Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee
Date: Monday 27 August 2018
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 14 May 2018
4. Call for Items of Business not on the Agenda
Information or Performance Monitoring
5. Group Training and Exercising Programme 3
6. Group Work Programme Outline 23
7. Group Manager’s General Update 27
8. Discussion of Items of Business not on the Agenda 35
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 August 2018
Subject: Group Training and Exercising Programme
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to seek the endorsement of the Committee of the CEG’s approval of the attached draft Training and Exercise Plans.
2. Training:. The general approach to training in the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (HBCDEM) will be the adoption of a centralised CDEM Group service provision model. The training plan is attached. The aim of the training plan is to provide a professional personnel capability development service to the members of the Hawkes’ Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group via the Group office.
3. Priority will be to train the staff that will contribute to the Group Emergency Coordination Centre (including identified Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay District Council staff). A positive outcome will be that these staff may also form the basis of a council’s incident management team (IMT) as the skills are transferrable. Direct training costs will be met by Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group budgets. The Group members (i.e. Territorial Local Authorities) will contribute staff time to meet the training programme.
4. Exercising: The general approach to exercising will be a Group wide facilitation model similar to training. The aim of the Exercising Plan is to provide an integrated, Group wide approach to practicing and testing the coordinated response to events between the HBCDEM members and our Partner Agencies. Territorial Authorities as lifeline providers and partner agencies such as Emergency Services, Lifeline Organisations, and Welfare Coordination Group Organisations will be encouraged to regularly practice their internal emergency response procedures. HBCDEM office will act as a “centre of excellence” and support the development of these organisation’s capability as required and appropriate.
5. HBCDEM will aim to lead two region wide emergency response exercises per year. These will be a service provided on an ‘opt-in’ basis for partner organisations, who will be expected to be involved in the exercise planning and assessment.
6. HBCDEM will also contribute resources to meet national and international exercising commitments as required by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM).
Financial and Resource Implications
7. As mentioned the direct cost of providing training and exercises (e.g. facilities and trainers) will be sourced from the existing Group budget.
8. Ratification of the training plan is the approval of the service provision approach and acknowledgement that the Group members are committing the staff-time required to achieve the training plan. Currently this is forecast to be a total annual ongoing commitment of 85 staff days on average for HDC, NCC, and HBRC; and 50 staff days on average for WDC and CHBDC. Time requirements for individual roles are detailed in the plan.
9. Ratification of the exercises plan is the approval of the exercising approach as outlined in the plan. This includes each local authority being responsible for their own crisis management and internal incident management teams capabilities with support from the HBCDEMG. Currently this is forecast to be an annual ongoing commitment of 90 staff days on average for HDC, NCC, and HBRC; and 55 staff days on average for WDC and CHBDC. There is also a requirement for key staff in councils to be involved in exercise planning and control, this will vary based on scenario and involvement.
10. It is recommended that councils continue to, and increase over time, the investment in staff capability to respond to emergencies. This will in turn transfer to an increase in the capability for organisational crisis / business continuity management.
That : 1. That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the decision to approve the Training Plan attached to this report. 2. That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the decision to approve the Exercises Plan attached to this report. |
Authored by:
Edaan Lennan Emergency Management Advisor (Training and Planning) |
Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
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HB Civil Defence Group Training and Exercise Plan 2018 |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 August 2018
Subject: Group Work Programme Outline
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on the progress on redeveloping the Group Work Programme and seek advice and confirmation of the general intent and outline that has been developed.
2. At the Committee meeting in May it was agreed to endorse the decision of the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG) to redevelop the existing Group Work Programme. This was primarily due to significant progress in completing the existing work programme and the need to consider the new Group office structure and capability.
3. In early July the Group office took the opportunity to spend a facilitated day looking internally at the team, conducted a GAP analysis of our work and identifying work streams and projects. At the beginning of this session some clear guidance was given as to what some of the key priorities and focus should be looking at the next 1-2 years’ work.
4. This guidance was as a result of a discussion between the CEG Chair and the Group Manager. This guidance is summarised as follows:
Guiding documents:
4.1 Group Plan (Joint Committee direction)
4.2 Group Work Programme (CEG)
4.3 National Plan and Guidelines
4.4 Note the Group Plan is to be reviewed starting 2019
4.5 Note the implementation of the Governments’ Technical Advisory Group Report may shift the goal posts but we are well positioned to respond to this
Strategic Priorities:
4.6 Focus on finishing existing work before taking on new projects
4.7 Focus on operational readiness and ensuring the Group is able to effectively respond to the risks we face
4.8 Continue and further develop Community Resilience Planning process – including implementation projects
4.9 Progress and improve Recovery structures and planning
There are however a number of “non-negotiables” that will need to be completed over the next 2 years:
4.10 Review of the Group Plan
4.11 Re-occupation and establishment of the Group Emergency Coordination Centre (GECC) in Hastings
4.12 Hikurangi Response Plan and Rapid Relief Project (external funding constraints)
4.13 Realignment of budgets post LTP to reflect new structure/responsibilities
4.14 Review of “service level agreements” with Group members
5. Within this broad guidance a number of work areas/projects were collectively identified. These were further considered by the team and were placed within the following prioritisation matrix. This Matrix is in a very draft state and provides a level of guidance only. Some projects could be amalgamated into work streams. It needs to be noted that although a project may be low impact and effort – this does not mean it will not be done. Furthermore linkages between projects need to be explored which may change priorities.
6. The Committee’s guidance is sought on the prioritisation matrix below.
Low Effort/High Impact |
High Impact/High Effort |
· Develop new Community Resilience Plan (CRP) timetable · Finishing CRPs underway · Launch new regional warning system (Whisper) · Hazard research plan (rock fall / land slide) · Rapid relief project and planning · Website redevelopment · Auditing existing IMT staffing capability · Lifelines engagement and integration · Implementing training plan · Community survey including resilience indicators · Digital radio network development and implementation · Corrective action implementation strategy |
· Advancing natural hazard land use planning changes · Response Planning (including Hikurangi Response Plan) · Initial response planning · Exercises · Tsunami evacuation zone public awareness · Commissioning new GECC facility · Develop monitoring framework and measure outcome achievement · Public mass alerting systems · Activation processes and supporting technology · Tsunami risk reduction · Implementing recovery strategy · Group Plan review · Volunteer Strategy and implementation · Development of Common Operating Picture (COP) |
Low Effort/Low Impact |
High Effort/Low Impact |
· Asset and equipment rationalisation and location · Public education display refresh (EIT LAB 20/8/19) · PTECH · Information management · Budgets review · Communications toolbox · Communications plan review |
· Maori engagement methodology · Public education · Small events capability · Te Reo strategy · Hazard risk reduction strategy · Reviewed service level agreements with councils |
7. The intent is to take this initial work and develop a coordinated work programme. The first step is the scoping of each project and where appropriate rationalising projects into work streams. This will identify matters such as:
7.1 Project overview and purpose
7.2 Project goals
7.3 Project assumptions and constrains
7.4 Project success factors
7.5 Risks to project
7.6 Strategic alignment
7.7 Related projects and interdependencies
7.8 Stakeholders
7.9 Resourcing
8. As part of this process it is intended to consult with the organisations represented in CEG and with other partner agencies.
9. It is intended that a complete Work Programme be provided to the November CEG meeting for approval. This will also guide the Business Plan for 2019/20, which will be on the next Committee meeting agenda.
10. It is requested that the Committee provide some initial feedback and guidance on the initial work completed so far and agree with the CEG’s endorsement of the work completed so far.
That : 1. The report of the Group Manager, Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee titled “Group Outline Work Programme” be received. 2. That the outline Group Work Programme is endorsed. |
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 August 2018
Subject: Group Manager’s General Update
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to inform or update the Committee on a number of matters not specifically addressed in other items on this agenda and to give the Committee an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback if desired.
2. The last few months for the Group office has been busy with the pack up and move of personal workspaces and the GECC. This has taken considerable time and ongoing effort. The other focus for the Group leadership has been the recruitment and appointment process for new positions as a result of the Group office restructure.
3. The matters covered in this report include:
3.1. New method of operations implementation
3.2. Group Welfare
3.3. Group Volunteer Strategy
3.4. Hastings emergency management facility alterations
3.5. Group Office restructure and implementation
3.6. Group funding review.
New Method of Operations Implementation
4. The Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group adopted a new method of operations over 12 months ago that moved a number of emergency management functions to a more centralised model. The intention is that the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group would lead responses where there was a requirement for specialised elements, such as welfare coordination. At the time it was acknowledged that a review should be conducted once the new structure had been implemented and used.
5. The application and understanding of this method of operations has been tested since it was adopted as a result of a number of small real events that have taken place over the past year. There has been some confusion at the council level as how the model is applied to a real event – particularly a small event. One of the issues identified is clarity around when an incident escalates from a small to larger and how the Group office staff support a small council lead incident.
6. With the Group Office recently completing a restructure and a number of key staff changes across all our territorial authorities and the Regional Council, it is now an ideal opportunity to undertake the review and ensure that there is clear understanding of how the method of operations is applied in an emergency.
7. Two meetings will be held in August to discuss the model going forward and how it is put into practise by the Group Office staff, the territorial authorities and the Regional council. All local and group controllers have been invited to these meetings.
8. In particular, these meetings will focus on when the CDEM Group leads a response and how a response is escalated by an agency or one of the councils. The meetings will also look at the new Group Office structure and how this can best facilitate the territorial authorities to be prepared for smaller responses that do not need the specialist centralised functions at the Group level.
9. As a result of these discussions a reviewed Concept of Operations will be created for the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group to provide a consistent framework and understanding for the implementation of the model in future responses.
10. This amended Concept of Operations will be reported back to the CEG and will be discussed with the Committee at its next meeting.
Group Welfare
11. Some good progress has been made in this area over the last few months. In particular the Rural Advisory Group which focuses on the impacts and needs of the rural community during and after an event has now meet on a number of occasions. This Group is now self-governing with the support of Group office staff and MPI. This has filled a significant gap in our response which was identified as a result of a number of events in the last couple of years.
12. The Group Welfare Plan has now been completed and was approved by the CEG at its last meeting. This Plan was developed with our partner agencies in welfare and outlines the welfare arrangements for an event in Hawke’s Bay. The Plan is also reflective of the experience and lessons gained in a number of recent smaller events.
13. The Plan is currently being formatted and finalised. This will only be published on-line and a link will be provided in due course.
Group Volunteer Strategy
14. A sub-group of the CEG completed a Group Volunteer Strategy that was approved by the CEG at its last meeting.
15. This strategy reflects the objectives in the Group Plan for volunteering taking into consideration what capacity and capability is appropriate for Hawke’s Bay.
16. The strategy allows for the groupings of volunteers outlined as follows:
17. The Group has previously engaged with some of these volunteer groups but this has largely been focussed around the more traditional use of volunteers in response activities only. As was seen in Christchurch and subsequent emergency events within New Zealand, volunteers can play a large part in other areas of the four R’s, in particular in reduction and readiness activities.
18. In the future the Group will develop a capability based around the effective utilisation of all three of the above volunteer groups across all four R’s. The recruitment of volunteers will be targeted according to the identified needs and will aim to integrate volunteer capability into the CDEM Group work wherever practicable.
19. The volunteer capability within the Hawke’s Bay region has previously been largely based around the municipal centres of Napier and Hastings, with limited activities elsewhere within the region. The future structure will develop a volunteer capability to enable effective support to Group activities regardless of the location.
20. All Hawke’s Bay CDEM volunteers will be recruited as part of the Hawke’s Bay Emergency Response Team. The team will:
20.1. Offer three streams of capability: Welfare Response, Communications Support and Emergency Response (middle green cylinder above).
20.2. Provide capability in areas that are not provided by existing volunteer agencies.
20.3. Provide support to the other emergency services to perform their response functions.
21. The next stage of this process is implementing a transition plan involving all of the existing CDEM volunteers across Hawke’s Bay. This will be challenging due to differing expectations between volunteer groups and different levels of commitment. It is hoped all existing volunteers will find a role that suites them in the new structure.
22. Further work in this area will address how we engage, manage and maintain an effective volunteer group across Hawke’s Bay and a Spontaneous Volunteer Plan. This will also involve working with other volunteer organisations to include them in readiness and response.
Community Resilience Planning and Education
23. A well-attended ‘Resilient Wairoa’ meeting was held in July with key stakeholders, including the Mayor of Wairoa, Hawke’s Bay CDEM, Ministry of Primary Industries, Department of Conservation, Te Pune Kokiri, Police, Fire and Emergency NZ, Ambulance, Federated Farmers, Local Controllers and function Managers, local Hapu and Marae, Non-Government Agencies (NGO) and businesses. A follow up meeting is planned for September/October to continue discussions on a co-ordinated Wairoa response.
24. The following community resilience work has occurred since the last Committee meeting:
24.1 Work is being done in Wairoa with early childhood education (ECEs) and schools, as well as with local adults with disabilities, to support them with emergency planning.
24.2 The annual Emergency Planning Workshop for tourism providers has been held in Napier with good feedback.
24.3 Over 50 Ministry of Education staff attended a Group run workshop around understanding our risks, with a focus on tsunami.
24.4 On our behalf, the Red Cross has now delivered the Lets Get Ready programme to over 1000 children in Hastings and Napier schools.
24.5 Health Hawkes Bay has distributed over 800 Te Hīkoi a Rūaumoko books and household emergency plan templates to B4 School Check providers, who are giving them out to families when they attend a B4 School Check with their child. 2500 four year olds attend a B4 School Check each year in Hawke’s Bay.
25. Shakeout is being held on 18 October. It will now be an annual event, coordinated at a national level by MCDEM and the Ministry of Education, with a focus on schools and ECEs. As well as holding an earthquake drill, schools and ECEs located in tsunami zones are being encouraged to do a tsunami evacuation drill.
26. The Safer Tsunami Schools and ECEs project has concluded and the finished toolkit will be available shortly. This is a national guide for CDEM staff to provide consistent messages and information to education providers in tsunami zones.
Hastings Emergency Management Facility Alterations
27. As discussed at the last Committee meeting, the Hastings Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) will undergo an upgrade to its building resilience to Importance Level (IL) Four. This will involve the complete retrofit and strengthening of the building’s foundations, structural, and internal components. The project is being funded and managed by the Hastings District Council.
28. In early July the Group Office relocated and established a temporary GECC in Heretaunga House across the road from the main HDC building. This temporary GECC is now operational albeit at a reduced capacity and capability.
29. At the last meeting it was reported that the refurbishment work on the main Emergency Management Facility and GECC was to commence in early July. The HDC project manager has advised that due to delays in the building consent process and engaging a suitable contractor physical works will not commence until September. It is hoped that we will be able to re-occupy the renovated facility in the new year.
30. The point has been made to the HDC project manager that this work needs to be given some priority due to the risk of only having access to a temporary coordination centre which would not be suitable for responding to a large emergency.
Group Office Restructure and Implementation
31. The implementation of the new Group office structure has been ongoing since the last meeting. Of the three vacancies, the positions of Team Leader Community Engagement and Emergency Management Advisor (Processes and Technology) have been filled.
32. The position of Emergency Management Advisor (Public Information and Education) was not able to be filled in the first round of interviews and will be re-advertised shortly.
33. The current Group office structure with roles and responsibilities is attached.
Group Funding Review
34. As part of the local authorities LTP processes, the Councils have approved changes to CDEM funding coming from individual councils, into one rate targeted to individual properties and administered by the HBRC.
35. The proposed new target rate has been set at $29.85 plus GST per property across about 72,000 properties.
36. Work can now commence in reviewing the Group budgets to allocate resources to new project areas such as community engagement. An update on the Group’s budget and financial performance for the 2017/18 financial year will be given at the next meeting.
That the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Group Manager’s General Update” staff report. |
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
⇩1 |
CDEM Structure |
HB CDEM Group Joint Committee
Monday 27 August 2018
Subject: Discussion of Items of Business not on the Agenda
This document has been prepared to assist the Joint Committee to note any minor Items of Business not on the Agenda to be discussed, as determined earlier in the Agenda.
Item |
Topic |
Raised By |
1. |
2. |
Authored by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |