Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Date:                 24 November 2021

Time:                11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item        Title                                                                                                                            Page


1.         Welcome/Karakia/Apologies/Notices

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 27 October 2021

4.         Follow-ups from Previous Regional Council Meetings                                                 3

5.         Significant Organisational Activities Looking Forward through December 2021 and January 2022                                                                                                                 7

6.         Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda                                                                      21

Decision Items

7.         Affixing of the Common Seal                                                                                      23

8.         Report and Recommendations from 17 November 2021 Corporate and Strategic Committee Meeting                                                                                                     25

Information or Performance Monitoring

9.         Napier Port Presentation of 2020-21 Results

10.       Report from the Regional Planning Committee                                                          31

11.       Report from the 3 November 2021 Māori Committee Meeting                                  33

12.       Report from the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee Meeting        35

13.       Councillors' Reports from November 2021 Meetings of Outside Bodies                   39

14.       Discussion of Minor Items not on the Agenda                                                            41

Decision Items (Public Excluded)

15.       Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 27 October 2021                                                                                                               43


24 November 2021

Subject: Follow-ups from Previous Regional Council Meetings


Reason for Report

1.      On the list attached are items raised at Council Meetings that staff have followed up on. All items indicate who is responsible for follow up, and a brief status comment. Once the items have been reported to Council they will be removed from the list.

2.      Also attached is a list of LGOIMA requests that have been received since the last Council meeting.

Decision Making Process

3.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.


That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings”.


Authored by:

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance


Approved by:

Desiree Cull

Strategy & Governance Manager





Follow-ups from Previous Meetings




Follow-ups from Previous Meetings

Attachment 1


    PDF Creator

PDF Creator


24 November 2021

Subject: Significant Organisational Activities Looking Forward through December 2021 and January 2022


Reason for Report

1.      The commentary following is for Councillors’ information, to highlight significant areas of Council activity. Significant Council resources are being directed toward various initiatives, which reflect the Council’s evolving agenda and it is considered important that Council is consistently informed of progress in areas that have or may create a high external profile.


Northern Catchment

Project / Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

River Parade Erosion Protection

1.    Works are due to commence on site in November following coordination with WDC to relocate lighting columns.

Regional Projects

Biodiversity and biosecurity

2.      Possum dog surveys conducted in Whakatipu Mahia project have confirmed the field team’s confidence and understanding of the stage the possum eradication is at. Work over the next few months will be focusd on areas the dogs have not visited in phase one and remaining risk areas in phase two..

3.    Significant rainfall and road washouts on Mahia peninsula have hampered monitoring of scenic reserve and affected areas the team are able to work. This is likely to delay completion of possum control in the reserve for a period of time as we wait remonitor results over the next month.

4.    Work on barrier options to protect the eradication when complete next year are well underway and will continue over the next two months.

5.    The aerial rook control programme has been completed and it was another successful year with only one sizeable new rookery found. The data from the control will be analysed over the next month.

ICM – Catchment Services

Whakakī Freshwater Improvement Fund Project

6.    Resource consent has now been granted to provide for the construction of the weir in the new location within the Rahui Channel. Easement documents are now being progressed and we have engaged with the civil contractors to complete detailed design and aim to deliver works early in the new year.

7.    Renovations of the former Whakakī school will be completed in during December including new roofing, external cladding, internal walls and electrical work.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

East Coast farmers Expo

8.    Planning has begun for a display at the East Coast farmers Expo to be held on 23-24 February 2022.

9.    Planning has also begun for the Wairoa A and P Show  scheduled tentatively for 14-15 January however other shows have been cancelled and this one has not yet been confirmed.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

Nuhaka Slip

10.  Negotiations are underway with landowners, including multiple ownership properties, to achieve agreement on treatment types and cooperation. Good progress is being made however it is expected that agreement with some of the multiple ownership blocks will take time to conclude.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

Subtidal assessments

11.  Subtidal assessments of the seafloor on the Wairoa and Clive Hard; capturing footage of rocky reef structures, inquisitive fish and colourful sponges using the ROV (Remote operated vehicle)

ICM – Environmental Information


Central Catchments

Project / Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

Omaranui Landfill expansion resource consent applications

12.  Consent application Hearing held 1 and 2 November 2021 and decision set for early December.

Policy & Regulation Consents

Flood Control Schemes - Resilience Funded projects

13.  Taradale stopbank strengthening physical works planned to commence on site in November.

14.  Moteo and East Clive stopbank ground investigation works completed and analysis is ongoing.

15.  Roys Hill and Ngatarawa investigations completed and analysis is complete.

Asset Management


Regional Projects

Heretaunga Plains Scheme review

16.  The Lower Tukituki River hydrodynamic model is nearing completion. This new information is being fed into the work reprioritising stopbank upgrades. Further modelling of lower reaches and river mouth being done to understand the effects of different conditions.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Gravel Management

17.  We mat on Site visit with Marea from Heretuanga Tamatea and dicissed their concern with the gravel extraction, we also proposed some solution to have a better monitoring of the gravel extraction with appointing  Kotiaki ranger as par of the implementiaon of new global cosent monitoring pan.

18.  All evidence for hearing was subbmited. Hearing is schedule for the 10th of December.

Asset Management

Consents, Schemes

Waitangi Regional Park

19.  CCTV cameras are installed to provide surveillance of activities in this popular open space.

20.  Stage III development of the Park includes safe vehicle access to the river and two ephemeral wetlands on the flat berm area. This will be delivered in the 4th quarter of the financial year.

Asset Management

Open Spaces

Tūtira logging

21.  Logging in the Tūtira Regional Park is now scheduled to begin in mid-January. Market conditions are poor due to high shipping costs and also falling export prices. Some commentators believe conditions will improve in the first quarter of 2022, but there is a lot of uncertainty and it is impossible to predict with any certainty. Due to the need to maximise the time between harvesting different areas of trees in the same catchment, market conditions would have to remain very poor for harvest to be delayed until next summer. Road construction at Tūtira has been delayed also due to a pair of karearea (NZ falcon) nesting in the ‘cutover’ on the ground from the last tranche of logging.

Asset Management

Open Spaces, Forestry

Hawea Historical Park / Karamu Stream Diversion

22.  Draft Hawea Park Management plan is under review with management complete, awaiting cultural information from the Hawea Historical Park Management Committee. The Plan is to be completed by December 2021.

23.  Stage 3 project delivery includes pathways around the park, construction work for widening of the confluence, and design of the bridge due to commence in November 2021.

Asset Management

Open Spaces, Regional Assets

Bayview/ Whirinaki Cycleway

24.  NCC confirmed their commitment however they advice they will need to delay land nagotions until they have resource available to do this work. Report to Regional Transport Committee planned for 03 December 2021.

Asset Management Regional Projects

COVID fast-track consenting – ‘Riverbend Residential Development’

25.  Environment Minister approved developers’ request to use streamlined consenting process under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Referred Projects Order 2020 for the Riverbend Residential Development

26.  Applicants are required to prepare detailed application and assessment of options and effects, including those relating to variety of HBRC interests (e.g. natural hazards, land transport, productive land, strategic urban growth, stormwater infrastructure etc).

27.  Consent process is being administered by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).  HBRC will be involved as a party/submitter – not the decision-maker.

Policy & Regulation



Policy & Planning,

HBCDEM, etc.

Tūtira Freshwater Improvement Fund Project

28.  Engineering design work will be completed for the grade control to remediate the bed/bank erosion of the lower Kahikanui Stream with works scheduled for early January.

28.  Detailed design of the proposed Guthire Smith wetland development will be completed.

29.  The lake is still deemed suitable for swimming. This will be the first Christmas period we apply the new adaptive risk framework based on multiple monitoring indicators which include real-time data from the buoy (fast results from all lake depths, but less confidence for any particular reading) with weekly hand-held sensor readings as part of the bathing beaches run (from multiple swimming points on lake) along with the routine monthly laboratory analysis (slower results, most confidence). Results will be constantly reviewed and interpreted cautiously. If a heightened algal bloom risk is detected, an advisory against swimming may be needed – at a time when lake use may be high.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

Ahuriri Catchment Group.

30.  This group is “establishing”. An initial meeting in October assessed support for the formation of a catchment group for this area. There was full support from that meeting and a further meeting is scheduled 10 November, with a general invite to interested residents and others. All points to the establishment of a successful group.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

3D Aquifer Mapping (SkyTEM)

29.    Reports in development for SkyTEM exploratory drilling on the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains. Drafts expected in December.

31.  Processing and modelling resistivity for the Ruataniwha Plains is progressing

32.  Video media being created for the drilling project related to SkyTEM (due January 2021)

33.  StoryMap in development to display and explain the SkyTEM results

34.  Online Portal in development to provide an interactive 3D tool for exploring SkyTEM results (due December).

ICM – Environmental Science

Air Quality Monitoring

35.  New instruments were recently installed in the Napier and Hastings air quality monitoring sites.  These measure PM10 and PM2.5 simultaneously and use a different measuring method than we currently use for our air quality reporting.  They have lower maintenance costs and should make data processing easier.  We’ll be transitioning to the new instruments after comparing measurements between the old and new instruments over the next 12 months.

ICM – Environmental Science


36.  New Coastal monitoring buoy, Tiaki Tai has been deployed 4km off the Tukituki river mouth in approximately 15m of water and will measure oxygen, temp, chlorophyll, a, conductivity and turbidity. The data collected will feed into knowledge of sediment sources and transport in the Bay.

ICM – Environmental Information


Southern Catchments

Project /Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme

37.  Registration of Interest (ROI) for gravel extraction has been   received. There have been 24 responses received.

38.  Request for Tender has been drafted and prequalified contractors will be invited to Tender in November 2021.

Asset Management

Regional Projects, Schemes

Lake Whatumā Protection and Enhancement Project

39.  The first project plans have been signed by   landowners/HBRC for subsidised works targeting willow removal, pest plant and animal control, and native planting with works to begin this summer.

ICM – Catchment Delivery

Te Ikatiere Management Plan

40.  Work is underway to complete a management plan for HBRC’s coastal property at Aramoana ‘Te Ikatiere’. This is currently forecast to be complete in Feb 22.

ICM – Catchment Delivery


3D Aquifer Mapping (SkyTEM)

41.  Reports are in development for SkyTEM exploratory drilling on the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains. Drafts expected in December.

42.  Report for the interpretation of the Poukawa resistivity modelling is nearing finalisation

43.  Processing and modelling resistivity for the Ruataniwha Plains is progressing

44.  Video media being created for the drilling project related to SkyTEM (due January 2021)

45.  StoryMap in development to display and explain the SkyTEM results

46.  Online Portal in development to provide an interactive 3D tool for exploring SkyTEM results (due December).

ICM – Environmental Science

Groundwater monitoring network

47.  Following a review of the State of the Environment  groundwater monitoring network, two new monitoring bores are currently being drilled in the Ruataniwha Basin to improve the network

ICM – Environmental Science


Whole of Region

Project /Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

Outstanding Waterbodies Proposed Plan Change 7

48.  45. The first mediation was held on the 27 October in relation to three appeals lodged in the Environment Court. 

49.  Council will file a reporting memorandum with the Environment Court by 12 November 2021, advising on the progress of matters and requesting mediation dates for the first half of February 2022.

Policy & Regulation

Policy & Planning

Hill Country Erosion Fund

HCE Key activities October:

50.  Re-negotiating and updating variations HCE contract with MPI

51.  Working on the GIS systems updates for HCE reporting 

52.  Presentation of HCEF project to MPI and 12 councils

53.  RTRP Hui and field trip – Horizon farms CHB

HCE December Key Milestones

54.  HCE data extraction from GIS with the delivery team – deadline 1st December

55.  HCE Data reporting for 3.2 Milestones

56.  HCE 3.2 HCEF Reporting due 15th December

57.  Complete variations for next round of reporting

58.  Establish Nursey works timeline and budget with MPI for new milestones

HCE Events

59.  Farm Forester of the year 2021 Field day - 18 November Waipari Station

60.  NIWA Riparian management course – 2 Day (Feb 22)

61.  NZARM conference (March 22)

ICM – Catchment Delivery

State of the Environment reporting

62.  The science section is collectively undertaking analysis and interpretation of our State of the Environment (SoE) data sets, with publication of a SoE Synthesis report scheduled for June 2022.

ICM – Environmental Science

Riparian monitoring

63.  High definition aerial photography is being carried out across the region and should be completed in December. The photography will have a resolution of 2cm and will cover 207 pre- selected riparian sites across the region. This is in addition to 82 sites that have already been captured and analysed in the Tukituki Catchment. The HD photography is a new approach for riparian monitoring in NZ and will greatly reduce the amount of expensive field work required.

ICM – Environmental Science

LiDAR tools project

64.  Having completed the LiDAR collection process for the region we are now working in partnership with Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research (MWLR) to produce new tools to make better use of this data. In a $1 million collaboration we will be working on 6 projects to make use of LiDAR that will greatly improve our understanding of our regions and also benefit the country as a whole with the development of these new tools. The contract is due to be finalised by December.

ICM – Environmental Science


PMO: Strategic Projects & Key BAU Programme Reporting

Eighteen key strategic (or change) projects/ BAU programmes will now be tracked by the Project Management Office (PMO) and shared monthly throughout the lifecycle of these projects. These projects have been selected because of their significance in terms of investment, risks, benefits, and interdependencies.

*Risk is inherent vs residual risk (i.e., RAG status prior to mitigations and controls implemented).


Performance Indicators: Green = On Track, Amber = At Risk, Red = Off Track, Grey=Not started/On hold


Status Change Keys:


Description automatically generated



Project/Programme Title





Status Change


Right Tree Right Place Pilot

Working through detailed planning with TNC project manager to confirm tasks, timelines, resourcing, and responsibilities. Formalising relationships with likely pilot farms is underway. However, there is a need to work with CDT to identify farms in Northern HB. The shortage of seedlings and other supply chain themes will need to be a focus for scale up efforts. PR is being well received with Farmers Weekly and NBR articles following the announcement of the TNC partnership.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Regional Water Security Programme: Project 1: Heretaunga Water Storage


Upper-Catchment geotech investigations completed and draft report first review completed (approx 4-5 weeks lost due to Covid).  Technical Peer Review commenced. Multiple engagements with Mangaroa Marae representatives on lowland streamflow maintenance.

Updated since 27 Oct 21

Project 2: Managed Aquifer Recharge

Technical workstreams steady. Mana whenua engagement for Cultural Impact Assessment scheduled for 20 November. Landowner engagement and irrigation/landuse trial options positive.

Updated since 27 Oct 21

Project 3:
Regional Water Assessment

The Regional Water Assessment 19/20 Sources and Uses draft report and Demand Projections study were completed and continue to be refined. Long-term supply projections scoped, reviewed internally and contracted for December delivery.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Ahuriri Regional Park

New dedicated project manager to be appointed by NCC. Project scope needs to be fully defined with NCC. Focus for the next year is to clarify vision, scope, and reconnect with Mana Ahuriri. Three Waters Reform may impact. Proposal to pull budget forward from yr 3 of LTP in order to plan and execute preliminary work under consideration as part of the Annual Plan.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Implementation

In principle decision for HBRC to take a leadership role in the implementation of the strategy made subject to conditions. Internal review scoped. Draft MOT awaiting JC and Council’s approval. S16 consultation scheduled for May 2022.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


On-demand Public Transport

Decision to order a mix of buses with wheelchair/non-wheelchair accessibility (rather than all accessible) enabled us to come back into budget. This choice of buses will also help reduce the delay with the launch. The brand is also currently being developed along with the engagement strategy.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Kotahi Plan

Values and long term visions with tangata whenua were due to start this year, however this has been delayed by COVID.  The delays have given us an opportunity to reassess our co-governance arrangements to support community engagement on Kotahi with a second governance workshop scheduled for 1 December.

Updated since 27 Oct 21

Kotahi: Mohaka Plan Change

Workshop with HBRC and NPDT project team delayed due to COVID, but still within schedule.


No change since 27 Oct 21


Tukituki Plan Policy Implementation

Final community engagement meetings with DIN exceeding sub-catchments have been held. Consents team will begin processing and issuing Tukituki production land use consents, in the absence of Overseer, using the two tiered risk matrix. Still some capacity issues with FEMP providers, therefore unlikely to meet the 30th November deadline for lodgement of applications.

Updated since 27 Oct 21

Farm Environmental Management Plans (FEMPs)

FEMP resubmissions were due on 31 May 2021. Still having issues with delays in receiving plans due to provider capacity, and consent prioritisation. To date, we have received 420 FEMP resubmission, which is just over 50 % resubmitted. Less than 40 properties at this stage are non-compliant. These properties are being followed up by compliance but have yet to engage with an approved FEMP provider.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Financial Upgrade Systems and Efficiencies (FUSE)




Jess Ellerm has now transitioned into the Acting CFO role and will be playing a more active role in aiding the finance team through the adoption of the technology and resolving technical and configuration issues and challenges that the team are facing.  Intention to update the C&S committee in Q1 2022.  We are seeing some real successes primarily in the enterprise budgeting module which has performed extremely well in preparing the FY22-23 annual plan budget model.  This is a complete business transformation project, not strictly a finance system implementation and process maturity and review will continue to require time and effort right across the organisation for some time.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Te Karamu Catchment Plan




New FTE to be hired to manage this plan. There will be no specific budget allocated, as this role will be considered operational. Currently behind schedule to fill this position and commence development of plan.

No change since 29 Sep


Ahuriri Catchment Plan




New FTE to be hired to manage this plan. There will be no specific budget allocated, as this role will be considered operational. Currently behind schedule to fill this position and commence development of plan.

No change since 29 Sep


TANK Plan Change

Budget currently sitting at $4.5m spent to date.  Unclear yet whether further caucusing is required following the Hearing held 27 September with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc (NKII) and Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH).

No change since 29 Sep

Tank Plan Implementation

Comms plan and pilot materials to be developed and tested, in consultation with the Kotahi programme.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Erosion Control Scheme (ECS) Programme (incl. Soil Conservation Nursery & HCEF)

Capacity and capability, due to shortage in labour market and increasing demand, quality of targeted plants available and rising material costs e.g., fencing materials.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Water Efficiency Programme Review (Future Water Use)

Funding becomes available in Year 2 of LTP. Initial internal scoping undertaken and a brief of work for policy development options to direct funding has been approved.  Policy document to be reviewed internally before being presented to Council.

No change since 27 Oct 21


Ecosystem Prioritisation: Terrestrial

There has been a slight delay in getting the fencing underway due to procurement processes. All sites should still be completed this Financial year.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Partial Pest Plan Review

Project name changed to align with primary deliverable. Cost Benefit Analysis has been received. Biosecurity Working party to hear submissions established. Draft engagement strategy for external stakeholders. Proposal in progress and awaiting further edits.

Updated since 27 Oct 21


Flood Control & Drainage Scheme – IRG: Heretaunga Flood Control & Drainage Scheme & Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme)

Risks being managed are resource availability (consultants and contractors), COVID-19 programme delays, archaeological findings may cause delay

No change since 27 Oct 21

Flood Control & Drainage Scheme – IRG: Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme



Risks being managed are market engagement, achieving targeted extraction volumes within allocated budget, COVID-19 programme delays

No change since 27 Oct 21

Flood Control & Drainage Scheme – IRG: Wairoa River, River Parade Erosion

Risks being managed are COVID-19 programme delays, procurement of materials, unforeseen ground conditions, cultural impact assessment

No change since 27 Oct 21


Revenue & Financing Policy/ Rates Review (incl. Scheme Rating Reviews)


This project has not started, and will commence upon the appointment of new CFO



Enterprise Asset Management

This project is due to commence in Feb 2022



Project Summaries


Right Tree Right Place

Pilot on up to five farms to understand the detail set-up costs, partnership, and delivery options. Under the trial, we would offer a loan to landowners to plant trees on their erodible land. Opportunities being explored with The Nature Conservancy.


Regional Water Security Programme

PGF funding has allowed us to investigate water supply options through two projects: Heretaunga Water Storage and Managed Aquifer Recharge in Central Hawke’s Bay. A 50-year Regional Water Assessment will inform the work, including regional water supply and demand into a future challenged by climate change.


Ahuriri Regional Park

Working alongside NCC to redevelop the Lagoon Farm site into a Regional Park will allow for stormwater detention and wetland treatment for improved environmental outcomes, as well as providing cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities.


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Implementation

Working with HDC & NCC to implement the long-term (100 year) adaptive strategy for responding to coastal erosion and coastal inundation in priority areas of the coast between Clifton and Tangoio.


On-Demand Public Transport

A new form of public transport that replaces fixed routes with an on-demand service. This will be a trial in Hastings which uses innovation and technology to lower the region’s transport emissions, provide better transport choices for the community and will give more equitable access to public transport.



Is a combined resource management plan for the Hawkes Bay region. The Regional Policy Statement and Regional Plan combined, and the Regional Coastal Environment Plan are due for review.  In addition, the NPSFM 2020 requires us to develop a plan to give effect to Te Mana o Te Wai.


Tukituki Plan Policy Implementation

Implementation of statutory deliverables related to the Tukituki Plan, with particular focus on changes arising from the Government’s response to the Science Advisory Panel’s review of Overseer.

Farm Environmental Management Plans (FEMPs)

FEMPs aim to address environmental outcomes and actions to improve environmental performance on properties over 4ha within the Tukituki region at this stage 3 yearly submission cycle – first resubmission was due 31 May 2021


Financial Upgrade Systems and Efficiencies (FUSE)

The implementation of the new financial system TechOne. FUSE will standardise processes, and improve transparency and accessibility of financial data, and financial process efficiencies.


Te Karamu Catchment Plan

The new plan will collate intelligence on all parties and their activities in the Karamu Catchment. This will be utilised to provide visibility on activities within the catchment and identify options to influence for improved water quality and biodiversity outcomes.


Ahuriri Catchment Plan

The new plan will collate intelligence on all parties and their activities in the Ahuriri Catchment. This will be utilised to provide visibility on activities within the catchment and identify options to influence for improved water quality and biodiversity outcomes.


TANK Plan Change (Policy)

Proposed TANK Plan Change (PPC9) will add new rules to the Regional Resource Management Plan to manage water quality and quantity for the Tūtaekurī, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamū (TANK) catchments.

TANK Plan Change (Implementation): TANK Subcatchments Community Engagement

An external comms project, intended to inform rural landowners about the PC9 framework and to promote catchment group formation. It is a precursor to the overall PC9 Implementation, the latter contingent on a decision awaited from Hearings Commissioners and any subsequent appeals.


The Erosion Control Scheme (ECS)

Provides access to a grant for Hawke's Bay landholders to implement soil conservation measures on highly erodible land, keeping soil on the hills and out of waterways. It provides significant financial support for erosion control work such as non-commercial tree planting, protection fencing, land retirement and assisted reversion.

Hill Country Erosion Fund (HCEF)

Is Central Government funding to support ECS activities and events that are targeted at educating and supporting staff and landowners with the reduction of hill country erosion.

Soil Conservation Nursery

The primary purpose of the nursery is to grow poplar and willow poles for erosion control and are managed primarily for the ECS and Works Group, river control plantings.


Future Water Use

‘Future Water Use’ – making better use or the water we have to complement water storage. Work with water users to drive more efficient and effective use to complement water storage.


Ecosystem Prioritisation: Terrestrial

This programme focuses on protecting and enhancing 700 Ecosystem Prioritisation sites across the region. To achieve this, we have partnered with internal and external stakeholders alongside land occupiers. The main actions are deer fencing, pest plant and animal control and some enhancement planting.

Ecosystem Prioritisation: Coastal and Marine

The Coastal and Marine team have undertaken scientific investigations to identify biodiversity prioritisation sites off the coast of Mahia and Clive, using Zonation software to inform spatial management. The outcomes and recommendations have been concluded and can now move forward to implementation phase.


Partial Pest Plan Review

Investigating changing the current Possum Control Area Programme from an occupier responsibility model to a large-scale contract model. A contracting model will secure the continued success long term of the outcomes delivered by low possum numbers and increase the biodiversity benefits from consistently low possum numbers.


Enforcement Actions

12.  There are 13 active prosecutions before the court, at various stages therefore not able to comment publicly on. There are 3 further investigations in progress likely to lead to prosecution.


Type of Enforcement Action


Sep 2021

Burning prohibited items

Before the court

Jun 2021

Discharge to land/water

Before the court

Apr 2021

Contravention enforcement order

Before the court

Feb 21

Discharge to land that may enter water

Before the court – Plea to enter

Jan 21

Discharge to air - odour

Before the court – Plea to enter

Nov 20

Burning prohibited items

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Nov 20

Discharge to land that may enter water

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Jul 20

Discharge to land that may enter water

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Jun 20

Burning prohibited items

Before the court – awaiting Sentencing

Jun 20

Discharge to land that may enter water

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Jun 20

Discharge to land that may enter water

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Mar 20

Discharge to land that may enter water

Not Guilty plea – defended hearing

Jun 19

Burning prohibited items

Before the court – awaiting Sentencing



Environment Court Processes


Type of Enforcement Action


Oct 2021

Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change (PC7) (three appeals on Independent Panel’s decisions made on behalf of the Regional Council).

Preliminary mediation session held on 27 October. Likely further mediation session mid-February 2022.


Appeals to the Draft Water Conservation Order application for Ngaruroro River

Before the court


Decision Making Process

2.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Significant Organisational Activities Looking Forward through December 2021 and January 2022” staff report.


Authored by:

Michael Bassett-Foss

RTRP Project Manager

Allan Beer

Team Leader Biosecurity - Animal Pests

Sarah Bell

Team Leader Strategy & Performance

Jack Blunden

Team Leader Compliance - Urban & Industrial

Vicki Butterworth

Cycle Network Coordinator

Desiree Cull

Strategy & Governance Manager

Peter Davis

Manager Environmental Information

Tania Diack

Team Leader Consents

Ben Douglas

Forest Management Advisor

Ceri Edmonds

Manager Policy and Planning

Russell Engelke

Team Leader Open Spaces

Dean Evans

Manager Catchments Delivery

Craig Goodier

Principal Engineer

Martina Groves

Manager Regional Assets

Sandy Haidekker

Senior Scientist

Belinda Harper

Senior Planner

Nathan Heath

Area Manager Northern Hawke's Bay

Dr Andy Hicks

Team Leader/Principal Scientist Water Quality and Ecology

Rob Hogan

Manager Compliance

Gavin Ide

Principal Advisor Strategic Planning

David Keracher

Manager Regional Projects

Dr Kathleen Kozyniak

Principal Scientist (Air)

Campbell Leckie

Manager Catchment Services

Anna Madarasz-Smith

Team Leader/Principal Scientist Marine & Coast

Julie-Anne McPhee

Senior Project Manager

Malcolm Miller

Manager Consents

Mark Mitchell

Team Leader Principal Advisor Biosecurity Biodiversity

Te Wairama Munro

Maori Engagement Coordinator

Thomas Petrie

Programme Manager Protection & Enhancement Projects

Brendan Powell

Manager Catchments Policy Implementation

Wendy Rakete-Stones

Acting Team Leader Plant Pests

Dr Jeff Smith

Manager Science

Jolene Townshend

Senior Advisor Integrated Catchment Management

Richard Wakelin

Senior Catchment Advisor (Policy Implementation)

Dr Barry Lynch

Team Leader/Principal Scientist (Land Science)


Approved by:

Katrina Brunton

Group Manager Policy & Regulation

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management

Iain Maxwell

Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management




There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides the means for councillors to raise minor matters relating to the general business of the meeting they wish to bring to the attention of the meeting.

2.      Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing order 9.13 states:

2.1.   A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision, or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.


3.      That Council accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 14.


Raised by









Leeanne Hooper


James Palmer




24 November 2021

Subject: Affixing of the Common Seal


Reason for Report

1.      The Common Seal of the Council has been affixed to the following documents and signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive or a Group Manager.




Seal No.



Staff Warrants

1.1.1   D. McCarthy

             S. Smithers

          (Delegations under Resource Management Act 1991; Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908 and Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (Clauses 32(1) and 32B Schedule 7))


1.1.2    J. Diphoorn

          (Delegations under Biosecurity Act 1993; Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174))
















9 November 2021

9 November 2021










3 November 2021


2.      The Common Seal is used twice during a Leasehold Land Sale, once on the Sale and Purchase Agreement and once on the Land Transfer document.  More often than not, there is a delay between the second issue (Land Transfer document) of the Common Seal per property.  This delay could result in the second issue of the Seal not appearing until the following month.

3.      As a result of sales, the current numbers of Leasehold properties owned by Council are:

3.1.      0 cross lease properties were sold, with 65 remaining on Council’s books

3.2.      1 ingle leasehold property was sold, with 77 remaining on Council’s books.

Decision Making Criteria

4.      Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77, 78, 80, 81 and 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within these sections of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

4.1   Sections 97 and 88 of the Act do not apply

4.2   Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided

4.3   That the decision to apply the Common Seal reflects previous policy or other decisions of Council which (where applicable) will have been subject to the Act’s required decision-making process.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal.


Authored by:

Diane Wisely

Executive Assistant

Ross Franklin

Acting Chief Financial Officer

Approved by:

James Palmer

Chief Executive




There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Report and Recommendations from 17 November 2021 Corporate and Strategic Committee Meeting


Reason for Report

1.      The following matters were considered by the Corporate and Strategic Committee (C&S) meeting on 17 November 2021 and the recommendations agreed are now presented for Council’s consideration alongside any additional commentary the Chair, Councillor Neil Kirton, wishes to offer.

Agenda Items

2.      The Hawke's Bay Economic Development Review decision item presented the findings and recommendations of the Stage 2 Review of Investment in Business & Industry Support across the Hawke’s Bay Region undertaken by Gus Charteris Consulting for the five Hawke’s Bay councils and recommendations for joint ‘next steps’ with respect to the preferred option, structure and funding for Economic Development in the future.

2.1.      The Stage 2 Review recommended that the priority activities/services for ratepayer investment should focus in areas where there is a gap in provision of an activity or service and support other organisations to lead on support for SMEs and start-ups.

2.2.      The Preferred Option recommended by the report was for a Regional Development Entity to be established, involving:

2.2.1.      Estimated cost of investment per annum of $1.706m

2.2.2.      One-off investment in CAPEX of $50,000

2.2.3.      Representing an operational increase of $1.193m per annum on the existing investment of $513,000 across the five councils (excluding internal economic development investment within councils).

3.      Central Government funding has been secured to support Matariki RDS programme management for 2022 and 2023. This totals $155,000 (year 1) and $130,000 (year 2).

4.      Councils have partnered with Te Kāhui Ōhanga o Takitimu (TKO) on behalf of Hawke’s Bay iwi/hapū throughout this review process and TKO has endorsed the key findings and recommendations subject to ongoing partnership and co-design around future service delivery. A commitment has been made to a partnered approach and it is intended that collaboration will continue to occur as the next phase progresses.

5.      The proposed governance model in the preferred option includes equal co-governance across iwi/hapū, business and local government.

6.      The recommended option and funding mechanism will not trigger consultation requirements under the Local Government Act 2002 or Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy with respect to form/structure, increased investment or delivery model. Council will inform and communicate any agreed changes to the community as part of the 2022-23 Annual Plan process, however it will not be a separate consultation topic. An update on the process will be provided to the next Corporate and Strategic Committee meeting in early 2022.

7.      The 2020-21 Compliance Annual Report item presented a comprehensive report on HBRC’s Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (CME) activities during the year. Highlights included:

7.1.      staff monitored a total of 3092 (93.8%) resource consents out of a total 3297 to be monitored

7.2.      Overall, 2574 (83.2%) of consent holders were fully compliant, and only 22 (0.8%) were in significant non-compliance

7.3.      The Pollution Hotline logged 823 incidents for 2020-21 (11% reduction from 2019-20) driven by reduced complaints about odours from Te Mata Mushrooms and fewer airshed burning incidents during restricted seasons

7.4.      Twelve prosecutions concluded and an additional five commenced with 12 individual charges

7.5.      Eighty-six infringement notices were issued, totalling $43,800 in fines.

8.      The Possum Control Area - Partial Regional Pest Management Plan Review item sought the establishment of a Biosecurity Working Party (BWP) with delegated powers and functions under the Biosecurity Act necessary to deliver the Partial Plan Review (PPR) of the PCA programme, to serve as a Hearing Panel for the Partial Plan Review submission process. Discussions highlighted:

8.1.      A range of elements need to be completed through the PPR to meet the requirements of the Biosecurity Act 1993

8.2.      The cost benefit analysis (CBA) is a key part of the PPR process and indicates that the total benefit of the PCA programme is around $51 M. At an annual PCA programme cost of $3.5 M the net benefit using discounted cashflow analysis is $21 M over a ten-year period. Net benefit exceeding cost is a key test of the Biosecurity Act.

9.      The Proxy for the HBRIC Ltd Annual General Meeting sought the appointment of Council’s voting proxy for the upcoming HBRIC AGM on 16 December 2021.

10.    The HBRIC Ltd Quarterly update provided Council with an update on the activities of Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company (HBRIC), highlighting:

10.1.    Surplus of $92,000 (excluding fair value movements through other comprehensive income)

10.2.    Loss of $27 M Other Comprehensive Income and $27 M reduction in net assets driven by a drop in the Napier Port Holdings Limited (NPHL) share price (loss on revaluation)

10.3.    The Board of HBRIC continues to progress the development of a clear capital structure and investment mandate to support the growth of the company, as agreed with Council, with a draft Investment Strategy and Treasury Policy currently under review.

10.4.    FoodEast has now been established as a registered entity (July 2021).

10.5.    Napier Port will report on its full financial year ended 30 September 2021 to the 24 November Regional Council meeting.

11.    The Report from the Finance Audit and Risk Sub-committee meeting item highlighted:

11.1.    The findings and recommendations from the Audit NZ Report on the Year Ended 30 June 2020 are being addressed by staff, particularly around building capacity in the Finance team and the implementation of the new finance system. The considerable impacts of the twice delayed Audit on the organisation were raised and noted in the sub-committee’s resolution.

11.2.    The non-financial results for the 2020-21 financial year were provided, incorporating amendments made in response to feedback from the 18 August Corporate and Strategic Committee meeting, in advance of the financial results to alleviate potential delays for adoption of the annual report which is anticipated on 8 December.

11.3.    A s.17a service delivery review of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Road Safety function was agreed.

11.4.    Phases 1 through 3 of the Risk Maturity Roadmap will be completely closed out, including finalising 3 remaining enterprise risk bowties, by Christmas 2021 and implementation of phase 4 of the roadmap will be undertaken through two discrete and concurrent projects phased in over the next two years.

11.5.    Two internal audits of Council’s fraud management framework and data analytics are proposed for the 2021-22 financial year and the balance of the budget will be retained to allow flexibility to undertake other internal audits if the need arises.

11.6.    All management actions being tracked via the Internal Assurance Dashboard are on track, and the Covid 19 response debrief management actions have been completed

12.    The National Policy Statement on Urban Development - Napier-Hastings housing assessment item presented findings of a housing capacity assessment undertaken to partially meet the requirements of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD) and how those findings will be taking into consideration as part of the Regional Council’s own forward planning processes such as the ‘Kotahi’ project, Long Term Plan, regional land transport planning, etc. Key points to note include:

12.1.    The NPS-UD requires the three Napier-Hastings Urban councils to be jointly responsible for preparation of a Future Development Strategy (FDS) in time to inform the 2024-34 LTPs. Now that the detailed housing assessment has been completed, attention will soon focus on developing a cost-effective work programme that at least:

12.1.1.   completes an assessment of business land supply and demand matters for the Napier-Hastings Urban Environment

12.1.2.   involves a review of the 2017 Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy, and

12.1.3.   preparation of a FDS for the Napier-Hastings Urban Environment in time for the 2024-34 LTP.

12.2.    The NPS-UD directs regional councils to insert housing bottom lines into the Regional Policy Statement as soon as reasonably practicable and to make those amendments without using a ‘Schedule 1’ public submission process typically required for plan changes under the RMA. The NPS-UD also requires those same housing bottom lines to be inserted by HDC and NCC into their respective district plans. Accordingly, officers from the three councils are intending to align the insertion of housing bottom lines for the Napier-Hastings Urban Environment in all three planning documents and to complete those respective amendments before the end of 2021.

13.    The Organisational Performance Report for the period 1 July - 30 September 2021 item highlights included:

13.1.    The inclusion of the Carbon Footprint section for the first time

13.2.    Level of Service Measures from the 2021-31 Long Term Plan are reported this quarter, some for the first time.

14.    The Hawke's Bay Tourism Six-monthly Update item reported achievements against key performance indicators, highlighling:

14.1.    Central government investment has assisted in achieving the best visitor spend results over the last year.

14.2.    Domestic spend has achieved results above forecasts

14.3.    Following the lockdowns, the HB Tourism team worked hard to promote and reinforce Hawke’s Bay’s reputation for greater experiences and superb holidaying conditions.

14.4.    Took the opportunity to explore a regional project with a broad remit to strengthen Māori identity and visibility through the visitor economy.

14.5.    Thanks extended to HBRC for funding and political support.

Decision Making Process

15.    Council and its committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

15.1.    Given the items were specifically considered by the Corporate and Strategic Committee on 17 November 2021, Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in those in accordance with the following recommendations.



The Corporate and Strategic Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and considers the “Report and Recommendations from the 17 November 2021 Corporate and Strategic Committee

2       Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on these items without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in them.

Hawke's Bay Economic Development Review

3       Supports the Stage 2 Review recommendations for priority activities/services and the focus for ratepayer investment in business and industry support and notes that the transfer of funds will incur no extra cost to HBRC nor reduced level of service.

4       Supports the establishment of a regional development entity in Hawke’s Bay.

5       Supports the recommended funding split and notes the financial implications for the Regional Council.

6       Endorses the Hawke’s Bay councils’ partnership approach with iwi/hapū

7       Agrees to accommodate the Regional Council’s funding contribution for the new entity from reprioritisation within the targeted rate funded regional development budget in the 2022-23 Annual Plan.

8       Notes that this effectively removes HBRC from direct delivery of business and industry development and transfers that activity to the new entity.  This does not disturb HBRC’s existing relationship and funding with HB Tourism.

2020-21 Compliance Annual Report

9      Adopts the HBRC Annual Compliance Report 2020-21 for publication on the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council website.

Possum Control Area - Partial Regional Pest Management Plan Review

10     Acting under clause 32 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002:

10.1     Establishes the Biosecurity Working Party with the Terms of Reference proposed.

10.2     Appoints councillors Will Foley, Jerf van Beek, Craig Foss, Charles Lambert and Jacqueline Taylor, Dr Roger Maaka and Katarina Kawana as members of the Biosecurity Working Party.

10.3     Delegates to the Biosecurity Working Party the powers, functions and duties of the Council set out in sections 71 to 74 (excluding sections 72(5)) and 100D(6)(b)) of the Biosecurity Act 1993, in respect of the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038 Possum Control Area Partial Plan Review.

10.4     Delegates to the Biosecurity Working Party the powers functions and duties of the Council to hear submissions and make recommendations on the proposal to amend the Regional Pest Management Plan.

10.5     Delegates to the Biosecurity Working Party the powers, functions and duties of the Council set out in sections 75(1) and (2) of the Biosecurity Act 1993 to prepare a written report on the Regional Pest Management Plan.

10.6     Directs that the Biosecurity Working Party provides recommendations to Council as to Council’s decision on the Regional Pest Management Plan.

10.7     Authorises the Chair of the Biosecurity Working Party acting alone to exercise any powers, functions and duties delegated in respect of the conduct of the Hearing.

10.8     Directs staff to amend the Biosecurity Working Party Terms of Reference to reference reporting dates.

Proxy for the HBRIC Ltd Annual General Meeting

11     Notes the date of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company Limited Annual General Meeting is 16 December 2021.

12     Appoints Cr Will Foley to act as Council’s proxy at the Annual General Meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company Limited to be held at 4:00pm on Friday, 16 December 2021, and to vote as proxy holder on behalf of the Council.

13     Appoints Cr Rick Barker to act as Council’s alternate.

Reports Received

14     Notes that the following reports were provided to the Corporate and Strategic Committee:

14.1     HBRIC Ltd Quarterly update

14.2     Report from the Finance Audit and Risk Sub-committee meeting

14.3     National Policy Statement on Urban Development - Napier-Hastings housing assessment

14.4     Organisational Performance Report for the period 1 July - 30 September 2021

14.5     Hawke's Bay Tourism Six-monthly Update.


Authored by:

Annelie Roets

Governance Advisor

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance

Approved by:

Jessica Ellerm

Group Manager
Corporate Services

James Palmer

Chief Executive



There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Report from the Regional Planning Committee


Reason for Report

1.      The following matters were considered by the Regional Planning Committee (RPC) meeting on 1 September 2021 and are now presented for Council’s information alongside any additional commentary the Co-chair, Councillor Rick Barker, wishes to offer.

Agenda items

2.      The Regional Planning Committee Work Programme for Kotahi item informed the Regional Planning Committee on the work programme for Kotahi.  The report outlined what key decisions need to be made by the committee and the timing of these decisions over the next few years before Kotahi is notified. Discussions highlighted:

2.1.      a standing item will be added to each RPC agenda to track workshops and decisions to keep a clear and visible register of the decision making process

2.2.      the need for workshops including Mātauranga Māori and vision and values.

3.      The Regional Planning Committee Tangata Whenua Co-Chair item noted the election of Liz Munroe as RPC Co-chair and Apiata Tapine as Deputy Co-chair.

4.      The October 2021 Policy Projects Update, October 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update and Verbal Update on Central Government Programme of Reforms items were discussed together, and covered:

4.1.      the first day of mediation to address the PPC7 Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change appeals was scheduled on 27 October

4.2.      the last day of the PPC9 TANK Plan Change hearing was held on 27 September and the Council is now waiting to hear from the commissioners about decisions or any further instructions

4.3.      It was suggested a further submission be made to the NCC District Plan Review and Spatial Picture to reiterate the Council’s position opposing further residential development in areas at risk of tsunami and liquefaction.

Decision Making Process

5.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as the items were specifically considered by the Regional Planning Committee and this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and notes the “Report from the Regional Planning Committee”.

Reports Received

2.      Notes that the following reports for information were provided to the Regional Planning Committee:

2.1.      Regional Planning Committee Work Programme for Kotahi

2.2.      Regional Planning Committee Tangata Whenua Co-Chair

2.3.      October 2021 Policy Projects update

2.4.      October 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update

2.5.      Verbal Update on Central Government Programme of Reforms.


Authored by:

Anne Bradbury

Senior Policy Planner

Ceri Edmonds

Manager Policy and Planning

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance


Approved by:

Katrina Brunton

Group Manager Policy & Regulation

Pieri Munro

Te Pou Whakarae



There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Report from the 3 November 2021 Māori Committee Meeting


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides a summary of the 3 November 2021 Māori Committee meeting discussions along with the opportunity for the Co-chairs to provide additional context to Council as they wish.

Agenda Items

2.      The regular Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates covered:

2.1.      River access during the whitebait season has been an issue.

2.2.      Ongoing housing developments in Ahuriri are increasing pressure on existing infrastructure including the Thames Tyne drainage system (NCC consent) which has been an issue for many years. HBRC and NCC are working together to identify the sources of unconsented discharges into the drain and develop a long-term solution.

2.3.      Stagnant, smelly, discoloured water on DoC land in the airport wetlands area is noticeable and raising concerns.

2.4.      WDC wastewater consent hearings have been completed and the consent granted with dozens of conditions including the prompt establishment of a body to represent Māori interests.

3.      The Verbal Updates on Current Issues and Activities by the HBRC CE and Chairman covered:

3.1.      HBRC governance strategy day held 15 October 2021 focussed on major issues facing the Council and how decision-making processes can be improved in partnership with tangata whenua

3.2.      Covid 19 continues to have a significant impact on Council service delivery

3.3.      TANK plan change hearings have concluded and Council is now awaiting Commissioners’ decisions.

4.      The Public Use of Rivers item updated the Committee on the investigations into the Management of Public Use of River Berms (PUR) and consultation process with the different iwi groups to ehance the Council’s understanding of the cultural values and history of rivers in the Heretaunga Plains protection scheme. The Council’s Public Use of Rivers policy is currently being reviewed via a co-design process with tangata whenua.

5.      The Possum Control Area (PCA) – Partial Regional Pest Management Plan Review item updated the Committee on the partial plan review process for the Possum Control Area (PCA) programme and proposed membership of the Biosecurity Working Party (BWP) that will hear the proposed partial plan change.

6.      The Hawke’s Bay Coastal Bird Survey item provided an overview of the findings of the HB Coastal Bird survey undertaken in January 2021.

7.      The LiDAR Partnership Programme Update followed on from the 10 June presentation introducing the LiDAR programme and sought feedback about if, and how, the Māori Committee wishes to be involved with the programme in future.

8.      The Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings provided an update from recent meetings attended by the Committee Co-chairs and representatives on Council committees, highlighting:

8.1.      Concerns raised in relation to recent bus route changes in Hastings and the removal of a public bus stop outside Waipatu Marae led to a Committee resolution:

8.1.1.   The Māori Committee requests that Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga approaches the Hastings District Council for an explanation regarding the recent removal of the Waipatu Marae bus stop.

9.      The October 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update item provided a regular update from the Policy team and reported on proposals forwarded to the Regional Council.

10.    The Significant Organisational Activities Through November 2021 item highlighted significant areas of Council activity, as provided to the 27 October 2021 Regional Council meeting.

Decision Making Process

11.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Report from the 3 November 2021 Māori Committee Meeting”.


Authored by:

Peter Martin

Senior Governance Advisor

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance

Approved by:

Pieri Munro

Te Pou Whakarae




There are no attachments for this report.


24 November 2021

Subject: Report from the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee Meeting


Reason for Report

1.      This item presents matters considered by the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee (EICC) meeting on 10 November 2021 for Council’s information alongside any additional commentary the Committee Chair, Councillor Hinewai Ormsby, wishes to offer.

Agenda Items

2.      Tom Belford, Phil Schofield, David France and Greg Hart presented the Future Farming Trust 2020-21 Annual Report item highlighting:

2.1.      Liz Krawczyk appointed as Chair of the Trust

2.2.      Recently employed a project manager on a part-time contract basis working on Crown Funding applications, planning events and promotional and fund-raising activities

2.3.      Partnered with Mangaone Catchment group to seek funding from MPI for large scale soil and water quality research

2.4.      Plan to conduct farmer workshops to demonstrate alternative farming practices and sponsor broader public education events on Hawke’s Bay’s farming challenges.

3.      The Biodiversity - Achieving Our Biodiversity Outcomes item highlighted:

3.1.      Indigenous biodiversity in New Zealand is in crisis. Around 4000 species are currently threatened or at risk of extinction. The Hawke's Bay region has lost 77% of the original indigenous forest that once covered the region and all of our remaining lowland forest eco systems are either listed as chronically or acutely threatened.

3.2.      Biodiversity is one of the four priority focus areas in the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.

3.3.      Key policy mechanisms that advocate for preserving and enhancing indigenous flora and fauna are statutory advocacy and strengthening regulatory settings through Kotahi.

3.4.      Central Government’s National Policy Statement (NPS) for indigenous biodiversity will support Significant Natural Areas restoration and enhancement of and require implementation of an HBRC Biodiversity monitoring programme.

3.5.      Next steps for Biodiversity programmes include development of an internal biodiversity operational strategy and a nationally consistent Tier 2 Biodiversity outcome monitoring programme, to prepare for implementation of the NPS-IB and develop proposals for the 2024-34 LTP for consideration.

4.      The Erosion Control - The Big Picture for Our Region item provided the committee with an overview of cross-Council programmes of work, highlighting:

4.1.      A very complex and expensive programme which brings together a broad and comprehensive set of activities including Science, the Erosion Control Scheme, Right Tree Right Place, Environmental monitoring, and Farm Environmental Plans.

4.2.      Erosion control activity is integral to the key strategic goal “By 2050, all highly erodible land is under tree cover”.

4.3.      Next steps for the programme include:

4.3.1.      Consideration of targeted erosion control programmes/tools once funding for the ECS and RTRP has ended

4.3.2.      understanding the impacts and opportunities of Farm Planning regulations on the ability to deliver effective and timely erosion control

4.3.3.      ensure manageable leveraged external funding is sourced to support regional erosion control and to ensure maximum value is added for landowners and the region’s ratepayers.

40.    The Tukipo Wetland presentation provided an update on the successful delivery of the 1.6ha constructed wetland in Tukipo:

4.4.      Built on the White family farm in collaboration between HBRC, the White family, Fonterra, NiWA and Tukipo Catchment Care Group, the 1.6ha wetland is 0.9% of the 180ha catchment and will remove 20-30% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen from the catchment

4.5.      DIN removal isachieved by biological conversion (microbial denitrification) rather than plant uptake

4.6.      Next steps include beginning to monitor the wetland in late summer once the plants have established and investigating further Fonterra funding for projects targeting water quality improvement in the Tukituki catchment.

5.      The Update on IRG Flood Control Resilience Funded Projects item highlighted:

5.1.      Project 1:  Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme (HPFCS) Levels of Service - $20m

5.1.1.      Physical works at Taradale stop bank are due to commence early November.

5.1.2.      HBRC has committed to deliver eight stop bank strengthening projects over the three-year period through IRG funded works.

5.2.      Project 2:  Upper Tukituki Gravel Extraction Flood Control Scheme - $8 million

5.2.1.      Registrations of Interest (ROI) were sought in order to pre-qualify gravel extraction contractors, with 24 submissions received

5.2.2.      Aticipated that contracts for Tranche 1 will be awarded early December 2021 with a total volume of 120,300m3 gravel available for extraction.

5.3.      Project 3:  Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme SH50/Waipawa Erosion - $1 million was completed at a total value of $1.25 million.

5.4.      Project 4:  Wairoa River, River Parade Erosion - $1 million

5.4.1.      Local company Lattey’s Civil and Precast has been appointed as main contractor with Wairoa based QRS providing sub-contracting services relating to civil works.

5.4.2.      HBRC has been engaging with Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, Wairoa Reserves Board – Matangirau (WRB) and Wairoa District Council to identify the aspirations and requirements of this project on the cultural values to the region.

6.      The Youth Environment Council Update item heard from members of the Youth Environment Council about their activities undertaken in the year and their perspectives on working with youth around climate change, highlighting:

6.1.      Waste reduction and recycling programmes at school

6.2.      More can be done at school level as currently there is a lack of support

6.3.      There is a lack of engagement between the Regional Council and High School students

6.4.      Council should encourage more programmes and actions and overall youth involvement set rise out of the Youth learning and perspectives in the goals they have set.

7.      The Works Group 2020-21 Performance Update item presented an update on the overall performance of the Works Group over the 2020-21 financial year, and highlighted:

7.1.      Majority of the Works Group activities are for Council (80%) and the rest (20%) for external clients

7.2.      Had $6.98M turnover with 21% ($1.44M) External client works, 54% ($3.80M) of Committed Council work and 25% ($1.74M) of Un-committed Council projects

7.3.      The Works Group is committed to reducing environmental impacts by following strict compliance with the Environmental Codes of Practice and adheres to the ecological management and enhancement plans

7.4.      Working hard to reduce their carbon footprint by improving efficiencies.

8.      The Chilean Needle Grass Control Programme Review Update item highlighted:

8.1.      recommendations from the S17a review presented to Council in September 2020 outlined that Council should be spending more on biosecurity and that the current CNG programme is very unlikely to be “stopping the spread

8.2.      Current control tools have limited effectiveness, and more coordination and collective action would be useful.

8.3.      Recommendations include:

8.3.1.      increased staff capacity and resources for the CNG programme

8.3.2.      re-evaluate “land occupier” responsibility for CNG; contractors are already the preferred option in practice

8.3.3.      joint council research into a practical baseline (or proof-of-absence) modelling tool useful at the property level

8.3.4.      Use the Biosecurity Act review to develop better pathway management options and enable infringement notices

8.3.5.      boost collective action with councils, MPI and farmers

8.3.6.      work with national and regional farming groups to promote land use change as the preferred option where practical.

9.      The Social Ecology Technical Report item was presented by Dr Edgar Burns, Associated Professor in Integrated Catchments Management. The item covered:

9.1.      Funding committed until at least 2023 has allowed Council to embark on a new direction and invest significantly to change outcomes in catchments in the region

9.2.      will require new ways of working and a greater connection of catchment communities to their land and freshwater

9.3.      understanding the social processes that are operating as they relate to Council’s work

9.4.      translate academic knowledge into practical ways of working for HBRC staff

9.5.      Communication HBRC’s vision by:

9.5.1.      Drawing focus to values statements in the Strategic Plan

9.5.2.      Developing a programme of regular outputs of HB stories for publishing in news outlets nationally

9.5.3.      Bridging communication by organising team training, workshops etc

9.5.4.      Using volunteers to demonstrate partnership and collaborations

9.5.5.      Initiating a group to research how to leverage HBRC’s time and resources.


Decision Making Process

10.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as these items were specifically considered by the Committee and this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and notes the “Report from the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee”.

Reports Received

2.      Notes that the following reports for information were provided to the Committee:

2.1.      Future Farming Trust 2020-21 Annual Report

2.2.      Biodiversity - Achieving Our Biodiversity Outcomes

2.3.      Erosion Control - The Big Picture for Our Region

2.4.      Tukipo Wetland

2.5.      Update on IRG Flood Control Resilience Funded Projects

2.6.      Youth Environment Council Update

2.7.      Works Group 2020-21 Performance Update

2.8.      Chilean Needle Grass Control Programme Review Update

2.9.      Social Ecology Technical Report from Edgar Burns, Waikato University Professorial Chair.



Authored by:

Annelie Roets

Governance Advisor

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance

Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management

Iain Maxwell

Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management



There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Councillors' Reports from November 2021 Meetings of Outside Bodies


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides the means and opportunity for Councillors appointed to Outside Bodies to bring issues of significant interest from recent meetings to the attention of Council.


2.      Each Triennium, Council appoints Councillor representatives on the following Outside Bodies. Appointees for this Triennium are noted beside each body.

2.1.      Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Zone 3 (Hinewai Ormsby and Martin Williams)

2.2.      HB TBFree Committee (Will Foley)

2.3.      Future Farming Trust (Will Foley)

2.4.      Tukituki Leaders Forum (Will Foley and Jerf van Beek)

2.5.      HB Drought Committee (Will Foley and Jerf van Beek)

2.6.      HPUDS Implementation Working Group (Jerf van Beek and Martin Williams)

2.7.      HB Cycling Governance Group (Jerf van Beek)

2.8.      Te Komiti Muriwai o Te Whanga (Neil Kirton)

2.9.      HB Tourism Board of Directors (Craig Foss)

2.10.    HBRIC Ltd (Rick Barker, Craig Foss, Neil Kirton).

Decision Making Process

3.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.


That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Councillors' Reports from November 2021 Meetings of Outside Bodies”.


Authored by:

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance


Approved by:

James Palmer

Chief Executive




There are no attachments for this report.  


24 November 2021

Subject: Discussion of Minor Items not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

1.      This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.



Raised by













24 November 2021

Subject: Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes

That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on 27 October 2021 Agenda Item 15 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:






Nominations for 2021 Environmental Certificates of Appreciation


The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.

Napier Port Director Appointments

s7(2)(a) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.



Authored by:

Leeanne Hooper

Team Leader Governance


Approved by:

Desiree Cull

Strategy & Governance Manager