Meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Date: Monday 10 December 2018
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 28 September 2018
4. Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee 3
5. Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda 7
Decision Items
6. Joint Committee Membership and Delegations 9
Information or Performance Monitoring
7. Port of Napier Consent Application Update 19
8. Project Manager's Update 31
9. Current Coastal Projects Update 33
10. Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda 35
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
SUBJECT: Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Reason for Report
1. In order to track items raised at previous meetings that require action, a list of outstanding items is prepared for each meeting. All action items indicate who is responsible for each, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment.
2. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Decision Making Process
3. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Actions from previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meetings” report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
⇩1 |
Agreed actions from 28 September 2018 Joint Committee meeting |
Agreed actions from 28 September 2018 Joint Committee meeting |
Attachment 1 |
Agreed actions from 28 September 2018 Joint Committee
Task |
Meeting / Agenda Item |
Actions |
Resp. |
Status/Comment |
1. |
28 Sept 2018 Item 6, Joint Committee Membership & Delegations |
Update the ToR. Sections 7.5, 10.4 and 13.2. |
- Completed. |
Circulate updated ToR to the Joint Committee prior going to Council. |
- Completed. |
Take a paper to each Council to adopt the update ToR. |
- In progress. |
Create a one pager summary of the Joint Committee meeting and circulate to the councillors of each Council, also report back to each Council. |
- Completed. |
2. |
28 Sept 2018 Item 7, Proposed Scope & Project Plan for Stage 4 |
Update the wording in the Scope to represent consultation will happen with everyone and not just ratepayers. |
- Completed. |
Find a new word for ‘moral’ [Regulatory Workstream Update page 5 of Scope] |
- Change considered by TAG – the term is in common usage, retained. |
Add in a reference to CDEM in regards to Triggers |
- Completed. |
3. |
28 Sept 2018 Item 8, Funding Update |
Circulate a copy of the funding PowerPoint presentation to the Joint Committee members. |
Annelie |
- Circulated. |
Further work to be developed and reported to the Joint Committee at the next meeting in regards to funding, who collects the rates, manages the fund, etc |
- Workshop on Funding Options on 10 December 2018. |
4. |
28 Sept 2018 Item 11, Project Manager’s Update |
Circulate copy of the OECD case study to Joint Committee members. |
- Publication expected early 2019. |
Add update on progress against milestones and tracking of budgets to Project Manager’s report |
- To be provided at the next Joint Committee meeting. |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. Standing order 9.12 states:
“A meeting may deal with an item of business that is not on the agenda where the meeting resolves to deal with that item and the Chairperson provides the following information during the public part of the meeting:
(a) the reason the item is not on the agenda; and
(b) the reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.
Items not on the agenda may be brought before the meeting through a report from either the Chief Executive or the Chairperson.
Please note that nothing in this standing order removes the requirement to meet the provisions of Part 6, LGA 2002 with regard to consultation and decision making.”
2. In addition, standing order 9.13 allows “A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.”
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 10:
1.1. Minor items for discussion
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Joint Committee Membership and Delegations
Reason for Report
1. As the Strategy has evolved through each stage of development, the Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) periodically review the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee to check that it remains relevant and optimised.
2. In developing the detail of activity and project work required for Stage 4, TAG have identified four recommended changes to the Terms of Reference.
3. Following a review and feedback of the proposed Terms of Reference at the Joint committee meeting on the 28 September 2018 a number of amendments have been made resulting in the current version for consideration.
4. This report presents these recommendations for Joint Committee consideration.
5. The recommended changes to the Terms of Reference are shown as tracked in the attached document.
6. The first suggested change in Section 3 of the Terms of Reference is to increase the number of Partner Council appointees to the Joint Committee from two per Council to three.
7. Increasing the number of Councillors on the Joint Committee is considered to be desirable at this stage of Strategy development given that much of the work in Stage 4 has direct implications for Council expenditure. For example, in Stage 4 the Joint Committee will be asked to consider and form recommendations on:
7.1. The share of responsibilities for funding, consenting, construction and maintenance between the Partner Councils;
7.2. Detailed concept plans and costs for each of the recommended pathways; and
7.3. The public / private apportionment of costs for each works programme.
8. Increased Councillor participation in the Joint Committee will assist with the development and delivery of recommendations to each Partner Council.
9. It is noted that, prior to submitting this paper, this suggested change has been discussed with all Joint Committee member organisations.
10. The second suggested change is the addition of a new Section 7.5. This change provides an explicit role for the Joint Committee to engage in various public processes that may have implications for Strategy implementation.
11. In the past, this role has not been clearly defined, and has been variously taken up by TAG, individual Partner Councils, or the Joint Committee itself. Some examples of submissions that have been lodged by various entities involved in the Strategy include:
11.1. Joint Committee Submission on the Hastings District Council Annual Plan (2016);
11.2. Southern Cell Assessment Panel submission on the Hastings District Council Draft Cape Coast Reserves Management Plan (2017); and
11.3. Napier City Council submission on the notified resource consent application by the Port of Napier (2018).
12. A submission from the Joint Committee may not always be appropriate, however the change to the Terms of Reference is intended to convey that the Joint Committee has this function and may, at its discretion, become involved in such processes to advocate for the outcomes sought by the Strategy.
13. Practically, given the Joint Committee only meets three or four times per year, it is suggested that any such opportunities to enter a submission are highlighted to the Chair. Where the Chair directs TAG to draft a submission, any such submission would be circulated electronically for Joint Committee approval prior to lodging.
14. An amendment to the definition of quorum. That going forward a quorum shall be 6 members with the requirement that at least one partner council member is present from each partner council.
15. Improvements to reporting to ensure consistency of message back to each partner council. That following each joint committee meeting that the project manager shall prepare a brief summary report to be tabled at the next Council meeting for each partner. A member of TAG will be available to support the presentation of the paper as required.
16. No other changes to the Terms of Reference are considered necessary at this stage to enable the Joint Committee to effectively govern Stage 4 of Strategy development.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee: 1. Receives the report “Joint Committee Membership and Delegations”; 2. Approve the updated Terms of Reference for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee dated 28 September 2018; and 3. Recommends the updated Terms of Reference for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee dated 28 September 2018 to the Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for adoption. |
Authored and Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
⇩1 |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Terms of Reference |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Terms of Reference |
Attachment 1 |
Terms of Reference for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
As at 28 September 2018
As adopted by resolution by:
Hastings District Council 23 March 2017
Napier City Council 31 May 2017
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 28 June 2017
1. Definitions
For the purpose of these Terms of Reference:
· “Act” means the Local Government Act 2002.
· “Administering Authority” means Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
· “Coastal Hazards Strategy” means the Coastal Hazards Strategy for the Hawke Bay coast between Clifton and Tangoio[1].
· “Council Member” means an elected representative appointed by a Partner Council.
· “Hazards” means natural hazards with the potential to affect the coast, coastal communities and infrastructure over the next 100 years, including, but not limited to, coastal erosion, storm surge, flooding or inundation of land from the sea, and tsunami; and includes any change in these hazards as a result of sea level rise.
· “Joint Committee” means the group known as the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee set up to recommend both draft and final strategies to each Partner Council.
· “Member” in relation to the Joint Committee means each Council Member and each Tangata Whenua Member.
· “Partner Council” means one of the following local authorities: Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
· “Tangata Whenua Appointer” means:
o The trustees of the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, on behalf of the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Hapū;
o Mana Ahuriri Incorporated, on behalf of Mana Ahuriri Hapū;
o He Toa Takitini, on behalf of the hapū of Heretaunga and Tamatea.
· “Tangata Whenua Member” means a member of the Joint Committee appointed by a Tangata Whenua Appointer
2. Name and status of Joint Committee
2.1 The Joint Committee shall be known as the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee.
2.2 The Joint Committee is a joint committee under clause 30(1)(b) of Schedule 7 of the Act.
3. Partner Council Members
3.1 Each Partner Council shall appoint three Council Members and alternates to the Joint Committee. If not appointed directly as Council Members, the Mayors of Hastings District Council and Napier City Council and the Chairperson of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council are ex officio Council Members.
3.2 Under clause 30(9) Schedule 7 of the Act, the power to discharge any Council Member on the Joint Committee and appoint his or her replacement shall be exercisable only by the Partner Council that appointed the Member.
4. Tangata Whenua Members
4.1 Each Tangata Whenua Appointer may appoint one member to sit on the Joint Committee.
4.2 Each Tangata Whenua Appointer must make any appointment and notify all Tangata Whenua Appointers and Partner Councils in writing of the appointment.
4.3 The Tangata Whenua Members so appointed shall be entitled to vote.
4.4 Under clause 30(9) Schedule 7 of the Act, the power to discharge any Tangata Whenua Member on the Joint Committee and appoint his or her replacement shall be exercisable only by the Tangata Whenua Appointer that appointed the Member.
5. Purpose of Terms of Reference
5.1 The purpose of these Terms of Reference is to:
5.1.1 Define the responsibilities of the Joint Committee as delegated by the Partner Councils under the Act.
5.1.2 Provide for the administrative arrangements of the Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee as detailed in Appendix 2.
6. Meetings
6.1 Members, or their confirmed alternates, will attend all Joint Committee meetings.
7. Delegated authority
The Joint Committee has the responsibility delegated by the Partner Councils for:
7.1 Guiding and providing oversight for the key components of the strategy including:
o The identification of coastal hazards extents and risks as informed by technical assessments;
o A framework for making decisions about how to respond to those risks;
o A model for determining how those responses shall be funded; and
o A plan for implementing those responses when confirmed.
7.2 Considering and recommending a draft strategy to each of the Partner Councils for public notification;
7.3 Considering comments and submissions on the draft strategy and making appropriate recommendations to the Partner Councils;
7.4 Considering and recommending a final strategy to each of the Partner Councils for approval;
7.5 Advocating for and/or advancing the objectives of the strategy by submitting on and participating in processes, including but not limited to:
o Council long term plans;
o Council annual plans;
o District and regional plan and policy changes;
o Reserve management plans;
o Asset management plans;
o Notified resource consent applications;
o Central Government policy and legislation.
7.6 Investigating and securing additional sources of funding to support strategy implementation.
8. Powers not delegated
The following powers are not delegated to the Joint Committee:
8.1 Any power that cannot be delegated in accordance with clause 32 Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.
8.2 The determination of funding for undertaking investigations, studies and/or projects to assess options for implementing the Coastal Hazards Strategy.
9. Remuneration
9.1 Each Partner Council shall be responsible for remunerating its representatives on the Joint Committee and for the cost of those persons' participation in the Joint Committee.
9.2 The Administering Authority shall be responsible for remunerating the Tangata Whenua Members.
10. Meetings
10.1 The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing orders will be used to conduct Joint Committee meetings as if the Joint Committee were a local authority and the principal administrative officer of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council or his or her nominated representative were its principal administrative officer.
10.2 The Joint Committee shall hold all meetings at such frequency, times and place(s) as agreed for the performance of the functions, duties and powers delegated under this Terms of Reference.
10.3 Notice of meetings will be given well in advance in writing to all Joint Committee Members, and not later than one month prior to the meeting.
10.4 The quorum shall be 6 Members, provided that at least one Partner Council Member is present from each Partner Council.
11. Voting
11.1 In accordance with clause 32(4) Schedule 7 of Act, at meetings of the Joint Committee each Council Member has full authority to vote and make decisions within the delegations of this Terms of Reference on behalf of the Partner Council without further recourse to the Partner Council.
11.2 Where voting is required, all Members of the Joint Committee have full speaking rights.
11.3 Each Member has one vote.
11.4 Best endeavours will be made to achieve decisions on a consensus basis.
11.5 As per HBRC Standing Order 18.3: The Chairperson at any meeting does not have a deliberative vote and, in the case of equality of votes, has no casting vote.
12. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
12.1 On the formation of the Joint Committee the members shall elect a Joint Committee Chairperson and may elect up to two Deputy Chairpersons. The Chairperson is to be selected from the group of Council Members.
12.2 The mandate of the appointed Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson ends if that person through resignation or otherwise ceases to be a member of the Joint Committee.
13. Reporting
13.1 All reports to the Committee shall be presented via the Technical Advisory Group[2] or from the Committee Chairperson.
13.2 Following each meeting of the Joint Committee, the Project Manager shall prepare a brief summary report of the business of the meeting and circulate that report, for information to each Member following each meeting. Such reports will be in addition to any formal minutes prepared by the Administering Authority which will be circulated to Joint Committee representatives.
13.3 The Technical Advisory Group shall ensure that the summary report required by 13.2 is also provided to each Partner Council for inclusion in the agenda for the next available Council meeting. A Technical Advisory Group Member shall attend the relevant Council meeting to speak to the summary report if requested and respond to any questions.
14. Good faith
14.1 In the event of any circumstances arising that were unforeseen by the Partner Councils, the Tangata Whenua Appointers, or their respective representatives at the time of adopting this Terms of Reference, the Partner Councils and the Tangata Whenua Appointers and their respective representatives hereby record their intention that they will negotiate in good faith to add to or vary this Terms of Reference so to resolve the impact of those circumstances in the best interests of the Partner Councils and the Tangata Whenua Appointers collectively.
15. Variations to these Terms of Reference
15.1 Any Member may propose a variation, deletion or addition to the Terms of Reference by putting the wording of the proposed variation, deletion or addition to a meeting of the Joint Committee.
15.2 Amendments to the Terms of Reference may only be made with the approval of all Members.
16. Recommended for Adoption by
16.1 The Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee made up of the following members recommends this Terms of Reference for adoption to the three Partner Councils:
Napier City Council represented by Cr Tony Jeffery and Cr Larry Dallimore
Appointed by NCC resolution 2 November 2016
Hastings District Council represented by Cr Tania Kerr and Cr Ann Redstone
Appointed by HDC resolution 8 November 2016
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council represented by Cr Peter Beaven and Cr Paul Bailey
Appointed by HBRC resolution 9 November 2016
Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (MTT) represented by Ms Tania Hopmans
Mana Ahuriri Inc represented by Ms Tania Huata
He Toa Takitini represented by Mr Peter Paku
Appendix 1 – Project Background
Project Goal
A Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy is being developed in cooperation with the Hastings District Council (HDC), the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC), the Napier City Council (NCC), and groups representing Mana Whenua and/or Tangata Whenua. This strategy is being developed to provide a framework for assessing coastal hazards risks and options for the management of those risks for the next 105 years from 2015 to 2120.
The long term vision for the strategy is that coastal communities, businesses and critical infrastructure from Tangoio to Clifton are resilient to the effects of coastal hazards.
Project Assumptions
The Coastal Hazards Strategy will be based on and influenced by:
· The long term needs of the Hawke’s Bay community
· Existing policies and plans for the management of the coast embedded in regional and district council plans and strategies.
· Predictions for the impact of climate change
· The National Coastal Policy Statement
Project Scope
The Coastal Hazards Strategy is primarily a framework for determining options for the long term management of the coast between Clifton and Tangoio. This includes:
· Taking into account sea level rise and the increased storminess predicted to occur as a result of climate change, an assessment of the risks posed by the natural hazards of coastal erosion, coastal inundation and tsunami.
· The development of a framework to guide decision making processes that will result in a range of planned responses to these risks
· The development of a funding model to guide the share of costs, and mechanisms to cover those costs, of the identified responses.
· The development of an implementation plan to direct the implementation of the identified responses.
· Stakeholder involvement and participation.
· Protocols for expert advice and peer review.
· An action plan of ongoing activity assigned to various Members.
The Strategy will:
· Describe a broad vision for the coast in 2120, and how the Hawke’s Bay community could respond to a range of possible scenarios which have the potential to impact the coast by 2120.
· Propose policies to guide any intervention to mitigate the impact of coastal processes and hazards through the following regulatory and non-regulatory instruments:
o Regional Policy Statement
o District Plans
o Council long-term plans
o Infrastructure Development Planning (including both policy and social infrastructure networks).
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Terms of Reference |
Attachment 1 |
Appendix 2 - Administering Authority and Servicing
The administering authority for the Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee is Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
The administrative and related services referred to in clause 16.1 of the conduct of the joint standing committee under clause 30 Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 apply.
Until otherwise agreed, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will cover the full administrative costs of servicing the Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee.
A technical advisory group (TAG) will service the Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee.
The TAG will provide for the management of the project mainly through a Project Manager. TAG will be chaired by the Project Manager, and will comprise senior staff representatives from each of the participating councils and other parties as TAG deems appropriate from time to time. TAG will rely significantly on input from coastal consultants and experts.
The Project Manager and appropriate members of the TAG shall work with stakeholders. Stakeholders may also present to or discuss issues directly with the Joint Committee.
Functions of the TAG include:
o Providing technical oversight for the study.
o Coordinating agency inputs particularly in the context of the forward work programmes of the respective councils.
o Ensuring council inputs are integrated.
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Port of Napier Consent Application Update
Reason for Report
1. To provide an update to the committee on the status of the Port of Napier consent application for Wharf 6.
2. PONL applied for consent to dispose of capital and maintenance dredge material in a new site 5 km offshore from Marine Parade. Consent was granted after a hearing by commissioners. Subsequent to the hearing, Napier City Council and Port of Napier came to an agreement to continue disposing suitable sandy material in the Westshore area.
3. The attached memo outlines some of the details of the result of the hearing.
Decision Making Process
4. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Port of Napier Consent Application Update” report. |
Authored and Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
⇩1 |
Memo - Port of Napier Consent Application Update |
⇩2 |
Media Release 27 November 2018 |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Project Manager's Update
Reason for Report
1. In accordance with instructions from the Joint Committee, this report is provided in place of the written report required from the Project Manager in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee.
2. It provides an opportunity for the Project Manager to present a verbal update to the Committee and answer any questions on general project matters including tracking against timeframes, milestone achievements and project risks. The Project Manager will provide a verbal update at the meeting.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Project Manager’s Update” report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Current Coastal Projects Update
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an opportunity for the Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) to provide an update on various coastal projects the Joint Committee have expressed an interest in keeping abreast of, namely:
1.1. Proposed Whakarire Ave Revetment Works being led by Napier City Council.
1.2. Revetment Works at Clifton being led by Hastings District Council.
2. TAG members will provide a verbal update on each of these projects at the meeting.
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Current Coastal Project Update” report. |
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Project Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Monday 10 December 2018
Subject: Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. This document has been prepared to assist Committee Members to note the Items of Business Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.
1.1. Urgent items of Business (supported by tabled CE or Chairman’s report)
Item Name |
Reason not on Agenda |
Reason discussion cannot be delayed |
1. |
2. |
1.2. Minor items (for discussion only)
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |