our regional businesses, communities, whānau and citizens?

18.    Engagement with key infrastructure and systems owners is underway with respect to the first two questions, and links between those that will fund and deliver recovery work and key regional stakeholders are being forged with respect to the third so that practical initiatives can be developed and pursued.

19.    Government support in these phases of recovery will be vital. The RRA has coordinated development of a regional Briefing to Incoming Ministers (BIM) and is developing Regional Recovery Plan 2.0 to help the incoming Government understand key regional recovery investment needs for rebuild and resilience. The BIM will open the door to engagement with the new Government on recovery priorities, while Plan 2.0 will inform the Budget 2024 four-year budget cycle. The work is being developed with engagement across the region based on the MGG framework.

Decision-making process

20.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Group Joint Committee receives and notes the Regional Recovery Agency update – Cyclone Gabrielle recovery report.


Authored and Approved by:

Ross McLeod

Chief Executive
Hawke’s Bay Regional Recovery Agency





Hawke's Bay Regional Recovery Plan


Under Separate Cover


HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023

Subject: CDEM Group Manager's Monitoring and Performance Report


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides the Joint Committee with an update on progress being made to implement the Group’s work programme.


2.      The Group plan is based on the 4 Rs and this is implemented through the Group work programme which is approved by the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG). The Group Work Programme for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 was approved in November 2022. This can be found on the Group webpage at Group Work Programme 2022-2024 and a copy is attached.

3.      Given the impact of the Cyclone Gabrielle response on the work programme, the CEG agreed to the following priorities at a strategic level:

3.1.       People capability of Emergency Management (EM) staff (recruitment and retention)

3.2.       Supporting the inquiry/reviews and corrective action processes

3.3.       Operational readiness activities/projects

3.4.       Community engagement supporting recovery activities (community led response)

3.5.       Funding and resources review.

4.      This report will focus on work directly relating to projects in the existing Group work programme approved late last year. This report has been themed by the five workstreams (4 Rs and Governance) in the work programme and associated Priority 1 projects. This links directly to the Group Plan.


5.      All of the project/program areas below are part of the Group Work Programme.  The Work Programme specifically links each project to the relevant strategic goal and outcome in the Group Plan.

6.      Due to the Cyclone Gabrielle response and ongoing support and reprioritisation of work, the current work programme has not been progressed as quickly as envisaged when approved late last year.  This is compounded by a number of staff vacancies, in particular the Team Leader Operational Readiness.  Staff involvement and support to various reviews and recovery, has also needed to be prioritised.

7.      Some progress has been made, and this is outlined below.  With replacement staff and hopefully new resourcing in the new year it is hoped that the Work Programme can be put back on track.

8.      Assuming progress on the future resourcing of the Group through the HBRC LTP 2024 process, the extra resources will go a long way towards the implementation of the work programme.

Risk Reduction

9.      Hazard ResearchProgress has been made in many areas, often in collaboration with CRI research partners and others, working collaboratively in supporting and directing their research projects. In house, a number of initiatives are underway to review of the HB Natural Hazards Risk Register in conjunction with the councils and key partners.

10.    Information Dissemination. A new initiative, the Risk Library, is due to be launched in Q2 of FY23-24. This is an indexed database of current research and documentation (currently close to 1,000 documents) relevant to regional hazards. It will be internally accessible with the goal of making it available to TLAs and other stakeholders in the future.

10.1.     The HB Hazard Portal Steering Group held its first meeting for over 18 months in September where a number of issues were addressed.  The underlying technology for the portal will need to be updated and the funding for this from existing budgets will need to be managed over the next two financial years.

11.    Tsunami Risk Reduction Programme.  Work on resuming this project has begun but needs to be carefully managed given council staff workloads and priorities post Cyclone Gabrielle.  For those communities not badly impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle, tsunami remains top of mind.  At this stage priority remains with supporting Cyclone Gabrielle recovery.  It is anticipated that new inundation maps (level 3 modelling and at current sea levels) will be available on the HB Hazard Portal by the end of 2023.

11.1.     New tsunami evacuation zones will be determined by late Q3 of FY23-24 and community engagement and education can commence.

11.2.     The CDEM Group office has been working in the National Tsunami Working Group and new national standards for tsunami maps and signage are being developed.

11.3.     A feasibility study into the use of vertical evacuation structures (VES) to mitigate the risk of tsunami inundation has recently commenced. This includes the suitability of using silt (remnants of Cyclone Gabrielle) to construct VES-mounds (similar to the site at Papamoa, BoP).

12.    Local Government Long Term Risk Reduction Support.  While the review of the HBRC Regional Policy Statement is on hold, involvement with other long term strategy groups continues including the Coastal Hazards TAG, Coastal Interests Group, Rural Advisory Group, Lifelines Group, Hazard Advisory Group, and Climate Action TAG.

Community Readiness

13.    Community Resilience Plans. Using a multi-agency approach the community emergency hub model is being delivered into communities by CDEM Group members. Group Office staff along with Council and Emergency Services staff attended Martinborough community emergency hub workshops in September.

13.1.     The success of these workshops has confirmed the importance of adopting this model in our own region. WREMO staff provided training for Group office/council facilitators in late October. Delivery of workshops will be rolled out to communities has commenced. A Hub Guide and revised Community Resilience Plan have been completed and are supported with online resources.

13.2.     Feedback from the Emergency HUB Coordinators and community champions involved, has been positive.

14.    Public Education.  Emergency preparedness meetings are underway/completed with EMAs supporting community workshops in Rongomaiwahine, Glenbrook (Wairoa) WestShore, Maraenui (Napier) and Porangahau, Tikokino (CHB). Group office staff are also supporting delivery of emergency preparedness plans to ten Hastings communities; made possible with community resilience funding from MPI.

15.    Public Information. A new EMA-Public Information and Education started earlier this month and has been adept in picking up a number of PIM projects including the coordination of the Community Emergency Hub Guide online information, support for the ShakeOut campaign and promotional support of upcoming projects and community events.

Operational Readiness

16.    Emergency Communications Plan. This project covers internal communications such as radios and satellite.  Beyond some initial maintenance of the existing systems, and review of processes post Cyclone Gabrielle, this project has not progressed significantly due to a lack of resourcing and vacancies.  With the appointment of the new Team Leader for Operational Readiness this will be given priority in the new year.

17.    Shared Information Systems and Intelligence Products Development. Some good progress has been made on this project.  At a national level the 16 Group managers have agreed to a common system (SharePoint/Office 365) and the development a common platform.  Work continues on this with NEMA.

17.1.     In the meantime, we have been working with the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO) and have developed a SharePoint GECC Response Site using their system as a base.  This has been incorporated in foundation training being developed and both the system and training is being trialled with the GECC and HBRC IMT.

17.2.     A snapshot of the front screen is below.


17.3.     The platform is being socialised with the councils with the intent of deploying this wider across the Group.  Further work is ongoing in developing the tools and processes in the background, but this is taking time with existing staff being stretched thinly.

17.4.     Work is still ongoing to further developing the common operating picture (GIS), but it is intended this will be integrated within this platform.

18.    Welfare Arrangements Revision. A new EMA (Welfare) has recently been appointed and his work programme is being developed with the Team Leader Community Engagement who is the Group Welfare Manager and the Welfare Coordination Group (WCG).

18.1.     Some work has started to reinvigorate the welfare network of networks and the further development of the welfare needs assessment tool.

19.    Workforce Capability Review. There has also been good progress in this project area with a level of agreement being reached at a national level between the 16 Groups.  This new capability and development training pathway for staff is modelled on the existing WREMO model.

19.1.     The Foundation Course has been reviewed in the context of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group and some trial courses conducted.  Work has also commenced to adapt the function specific advanced courses to Hawke’s Bay.  As part of this work the new shared information systems as discussed above, need to be integrated into the training packages.

19.2.     In consultation with the councils and the CEG, a training strategy has been agreed to in principle with development pathways using the new courses.  The Group office is currently working on a training calendar for next year and a communications plan to Council staff.

19.3.     Work with councils has also commenced, to identify staffing and training requirements for their incident management plans.


20.    Building Hawke’s Bay’s Recovery Capacity. The Group EMA (Recovery and Lifelines) is currently on secondment for half his time with the Regional Recovery Agency.  This is due to cease in December.  At this time, he can then use his experiences to commence work in this project.

Governance and Management

21.    Group Plan Review. This is a high priority in this workstream and is part of the requested additional LTP funding for 2024-25.  This will allow for a project manager to be engaged to help manage this process.

22.    Partnering with Māori in Emergency Management. Another high priority that is part of the resourcing request to the LTP 2024. The Group office staff are totally committed to this but have no resourcing to implement in a meaningful and comprehensive way.  This resourcing is one of the priorities in the request to the LTP 2024.

22.1.     Some progress has been made through the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery process at a Marae and Hapu level in conjunction with local authorities.  However, this is at an operational level.  With the proposed changes in the Emergency management Bill requiring representation at the Joint Committee and CEG level, plus planning with and recognising and enhancing the role of Māori in emergency management, further resourcing will be required to help achieve this.

23.    Review of Group Resourcing. This has largely been completed with proposals being developed and submitted as part of the LTP process to HBRC.


Decision-making process

24.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the Group Manager’s monitoring and performance report.


Authored and Approved by:

Ian Macdonald

HB CDEM Group Controller / Manager





HB CDEM Group Work Programme 2022-2024


Under Separate Cover


HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023

Subject: Update on the independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides an update on the processes and activities undertaken for the independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle.


2.      Bush Consulting International Limited were engaged on 24 August 2023 to undertake the independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle.

3.      The purpose of this Independent Review is to assess the operational performance of the Hawkes Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s (the Group) response to Cyclone Gabrielle, with a particular emphasis on the systems and processes, roles and responsibilities of Group members and partners, and to what extent the implementation of pre-existing arrangements contributed to an effective management of the response for mana whenua and the community.

4.      Review outcomes will focus on improving resilience and ensuring that the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group has robust emergency management capability and capacity before, during and after an emergency that supports better emergency management outcomes for HB communities. The Review outcomes are detailed in the Review Terms of Reference[1].

Review update

5.      Significant progress has continued with the Review to ensure that there is rigour in processes and dedicated project management and communications specialists to support the Review team.

6.      Support from communications specialists has enabled immediate support to the Review team and public-facing messaging. This messaging is important given this Review is one of three reviews currently underway and engaging with key stakeholders and communities in the HB region[2].

7.      The technical Review interviews in accordance the Review Framework and Engagement Map[3] are near completion. The Review data-set collection with reference to agency data and reports is complete.

Community Survey and Engagement

8.      The Review team launched a short and simple online survey[4] to capture the experiences and opinions of HB communities and mana whenua. The survey was launched on 16 November 2023 and will remain open for three weeks, closing 7 December 2023.

9.      Planning is in progress for targeted community engagement activities in each Territorial Local Authority area (Wairoa District Council, Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council).

Partnership and engagement with mana whenua

10.    To ensure partnership with mana whenua is achieved through the review, the Review team will be engaging with Te Kāhui Ōhanga (TKO) members. Engagement at the next TKO hui is scheduled for 20 November 2023. Leon Symes in guiding the Review team in the approach to best hear the voice of mana whenua.

11.    The Review team has now reached an important stage where guidance to support engagement with mana whenua to learn about experiences is required, and the role of mana whenua in current and future emergency events needs to be discussed.


12.    There are no changes to the timelines for the Review. 

13.    A final Review report is scheduled for completion in January 2024.

Financial and Resource Implications

14.    Additional resources through external contractors have been engaged to support the Review team in the October-November 2023 period with project management, communications specialists and a survey provider now involved.



That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the Update on the independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle.


Authored by:

Mike Bush

Bush International Consulting Ltd


Approved by:

Doug Tate

CHBDC Chief Executive
Chair, HB CDEM Coordinating Executives Group




There are no attachments for this report.  

HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

27 November 2023


Subject: Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller and Recovery Manager appointments

That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Group Joint Committee excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 9 Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller and Recovery Manager appointments with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded. The reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are:


General subject of the item to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Grounds under section 48(1) for the passing of the resolution

Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller and Recovery Manager appointments

7(2)(f)(ii) The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the protection of such members, officers, employees, and persons from improper pressure or harassment.

s7(2)(a) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons.

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.



Authored and Approved by:

Ian Macdonald

HB CDEM Group Controller / Manager



HB CDEM Group Joint Committee

Monday 27 November 2023


Subject:  Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Group Joint Committee excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 10 Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded. The reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are:


General subject of the item to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Grounds under section 48(1) for the passing of the resolution

Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller appointments

7(2)(f)(ii) The withholding of the information is necessary to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the protection of such members, officers, employees, and persons from improper pressure or harassment.

s7(2)(a) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons.

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.



Authored by:

Peter Martin

Senior Governance Advisor


Approved by:

Desiree Cull

Strategy and Governance Manager



[1] Independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle Terms of Reference, 20 June 2023

[2]  The Hawke’s Bay Independent Flood Review and the Government Inquiry into the national response to the North Island severe weather events, are both also currently underway.

[3] Independent review into Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group’s response to Cyclone Gabrielle Framework and Engagement Map, 20 June 2023

[4] Review survey: