Meeting of the
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Date: Monday 21 August 2017
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 19 May 2017
4. Call for General Business
Decision Items
5. Review of Hawke's Bay CDEM Funding Model 3
Information or Performance Monitoring
6. Hazard Research and Risk Reduction Update 21
7. Submission to Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand 23
8. Group Manager's Update 43
9. General Business 51
Monday 21 August 2017
Subject: Review of Hawke's Bay CDEM Funding Model
Reason for Report
1. The reason for this report is to endorse a proposed new funding model for civil defence emergency management (CDEM) across the Hawke’s Bay region and seek approval from the Committee to recommend to individual councils that this be included in their draft 2018 Long Term Plans (LTP).
2. A process as to how a new model could be included in Group members’ LTPs is also discussed and feedback is requested.
3. It is intended that should the Joint Committee endorse the recommended model, that papers would be put to the five Councils to include a regional CDEM funding model into their LTP for consultation.
4. The LTP project managers for each of the five councils have been advised of this possibility.
5. In 2011 the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group (a Joint Committee of the four Territorial Authorities and the Regional Council) decided to increase the resourcing of the Group and change the structure of the Group office. This was a result of a monitoring and evaluation report completed by the ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management in 2010 which identified a number of deficiencies.
6. At the time this was seen as stage one of a process that would see a more region wide shared service approach being taken on CDEM.
7. In late 2011 the Group appointed a full time Group Manager/Controller. In early 2015 a review of the Group office structure was completed and a number of additional appointments specialising in training and capability development, provision of emergency welfare, developing community resilience and response readiness were made.
8. The majority of local emergency management officers (EMOs) however, continued to be employed and funded by local councils. As the Group office worked with the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG) and the Joint Committee to put in place a coordinated work programme to address the issues raised in the monitoring and evaluation report, it became increasingly evident that the implementation of this programme required better alignment of all the Hawke’s Bay CDEM staff under the Group office.
9. At the same time the Government completed its review of the rural and urban fire services and decided to amalgamate the two. This has removed local government’s involvement in rural fire. Some of the local EMOs had a rural fire component to their jobs.
10. These two issues were the catalyst for a review in 2016 of the reporting lines of the local EMOs and it was decided that all dedicated Hawke’s Bay CDEM staff would be employed by the Group office while retaining the geographical locations of EMOs in each TLA.
11. This review was based on an agreed definition of civil defence roles and responsibilities; and the services to be provided, between individual local authorities and the CDEM Group. The guiding matrix is Attachment 1 to this report.
12. This process was completed on 1 January 2017 when the employment of three local EMOs was transferred to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) as the CDEM Group administrating authority and employer of the other Group office staff.
13. At the time of the review both the CEG and the Joint Committee agreed that the existing funding model for CDEM also needed to be reviewed. The current situation is that the CDEM Group office activities as they existed prior to 1 January 2017 are funded by a per property targeted UAC rated by the HBRC. The TLAs currently fund local CDEM activities through their general rates.
14. As at 1 January 2017 the Group took on the extra responsibilities as defined in Attachment 1. For some councils this meant the Group taking over responsibility for activities they carried out, for others this would result in an increased level of service.
15. In principle, it was agreed by the CEG and the Joint Committee, that the logical funding model would result in only one rate being charged via the existing targeted UAC. As this was a significant change, this should be proposed as part of the 2018 LTP.
Funding Issues
16. Since 1 January 2017 the majority of the expenditure on CDEM for the Group is managed by the Group office and is aligned by an approved work programme and annual business plan. Some minor expenditure such as individual TLA staff time, coordination centre (EOC) facilities and the asset management of siren systems remains with individual local councils (albeit generally managed by Group staff).
17. At the moment each council is still rating for CDEM based on their 2017/18 Annual Plan and since 1 January 2017 the majority of this is invoiced on a quarterly basis by the Group to pay for CDEM activities across the Hawke’s Bay. This system is complex and does not allow for the total expenditure on CDEM across Hawke’s Bay to be utilised more effectively. Working across five different budgets and related financial systems is also inefficient.
18. An analysis of the current expenditure by the Group member councils indicated that there is also a variation on what individual ratepayers pay, for what is essentially the same level of service. This variance is based in location and population. Previous individual council policies on CDEM expenditure has also impacted on the variation of amount paid across ratepayers between councils.
