Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Date:                 Wednesday 26 August 2020

Time:                11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item       Title                                                                                                                        Page


1.         Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 29 July 2020

4.         Award of Environmental Certificate of Appreciation to John Huggins

5.         Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings                                         3

6.         Significant Organisational Activities through September 2020                                    7

7.         Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda                                                                      17

Decision Items

8.         Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee                   19

9.         Our Hawke's Bay Environment 2013-18 Key Issues Report                                      21

10.       Affixing of Common Seal                                                                                           161

Information or Performance Monitoring

11.       Summary Report from the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee                                                                                                                                   163

12.       Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda                                                      167

Decision Items (Public Excluded)

13.       Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of Meeting held on 29 July 2020            169



Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings


Reason for Report

1.    On the list attached are items raised at Council Meetings that staff have followed up on. All items indicate who is responsible for follow up, and a brief status comment. Once the items have been report to Council they will be removed from the list.

Decision Making Process

2.    Staff have assess the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



That the Council receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings” staff report.



Authored by:

Leeanne Hooper

Governance Lead


Approved by:

James Palmer

Chief Executive





Followups for 26 August 2020 Council mtg




Followups for 26 August 2020 Council mtg

Attachment 1


Follow-ups from previous Regional Council Meetings


Meeting held 29 July 2020


Agenda Item



Status Comment


Follow-ups from previous meetings

Redistribute reports requested

L Hooper

MFE Case study - Challenges Implementing Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy, Spatial mapping of subsurface oxygen depletion in Hawke Bay (Oct2019), overview of HBMaC/ Sustainable Seas collaboration and Ahuriri Estuary SOURCE Model Build Report are all available in the Council Resources – Reports folder in Stellar.


Significant Organisational Activities through August 2020

Driver training for staff in relation to cycling safety

J Lawrence

Driver training covers road rules relating to cycle lanes and sharing the road with cyclists


Significant Organisational Activities through August 2020

Number of landowners involved in the Riparian Planting plan, per catchment

I Maxwell

Verbal update will be given at the meeting.


Meeting held 24 June 2020


Agenda Item



Status Comment


HBRIC 2020-21 Statement of Intent

HBRC-HBRIC Service Agreement to be provided to councillors

J Ellerm

Document will be shared with Councillors as part if 2 September Corporate & Strategic Committee agenda item.


Meetings held 13 & 20 May 2020


Agenda Item



Status Comment


Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda

Request for Council to develop a Strategy to enable farmers to put in reticulated stock water systems

I Maxwell

Work to include this in a regional Drought Resilience Strategy will commence August/September 2020


Procurement Policy Amendments to Support the HB Economic Recovery

Request for information clarifying the tender assessment criteria and how it’s applied

J Ellerm / M Heaney

Item on 12 August FARS meeting agenda



Wednesday 26 August 2020

SUBJECT:   Significant Organisational Activities through September 2020


Reason for Report

1.      The commentary following is for Councillors’ information, to highlight significant areas of Council activity. Significant Council resources are being directed toward various initiatives which reflect the Council’s evolving agenda and it is considered important that Council is consistently informed on progress in areas that have or may create a high external profile.


Whole of Region

Project / Activity

Significant Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section



Risk Maturity

1.   With endorsement from the FARS at the 12 August 2020 meeting on the:

- Risk Management Policy

- Risk Management Framework, and

- Revised enterprise risks

A detailed implementation plan to rollout both the risk management policy and framework to enable the continuous improvement of the embedded risk system and risk reporting is being developed.


Risk and Assurance

Audit Programme

2.   At the FARS meeting on 12 August 2020 the 2020-21 internal audit plan was approved.  Management are now working with Crowe to agree timeframes to deliver the plan.

3.   In addition, Copeland Ashcroft Law have commenced a Privacy review.  And, an internal review of HBRC business continuity response to the first wave of Covid19 has also commenced.


Risk and Assurance

Regional Business Partner Programme & Callaghan Innovation

4.     Regional Business Partner (RBP) continues to see high demand, having issued $1,180,845 in voucher funding to date from the current pool of $1,495,473. Additional tranche of funds ($600k) is available and expected to be drawn down and issued before the end of October 2020.

5.     Additional $135,755 given to HB RBP as part of the Tourism Transition Fund, enabling tourism businesses to access access to $10k in business advice ($5k COVID funding voucher, $5k Tourism Transition). RBP is working with HB Tourism and HB Māori Tourism to spread the word.

6.     From 16 March to date, RBP are engaging with 786 HB businesses through this COVID-19 response mechanism. RBPs have issued 580 Vouchers with an average value of $2,044.

7.     Voucher categories/dollar value breakdown are:

Area of Expertise

No. of Vouchers

Value Issued

Cashflow Management



Business Planning



Digital Enablement/Marketing



Employment Relations/People Mgt



Health & Wellbeing



8.     Top sectors include Manufacturing, Construction, Accommodation & Food and Other (which included tourism).

9.     Breakdown of voucher recipients across the region sees 47% Napier based businesses, 46% Hastings and the balance spilt between Wairoa and CHB. The RBP is working with the Economic Development Units in the Councils of the smaller districts to disseminate information to their businesses and looks to support an aggregated group of businesses in Wairoa.

10.   Marketing continues through TPK, MSD, industry associations such as NZ Apples & Pear and HB Winegrowers and the Business Hub networks.

11.   HB RBP has an additional 3FTE for 13 weeks, 2FTE are in place and operational with the 3rd commencing on 26th August. This grows the team to 5.3FTE.

12.   Callaghan Innovation will close R&D Loan Programme to applications having successfully allocated $150m. Six applications have been submitted by HB businesses.

13.   The Callaghan R&D Experience grant programme opened for applications on 17th August for 6 weeks. Companies can access funding for students to work on a technology projects over the summer.



People & Capability (including Health& Safety)

14.   The People and Capability team has concluded bargaining for the Works Group Collective Employment Agreement which will now be in place until the end of the financial year.

15.   The team is currently supporting the CE with review of the Salaried Collective Employment Agreement.

16.   Currently managing 18 vacant roles all in different stages of the recruitment process. The roles are ranging from entry level to Executive tier following the Executive Review. The team has engaged three recruitment companies to assist with recruitment of senior level roles.

17.   HBRC transitioned back into Covid-19 Level 2 with all Level 2 requirements back in place. Ongoing maintenance of staff Covid-19 testing continues.

18.   Successful ‘Driving Awareness’ campaign completed in July for all HBRC staff focusing on Fleet Management, Speed, Drive to the Conditions, and Off-Road Vehicles. Competition underway to reinforce messaging.

19.   ‘Drive to Survive’ Advanced Driver Training 20 staff attended on 30 July 2020.

20.   Successful 4WD training delivered on the 24 July 2020, 8 staff attended and a further date is scheduled for the 20 August 2020.

21.   Three site observation/audits completed on areas in Works Group and Nursery.

22.   Health and Safety workplan updated for 2020-2021.

23.   Attended the Leaders forum to discuss first wave Covid-19 review.

24.   Attended two Works Group staff meetings, discussed Covid-19 Level 2, site visits and incident reporting.

25.   P&C team met with Asset Management Group meeting to introduce roles and discuss support.


People & Capability

Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change (PC7)

26. Hearing Panel appointments recommended at 22 July extraordinary RPC meeting were endorsed by Council at meeting on 29 July.

27. Summary of 41 submissions received to be publicly released on 29 August and further submissions invited by 10 September 2020.

Strategic Planning

Policy & Planning

Climate Change

28. Staff following up actions arising from Council decisions made at 29 July meeting, including climate change communications campaign to launch in September. Also aligning work programmes in LTP preparation to ‘test’ community support for extra funding and new service suggested to be offered through a semi-autonomous unit focussing on climate change mitigation in Hawke’s Bay.

