Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Date: Wednesday 26 September 2018
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 12 September 2018
4. Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings 3
5. Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda 15
Decision Items
6. Report and Recommendations from the Environment and Services Committee 17
7. Report and Recommendations from the Regional Transport Committee 39
8. Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee 41
9. Affixing of Common Seal 45
Information or Performance Monitoring
10. Significant HBRC Activities through October 2018 47
11. Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda 55
Decision Items (Public Excluded)
12. Investment Funds Manager Selection 57
13. Napier Port Capital Structure Project Update 59
14. Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 12 September 2018 61
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings
Reason for Report
1. On the list attached are items raised at Council Meetings that staff have followed up on. All items indicate who is responsible for follow up, and a brief status comment. Once the items have been report to Council they will be removed from the list.
2. Also attached is a list of LGOIMA requests that have been received since the last Council meeting.
Decision Making Process
3. Staff have assess the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Council receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings” staff report.
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Principal Advisor Governance |
Approved by:
Joanne Lawrence Group Manager Office of the Chief Executive and Chair |
⇩1 |
Follow-ups from Previous Regional Council Meetings + LGOIMA Requests Received |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. Standing order 9.12 states:
“A meeting may deal with an item of business that is not on the agenda where the meeting resolves to deal with that item and the Chairperson provides the following information during the public part of the meeting:
(a) the reason the item is not on the agenda; and
(b) the reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.
Items not on the agenda may be brought before the meeting through a report from either the Chief Executive or the Chairperson.
Please note that nothing in this standing order removes the requirement to meet the provisions of Part 6, LGA 2002 with regard to consultation and decision making.”
2. In addition, standing order 9.13 allows “A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.”
1. That Council accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 11.
1.1. Urgent items of Business (supported by tabled CE or Chairpersons’ report)
Item Name |
Reason not on Agenda |
Reason discussion cannot be delayed |
1. |
2. |
1.2. Minor items for discussion only
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Report and Recommendations from the Environment and Services Committee
Reason for Report
1. The following matters were considered by the Environment and Services Committee meeting on 5 September 2018 and the recommendations agreed are now presented for Council’s consideration.
Agenda Items
2. Sustainable Homes Policy and Funding Criteria - presented a draft policy and criteria for staff to use to assess and approve financial assistance grant applications for Council’s Sustainable Homes grant fund over the first 3 years of the current LTP.
3. Delegations Register – Resource Consent Processes – September 2018 – provided the updated Register as amended to be consistent with the new organisational structure (attached). In response to a query raised during discussions at the meeting, staff provide the following and attached additional information in relation to the delegations process, specifically as it relates to the “Notification Decision”.
3.1. The RMA sets out a process for determining whether an application should be notified, limited notified or non-notified. A notification decision has to be made for every resource consent application that is received, within 10 working days of receipt.
3.2. More than 90% of applications are currently processed by HBRC as non-notified, usually because the activity is addressed by rules in the Regional Resource Management Plan or the Regional Coastal Environment Plan and are able to be processed and granted with conditions set within the policies, standards and guidance included in those plans.
3.3. The current process allows for the Consents Planner processing the application to make a recommendation and for a second planner or the Consents Manager to peer review and authorise this decision (or determine a different approach). The staff delegated the responsibility to authorise this decision are Senior Planner, Principal Planner, Manager Consents, Group Manager Regulation, and the Chief Executive. There needs to be sufficient spread of this decision-making delegation to ensure that the consents team has the capacity and capability to process consents and make these decisions within these statutory time limits.
3.4. At the Environment and Services Committee meeting the CE advised he would give thought to whether it is appropriate to delegate to the Senior Planner level.
3.5. At the moment there are no staff occupying a Senior Planner role, however it is considered that staff appointed to this role will be experienced and competent to make this notification decision. It is therefore not considered necessary to revoke this delegation.
3.6. It should be noted that there is currently a different approach taken for issuing consents for gravel extraction. The delegations currently extend to the Asset Management team, however once the resource consent applications being sought by HBRC for gravel extraction from the Waipawa, Tukituki, Ngaruroro and Tutaekuri rivers are granted it is intended that all gravel extraction consent applications will be processed by the Consents team.
4. Compliance 2017-18 Annual Report - provided the committee with a report on the activities undertaken by the Compliance section during the 2017-18 financial year. From the full report provided to the Committee, a one page summary flyer has been produced and is attached.
5. Response to Ongaonga/Tikokino Bore Issues – provided background and context for the changes in groundwater level occurring in the vicinity of Ongaonga and Tikokino, and the effects on existing and future groundwater takes. During discussions on the item, the requirement for the Tranche 2 resource consent applications to be publicly notified arose, as well as the level of funding assistance able to be provided via Council’s Sustainable Homes Policy for water storage solutions, and both matters are the subject of recommendations (4 & 6) to Council.
5.1. In relation to the decision to be made on whether the Tranche 2 resource consent applications are publically notified, staff request that Council does not resolve (make) this decision. As previously advised, the notification decision is guided by the RMA. The critical matters for consideration in accordance with the RMA are:
5.1.1. whether the activity proposed will have an effect on the environment that is more than minor
5.1.2. whether there are affected persons, and/or
5.1.3. whether there are special circumstances.
5.2. These factors need to each be evaluated on the information provided by the applicant as requested by staff. Often consents officers will request further information and will reserve their judgement (decision on notification) until that information is received.
5.3. That is the situation we are currently in with the Tranche 2 applications. Staff consider that we do not have all the facts (nor do the Councillors) and that it is too soon to make this call. It may be that the decision will be made to notify the applications but staff wish to avoid the risk of being accused of predetermination.
5.4. It would be appropriate for the Councillors to inform staff that they consider there are special circumstances that may justify notification, however not considered appropriate for Council to direct that an application must be notified.
5.5. Another alternative is that the Council revokes the delegation for these specific resource consent applications and that the Council or their delegate(s) make the notification decision in lieu of the consents staff. In this situation the Council or delegate would be required to make the decision based on the facts provided by the applicants/application, and in a manner consistent with the RMA process.
5.6. Staff therefore recommend that the Council does not accept the recommendation of the Environment and Services Committee and instead confirms that Consents staff are to proceed with processing the consents and determining whether the Tranche 2 applications are notified or not in accordance with the RMA processes set out in s95A – s95E and the Consents Delegations Register.
5.7. In relation to the financial assistance available for Water Storage through the Sustainable Homes Policy, staff advise that the water storage component of the programme can be extended to a borrowing limit of $20,000, to match the replacement of septic tanks, without negative impacts on the programme as it is fully cost recoverable. The water storage solutions might also include the cost of system solutions, including pump replacement. HBRC bears no liability for the quality of water stored that is sourced from rainwater or bore supply. This will remain the responsibility of the home owner / consent holder.
6. Forestry Slash Management – provided information to inform the Committee of the regulations available through the National Environmental Standards – Plantation Forestry for addressing issues caused by forestry slash and debris resulting from harvesting.
7. Call for Certificate of Appreciation Nominations – sought councillors’ nominations for the award of HBRC environmental certificates of appreciation.
8. Forestry Investments Update – provided an update on the programme of work that gives effect to the intent of the Kahutia Accord as well as progress on work associated with potential commercial forestry investments.
9. Update on Tūtira Forestry Harvest – provided an update on preparatory work to establish the necessary harvest infrastructure in preparation for the harvest of Council’s 114 ha pine forest within Tūtira Regional Park, as well as post-harvest replanting plans.
10. Irrigation Check-up Programme 2017– provided the findings of the Irrigation Check-up programme carried out in 2017, and plans for the future of the programme.
11. Biodiversity Foundation update – provided on the work of the Biodiversity Foundation and establishment of the Biodiversity Guardians.
12. Freshwater improvement fund projects update and environmental Hot Spots Projects – provided an update on the Freshwater Improvement Fund and Hotspots environmental projects.
13. Verbal update on Future Farming Trust Initiative – provided an update on progress to establish the Trust, including inviting potential participants from industry.
Decision Making Process
14. The items for decision were specifically considered at the Committee level and recommendations to Council agreed.
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. Sustainable Homes Policy and Funding Criteria 2. Accepts the Sustainable Homes Policy and Voluntary Targeted Rate (VTR) Funding Criteria. Delegations Register – Resource Consent Processes – September 2018 3. Approves, pursuant to RMA s34A(1), the delegations set out in the updated Delegation Register – Resource Consent Processes (September 2018) as provided. Response to Ongaonga/Tikokino Bore Issues 4. Given the public interest in the matter, publicly notifies the Tranche 2 resource consent applications should they proceed. 5. Requests that potential solutions to Ongaonga and Tikokino domestic water security are investigated with Central Hawke’s Bay District Council and other stakeholders. 6. Requests that staff provide advice to confirm the impacts of providing up to $20,000 funding assistance for water storage under the Sustainable Homes Policy. Reports 7. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Environment and Services Committee. 7.1. Compliance 2017-18 Annual Report 7.2. Response to Ongaonga/Tikokino Bore Issues 7.3. Forestry Slash Management (Resolved: Requests that staff develop a proposal for the Committee’s consideration, for HBRC to host a conference on forestry with particular reference to management and harvesting issues for the region with invitations for foresters, councils and interested community groups) 7.4. Call for Certificate of Appreciation Nominations 7.5. Forestry Investments Update 7.6. Update on Tūtira Forestry Harvest 7.7. Irrigation Check-up Programme 2017 7.8. Biodiversity Foundation update 7.9. Freshwater improvement fund projects update and environmental Hot Spots Projects 7.10. Verbal update on Future Farming Trust Initiative 7.11. September 2018 Operational Activities update |
Authored by:
Mark Heaney Manager Client Services |
Leeanne Hooper Principal Advisor Governance |
Malcolm Miller Acting Group Manager Regulation |
Approved by:
Joanne Lawrence Group Manager Office of the Chief Executive and Chair |
James Palmer Chief Executive |
⇩1 |
Current HBRC Corporate Structure |
⇩2 |
Consents Notification Decision form |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Report and Recommendations from the Regional Transport Committee
Reason for Report
1. The following matters were considered by the Regional Transport Committee on 7 September 2018 and are now presented for Council’s consideration and approval.
Agenda Items
2. Deputation from Ken Crispin on Behalf of Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre: presented their concerns about noise generated by heavy vehicles on the Expressway passing adjacent to their homes.
3. Variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan – considered variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2018 (RLTP) to add new activities to the three year programme.
4. Discussion with Regional Leaders – informed the Committee of discussions had with the region’s mayors and Chair on possible future opportunities for transport in Hawke’s Bay and sought the Committee’s support for a Provincial Growth Fund application for the sealing of SH38 between Wairoa and Lake Waikaremoana.
5. Addition of Health Advisory Member to the Committee – considered a request by the District Health Board (DHB) for advisory representation on the Committee.
6. NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report September 2018 – provided the Director’s quarterly update.
7. September 2018 Public Transport update – provided an update on Council’s public transport operations.
8. Transport Manager's Report September 2018 – provided a snapshot of relevant transport matters, provided updates from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings and outlined what is coming up within the transport sector
9. Roadsafe Hawke's Bay September 2018 update – provided a snapshot of road safety activities undertaken and briefed the Committee on current or upcoming relevant road safety issues.
Decision Making Process
10. These items were specifically considered at the Committee level.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on these issues without conferring directly with the community. Variations to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2. Approves the variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan, introducing detailed business case and pre-implementation phases for the SH2 Waikare Gorge and Passing Opportunities projects. Addition of Health Advisory Member to the Committee 3. Agrees to amend the Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee to include the appointment of a representative of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board as an advisory member. Reports Received 4. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Regional Transport Committee meeting: 4.1. Deputation from Ken Crispin on Behalf of Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre 4.2. Discussion with Regional Leaders (resolved: Agrees that a proposed workshop be facilitated by the Ministry of Transport and NZTA teams, on issues of future transport opportunities. & to send a letter in support of the sealing of State Highway 38 between Wairoa and Lake Waikaremoana, to the NZ Transport Agency and Wairoa District Council.) 4.3. NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report September 2018 4.4. September 2018 Public Transport update 4.5. Transport Manager's Report September 2018 (resolved: Agrees that a working party consisting of NZTA, Wairoa District Council and HBRC be established to investigate and prepare a funding plan on the Stock Truck Effluent Facility in Wairoa.) 4.6. Roadsafe Hawke's Bay September 2018 update |
Authored by:
Anne Redgrave Transport Manager |
Approved by:
Tom Skerman Group Manager |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee
Reason for Report
1. The following matters were considered by the Regional Planning Committee meeting on 12 September 2018, and are now presented to Council for consideration and approval.
Agenda Items
2. Oil & Gas Plan Change Options item outlined Central Government’s announcements on oil and gas exploration in New Zealand in the context of Council’s proposed Oil and Gas plan change, including several options for the Committee to consider (including a summary of pros and cons). The item was previously provided to the Committee on 20 June when, due to a loss of quorum, the Committee was unable to resolve any decisions on the matter.
