Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Date: Tuesday 24 April 2018
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 28 March 2018
4. Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings 3
5. Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda 9
Decision Items
6. Recommendations from the Environment & Services Committee 11
7. Hearings for the Regional Pest Management Plan 13
8. Affixing of Common Seal 45
Information or Performance Monitoring
9. Financial Report to 31 March 2018 and Reforecast for Financial Year ending 30 June 2018 47
10. Report from the 10 April 2018 Maori Committee Meeting 61
11. HBRC Staff Projects and Activities through May 2018 63
12. Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda 69
Decision Items (Public Excluded)
13. Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 28 March 2018 71
Thursday 26 April 2018
Subject: Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings
Reason for Report
1. On the list attached are items raised at Council Meetings that staff have followed up on. All items indicate who is responsible for follow up, and a brief status comment. Once the items have been report to Council they will be removed from the list.
2. Also attached is a list of LGOIMA requests that have been received since the last Council meeting.
Decision Making Process
3. Staff have assess the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings” staff report. |
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Governance Manager |
Approved by:
Liz Lambert Group Manager |
⇩1 |
Follow-ups from Previous Regional Council Meetings |
Thursday 26 April 2018
Subject: Call for Items of Business Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. Standing order 9.12 states:
“A meeting may deal with an item of business that is not on the agenda where the meeting resolves to deal with that item and the Chairperson provides the following information during the public part of the meeting:
(a) the reason the item is not on the agenda; and
(b) the reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.
Items not on the agenda may be brought before the meeting through a report from either the Chief Executive or the Chairperson.
Please note that nothing in this standing order removes the requirement to meet the provisions of Part 6, LGA 2002 with regard to consultation and decision making.”
2. In addition, standing order 9.13 allows “A meeting may discuss an item that is not on the agenda only if it is a minor matter relating to the general business of the meeting and the Chairperson explains at the beginning of the public part of the meeting that the item will be discussed. However, the meeting may not make a resolution, decision or recommendation about the item, except to refer it to a subsequent meeting for further discussion.”
1. That Council accepts the following “Items of Business Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 12.
1.1. Urgent items of Business (supported by tabled CE or Chairpersons’s report)
Item Name |
Reason not on Agenda |
Reason discussion cannot be delayed |
1. |
2. |
1.2. Minor items for discussion only
Item |
Topic |
Raised by |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Subject: Recommendations from the Environment & Services Committee
Reason for Report
1. The following matters were considered by the Environment & Services Committee meeting on 11 April 2018 and are now presented for Council’s consideration and approval.
Decision Making Process
2. These matters have all been specifically considered at the Committee level.
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. HBRC Enforcement Policy Adoption 2. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2.2. Adopts the April 2018 HBRC Enforcement Policy as amended to reflect changes agreed at the 11 April Environment and Services Committee meeting. Process for Awarding HBRC Certificate of Appreciation 3. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 3.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 3.2. Creates three categories for nomination to recognise environmental stewardship, being: 3.2.1. Environmental Leadership in Business – Te Hautūtanga Taiao me te Pakihi: Recognises business or local authorities that demonstrate kaitiakitanga, innovation or efficiency, or an ongoing commitment to environmental best practice. 3.2.2. Environmental Leadership in Land Management – Te Hautūtanga Taiao me te Whakahaere Whenua: Recognises land users who are committed to environmental stewardship and sustainability in their meat, fibre, forestry or other land use operations. 3.2.3. Environmental Action in the Community – Te Oho Mauri Taiao ki te Hapori: Recognises no-for-profit organisations or individuals that are taking action to protect or enhance the environment, or are increasing understanding of environmental issues. 4. Calls for nominations to the above categories from Councillors at the Environment and Services Committee held in February and September each year, with the Award being presented to the recipient at the April and November Regional Council meetings with a morning or afternoon tea event. Reports Received 5. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Environment & Services Committee. 5.1 April 2018 Hot Spot/Freshwater Improvement Projects Update 5.2 Whitebait 5.3 Giant Willow Aphid Update 5.4 Cycle Way Update – Mad Mile 5.5 Mangapoike Landslide Update 5.6 Hawke's Bay Marine and Coastal Group Roadmap 5.7 Forest and Carbon presentation by Taine Randell 5.8 Zero Carbon 5.9 Summary of Hawke's Bay Territorial Authorities' Key Long Term Plan Proposals 5.10 Operational Activities Update |
Authored by:
Annelie Roets Governance |
Approved by:
Liz Lambert Group Manager |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Subject: Hearings for the Regional Pest Management Plan
Reason for Report
1. To delegate the required decision making powers to the Hearing Panel for the Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP), and to confirm the appointment of Councillor Paul Bailey to the Hearing Panel as replacement for Councillor Fenton Wilson.
2. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan is the main statutory document implementing the Biosecurity Act 1993 in the region; providing a framework for the management of plant, animal and horticultural pests in Hawke’s Bay.
3. Due to substantial changes to the Biosecurity Act 1993 (the Act) in 2012, and the promulgation of a National Policy Direction (NPD) for Pest Management in 2015, the Council has undertaken a major review of biosecurity policy mechanisms.
4. A Proposed RPMP was developed, through a combination of extensive analysis by staff and pre-consultation with the community. Pre-consultation included the use of a Discussion Document and feedback process, meetings with industry discussing specific programmes and various direct pieces of feedback received by the Council.
5. Council adopted the proposed RPMP for public consultation on 31 January 2018, with the consultation period running from 2 February through to 16 March 2018. Council also delegated the Biosecurity Working Party to hear submissions and make recommendations to Council on further amendments required prior to adoption of the final Regional Pest Management Plan. However, further delegation is sought with a summary of required delegations outlined below under Strategic Fit and attachment one.
6. Hearing panel members elected John Simmons as Chairperson of the hearing panel due to his national knowledge in Biosecurity programmes and experience in hearing procedures under the Biosecurity Act 1993. The panel have also agreed to give the chairperson the following:
6.1 Authorise the Chairperson to act alone to exercise any powers, functions and duties delegated in respect of the conduct of the hearing.
6.2 Authorise the Chairperson to have a casting vote when there is an equality of votes when exercising any of the powers, functions and duties of the hearing.
7. These powers allow the chairperson to sign off Minutes in the absence of another panel member and to prevent a ‘stalemate’ situation during the hearing process. To give the chairperson these powers, Council are responsible for appointing John Simmons as the Chairperson of the hearing panel.
Strategic Fit
8. In undertaking the public notification and receipt of submissions process, as part of the consultation plan, a hearing panel is required to hear submissions. This panel can also be delegated the authority to make certain decisions under the Act.
9. The decisions that a hearings panel will be required to make with delegated authority are outlined in Attachment 1. As shown in option one of that attachment, these delegations will allow for a streamlined, stepped approach, saving Council time as well as speeding up the hearing process.
10. A final draft of the new RPMP, along with a report outlining proposed decisions, will be tabled for the Council to make a final decision upon in accordance with section 75 of the Act. A copy of the relevant sections of the Biosecurity Act 1993 and the National Policy Direction are provided in attachments 2 and 3 respectively.
11. Once a Council decision has been made, public notice will be given of the decision, along with making the RPMP and full decision report available to the public. Submitters will have 15 working days to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court in accordance with section 76 of the Act, if they wish to do so.
12. If no appeals are made, the Council can officially adopt the RPMP in accordance with section 77 of the Act by affixing the Common Seal. It is at this point that the new RPMP becomes operative.
13. If an appeal is made, there are circular processes within sections 76 and 77 of the Act to address what occurs.
14. Once operative, the RPMP will empower the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to exercise the relevant advisory, service delivery, regulatory and funding provisions available under the Act to deliver the specific objectives identified in the Plan. Regional pest management sits within a biosecurity framework for the Hawke’s Bay region, which includes this Plan, the Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy and the HBRC Strategic Plan. Neighbouring Regional Pest Management Plans and national legislation, policy and initiatives have also influenced this Plan.
15. All programmes sitting within an RPMP are required to have clear measurable outcomes, which are specified within the Monitoring section. This Monitoring section is integrated into the Biosecurity Annual Operational Plan, which goes to Council for approval prior to each financial year. The Operational Plan sets out the operational delivery for each programme and the monitoring and reporting requirements. Staff report to council annually (November) on the progress of the Operational Plan. The operational plan is required to be updated to reflect changes made to the plan within three months of the Plan being approved.
Decision Making Process
16. Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:
16.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
16.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
16.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.
16.4. The persons affected by this decision are all persons who have submitted on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan.
16.5. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
16.6. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and notes the “Hearings for the Regional Pest Management Plan” staffs report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 3. Notes that Councillor Tom Belford, Mr Apiata Tapine and Mr John Simmons have been previously appointed by the HBRC Hearing Committee as members of the Hearing Panel on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038. 4. Notes that Councillor Fenton Wilson was appointed as a member of the Hearing Panel on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038 but has excused himself due to a potential conflict of interest. 5. Confirms the appointment of Councillor Paul Bailey, as recommended by the Environment and Services Committee at their meeting on 11 April 2018, as a member of the Hearing Panel on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038 to replace Councillor Fenton Wilson. 6. Delegates to the persons named in (3) and (5) above the powers, functions and duties set out in sections 71 to 74 {excluding section 72(5)} and sections 100D(6)(b) of the Biosecurity Act 1993, in respect of the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038. 7. Delegates to the persons named in (3) and (5) above the powers, functions and duties of the Council set out in sections 75(1) and (2) of the Biosecurity Act 1993 to prepare a written report on the Plan. 8. Directs that the persons named in (3) and (5) above provide recommendations to Council as to Council’s decisions on the Plan. 9. Appoints John Simmons as the Chairperson of the hearing panel. 10. Authorises the Chairperson acting alone to exercise any powers, functions and duties delegated by (6) above in respect of the conduct of the hearing. 11. Authorises the Chairperson to have a casting vote when there is an equality of votes when exercising any of the powers, functions and duties delegated by (6) and (7) above. |
Authored by:
Mark Mitchell Principal Biosecurity Advisor |
Campbell Leckie Manager Land Services |
Approved by:
Graeme Hansen Group Manager Asset Management |
⇩1 |
Role of Regional Pest Management Plan Hearing Panel |
⇩2 |
2015 National Policy Direction for Pest Management |
⇩3 |
Extract from Biosecurity Act 1993 |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Subject: Affixing of Common Seal
Reason for Report
1. The Common Seal of the Council has been affixed to the following documents and signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive or a Group Manager.
Seal No. |
Date |
1.1 |
Leasehold Land Sales 1.1.1 Lot 109 DP 6598 CT E1/142 - Agreement for Sale and Purchase - Transfer
1.1.2 Lot 1 DP 17786 CT K3/58 - Agreement for Sale and Purchase
1.1.3 Lot 1 DP 13693 CT F2/189 - Agreement for Sale and Purchase - Transfer
4213 4218
4216 4217 |
3 April 2018 17 April 2018
6 April 2018
12 April 2018 12 April 2018 |
1.2 |
1.2.1 N. Cottier (Delegations under Resource Management Act 1991; Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941; Land Drainage Act 1908 and Civil Defence Act 1983 (s.60-64); Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (s.86-91) and Local Government Act 2002 (s.174)
4215 |
11 April 2018 |
2. As a result of sales, the current numbers of Leasehold properties owned by Council are:
2.1. 0 cross lease properties were sold, with 83 remaining on Council’s books
2.2. 2 single leasehold properties were sold, with 123 remaining on Council’s books.
Decision Making Process
3. Council is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77, 78, 80, 81 and 82 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within these sections of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
2.1 Sections 97 and 88 of the Act do not apply
2.2 Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided
2.3 That the decision to apply the Common Seal reflects previous policy or other decisions of Council which (where applicable) will have been subject to the Act’s required decision making process.
That Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal. |
Authored by:
Trudy Kilkolly Financial Accountant |
Diane Wisely Executive Assistant |
Approved by:
Jessica Ellerm Group Manager |
James Palmer Chief Executive |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
SUBJECT: Financial Report to 31 March 2018 and Reforecast for Financial Year ending 30 June 2018
Reason for Report
1. This report provides an update of the reforecasting exercise for the financial year ending 30 June 2018 (2017-18) and the financial report for the nine months to 31 March 2018.
Reforecasting Exercise to 30 June 2018
2. The reforecasting exercise summarised in this financial report is based on expenditure and revenue analysis for the nine months to 31 March 18 of the current financial year and has been amended where necessary to reflect the anticipated position at 30 June 2018.
3. The review included all operating and capital projects, cost centres and investment income. There were a number of adjustments but overall, increased expenditure has been mostly offset by reductions in other areas.
4. The most significant variation is the work committed to the submission opposing the Ngaruroro Water Conservation Order (WCO). It is estimated that the cost of this unbudgeted item will total approximately $400,000 in external expenditure in the 2017-18 financial year. All internal staff cost has been absorbed by existing budgets, due to staff being reassigned from other planned work.
5. The Strategic Policy team have been heavily involved in this project and therefore have been unable to proceed with planned core work resulting in savings of $150,000 which will be offset against the WCO costs. This leaves an increased overall deficit of $250,000.
6. HBRC must always try to demonstrate prudent financial management, and fund current year activities from within the revenue provided in the Annual Plan for that year where possible.
7. A decision on how to fund the year end deficit is to be resolved by council at the conclusion of the 2017-18 financial year, some of the options for funding this increased deficit are as below:
7.1. Council could consider reducing any requests for carry forwards that come through the staff submissions to the LTP, if there are any.
7.2. Borrow internally for the deficit and pay this back over future years as a cost towards the TANK plan change process.
7.3. Leave the deficit to hit the bottom line and fund through operating reserves. Keeping in mind that using this reserve too often will reduce it completely.
8. Reforecasting movements with explanations on variances are set out in Attachment 1.
Summary of Financial Position to 31 March 2018
9. The financial position to 31 March 2018 has been reviewed against the revised full year forecast. Based on the revised numbers, the year to date performance is in line with full year reforecast expectations.
Financial Results for Nine Months to 31 March 2018
10. The financial reporting is covered in Attachment 1 under:
10.1. Section A – Reforecast and Operating
10.2. Section B – Balance Sheet and Capital
Decision Making Process
11. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Financial Report to 31 March 2018 and Reforecast for Financial Year ending 30 June 2018” staff report. |
Authored by:
Manton Collings Corporate Accountant |
Approved by:
Jessica Ellerm Group Manager |
⇩1 |
Financial Reports |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
SUBJECT: Report from the 10 April 2018 Maori Committee Meeting
Reason for Report
1. To provide the opportunity for the Māori Committee Chairman to provide detailed context and feedback in relation to the discussions that took place at the Māori Committee meeting on 10 April 2018.
2. Agenda items included:
2.1. Verbal updates on the Māori Committee Tangata Whenua Remuneration Review, Current Issues from HBRC Chairman, feedback from the four Taiwhenua, and from Māori Committee representatives on Council’s standing committees.
2.2. Long-Term Plan 2018-2028 Submission
2.3. An update on Council’s Statutory Advocacy activities.
Decision Making Process
3. These items have been specifically considered at the Committee level.
That Council receives and notes the “Report from the 10 April 2018 Māori Committee Meeting”. |
Authored by:
Joyce-Anne Raihania Senior Planner |
Approved by:
Liz Lambert Group Manager |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
SUBJECT: HBRC Staff Projects and Activities through May 2018
Reason for Report
1. The table below is provided for Councillors’ information, to inform them of significant issues and activities over the next couple of months.
Project |
Team /Section |
Description |
Activity Status Update |
2018-2028 Long Term Plan |
Governance & Project Leader |
Submissions |
1. Submissions period closes 23 April, after which time staff will be collating submissions for provision to councilors and staff responsible for Officers’ Response reports and preparing for the LTP Hearings on 22, 23 & 24 May. 2. As of 16 April, 270 submissions were registered and 20 of those wish to Speak |
Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water |
Policy |
Joint staff level Working Group |
3. Meeting scheduled for 27 April 4. Providing
secretarial and technical support to the JWG, through: b) acting as ‘link’ between JWG and other related projects, such as TANK. |
Governance |
HB Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee |
5. Joint Committee meeting scheduled 10 May |
Groundwater Science |
Heretaunga groundwater age and tracer study |
6. GNS Science has completed the Heretaunga groundwater age and tracers report and delivery is expected before 20 April. This report will be considered by the Water Safety Joint Working Group meeting, 27 April. |
Heretaunga Plains groundwater flow model |
7. Integrated groundwater - surface water modelling to inform TANK decisions is completed. Uncertainty analysis is now underway, along with reporting for the groundwater (MODFLOW) and surface water (SOURCE) modelling. |
Water Quality & Ecology |
8. Modelling for optimal shading architecture to help design riparian planting configurations is ongoing. A mapping approach is being designed by Darrel Hall which will incorporate predictions based on science modelling (Kit Rutherford). 9. Monitoring options for tracking progress towards water quality limits are being developed for the TANK plan 10. Karamu faecal source tracking is ongoing 11. Continuing with documentation to support proposed estuarine water quality goals. 12. Review of storm water and sediment draft rules. 13. A Patiki survey was undertaken in the lower Tutaekuri to explore habitat requirements of this species |
Land Science |
Sediment modelling |
14. Ongoing sediment and erosion scenario modelling |
Wetland monitoring |
15. 12 Wetland monitoring sites set up in the TANK area and monitoring commencing |
High flow sediment measurement |
16. ISCO sediment samplers beginning to be deployed across main river outlets to record sediment concentrations during high flow events |
Air Quality |
Napier hazardous air pollutant monitoring |
17. Sampling will be completed at Marewa Park in May. Analysis and reporting by GNS is due for completion in September 2018. |
Policy |
Stakeholder Engagement for Policy Development |
18. Next TANK Group meeting is 15 May. 19. Recap and briefing was presented to Regional Planning Committee meeting 21 March, outlining matters that RPC will be presented with as a result of the TANK Group’s discussions. Further briefing about next steps to be given to RPC at meeting on 2 May. |
PC6 Implementation |
Land Science |
20. Continue to Collecting data from 10 wetland monitoring sites established in 2017. 21. Priority subcatchment water quality runs have begun in the Tukipo subcatchment 22. Compiling water quality results and reporting for Porangahau/Maharakeke and Kahahakuri subcatchments |
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 |
Asset Management |
Developing coastal hazard options and solutions for priority cells, along with funding considerations for consultation |
23. Panel final report with recommended pathways presented to councils in March/ April. Additional workshops are programmed for NCC and HDC through May to complete approval process with the adoption of the strategies to proceed with Stage 4 – implementation. |
Engineering |
Asset Management |
Esk Valley and Mangaone Floods |
24. A significant flood event occurred on 8 March 2018 in the Esk and Mangaone catchments, with well over a 100 year return period rainfall recorded. A flood report is being prepared and a Liaison Committee meeting was held with the Esk/ Whirinaki committee on the 10th April. Work is now focusing on repair and reinstatement works in accordance with committee members approval. |
Gisborne District Council Stopbank upgrade |
25. Calibration report, modelling various scenarios for climate change and costing process is nearing completion and will be provided to GDC by late April/ early May. |
Consent Evaluation and stormwater analysis |
26. Continue to assist HBRC Consents section with advice for subdivision consents including Mission Hills, Awatoto Industrial, Iona Triangle, Howard St. |
Awanui Stopbank Construction – Left Bank |
27. Construction in progress. Expected completion date Friday 20 April. |
WAL - Pakowhai Regional Park Carpark Closure |
28. Pakowhai Regional Park carpark will be closed from late May 2018 to December 2018 while the WAL Pakowhai Rd roundabout is constructed. A temporary carpark is being established downstream of the Chesterhope Bridge off Farndon Rd. Staff are working with HDC staff to review options for a carpark upgrade while the carpark is closed. |
Biosecurity |
Biodiversity |
29. Preparation for a range of activities including a May launch of Guardians of Hawke’s Bay biodiversity, call for nominations for the Regional Biodiversity Foundation (RBF), submission of funding applications to funders, Presentations by RBF to Regional and District Council Long Term Plan processes. |
Animal pest management |
30. Tendering of regional animal pest contracts. 31. Preparation for the Regional Pest Management Plan including preparing material for submitters to the RPMP and hearings committee. |
Cape to City |
32. A range of activities across work streams including the trap checking, early childhood education teacher training day and Hapu Hikoi to Poutiri Ao o Tane. 33. Finalising 17-18 research programme reports |
Plant pest |
34. Continuing urban Woolly nightshade programme. 35. Completing the annual phragmites work programme and reporting to MPI on that work programme |
Resource Consents |
Applications processing/pending |
36. Te Mata Mushrooms Air discharge remains on hold pending application for related consents required from HDC. 37. HBRC Gravel extraction Ngaruroro Tukituki, Waipawa and Tutaekuri. Further information has been requested and is to be provided before the end of May. 38. PanPac coastal discharge. A prehearing was held on 20 March and Environment Court mediation is re-scheduled for 3 May. 39. Landcorp Ahuriri stormwater discharge application. On hold while parties discuss this and related NCC stormwater discharge consent applications. 40. Port of Napier wharf extension and dredging application lodged and further information has been requested. 41. Clifton coastal protection works application. Hearing postponed at applicants request while HDC notify a related resource consent. Hearing late May at earliest. 42. NCC stormwater discharge consent applications lodged and in process. |
Resource Use |
Te Mata Mushrooms |
43. Enforcement action has been initiated in relation to continued offensive and objectionable odour being discharged beyond the boundary. The Court will be asked to make a determination on whether or not appropriate action is being taken by the company while the application for new resource consent is underway and delayed. 44. A public meeting has been notified for Wednesday 2 May. Residents near the Havelock North site and submitters have been advised. |
Transport Planning |
Transport |
Draft Regional Land Transport Plan: 2018 Review |
45. The draft Regional Land Transport Plan: 2018 Review is now out for targeted consultation with road safety stakeholders. The draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport has refocussed expenditure for the next three years, with more emphasis on providing access and road safety. The Plan will need to be reviewed against this prior to adoption. |
Road Safety |
Transport |
HB Road Safety Expo |
46. The Road Safety Expo for all Year 11 and 12 students in HB will take place this year between 7 and 11 May at Pettigrew Arena |
Decision Making Process
2. Staff have assessed the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only, the decision making provisions do not apply.
That Council receives and notes the HBRC Staff Projects and Activities through May 2018 report. |
Authored by:
Paul Barrett Principal Consents Planner |
Steve Cave Team Leader Open Spaces |
Gary Clode Manager Regional Assets |
Rina Douglas Senior Planner |
Craig Goodier Team Leader |
Keiko Hashiba Terrestrial Ecologist |
Dr Andy Hicks Team Leader/Principal Scientist - Water Quality and Ecology |
Leeanne Hooper Governance Manager |
Gavin Ide Manager, Strategy and Policy |
Dr Kathleen Kozyniak Principal Scientist |
Campbell Leckie Manager Land Services |
Dr Barry Lynch Team Leader |
Anna Madarasz-Smith Senior Scientist - Coastal Quality |
Malcolm Miller Manager Consents |
Anne Redgrave Transport Manager |
Dr Jeff Smith Team Leader/Principal Scientist – Hydrology/Hydrogeology |
Dr Stephen Swabey Manager Science |
Oliver Wade Scientist |
Thomas Wilding Senior Scientist |
Wayne Wright Manager Resource Use |
Approved by:
Graeme Hansen Group Manager |
Liz Lambert Group Manager |
Iain Maxwell Group Manager |
Tom Skerman Group Manager |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
Subject: Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Items of Business Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 5.
1.1. Urgent items of Business (supported by tabled CE or Chairpersons’s report)
Item Name |
Reason not on Agenda |
Reason discussion cannot be delayed |
1. |
2. |
1.2. Minor items (for discussion only)
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
Tuesday 24 April 2018
SUBJECT: Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 28 March 2018
That the Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 28 March 2018 Agenda Item 13 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:
Authored by:
Leeanne Hooper Governance Manager |
Approved by:
Liz Lambert Group Manager |