29. Community and business perceptions survey nearing completion and SIL Research’s final report due in September.

Strategic Planning

Policy & Planning


Regional Land Transport Plan

30. HB Transport Study making progress, with long list of potential activities for inclusion in the Regional land Transport Plan under review at present. Workshop to consider this on 27 August

Strategic Planning


Driver Licensing Programme

31. New programme initiated by the driver licensing governance group with preparation of application forms and applicant advice.  Applications to be lodged by early October.

Strategic Planning


Marine and Coast

32. HBRC has just received the final report modelling the effect of river inputs on coastal water quality.  This report highlights the influence of our river systems on nitrogen concentrations in Hawke Bay. A copy of the report can be found: Here

Integrated Catchment Management

Marine and Coast

Erosion control/riparian plants distribution and planting

33. Riparian plants have been distributed and the Catchment Delivery staff are now in the final couple of weeks of distributing pole orders. This also includes work at the HBRC pole nursery to undertake necessary maintenance. On site Erosion Control Plan engagement with landowners remains ongoing with staff fully occupied.

Integrated Catchment Management

Catchment Delivery

Predator Free Hawke’s Bay

34.   Predator free 2050 Ltd has ring fenced $3.65m for acceleration and expansion of the Whakatipu Mahia project. Negotiations are currently underway to transition leadership of the project over to the Whakatipu Mahia trust which is led by Rongomaiwahine iwi, the Whangawehi catchment management group and the local farming community.

35.   Work is continuing with the control largely completed on the first 5500 ha and detection about to begin to establish possum proof of absence on that area.

Integrated Catchment Management



Northern Catchment

Project / Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

Mohaka Plan Change

36. Staff have re-engaged with Ngāti Pāhauwera (post-Covid) to reschedule the pan-iwi hui.

37. Update report was prepared for Regional Planning Committee meeting held on 19 August 2020.

Strategic Planning

Policy & Planning Team

Nuhaka River Road

38. WDC received PGF funding for shovel ready project. QRC have been appointed as the principal contractor. HBRC are acting in an advisory capacity with respect to design.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Ferry Road

39. HBRC was successful in receiving Govt Resilience Funding managed by the PDU. Project value $1m erosion protection at Ferry Road Wairoa with Govt contributing $640k and local contribution of $360k. Project has been initiated- waiting on Contract from PDU.



Regional Projects

Area Manager Activity

40. Whakaki FIF Governance meeting to be held shortly to discuss projects progression in the future.

41. Wairoa River Freshwater Improvement Fund application being considered locally.

42. 3 Waters workshop well attended and valuable

43. Shovel Ready Projects progressing now, despite a few hiccups with ensuring they were appropriately consented or being managed to minimise environmental impacts.

44. Funding through PGF Shovel Ready project on Nuhaka River Road re-alignment has been made available to HBRC to initiate a wider program of works on the Nuhaka slip.

45. Representing HBRC at the Wairoa District Council Maori Standing Committee, Matangirau Trust Board and Community Partnerships Group meeting shortly.

46. Growing interest locally about the impact of Healthy Water Reforms on a range of issues.

47. Pending potential Covid impacts we are scheduled to return to our refurbished office on Freyberg St at the end of August from our temporary premises at the Wairoa Airport.    

Integrated Catchment Management



Central Catchments

Project / Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

TANK plan change (PC9)

48. Submission period on proposed TANK Plan closed on 14 August 2020 after an extension to the deadline.  Preliminary count by planning staff of submissions received is approx. 250+ submissions. Many of those submissions are extensive.

49. At meeting on 19 August, the Regional Planning Committee recommended names of hearings panel appointees to hear and decide on TANK Plan submissions. Council will consider those recommendations at its meeting on 26 August.

Strategic Planning

Policy & Planning

Ngaruroro and Clive Rivers – Application for Water Conservation Order

50.   Environment Court mediation proceedings are currently scheduled for 30 September – 2 October 2020. These dates are subject to change.

51.   The Environment Court has set hearing dates as 9 – 19 February 2021.

Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy (HPUDS)

52. HPUDS Implementation Working Group tentatively re-scheduled to meet on 14 September or 5 October 2020.

53. On 23 July 2020, Government released a new national policy statement on urban development to take effect from 20 August.  The Napier/Hastings urban area is categorised as a ‘Tier 2’ urban area with a large number of policy directives for RMA planning, infrastructure planning and resource consent decision-making. That new NPS will have significant implications on urban planning approaches and scope of HPUDS Review ear-marked for 2021/22.

Heretaunga Plains Scheme review

54. Hydrodynamic modelling for Tutaekuri being constructed - to model 100yr, 200yr and 500yr flood scenarios, incorporating climate change. Tutaekuri hydrodynamic model calibrated and completed. 

55. Ngaruroro River hydrodynamic modelling underway.

56. Communication and consultation plan being discussed with internal stakeholders

57. Land matters being investigated for future engineering options.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Flood Control Schemes

58. Heretaunga Plains level of service condition assessment approximately 80% complete. 

59. Esk Scheme review commenced and progressing well. Flood Hazard mapping 80% complete. Report 50% complete.

60. Asset Management Plans drafted to 60%. Feedback from Council workshop being incorporated. Financial modelling will commence in October.

61. HBRC was successful in receiving Resilience Funding managed through PDU to accelerate the work to meet 1:500 level of protection for the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme. $20m overall project budget with 64% being funded by Govt and 36% by HBRC. Awaiting Contract with PDU. Project acceleration has been initiated.

Asset Management






Regional Projects

Clive River Dredging

62. Land lease/purchase negotiations ongoing. Two potential sites identified with landowner.

63. Soil testing of proposed site to receive dredged material underway

64. On site meeting with dredging contractor to discuss methodology on 11th August.

65. Resource Consent underway.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Lake Tūtira

66. Kahakanui Stream Bridge – detailed design complete. Tender document due for completion in August. Construction is planned for October.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Gravel Management

67. Maraekakaho access road – Contract awarded to Russell Roads. Site possession 1st October 2020

68. Global gravel extraction – prehearing meeting with all submitters scheduled for September.  This meeting will be called and convened by the consent authority with outside organisation expert facilitator.

69. Meeting to brief and update on process, timing and process with the gravel extractors scheduled for the 12th of August.

70. Gravel allocation 2020-21 programme completed and gravel extraction report available.  

Asset Management

Regional Projects/ Schemes

Heretaunga Plains water take renewals

71. Takes from the Heretaunga Plains unconfined aquifer (approx. 200 lodged) expired 31 May 2018 and are being exercised under s124. These are being processed as a group, as requested by applicants. Report on the individual and combined stream depletion effects now received, and the draft report being prepared for discussion with parties. Decision on notification pending.



Public Transport

72. Switchover to the new bus ticketing system almost complete with passengers ordering the new BeeCards online and transferring balances.  New ticketing system and new flat fare scheme ready to commence on 24 August. Public transport patronage has recovered well after Covid, and the free fares (which cease on 24 August) have attracted new passengers. 

Strategic Planning

Public Transport

Bayview/ Whirinaki track

73. Project on track- Construction of Napier part of track is planned to occur this financial year. Funding decision required by HBRC which will be presented to C&S Committee on 2 September.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

NZCT Priority Project Ahuriri Underpass Flooding Safety Issues

74. Working with NZTA around solution – seawall plan is finalised by OPUS for Southern End to ensure dr. Funding required by HBRC for $125k, MBIE approved $125k, NZTA $80k for total of project cost of $330k.

Asset Management

Open Spaces

NZCT Priority Project Waimarama Rd Safety project

75. Working with HDC to complete safer off-road section parallel to Waimarama Road, for all trail users.  Expected completion December 2020.

Asset Management

Open Spaces

NCC / HBRC Westshore tidal gates and NCC Lagoon Farm stormwater discharge consents

76. These applications were limited notified. The submission period has closed and no submissions were received. The consent will be processed without need for a hearing. Draft conditions have been circulated.



Napier City Council Wastewater

77. Napier City Council was served an abatement notice (AN) requiring it to cease the unauthorised discharge (leaks) by 30 October 2020.

78. NCC has supplied its emergency management plan in line with the requirements of the AN. Council staff met with NCC from the environmental and infrastructure teams to discuss the repair plan, potential risks involved and proposed mitigation. NCC are currently on track for repairs.


Compliance & Enforcement

Hastings District Council Wastewater

79. Nothing to update.


Compliance & Enforcement

Air complaints and Enforcement

80. The Pollution Response and enforcement continue to receive a large number of call in relation to smokey fires since the beginning of the restrictions in the burning season 1 May to the 31 August.


Burning Stats 2019 YTD (1 May 2019 – 20 August 2019

2020 YTD (1 May 2020 -  20 August 2020)

Burning Indoor



Burning materials (not veg)



Burning Veg




81. Total infringements for year to date 1/7/20 – 20/8/20 = 10 infringements

·      Discharges to land may enter water = 2

·      Refusing to give details = 1 (pertained to burning)

·      Orchard redevelopment rule breach = 2

·      Industrial airshed breaches = 1

·      Non-industrial airshed breaches = 2

·      Burning prohibited items = 2

82. Three cases were sentenced in the Hasting District Courts on 11 August at Hastings Demolition (Burning), Maxwell Farms (Effluent discharge), Farmers Transport and Dynes Tapanui (Stormwater discharge).  The Judge has reserved her sentencing decision until 11 Sep 2020 but may issue a written decision before then.

83. HBRC currently have nine prosecutions in train which we are unable to comment on in any detail.


Compliance & Enforcement

Hawea Historical Park / Karamu Stream Diversion

84. Hawea Park Draft Management plan submitted to HBRC for review and comments.

85. Ongoing monthly meetings with the Hawea committee.

86. Carpark construction nearing completion.

Asset Management

Open Spaces

Regional Assets

Waitangi Regional Park

87. Marquee foundation and hangi design being undertaken.

88. Overflow car park nearing completion

89. New Waikahu wetland functioning well as a biodiversity habitat.

Asset Management

Regional Projects


Southern Catchments

Project / Activity Description

Significant Upcoming Milestone(s)

Group /Team or Section

CHBDC Wastewater discharge consents

90. Actions proposed by CHBDC for municipal wastewater discharges include further resource consents for new and amended discharges, which HBRC anticipates will be lodged soon. Meeting updating on progress held on 6 August


Consents & Compliance

Production land use consents - Tukituki catchment

91. 13 complete production land use activity consents have been lodged and approximately 130 pre-applications received to date. Compliance staff are following up on those who have not engaged to date. RPC agreed to withdraw from plan change process 19 August. Staff to reset consenting programme for consenting following Cl briefing. Need to integrate recent national changes (NES Freshwater and Stock exclusion regulations.)


Consents & Compliance

Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme

92. HBRC was successful in obtaining Government Resilience Funding managed through the PDU. There are two projects:

93. Erosion Control on Waipawa River near SH50 Bridge- Total project $1m with $640k from Government and $360k from NZTA and HBRC combined. Project has been initiated with a review of the existing design and will be allocated to Works Group. Waiting for contract with PDU.

94. Extraction of Gravel from Upper Tukituki Scheme. $8m project total with $5.1m from Govt and $2.9m from HBRC. An UTT ratepayers meeting has been scheduled for August to discuss the project and funding options. An industry workshop has also been scheduled.

Asset Management

Regional Projects

Draft Tukituki PC6A

95. At meeting on 19 August, the Regional Planning Committee was advised that the Environment Minister had declined the Council’s application to use a Streamlined Planning Process under the RMA.  Consequently, the Regional Planning Committee agreed to recommend Plan Change 6A be withdrawn. Council will consider those recommendations at its meeting on 26 August.

Strategic Planning

Policy & Planning


Decision Making Process

2.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concsluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Significant HBRC Activities through September 2020 staff report.


Authored by:

Mary-Anne Baker

Acting Transport Manager

Jack Blunden

Team Leader Compliance - Urban & Industrial

Jenny Brown

Principal Business Advisor RBP

Peter Davis

Manager Environmental Information

Russell Engelke

Team Leader Open Spaces

Dean Evans

Manager Catchments Delivery

Craig Goodier

Team Leader Engineering

Martina Groves

Acting Regional Asset Manager

Nathan Heath

Area Manager Northern Hawke's Bay

Gavin Ide

Principal Advisor Strategic Planning

David Keracher

Acting Manager Regional Projects

Dr Kathleen Kozyniak

Principal Scientist (Air)

Campbell Leckie

Manager Catchment Services

Dr Barry Lynch

Team Leader/Principal Scientist (Land Science)

Anna Madarasz-Smith

Team Leader/Principal Scientist Marine and Coast

Helen Marsden

Risk and Assurance Lead

Kirsty McInnes

Senior Advisor Health and Safety

Malcolm Miller

Manager Consents

Thomas Petrie

Project Manager Environmental Hotspots

Bronda Smith

Chief Financial Officer

Dr Jeff Smith

Manager Scientist

Erika  Teariki

People & Capability Advisor – People Solutions

Jolene Townshend

Senior Advisor Integrated Catchment Management

Nick Zaman

Manager Compliance

Approved by:

Ceri Edmons

Acting Group Manager Strategic Planning

Liz Lambert

Group Manager Regulation

Iain Maxwell

Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

Chris Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management

James Palmer

Chief Executive

Jessica Ellerm

Group Manager Corporate Services



There are no attachments for this report.  


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides the means for councillors to raise minor matters they wish to bring to the attention of the meeting.

2.      Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing order 9.13 states:

2.1.   A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.


3.      That Council accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 12:


Raised by









Leeanne Hooper


James Palmer




Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee

Reason for Report

1.      This item presents the recommendations arising from the 19 August 2020 Regional Planning Committee meeting for Council’s consideration and approval.

Agenda Items

2.      The TANK Plan Change Hearing Commissioners and Panel Appointments sought the Committee’s recommendations on appointments to form a Panel of accredited RMA hearing commissioners to hear submissions made on Proposed TANK Plan Change 9 from amongst 12 accredited commissioners with relevant experience and qualifications. The Committee agreed and appointed five panel members and three reserves. As recommended in the Committee item, determination of the Chair resides with the panel.

3.      The Outdoor Burning item provided options for the Committee to consider in relation to resolving issues in the region caused by smoke from outdoor burning activities and the potential health effects caused.

4.      The Tukituki Plan Change 6A item updated the Committee with the Minister for the Environment’s response declining the Council’s request to use the Streamlined Planning Process (SPP) for Proposed Plan Change 6A: Tukituki Catchment Table 5.9.1D to recalibrate the nitrogen leaching table, Table 5.9.1D, which applies to nitrogen management in the Tukituki Catchment.

5.      The following reports were not considered during the meeting due to a loss of quorum, the result of which being that the:

5.1.      Mohaka Plan Change decision item will be referred to the 14 October RPC meeting for resolution

5.2.      Resource Management Policy Projects August 2020 Update, August 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update and Our Hawke's Bay Environment 2013-18 Key Issues Report items were for information only and so will not be referred to a future RPC meeting.

Decision Making Process

6.      These items were specifically considered at the Committee level.


The Regional Planning Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and notes the “Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

Outdoor Burning

3.      Notes that there will be legal, administrative and resourcing costs associated with all options, and that no specific budget has been assigned in the 2020-21 Annual Plan for this project.

4.      Agrees that the issue of outdoor burning restrictions be addressed as part of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Resource Management Plan review scheduled to commence in 2021.


5.      Directs staff to report back to the Regional Planning Committee later in 2020 on details of the process to be undertaken to address issues associated with outdoor burning through the Hawke’s Bay Regional Resource Management Plan review.

TANK Plan Change Hearing Commissioners and Panel Appointments

6.      For the Proposed TANK Plan hearings, appoints the following five people as Commissioners:

6.1.      Commissioner A:  Andrew Fenemore *Chair Certificate

6.2.      Commissioner B:  Greg Ryder *Chair Certificate

6.3.      Commissioner C:  Rauru Kirikiri

6.4.      Commissioner D’:  Dr Roger Maaka

6.5.      Commissioner E:  Sheena Tepania *Chair Certificate

7.      For the Proposed TANK Plan hearings, agrees that the following three people are Reserve Commissioners:

7.1.      Commissioner E:  Antoine Coffin

7.2.      Commissioner F:  Richard Allibone

7.3.      Commissioner G:  Mark Farnsworth *Chair Certificate

8.      Delegates authority to the Proposed TANK Plan Hearing Panel to hear and issue decisions on the Council’s behalf relating to submissions received on the Proposed TANK Plan Change.

9.      Delegates authority to the Chief Executive or his nominee to undertake all the necessary operational and logistical arrangements to establish the Panel, including replacing a commissioner should they become unavailable, and support it in carrying out its functions in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

Tukituki Plan Change 6A

10.    Withdraws Proposed Plan Change 6A (Tukituki Catchment Table 5.9.1D) because the Streamlined Planning Process pathway is no longer available for use.

11.    Advises all those people and organisations that provided pre-notification responses of the withdrawal of the proposed plan change.

12.    Makes budget provision in the 2021-31 Long Term Plan to commence the review of nitrogen management in the Tukituki Catchment in Year 1 (2021-22).


Authored by:

Mary-Anne Baker

Acting Transport Manager

Belinda Harper

Senior Planner

Approved by:

Ceri Edmonds

Acting Group Manager Strategic Planning




There are no attachments for this report.  


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Our Hawke's Bay Environment 2013-18 Key Issues Report


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides the Our Hawke’s Bay Environment 2013-2018 – Key Issues Report for Council adoption for publication. The report summarises key issues from a suite of
5-year State of the Environment (SoE) reports recently published by the HBRC Science section for 2013 to 2018.

Officers’ Recommendation(s)

2.      Council officers recommend that the Council adopts the report as attached, for publication.


3.      Five-yearly State of the Environment reporting at HBRC has traditionally been delivered via a suite of highly technical reports, with relatively low uptake internally and in the wider community. Technical reports have also been generated by authors working largely in isolation, with little connection made between each domain.

4.      This Key Issues report is intended to distil the major findings from the most recent technical reports into a document that makes connections between domains, links issues to HBRC activities and is more easily understood by readers with a fundamental understanding of contemporary environmental issues.

5.      Technical reports are listed in Section 5 of the Key Issues report and available at .


6.      The Key Issues report is placed-based and organises catchments into three subregions:

6.1.      Northern

6.2.      Heretaunga

6.3.      Southern subregions.

7.      The report includes key information from technical reports, bounded between an introductory summary at the beginning of each subregional section and a longer summary at the end of each section.

8.      This Key Issues report is considered to be a large step in the direction required by the recently published National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) 2020. Section 3.30 of the NPS-FM 2020 directs regional councils to publish a report at least every five years, with content including:

8.1.      Assessment of attribute states compared with target attribute states

8.2.      Likely causes of degraded or degrading freshwater bodies

8.3.      Descriptions of environmental pressures on freshwater bodies

8.4.      Predictions of changes that are likely to affect water bodies and freshwater ecosystems

8.5.      Assessment of regulatory or non-regulatory actions to implement the NPS-FM

8.6.      An ecosystem health scorecard that is easily understood by members of the public.

Other Considerations

9.      In future, rather than developing a suite of largely descriptive technical reports, it is proposed to publish a State of the Environment synthesis report that is similar to, but more comprehensive than, the 2013-2018 Key Issues report.

10.    Future synthesis reports will fully meet requirements of the NPS-FM and, we believe, will provide more value to Council and Hawke’s Bay communities than previous technical reports have achieved.

Decision Making Process

11.    Council and its committees are required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:

11.1.   The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset, nor is it inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

11.2.   The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

11.3.   The decision is not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy.

11.4.   Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and considers the “Our Hawke's Bay Environment 2013-18 Key Issues” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Adopts the Our Hawke's Bay Environment 2013-18 Key Issues Report for publication and release.



Authored by:

Dr Andy Hicks

Team Leader/Principal Scientist Water Quality and Ecology

Anna Madarasz-Smith

Team Leader/Principal Scientist Marine and Coast

Dr Jeff Smith

Manager Scientist


Approved by:

Iain Maxwell

Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management





Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018




Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Our Hawkes Bay Environment Key issues report 2013-2018

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Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Affixing of Common Seal


Reason for Report

1.      The Common Seal of the Council has been affixed to the following documents and signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive or a Group Manager.



Seal No.



Leasehold Land Sales

1.1.1     Lot 245

          DP 6421

          CT  E2/1438

-     Transfer


1.1.2     Lot 4

          DP 14614

          CT  G2/1410

-     Agreement for Sale and Purchase


1.1.3     Lot 92

          DP 13039

          CT  E2/1240

-     Transfer


1.1.4     Lot 5

          DP 5336

          CT  C2/473

-     Agreement for Sale and Purchase

























29 July 2020





12 August 2020





12 August 2020





12 August 2020


Staff Warrants

1.2.1   J. Burchardt

          (Delegations under s. 34A(1) and s.38  Resource Management Act 1991; Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (Clauses 32(1) and 32B Schedule 7))




30 July 2020

2.      The Common Seal is used twice during a Leasehold Land Sale, once on the Sale and Purchase Agreement and once on the Land Transfer document.  More often than not, there is a delay between the second issue (Land Transfer document) of the Common Seal per property.  This delay could result in the second issue of the Seal not appearing until the following month.

3.      As a result of sales, the current numbers of Leasehold properties owned by Council are:

3.1.      0 cross lease properties were sold, with 69 remaining on Council’s books

3.2.      2 single leasehold property was sold, with 88 remaining on Council’s books.

Decision Making Process

4.      Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77, 78, 80, 81 and 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within these sections of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded:

4.1   Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community

4.2   That the decision to apply the Common Seal reflects previous policy or other decisions of Council which (where applicable) will have been subject to the Act’s required decision making process.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community.

2.      Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal.


Authored by:

Trudy Kilkolly

Principal Accountant Rates and Revenue

Diane Wisely

Executive Assistant

Approved by:

Jessica Ellerm

Group Manager Corporate Services

James Palmer

Chief Executive



There are no attachments for this report.      


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Summary Report from the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Reason for Report

1.      This item provides a summary of discussions that took place at the 7 August 2020 Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee meeting and workshop for the Council’s consideration alongside any additional commentary the Chair, Jerf van Beek, may wish to provide.

Meeting Summary

2.      An update on progress of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee is attached.

Decision Making Process

3.      Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Summary Report from the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee”.


Authored by:

Simon Bendall

Project Manager


Approved by:

Chris  Dolley

Group Manager Asset Management





Coastal Hazards Joint Committee - Meeting Summary 7 August 2020




Coastal Hazards Joint Committee - Meeting Summary 7 August 2020

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Wednesday 26 August 2020

Subject: Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

1.     This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.




Raised by













Wednesday 26 August 2020


That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes Agenda Item 13 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:







Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 29 July 2020

s7(2)(i) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.




Authored by:

Annelie Roets

Governance Administration Assistant


Approved by:

James Palmer

Chief Executive