Meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee



Date:                 Friday 24 September 2021

Time:                10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street






Item        Title                                                                                                                            Page


1.         Welcome/Notices/Apologies

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 4 June 2021

4.         Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee 3

5.         Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda                                                                        7


Information or Performance Monitoring

6.         Communication and Engagement Update                                                                    9

7.         Project Manager's Update                                                                                           13

8.         Current Coastal Projects Update                                                                                15

9.         Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda                                                        17







Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021


SUBJECT: Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Reason for Report

1.      In order to track items raised at previous meetings that require action, a list of outstanding items is prepared for each meeting. All action items indicate who is responsible for each, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment.

2.      Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.

Decision Making Process

3.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Actions from previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meetings” report.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Actions for September 2021 meeting




Actions for September 2021 meeting

Attachment 1


PDF Creator

PDF Creator






Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021

Subject: Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides the means for Joint Committee members to raise minor matters they wish to bring to the attention of the meeting.

2.      Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing order 9.13 states:

2.1.   A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.



3.      That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 9:


Raised by









Leeanne Hooper


James Palmer








Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021


Subject: Communication and Engagement Update


Reason for Report

1.      This report gives a brief overview of communications and engagement that has happened since the last Joint Committee meeting in June 2021.

2.      It outlines a proposal for engaging with the wider community ahead of formal consultation in early to mid-2022.

Executive Summary

3.      Communications and engagement for the Strategy continues, with two community workshops held, a follow up survey and one hui held under the mana whenua engagement plan since the last Joint Committee.

4.      Staff seek Joint Committee feedback on a proposed engagement strategy for the wider community.


5.      Eight community workshops have now been held in the 2021 workshop series, covering design, managed retreat, and signals, triggers, and thresholds.

6.      At the managed retreat workshop, Jonathan Clarke from Tonkin & Taylor discussed his work looking at different aspects of how managed retreat could work in practice in Hawke’s Bay, including potential costs, time frames, planning, and more. This is the beginning of a wider conversation with the community and councils. The report is now in the process of being finalised for presentation to the Joint Committee.

7.      In July we held the first of two workshops looking at developing signals, triggers and thresholds for the adaptive pathways developed under the Strategy. This workshop is the first example we can find of this work being done in New Zealand.

8.      The second workshop planned for August was disrupted by the recent COVID-19 lockdown. We will reschedule this workshop once we are at Alert Level 1.

9.      A newsletter update went out in early September featuring the funding review, mana whenua engagement, community workshops, and the Joint Committee tour of the northern part of the Strategy area.

10.    The Strategy continues to track towards a wider public consultation process in the first half of 2022.

11.    Ahead of this more formal process, TAG have been engaging in a range of pre-consultation planning and activities. The purpose of pre-consultation is to facilitate information exchange, test ideas, and provide a lead-in to the formal consultation process to support informed participation.

12.    As part of this pre-consultation, activities under the mana whenua engagement plan are now in progress.

13.    This plan was presented to and supported by the Regional Planning Committee and Māori Committee in July and August.

14.    The project team held its first external hui under this plan with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga at their Te Runanganui o Heretaunga hui, which had to be held by Zoom given COVID-19 restrictions. It was still a great opportunity to connect for a discussion about the Strategy and planned next steps.

15.    Key outcomes from this hui included specific feedback from Waitangi Marae, Pukemokimoki Marae and Matahiwi Marae around their interest in further information and discussion. The team are in the process of following up on these requests. 

16.    Our next round of hui have been impacted by COVID-19 Alert Level changes, but we are in communications with marae, PSGEs and taiwhenua to reschedule when possible. We hope to restart this process soon.

17.    A second key component of pre-consultation is engagement with the wider community.

18.    This engagement has been delayed by COVID-19 impacts but is planned to have an on-the-ground focus, to make it relevant, easy to engage with, and high profile for target audiences.

19.    Engagement is planned to occur in four parts:

19.1.    Community led: At our community workshop in July community members expressed an interest in leading their own pre-consultation engagement with the community. The August community workshop was to be used to help plan this in more detail, however initial thinking is that engagement will take place through face-to-face discussions, brief surveys, and through talking to their neighbours and close community, incidental discussions along the beach, in public spaces, etc. Community members will be supported with information and materials including FAQs, survey questions, and handouts. It is a great opportunity to engage from a neighbour-to-neighbour perspective, encouraging free and frank feedback.

19.2.    Council-led: Hastings District Council’s consultation shipping container (Figure 1) has been made available for use. The container will provide information, opportunities for feedback, and be a focal point for face-to-face engagement with the community. Logistics are being worked through and subject to appropriate COVID-19 protocols and adherence to alert level requirements, the intention is to place the container at key locations through November and early December 2021.

Figure 1: Hastings District Council shipping container proposed to be re-purposed for Strategy consultation

19.3.    Digital – To increase coverage and connect with different and broader audiences, online engagement will be used as part of the package of engagement activity. The updated website, social media, digital advertising, and an online feedback form are the key components of this. Work is underway on these elements.

19.4.    Walking talks – a further concept being explored is to host ‘walking talks’ over November and December to share information in the field. Topics for these talks could include coastal ecology, coastal hazards, concept designs for the pathways, historic information, etc. Content and speakers are in the process of being identified however feedback on this concept is welcomed.

20.    There are a range of key questions to explore through the pre-engagement process, including risk tolerance, coastal change, funding of projects, and the role of the Regional Council. The outcome of pre-consultation will support and inform the formal consultation process in 2022.

21.    The Joint Committee will be updated on this engagement via email and at the November Joint Committee meeting. Joint Committee members will also be informed of opportunities to participate in events as details and timeframes are confirmed.

Next Steps

22.    Key next steps ahead of the November Joint Committee meeting include:

22.1.    Holding the final community workshop.

22.2.    Continuing to engage with mana whenua as part of the mana whenua engagement strategy.

22.3.    Finalising and launching wider community engagement activities

Decision Making Process

23.    Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision-making provisions do not apply.


That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Communication and Engagement Update” staff report.


Authored by:

Rebecca Ashcroft-Cullen

Communications Advisor

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager

Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.  





Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021


Subject: Project Manager's Update


Reason for Report

1.      In accordance with standing instructions from the Joint Committee, this report is provided in place of the written report required from the Project Manager under the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee.

2.      It provides an opportunity for the Project Manager to present a verbal update to the Committee and answer any questions on general project matters including tracking against timeframes, milestone achievements and project risks. The Project Manager will provide a verbal update at the meeting.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Project Managers Update” report.



Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.  





Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021


Subject: Current Coastal Projects Update


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides an opportunity for the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to provide an update on various coastal projects the Joint Committee has expressed an interest in keeping abreast of, namely:

1.1.      Whakarire Ave Revetment Works

1.2.      Extended consent area for sand deposition at Westshore

1.3.      Haumoana 18

1.4.      Capeview corner

1.5.      Whirinaki.

2.      TAG members will provide a verbal update on each of these projects at the meeting.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Coastal Projects Update”


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management




There are no attachments for this report.  






Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee

Friday 24 September 2021

Subject: Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the AgendA


Reason for Report

1.     This document has been prepared to assist Joint Committee members note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.




Raised by