3. TANK Plan Change further information provided further information in relation to three of the TANK non-consensus matters following on from the 14 and 15 August workshops, and resulted in the following resolutions being passed by the Committee:
”That the Regional Planning Committee:
1. Receives and notes the “TANK Plan Change Further Information” staff report.
2. Further notes that:
2.1 the TANK Plan Change Further Information report is lengthy and contains complex information which requires further time for review and analysis by Committee members;
2.2 there are further reports to be provided to the Committee in accordance with the 14 August Committee resolution, being:
“3. Requests that staff prepare and present the further reports as listed following, to the Committee:
3.1. the outstanding areas of non-consensus and any other areas that may be identified by the tangata whenua or council members of the RPC following the 14-15 August 2018 workshops so that decisions can be made by the RPC on those and other outstanding technical refinements
3.2. options to consider whether the Committee proceeds directly to formal public notification, limited circulation of the draft plan change for targeted pre-consultation, or some wider public release of the draft plan change for general pre-consultation and feedback
3.3. section 32 evaluation report
3.4. implementation plan
3.5. mandatory pre-notification consultation requirements with iwi authorities, local authorities and Ministers of the Crown
3.6. proposed timeframes and arrangements for the hearing phase of the plan change process.”
2.3 once all reports and information have been received, the Committee will then assess and make a decision on the draft plan and accompanying documentation in its totality.”
3. Adopts the following provisions to be included into the draft TANK Plan Change (PC9) Version 8.
3.1 Include a high flow allocation limit of 8 m3/s for the Ngaruroro River, and an equivalent high flow allocation for the Tūtaekurī River as in Policy 51 and schedule 7 and associated rules.
3.2 Provide for stream flow enhancement of lowland streams as in Policy 35 and associated rules.
3.3 Maintain the Regional Resource Management Plan’s existing minimum flow trigger for the Ngaruroro River at Fernhill of 2400 l/sec and reduce the allocation limit to 1300 l/sec for surface and zone 1 groundwater abstraction in Policy 39 and associated rules.
3.4 Increase the existing minimum flow for the Tūtaekurī River at Puketapu to 2500 l/sec and reduce the allocation limit to 1140 l/sec for surface and zone 1 groundwater abstraction from in Policy 39 and associated rules.”
4. 2017-18 Annual Summary Report of Regional Planning Committee activity item presented a summary of the Regional Planning Committee’s activities during the 2017-18 financial year as will be included in Council’s Annual Report.
5. A late item tabled by the Committee’s tangata whenua representatives was accepted by the Committee for consideration and decision; that being titled Additional Candidate Outstanding Fresh Water Body for Cultural and Spiritual Values Assessment – Tūtaekurī River. The item sought the late addition of the Tūtaekurī River to the list of candidate water bodies to be subject to a secondary assessment for cultural and spiritual values by staff.
Decision Making Process
6. These items were specifically considered at the Committee level.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Report and Recommendations from the Regional Planning Committee”. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. Oil & Gas Plan Change Options 3. Agrees to cease further work on preparation of the Oil and Gas plan change with a view to incorporating this work, as appropriate, in future upcoming reviews of the Regional Resource Management Plan and Regional Coastal Environment Plan, except that: 3.1. Staff may wrap-up and close works on the current stand-alone oil and gas plan change project to enable smooth assignment of the project’s current intelligence over to future plan review projects. 4. Amends the 2018-28 Long Term Plan to remove the oil and gas plan change project from the Strategic Planning Group of Activities. Additional Candidate Outstanding Fresh Water Body for Cultural and Spiritual Values Assessment – Tūtaekurī River 5. Agrees that the Tūtaekurī River be included on the list of candidate Outstanding Fresh Water Bodies for cultural and spiritual values for secondary assessment by staff. Reports 6. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Committee. 6.1. TANK Plan Change further information (resolved as above) 6.2. 2017-18 Annual Summary Report of Regional Planning Committee Activity 6.3. RMA Policy Planning Projects Update 6.4. Statutory Advocacy update |
Authored by:
Gavin Ide Manager Policy and Planning |
Approved by:
Tom Skerman Group Manager |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Affixing of Common Seal
Reason for Report
1. The Common Seal of the Council has been affixed to the following documents and signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive or a Group Manager.
Seal No. |
Date |
1.1 |
Leasehold Land Sales 1.1.1 Lot 2 DP 12772 CT E1/772 - Transfer
1.1.2 Lot 5 DP 13037 CT E2/1159 - Transfer
1.1.3 Lot 14 DP 11027 CT B3/1375 - Agreement for Sale and Purchase - Transfer
1.1.4 Lot 1 DP 10780 CT HBC2/349 - Agreement for Sale and Purchase
4256 4257
4265 |
29 August 2018
7 September 2018
10 September 2018 10 September 2018
19 September 2018 |
1.2 |
1.2.1 C. Dolley S. Sykes J. Blunden (Delegations under Resource Management Act 1991; Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908 and Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174)
1.2.2 C. Dolley P. Billington (Delegations under Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908; Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91)and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174))
1.2.3 Natasha Goldring Karl Wairama Harvey Collerton 1.2.4. (Delegations under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-92 inclusive) and Clause 32B Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002)
1.2.5 C. Dolley (Delegations under the Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2002)
4258 4259 4261
4258 4260
4262 4263 4264
4258 |
10 September 2018 10 September 2018 10 September 2018
10 September 2018 10 September 2018
17 September 2018 17 September 2018 17 September 2018
10 September 2018 |
2. As a result of sales, the current numbers of Leasehold properties owned by Council are:
2.1. No cross lease properties were sold, with 78 remaining on Council’s books
2.2. One single leasehold property was sold, with 111 remaining on Council’s books.
Decision Making Process
3. Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within the Act in relation to this item and have concluded:
3.1 Sections 97 and 88 of the Act do not apply
3.2 Council can exercise its discretion under sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community.
3.3 That the decision to apply the Common Seal reflects previous policy or other decisions of Council which (where applicable) will have been subject to the Act’s required decision making processes.
That Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal. |
Authored by:
Trudy Kilkolly Principal Accountant Rates and Revenue |
Diane Wisely Executive Assistant |
Approved by:
Jessica Ellerm Group Manager Corporate Services |
James Palmer Chief Executive |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
SUBJECT: Significant HBRC Activities through October 2018
Reason for Report
1. The following commentary is provided for Councillors’ information, to inform them of significant issues and activities over the next couple of months.
Significant Work Streams
TANK Plan Change |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Strategic Planning |
Policy |
Stakeholder Engagement for Policy Development |
1. Back-catalogue of numerous reports (old and new) have been uploaded to the online TANK publications library in recent weeks. |
Policy |
2. Staff have been preparing briefing papers on the remaining TANK Group non-consensus matters, plus other matters arising from recent RPC workshops on the TANK plan change materials. 3. Indicative schedule of PC9 workstreams for RPC until December was circulated to all RPC members on 18 September. 4. Preliminary planning is underway for a fieldtrip for RPC members to highlight particular matters arising in the TANK plan change. Date is yet to be confirmed. |
Ngaruroro River & Clive River WCO application |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Strategic Planning |
Policy |
WCO Special Tribunal proceedings |
5. The WCO Co-applicants were due to submit version 3 of the draft order to the Special Tribunal by Friday 14 September. When that becomes available, staff will be reviewing the third version for its merits since earlier versions. 6. No further advice has been issued by the Special Tribunal regarding re-commencement of its Stage 2 hearing. |
Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Strategic Planning |
Policy |
Joint Working Group |
7. Ongoing participation and facilitation of JWG technical experts’ discussions, plus advisory support to the Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee. |
Office of CE & Chair |
Governance |
HB DW Governance Joint Committee |
8. Joint Committee now has representation from CHB, Wairoa, Napier, Hastings and Regional councils; the HB District Health Board and Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. 9. Next meeting scheduled 7 November |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Asset Management |
Engineering |
Develop pathway options and solutions for priority cells, including funding considerations for consultation |
10. Modelling of pathways options is under way. 11. Outline of consent requirements for offshore sand disposal at Westshore pathway being developed. |
Stage 4 |
12. Examine technical design and costings, priorities and assessment of environmental effects. |
Strategic Planning |
Policy |
Stage 4 |
13. Participating in TAG discussions for commencement of Stage 4 workstreams. One specific workstream for planning will be assessing merits of the existing regional and district planning documents and their influence on progressing the Strategy’s preferred pathway options. |
Office of CE & Chair |
Governance |
Joint Committee |
14. Meeting scheduled 28 September to approve implementation of stage 4. |
Activities of Note, by Group
Office of the CE & Chair |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team |
Governance |
Representation Review |
15. One submission received in support of Council’s proposed arrangments – from CHBDC. Council adoption of ‘final arrangements’ for referral to Local Government Commission scheduled 24 October. |
2019 Meetings schedule |
16. To 3 October C&S meeting for approval and recommendation to Council for adoption |
Māori Partnerships |
Ngati Hineuru’s intention to initiate a mana whakahono a rohe (MWAR) arrangement |
17. Hineuru Trust have written to HBRC and several other councils) signalling their intention to initiate MWAR dicsussions on RMA-related matters. The Chief Executive has replied and offered staff to meet with representatives of Hineuru Trust prior to any formal initiation of MWAR negotiation proceedings. |
Integrated Catchment Management |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Section |
Team |
Catchment Services |
Biodiversity |
HB Biodiversity Strategy |
18. Business in Biodiversity launch at the mission estate 19. First annual regional biodiversity forum |
Predator Free Hawke’s Bay |
20. Finalising control, monitoring and research plans for Predator Free Mahia 21. Advertise for predator control Cadets and project coordinator for Whakatipu Mahia – Predator Free Mahia and Poutiri Ao o Tane |
Biodiversity |
Biodiversity and priority ecosystems |
22. Producing framework for Ecosystem Prioritisation site selection and completing site selection for this financial years work programme; 23. National wetland symposium – staff are presenting and are on the organising committee; 24. Wetland selection for the Mohaka catchment as part of the SOE wetland monitoring programme; |
Animal pest management |
Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) |
25. Gearing up for the aerial rook season across the region. 26. Facilitating the Mahia goat Coordinated Management Area 27. Continuing the RPMP review process |
Plant Pest management |
28. Beginning Darwin’s barberry control operations. 29. Finish initial visits to Chilean needle grass landowners and start the CNG control season. 30. Complete organizing Australian Sedge and Old mans beard programmes. |
Catchment Management |
Northern catchments |
31. By the time of printing staff will have organized a meeting with local groups interested in supplying locally grown trees through nurseries into the afforestation initiatives. There are at least 5 interested in doing so at this stage. 32. Staff have a number of landholders to visit and begin the process of creating Erosion Control Plans so that they can access funding. There are currently 6 significant projects seeking funding in Northern HB. 33. Members of the Whangawehi Catchment group have been successful at gaining support to attend the International River Symposium in Sydney (15-17 October) where they are a finalist in the RiverPrize. 34. Consents are being prepared for works associated with the Freshwater Improvement Fund around Lake Whakaki – this is the final hurdle before receiving support from MfE for this project. 35. Staff are currently actively involved in working on issues in Mahanga, Raupunga water supply catchment and discussions around the formation of a wider Wairoa catchment group. |
Asset Management |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Regional Assets |
Engineering |
Esk Valley, Mangaone, Tutaekuri Floods |
36. March Esk Flood report - including comments on Rissington, Pakuratahi, Te Ngarue. Flood extents to be plotted to include in report. Expected completion of report by late October. |
Gisborne District Council consultancy services |
37. Proposed stopbank upgrade Hearing held in Gisborne on 19-20 September – The results indicate good agreement on technical matters, and most submitters’ concerns were addressed. Cycleway on top of stopbank was final concern. 38. Modelling for construction of new bridge across Waipaoa River near Whatatutu. Discussions with GDC consenting and rivers departments. |
Gravel Resource Consents |
39. Significant work completed answering Section 92 requests for further information. Will be subject to peer review followed by call for submissions followed by hearing if required. |
Nuhaka River Road |
40. Contract let to realign part of the Nuhaka River to enable road to be re-opened. Working with Wairoa District Council. Permission received from Iwi, DOC and F&G. Construction late September 2018 |
Westshore beach renourishment |
41. Survey and contract carried out in September for scheduled October 2018 re-nourishment. |
Open Spaces |
Pakowhai Regional Park Carpark |
42. A temporary carpark at Pakowhai Regional Park has been established downstream of the Chesterhope Bridge off Farndon Rd. Construction has started on the new carpark in association with the new WAL roundabout entrance with completion scheduled for Dec 2018. |
Hawea Park / Karamu Stream Diversion |
43. Joint land ownership established through a Trust. 44. Bulk earthworks and bank planting completed. 45. Draft park management plan being developed with hapu. |
Cycle Networks |
June flood trail repairs |
46. Completion of MBIE contract to repair and enhance trail surfaces. |
Regulation |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section |
Team(s) |
Resource Consents |
Large/ significant application Processes |
47. Te Mata Mushrooms Air discharge remains on hold pending application for related consents required from HDC. A deadline for this to be lodged has been set by the Court. 48. HBRC gravel extraction Ngaruroro Tukituki, Waipawa and Tutaekuri. Further information has been requested and is to be provided (date has been extended). 49. There are four resource consent applications in process for discharging stormwater and drainage water into the Ahuriri Estuary. Landcorp farm discharge consent is on hold pending application by NCC for the Onehunga Road pump station. NCC have two other discharge consents lodged for stormwater discharges from the West Shore tidal gates and from Lagoon Farm. These are on hold pending discussion with affected parties. 50. Ruataniwha Tranche 2 groundwater takes. There are 8 applications for this water. These applications are on hold while applicants complete modelling work. Further information may be requested. |
Hearings |
51. Port of Napier hearing adjourned and to reconvene on 28 September. |
Appeals/ Environment Court |
52. PanPac Expert witness mediation held 18 – 19 September. Env Ct to determine process once this has been received. |
IRIS implementation |
53. Testing underway. Go live date November 26. |
Strategic Planning |
Project description |
Activity Status Update |
Group/Section / Team(s) |
Project Management Office |
54. 18 projects have been chosen to pilot the roll out of a new council-wide project management framework, including training, templates, tools and reporting. It is proposed to report quarterly on key projects to the Corporate and Strategic Committee starting in December 2018. |
RMA Planning |
55. Refer to RPC meeting on 12 September. 56. Preliminary preparation of HBRC’s third edition of its Programme (PIP) to progressively implement the NPSFM. That 3rd edition is due to be adopted by Council before 31 December 2018 following amendments to the NPSFM in August 2017. |
Transport |
57. The National Land Transport Programme has now been announced, and most activities that were included in our Regional Land Transport Plan have been funded. In addition, recent Provincial Growth Fund announcements will have benefits for State Highway 2 between Napier and Wairoa; funding has been allocated for a suite of new passing lanes and further investigation into a bypass of the Waikare Gorge. 58. The review of the Regional Public Transport Plan is continuing. Early consultation with stakeholders is now complete and an investment logic mapping session is to be held in October. 59. Development of the new bus ticketing system is slower than expected. Nine regional councils are involved in the project, and the system is expected to be in place for all councils by the end of May 2019. |
Decision Making Process
2. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Significant HBRC Activities through October 2018 report. |
Authored by:
Gary Clode Manager Regional Assets |
Desiree Cull Strategy and Projects Leader |
Nathan Heath Catchment Manager (Wairoa/Mohaka) |
Leeanne Hooper Principal Advisor Governance |
Gavin Ide Manager Policy and Planning |
Campbell Leckie Manager Catchment Services |
Malcolm Miller Acting Group Manager Regulation |
Brendan Powell Catchment Manager (Central) |
Anne Redgrave Transport Manager |
Dr Stephen Swabey Manager Science |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Iain Maxwell Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management |
Tom Skerman Group Manager Strategic Planning |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Items of Business Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.
1.1. Urgent items of Business (supported by tabled CE or Chairpersons’ report)
Item Name |
Reason not on Agenda |
Reason discussion cannot be delayed |
1. |
2. |
1.2. Minor items (for discussion only)
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Investment Funds Manager Selection
That Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 12 Investment Funds Manager Selection with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:
Investment Funds Manager Selection |
7(2)(i) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). |
The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies. |
Authored by:
Manton Collings Chief Financial Officer |
Approved by:
Jessica Ellerm Group Manager |
James Palmer Chief Executive |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
Subject: Napier Port Capital Structure Project Update
That Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 13 Napier Port Capital Structure Project Update with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:
Napier Port Capital Structure Project Update |
7(2)(c)(ii) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of that information is necessary to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide and would be likely otherwise to damage the public interest. 7(2)(j) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to prevent the disclosure or use of official information for improper gain or improper advantage. |
The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies. |
Authored by:
Blair O'Keeffe HBRIC Ltd Chief Executive |
Jessica Ellerm Group Manager |
Approved by:
James Palmer Chief Executive |
Wednesday 26 September 2018
That the Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes Agenda Item 14 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Principal Advisor Governance |
Approved by:
James Palmer Chief Executive |