19. Attachment 2 to this report summarises the current funding situation. This table breaks down each council’s budget based on the agreed CDEM activities being managed by the CDEM Group since 1 January 2017. The only CDEM expenditure still managed by the local TLAs (and not included in Attachment 2) is with regards to external training expenses for their staff, individual council coordination centre facilities expenditure and the capital and maintenance of mass public alerting systems (such as fixed sirens and Stingers).
20. This table shows that the current total annual cost of CDEM per rateable property varies from $21.09 to $38.27 between TLAs. This is despite the fact that due to the collective nature of the CDEM Group work and associated resourcing, each property effectively receives the same level of service.
21. In summary, the existing funding model is not fit for purpose given the fact that the CDEM structure has changed to a more “shared service” type arrangement.
Options Identification and Assessment
22. Two realistic options have been identified, being remaining with the current model, or moving to a single target rate across the area of the four TLAs.
Current Model
23. The current model would require the levels of funding for each TLA to remain the same and for the Group to invoice them on this basis.
24. The disadvantages of this approach have already been traversed above.
25. Furthermore this model is not fully transparent in that a considerable part of CDEM funding is part of council general rates. The current model would also continue the existing inequities between the ratepayers of individual TLAs.
Single Regional Target Rate Model
26. The second option involves setting an increased regional targeted rate while at the same time reducing individual local council general rating for CDEM.
27. In theory the total expenditure on CDEM across Hawke’s Bay should remain the same and TLA general rates should subsequently reduce. However it is recognised that individual councils may decide to keep their general rate at the same level. This should be a conscious decision signalled in the draft LTP.
28. Another benefit of the shared service approach to CDEM services and funding are cost savings. Draft budgets have been developed which show savings can be made in operational costs.
29. It is recommended that some of these savings be reinvested into increased capability in PIM and public education. This was an action point identified as part of the review of the Group’s response to the Kaikoura Earthquake and has been discussed with the Committee and CEG previously.
30. A business case is currently being developed for the next CEG and Joint Committee meetings in November 2017.
31. While the structure of the Group Office is not the subject of this report and any changes will need to go through a separate process, the regional target rate and single budget provide opportunities to reinvest some savings made into improving capability.
32. An outline of the new budget is shown in Attachment 2. The proposed 2018/19 budget shows increased personnel while operational expenditure is reduced. The savings in operational expenditure comes mainly from reduced duplication and efficiencies in expenditure, and a restructuring of overheads.
33. Attachment 2 shows how this proposed budget will impact on the existing regional CDEM rate. The existing regional rate of $15.03 (2017/18) will increase to $28.15 per rateable property. This is an increase of $13.12 per property. However the total existing expenditure for most ratepayers will decrease.
34. In summary, this option allows for increased capability and level of service (particularly in PIM and public education), while providing for an approximately $200k saving to the regions ratepayers overall.
Strategic Fit
35. The proposed change to the funding model is consistent with the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan. Specifically the funding of Group office activities is identified as being under a regional target rate.
36. The relevant key Group plan outcomes to this proposed include:
· Community and response organisations with the capability to deal with unexpected events.
· A rapid, well coordinated and effective response to an emergency.
· A responsive, well coordinated and efficient recovery from an emergency.
37. Relevant objectives would include:
· REA2: Ensure CDEM Group members have the capability to respond to emergencies in their area and promote the need for capability within emergency services and other partners.
· REA3: Continue to improve coordinated and integrated emergency management between local authorities and with other CDEM partners.
· REA4: Enhance the capability and interoperability of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group through well planned, needs-based professional development.
· RES6: The Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group will provide coordinated support to the response of individual members during a local emergency.
38. An assessment of these outcomes and objectives show that the current work programme and structure is continuing to move the Group toward a more cooperative and coordinated method of operating. In particular this is increasing interoperability and improving capability. The current funding model presents a challenge to this and it is felt that the option of a Single Regional Target Rate would more effectively support this work while building on what has already been done.
Considerations of Tangata Whenua
39. Staff have not been able to identify any negative impacts specifically on Tangata Whenua beyond that which will occur on any other member of the public.
Decision Making Process
40. Committee is required to make every decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements in relation to this item and have concluded:
40.1. The decision does not significantly alter the actual service provision or affect a strategic asset.
40.2. The use of the special consultative procedure for this decision is not prescribed by legislation. However should the recommendations of this report be accepted, the LTP process itself is subject to a consultative process.
40.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Administrating Authority’s policy on significance.
40.4. The persons affected by this decision are likely to be the ratepayers in the Group area and should the recommendations proceed, the council LTPs are subject to a consultative process.
40.5. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
40.6. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, the Committee can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.
Conclusions and Recommendations
41. It is therefore recommended that the Committee endorse the inclusion of a Single Regional Target Rate Model for CDEM funding in the draft 2018 LTPs of Group members.
42. If the Committee agrees to this recommendation the following process is proposed.
42.1. Common proposed wording to be included in draft LTPs will be developed.
42.2. The Joint Committee recommends to individual councils that they include this proposal in their LTP.
42.3. Each council will need to agree to this occurring as part of approving their draft LTP.
42.4. Draft LTPs are notified and submissions received.
42.5. Each Council will need to independently hear and decide on any public submission on the proposed funding changes.
1. The Joint Committee agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision. 2. That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee receives the “Review of Hawke’s Bay CDEM Funding Model” report. 3. As outlined in this report, the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee endorses the inclusion of a Single Regional Target Rate Model and proposed budget for CDEM funding in the draft 2018 LTPs of Group members. |
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
⇩1 |
Responsibilities Matrix |
⇩2 |
Current Funding Situation |
Monday 21 August 2017
Subject: Hazard Research and Risk Reduction Update
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to provide the Joint Committee an update on hazard research work under the reduction portfolio, along with work associated East Coast LAB and current subduction zone boundary research.
2. Improving our understanding of hazards in Hawke’s Bay and the associated risks and consequences underpins much of our CDEM work especially in the area of risk reduction.
3. The Group commission’s hazard research projects in accordance with the approved 10 Year Hazard Research Plan dated June 2015. Current initiatives include:
3.1. GNS has completed the fault-line mapping in Wairoa and copies of the report were sent to WDC, and report data has been made available on the HB Hazard Portal.
3.2. GNS & NIWA were commissioned to assist with an initial assessment of Riskscape capability for initial response plans, but costs were found to be prohibitive.
3.3. The completion of the review of HB liquefaction risk assessments - the draft report under peer review has been delayed by the response to the Kaikoura earthquake, and earthquake repairs in Wellington.
4. The HB Hazard Portal Steering Group meet on 7 March 2017, and considered:
4.1. New portal layers such as Landslide risk using Erosion Risk (Landcare Research Woody Layer), and including TLA historical ponding/flooding layers. Hastings District has since uploaded this layer to the Hazard Portal.
4.2. Legal advice on LIMS and Portal Property Reports.
4.3. Adoption of an Application/Data Maintenance & Change Request Manual.
5. East Coast LAB (Life at the Boundary) was formally launched at the National Aquarium on 22 September 2016, with an education room and website to promote awareness of the subduction zone risks of tsunami, earthquake, volcanic ash and coastal hazards.
5.1. Education materials have been produced, including the “Life at the Boundary” education programme, which is now being run by the National Aquarium education team, and over 400 students have already attended.
5.2. A number of research programmes have commenced on the subduction boundary in partnership with the 26-national International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). The aim is to significantly boost the understanding of the mechanics of subduction zone faults and the earthquakes/tsunami that occur on them. Once of the project’s main aims was to improve the understanding of slow-slip or silent earthquakes, which are a feature of the subduction zone east of the North Island.
6. The CDEM Group recently ran a Hazards 101 workshop for Hastings District Councillors and could do the same for other Councils if requested.
7. A presentation will be given at the meeting on these research activities and any feedback can be given.
That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives the “Hazard Risk Reduction Risk Reduction Update” report. |
Authored by:
Lisa Pearse Group Emergency Management Advisor (Hazard Reduction) |
Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
Monday 21 August 2017
Subject: Submission to Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to inform the Joint Committee of the submission is made on behalf of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group on the Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies in New Zealand.
2. Attachment 1 is the Terms of Reference set by the Government for a review of response to CDEM events.
3. Due to the short timeframes a submission was drafted by staff for the review of the Chair of the Coordinating Executives Group and subsequent approval by the Chairperson of the Committee, Mayor Dalton.
4. The completed submission is Attachment 2.
That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives the “Submission to Ministerial Review: Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand” report.
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
⇩1 |
Ministerial Review: Terms of Reference |
⇩2 |
Submission to Ministerial Review |
Monday 21 August 2017
Subject: Group Manager's Update
Reason for Report
1. To inform or update the Joint Committee on a number of matters not specifically addressed in other items on this agenda and to give the Joint Committee an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback if desired.
2. This report was also given to the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG) on 7 August 2017.
3. The matters covered in this report include:
3.1. Training and exercising
3.2. New method of operations implementation
3.3. Hawke’s Bay Emergency Response Team
3.4. Community Resilience Plans
3.5. Business resilience work
3.6. Public Education
3.7. Welfare
3.8. Hastings emergency management facility alterations
3.9. Cell Phone Broadcasting Implementation
3.10. Group Initial Response Planning
Training and Exercising
4. Two Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) 4 Courses were run in July, with 45 staff from across councils and other agencies attending. Feedback from staff has been excellent and the courses are seen to be of great value.
5. Exercise Cyclone Donald was run in May at the Group Emergency Coordination Centre and involved a number of staff from across HBRC, NCC and HDC. The exercise focussed on the role of the Incident Management Team and reviewing the new processes for action planning and tasking that have been put in place to deliver response under the new structure. Attendance at the group exercise was around 60%, with a number of staff from Hastings unable to attend due to the Havelock North water inquiry.
6. Incident Management Team activities were run at the all local councils in June and July. These exercises also focussed on testing and reviewing the changes that have been made to the processes for action planning and tasking.
7. In addition to the above, the Group also held a 1 day welfare needs assessment exercise for welfare managers, agency staff and volunteers. Prior to this training, all attendees completed a 1 hour online training module to ensure that everyone attending understood the process for needs assessment.
8. The exercise itself comprised of two sessions; a practical needs assessment exercise in the morning and a needs analysis and planning session in the afternoon. The exercise tested the recently developed Kobo Needs Assessment form, which has since been used for real to register people stuck on the Napier-Taupo Road in the recent snow event. The exercise was attended by 35 people and was well received.
9. The HB CDEM Group Training and Exercise Plan has recently been reviewed and updated and the training programme monitored to see how successfully it was delivered. Whilst there have been a number of emergency events over the past year that have affected the delivery of training and exercising, the Group has still managed to delivered the following training and exercises to staff:
9.1. Online CDEM Induction – Piloted at HBRC to approximately 30 staff – due for full release in August 2017.
9.2. Introduction to Emergency Management Information Systems (EMIS) – Delivered to staff across all authorities.
9.3. EMIS Super user – two sessions to approximately 30 staff.
9.4. Integrated Training Framework (ITF) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Foundation Course – Delivered across all authorities to approximately 80 staff.
9.5. Public Information Managers’ Seminar – delivered in Napier to 25 staff from across Hawke’s Bay, Manawatu and Bay of Plenty.
9.6. CIMS 4 – four courses held for approximately 100 staff from across the authorities and partner agencies.
9.7. Red Cross Psychosocial First Aid Course – Delivered to 25 staff from across Hawke’s Bay.
9.8. Welfare Needs Assessment – Delivered to Hastings volunteers (Approximately 45 over 2 days) and through an online module prior to Exercise Cyclone Donald (To approximately 35 people).
9.9. Exercise Tangaroa – Held in September last year and involved staff from across the Group.
9.10. Exercise Cyclone Donald – Held in May/June and involved staff from all authorities.
10. A number of training sessions in the current programme for last year were part of the National ITF training package, but were unable to be delivered due to the packages not being completed and made available for delivery.
11. The 2017 – 2021 HB CDEM Group Training and Exercising Plan will focus on embedding the new mode of operations through a series of regionally developed short courses for each of the core EOC functions. These courses will focus on developing the basic skills of staff in each role and the use of EMIS.
12. It is hoped that a number of the ITF packages will be available for delivery over the coming year.
New Method of Operation Implementation
13. The method of operations work is moving along with four of the five Councils given training on some of the new processes recently as part of Exercise Cyclone Donald. This saw Incident Management Teams (IMT’s) working through a scenario and focussing on maintaining their lifeline/core business and assets, and in some cases supporting the wider regional response.
14. This was a useful exercise from both a process and testing stand point; as a result of the exercises several changes have been made to the forms staff used, and also to the processes we are implementing to manage response operations.
15. Work has also started on review of the Group Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and warning/notifications system with several tests being run (and in some cases the new lists being utilised for events) across other agencies. The Group now has a robust email and etext system which sits independent of all Councils making it redundant in the case of Council server loss.
16. The EMIS portal work has now been completed with four of the five Councils given basic training on access and use of the site. Amendments are being made to SOP 5 (Declarations) to include new information and forms relating to Recovery Management powers, and SOP 1 (Warnings & Notifications) is being updated to include changes to the system. Both should be available for release to the wider Group shortly.
17. Given the importance of an effective and operative Group Emergency Coordination Centre, there has been significant progress towards upgrading the technology and assets to ensure all agencies can work within the facility during response operations. Part of this work has been looking for ways in which the facility and devices can be mobile and adaptive, and this has been achieved with input from Hastings, Napier, and HBRC ICT teams. New devices now being built for response now include software to run remote access into all three Council systems, with the potential to include Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) in the future (via Citrix).
18. Lastly, the new method was used during the recent snow event on the Napier-Taupo in conjunction with testing of the Road Closure Sub-Plan. A full debrief will be held on 2 August with involved agencies to look for areas of improvement and review the plan (making any required amendments). While the latest snow event only had some minor impacts, initial feedback from response agencies has been positive and reflects the efforts of everyone involved to work collaboratively on the sub-plan.
Hawke’s Bay Emergency Response Team
19. The Hawke’s Bay Emergency Response Team has been meeting regularly since its formation in January this year. The team now has 26 registered members. Initial focus has been on ensuring that the team has the right leadership, equipment and resources to train and develop their core functions, whilst building the capability of members according to the required standards.
20. The team has recently been supplied new overalls and personal protective equipment and the response trailers and equipment has been refurbished. They have also attended formal training sessions to gain the required unit standards to enable them to perform a light urban search and rescue (USAR) function.
21. The team has also recently been in discussions with the newly formed FENZ regarding how they will be trained and deployed under this organisation for Light USAR response and other FENZ activities.
22. Due to the changes to the New Zealand Fire Service, the process to register as a new Zealand Response Team is currently under review to reflect the new relationship between Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management (MCDEM) and FENZ. Whilst the changes are not likely to have a significant effect on the current development of the team, it may result in accreditation of the team as a New Zealand Response Team not occurring until mid-2018.
Community Resilience Plans (CRP)
23. Following the completion of the Tangitū Community Resilience Plan (Bayview, Eskdale, Whirinaki and Tangoio), the plan has been put on the CDEM website and hard copies are located at key locations in the community. Brochures were delivered by the community to all residents summarising the CRP, as well as extra information for properties in the tsunami zone. GNS are yet to evaluate the impact of the project (delayed due to Kaikoura earthquake), but an internal evaluation has been completed.
24. A community resilience plan for Taiwanaga (on Portland Island) is nearly complete. Tsunami information boards are being planned with this community, and a bilingual version is being investigated, which is likely to be a New Zealand first.
25. Waikaremoana/Tuai have also asked for a community resilience plan. Community champions are being identified by the Tuhoe Tribal Authority Office (Te Kura Whenua). Planning meetings were to be held in late August and community meetings in November. This is dependent on new Emergency Management Officer for Wairoa, but may be carried by other staff in the interim.
26. The Te Awa community has been identified as the next community to engage with in Napier. A project plan has been completed and community champions identified but not yet approached. Planning meetings to be held in September with community meetings to be held in November.
27. In the Hastings District a “Gap” analysis of the existing plans for Cape Coast is being completed and issues identified will be addressed. Initial planning has also commenced with the Maraekakaho community who are keen to develop their own CRP.
Business Resilience
28. The Group has been supporting a working group of local business representatives and sector groups to finalised templates for business emergency and continuity planning.
29. One of the group members has developed a prototype of an app to create business emergency and continuity plans. Workshops have been held with the tourism sector and a ‘train the trainer’ workshop held with various sector representatives. From this, the tourism and building sectors have asked for input to create a regional initial action plan for their sector, that could be activated in an emergency.
30. This public/private partnership approach is innovative and is resulting in some good outcomes for small to medium Hawke’s Bay businesses. The Group Office will continue to support this initiative.
Public Education
31. A draft Group Public Education Strategy has been written and a plan for delivery of public education, management of education resources and communication of information is being worked on as appendices to the strategy.
32. There have been a number of national campaigns organised by MCDEM (focussing on tsunami and earthquake awareness, young families and millennials). The next campaign will be aimed at new immigrants. The theme for Get Ready Week in October will be ‘stay informed’ and will focus on using radio stations, websites, social media, Emergency Mobile Alerts (Red Cross Hazards App and the new National Cell Broadcasting System) as well neighbours and others in the community to keep up to date in an emergency.
33. The Group office has been working with Red Cross on delivering a CDEM developed programme in schools called “Let’s Get Ready”. It is a half hour interactive programme delivered by their community trainers to primary school students. There are 570 students booked on this programme this term.
34. This programme is a good example of the Group working with other agencies to improve community and individual resilience by combining resources. The material is clearly branded and developed by CDEM but delivered to a standard by the Red Cross using their qualified trainers. This programme is also being looked at by Wellington, Wairarapa, Gisborne and Auckland CDEM Groups.
35. Attachment 1 is a report from the Group Welfare Manager on recent welfare activities.
Hastings Emergency Management Facility Alterations
36. In 2011 the Group and Hastings District Council reached an agreement that the Group ECC and the Group office would be collocated with HDC Emergency Management Staff in the Hastings Emergency Management Facility on Lyndon Rd, Hastings.
37. Consequently as part of the move of the NZ Police East Coast District HQ to the old Hastings Courthouse site (a new build), HDC have reached an agreement to provide for an alternative District Command Centre (DCC) in the existing Hastings Emergency Management Facility.
38. As part of this process an updated structural engineering report was completed using the latest Building Codes. This discovered that parts of the building were not up to the Importance Level 4 requirements.
39. To rectify this situation work is required to the building and HDC decided that a complete internal review of the building would be appropriate at the same time. HDC have allocated $1m capital expenditure to this project.
40. The Group Manager/Controller is on the project governance group and other Group staff are on the project team.
41. The intention is that the priority for this facility remains as a regional CDEM coordination centre while providing for an alternate DCC. It is also possible that the alternate DCC will also be used by on a day to day basis by HDC CCTV staff.
42. The project objectives seek the following outcomes:
42.1. The ability for the coordination centre to be used in a scalable manner from a HDC local lifeline failure up to a regional CDEM event.
42.2. Provide for an alternative NZ Police DCC should the DCC in the new District HQ be inoperative.
42.3. Provide for the day to day accommodation of Group office staff (now including HDC Emergency Management Officers).
42.4. Provide for the better utilisation of existing space including new function work areas and furniture.
42.5. Upgrade and where appropriate futureproof the facility internet/computers (ITC) and communications equipment.
43. At this stage the project is early in its lifecycle and final layout plans have yet to be developed. It is likely however that a more open plan approach will be taken.
44. This is a significant project and it is likely that staff will need to vacate the building for a period of time and alternative ECC arrangements made. The HDC project manager advises that they intend that the project will be completed by July 2018.
Cell Phone Broadcasting Implementation
45. MCDEM have commenced the implementation project for cell phone broadcasting of mass public alerting messages. They advise that the system should be operational by the end of the year.
46. The role of the CDEM Groups in issuing warnings is being addressed and the Group will be able to send alerts within their area. This ability will not devolve down to individual Councils so procedures will need to be developed to provide for local councils to put out warnings through the Group.
47. The governance and business rules around this new capability are still being developed.
Group Initial Response Planning
48. A draft Initial Response Planning Strategy for the HB CDEM Group has been developed following a meeting in April to determine what plans need to be developed by the group. Although the strategy is still draft, a number of plans are already being developed.
49. This includes the main Initial Response Plan that will form the basis for the development of the hazard specific sub-plans, the Rapid Impact Assessment Plan, Fuel Contingency Plan and the Group Welfare Plan. Work will begin on these plans shortly.
That the HBCDEM Joint Committee receives and notes the Group Manager’s General Update report. |
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |
⇩1 |
Quarterly Welfare Coordination Group Report |
Monday 21 August 2017
Subject: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist the Joint Committee to note any General Business Items to be discussed, as determined earlier in the Agenda.
Item |
Topic |
Member/Staff |
1. |
2. |
Authored and Approved by:
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller |