Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 18 February 2011
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 9 December 2010
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 9 December 2010
6. Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings
Call for General Business
Decision Items
7. 10.30am State Highway Classifications, NZTA
8. Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy – Discussion Document
9. Confirmation of 2011 Regional Transport Committee Meeting Dates
Information or Performance Monitoring
10. 11.00am Mid Term National Land Transport Programme Report
11. 11.30am i-Way (Model Communities) Presentation
12. NZ Cycle Trail Update
13. Objective and Advisory Representative Reports
14. NZTA Regional Director's Report
15. Progress Report on Regional / Joint Projects
16. General Business
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
1. Council has made allowance in the terms of reference of the Committee for short term replacements to be appointed to the Committee where the usual member/s cannot stand.
1. That _____________________ be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 18 February 2011 as short term replacements(s) on the committee for _______________________.
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings
1. Attachment 1 is a list of items raised at previous Regional Transport Committee meetings that require action or follow-up. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that as this report is for information only and no decision is required in terms of the Local Government Act’s provisions, the decision making procedures set out in the Act do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
1View |
Actions from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Attachment 1 |
Actions from Regional Transport Committee Meetings
The following is a list of items raised at the Regional Transport Committee meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once the items have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
24 September 2009
Agenda Item |
Action |
Person Responsible |
Due Date |
Status Comment |
14. State Highway 38 – Request for Sealing |
To be left on the list for regular follow-ups |
ongoing |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: State Highway Classifications, NZTA
1. The NZTA has released a draft proposal to reclassify New Zealand’s state highways. The purpose of this paper is to firstly introduce a presentation by NZTA on the State Highway Classification Consultation Draft, and secondly, to open discussion on whether the Committee should submit on the Consultation Draft and if so, identify the main points of the submission.
2. As population and traffic volumes continue to grow, new problems emerge on the transport network. A coordinated classification approach which combines all maintenance and improvement classification systems will help NZTA to target strategic priorities.
3. State highway classification is a tool that enables NZTA to set the long term strategic direction of the state highway network. It forms part of the State Highway Network Strategy that is currently in development, and will help manage the network effectively and contribute to long-term land transport planning.
4. The 2007 National State Highway Strategy was the last update of the state highway classification system. NZTA has signalled that a review of the approach is required at this time as part of the development of the new State Highway Network Strategy.
General Information
5. Classifying the state highways involves placing them into categories based on the functions they perform. This information is then used to inform decisions about the level of service or road user experience that a particular category of highway should offer, and the design of the road that is needed to provide that level of service. Over time it is envisioned that all the highways in a particular category will have a consistent level of service for users.
6. NZTA have suggested four highway categories with ‘high volume routes’ as a subset. Criteria have been suggested for each category, based on the functions served by the highway. A highway needs to meet agreed criteria to be included in a particular category. Full details on the highway categories and seven draft criteria as suggested by NZTA will presented to the Committee meeting on 18 February 2011. Attachment 1 is the draft proposal to reclassify New Zealand’s state highways.
7. The Committee is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
7.1 Sections 97 and 98 of the Act do not apply as these relate to decisions that significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
7.2 Section 80 of the Act covering decisions that are inconsistent with an existing policy or plan does not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee:
1. Considers the NZTA presentation and decides whether to submit on the draft proposal to reclassify New Zealand’s state highways and advise staff of any comments that should be included in the submission.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
1View |
NZTA State Highway Classifications Proposal |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy – Discussion Document
1. The purpose of this agenda item is to:
1.1 Introduce the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) - Discussion Document on the proposed vision, strategic objectives and broad outcomes for inclusion into the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy 2012 (RLTS 2012)
1.2 Request endorsement of the Draft RLTS - Discussion Document to be released for public consultation prior to a formal submission process on the Draft RLTS 2012
1.3 Inform the Committee of the processes and timelines associated with the Draft RLTS – Discussion Document as part of the Draft RLTS 2012 review.
2. In February 2008, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council adopted the Hawke’s Bay Regional Land Transport Strategy 2008 (RLTS 2008) under the principles of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA). The LTMA has since been superseded by the Land Transport Management Amendment Act 2008 (LTMAA). The LTMAA requires a regional land transport strategy to be renewed every 6 years and have a planning horizon of 30 years. The RLTS 2008 is scheduled for review by August 2012 and will be superseded by the Regional Land Transport Strategy 2012 – 2018 (RLTS 2012).
3. The Regional Council initiated a review of the RLTS 2008 in June 2010. At the Committee Meeting on 8 July 2010, the Committee endorsed the vision and strategic objectives of the RLTS 2008, to be included into the Draft RLTS 2012 subject to a number of amendments. The Committee agreed that the RLTS 2008 provides a solid foundation for the 2012 review. Overall it was not expected that wholesale changes in strategic direction would be required. The review would therefore focus on reaffirming the directions set by the existing Strategy, taking into account changes in legislation and policy direction (both at national and regional level), as well as matters of inter-regional importance. The review would also make enhancements to those policies, actions and targets where better alignment with any new strategic regional direction was required.
Regional Land Transport – Discussion Document
4. Following the Committee’s decision, a further review of the vision, issues and options, and objectives in the RLTS 2008 has been undertaken. The outcome of the review is presented as a Draft RLTS – Discussion Document. It is recommended that the Draft RLTS – Discussion Document be endorsed by the Committee and released for public comment before further work is undertaken.
5. A selection of future scenarios has been compiled based on the transport objectives listed in the LTMAA and the proposed vision, issues and options, and objectives in the RLTS - Discussion Document. The scenarios describe how the region’s transport systems might look in the future as a result of the proposed strategic objectives and planning. These future scenarios are intended to enable the audience to visualise and conceptualise how the transport system may look and affect them out to 2042.
6. The RLTS – Discussion Document is attached as Attachment 1. Once endorsed by the Committee (subject to final amendments from the Committee), the text will be professionally formatted into a full colour, visually appealing media document. This document will be included as an insert in the Regional Council’s information newspaper “The Big Picture” and distributed to some 54,000 households throughout the Region. It is anticipated that the Big Picture will be distributed sometime within the week of 28 February. It is proposed that the deadline for public comments will close on Friday 25 March. This will give the public between 3-4 weeks to provide the Council with feedback. Any comments received will be compiled and reported at the Committee meeting on 20 April.
Statutory Requirements
7. Section 75 of the LTMA sets out the core requirements for regional land transport strategies. It requires the Regional Transport Committee when preparing the Strategy on behalf of the Regional Council to:
7.1 Ensure that the Strategy
7.1.1 Contributes to the aim of achieving an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable land transport system; and
7.1.2 Contributes to each of the following:
· Assisting economic development
· Assisting safety and personal security
· Improving access and mobility
· Protecting and promoting public health
· Ensuring environmental sustainability, and
7.1.3 Is consistent with any:
· National land transport strategy, and
· Relevant national policy statement or any relevant regional policy statement or regional plan that is for the time being in force under the Resource Management Act 1991, and
7.1.4 Avoids, to the extent reasonable in the circumstances. Adverse effects on the environment.
7.2 Takes into account:
7.2.1 The relevant GPS
7.2.2 Any national energy efficiency and conservation strategy, and
7.2.3 Any relevant district plans.
8. Other matters that must be taken into account when preparing the Strategy are listed in section 76. These include any guidelines issued by the Minister, the land transport funding likely to be available within the region for implementing the strategy, the views of affected communities and of land transport network providers in the region, the need to give full consideration to land transport options and alternatives, and the Council’s functions under the RMA to consider the strategic integration of infrastructure with land use.
9. Significantly for the process to be applied in reviewing the Strategy, section 76 requires the Committee to provide early and full opportunities for those persons and organisations listed in section 78(1) to contribute to the development of the regional land transport strategy. The list is extensive and apart from specifically named central government agencies involved in land transport and adjoining local authorities, those listed in section 78(1) include affected communities, Maori of the region and the public of the region.
10. In reviewing the Regional Land Transport Strategy a number of matters will require particular attention. First and foremost will be the statutory requirements for regional land transport strategies noted above. A key driver for the strategy will be the government’s direction for transport with its focus on economic growth and productivity.
Key Issues and Options
11. Hawke’s Bay is faced with a number of transport issues and challenges. The land transport issues as listed in the RLTS 2008, were identified through the completion of two main strategic studies:
11.1 The Heretaunga Plans Traffic Study, April 2004 by Gabites Porter and Opus International Consultants
11.2 The Hawke’s Bay Rural Transportation Study, November 2004 by Environmental Management Services Ltd and Gabites Porter Limited.
12. In addition, in May of 2006 the public had the opportunity to provide comments on the Regional Land Transport Strategy Review – Land Transport Issues Report for Public Consultation. The identified issues were divided into sections based on the requirements of the Land Transport Act (LTA), (economic development, access and mobility, safety and personal security, public health, and environmental sustainability, as well as integration and responsiveness; and funding and affordability). These categories are still relevant under the LTMAA.
13. At this time the Regional Council is undertaking two further studies that will identify regional transport issues and inform the RLTS 2012. These are the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study and the Wider Regional Transportation Study.
14. It is probable that the majority of the region’s transport issues will not have significantly altered since the adoption of the RLTS 2008. However the discussion document provides the opportunity to comment on each stage of planning for the proposed RLTS 2012. The issues considered regionally important, and some options for addressing those are listed in Attachment 1.
Vision Statement
15. The RLTS 2008 vision statement is:
“An integrated, safe and affordable land transport system that contributes to the current and future economic, social, environmental and cultural well being of Hawke’s Bay.”
16. The Committee felt that the revised vision statement needs to focus on Hawke’s Bay and be less generic. Inter-regional links and connectivity needed to be emphasised, especially in terms of freight and tourism (economic enhancement). The word resilient was to be included so that the long term sustainability of the transport network was considered. As well as including the Committee’s input the vision statement must reflect the core requirements of the LTMAA. The word “Land” was to be removed so that that it becomes the Regional Transport Strategy rather than the Regional Land Transport Strategy. This was considered to better represent a multi-modal approach to transport including sea transport. This will be reflected in the branding of the final document.
17. Having reviewed the vision statement taking into account the above, the draft RLTS – Discussion Document vision statement reads:
“Hawke’s Bay moves around on a safe, sustainable and resilient transport system that enhances our economy, our health and lifestyle choices, and connects us to other parts of New Zealand and the world.”
Strategic Objectives
18. At the Committee meeting 8 July 2010, five strategic objectives were presented that related to the mandatory New Zealand Transport Strategy objectives. These objectives could be adapted or made to take on a more specific regional tone, provided the meaning intended by Government was not lost. The following strategic objectives were identified:
18.1 A strong, prosperous and growing economy
18.2 Transport and other infrastructure that is safe, integrated and meets the needs of users
18.3 Safe and secure communities
18.4 An environment that is appreciated, protected and sustained for future generations
18.5 A lifetime of good health.
19. The Committee considered that the objectives were sound but required some changes to make them more specific to the region. It was noted that reference to multi-modal transportation should be added to encourage sustainability and resilience in communities. Also inter-regional and intra-regional connectivity required more emphasis. The Committee considered that the objectives should be inspirational but achievable.
20. The following amended strategic objectives have been included in the draft RLTS 2012:
20.1 Sustained growth and economic development of Hawke’s Bay that is supported by the efficient and affordable movement of people and goods
20.2 The development of a multi modal transport system to assist access to health, education, employment and leisure activities for all sectors of the community
20.3 A transport system that is safe to use
20.4 A transport system that helps to protect and promote public health and supports a reduction in negative health effects for people
20.5 A transport system which recognises and protects the value of the environment while recognising and providing for improved efficiency
20.6 The transport system effectively interlinks land use and transport modes. Transport planning processes are effective and appropriately engage all people affected by or interested in transport decisions, and recognise the diverse range of views and transport needs that exist within the Region.
Future Scenarios
21. The RLTS 2008 sets out broad and specific outcomes that will achieve the region’s vision and strategic objectives for land transport. The broad and specific outcomes were presented to the Committee the meeting of 8 July 2010. For the purpose of the discussion document future scenarios have been created, based on these broad outcomes, to help the public visualise how the transport system may operate in the future. The futures scenarios are available in Attachment 1.
22. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
22.1 Sections 97 and 98 of the Act do not apply as these relate to decisions that significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
22.2 Sections 83 and 84 covering special consultative procedure do not apply to the discussion document as the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy must go through the special consultative process.
22.3 The decision does not fall within the definition of the Council’s policy on significance.
22.4 Section 80 of the Act covering decisions that are inconsistent with an existing policy or plan does not apply.
22.5 Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others having given due consideration to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be effected by or have an interest in the decisions to be made.
The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Adopts the document titled Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy for Hawke’s Bay – Discussion Document to be released into the public arena for the purpose of pre consultation on the Regional Land Transport Strategy.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
1View |
Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy Discussion Document |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Confirmation of 2011 Regional Transport Committee Meeting Dates
1. This agenda item presents the proposed meeting dates for the Regional Transport Committee for 2011.
2. The Terms of Reference for the Committee states a meeting frequency of at least quarterly. It is proposed to schedule 5 meetings over 2011.
3. At the meeting of 9 December 2010, the Council resolved to approve the number of meetings recommended and the proposed dates for 2011 subject to agreement with NZTA and any other amendments required to avoid critical meeting conflicts.
4. Agreement on meeting dates has been reached between members of the Committee for the proposed dates:
4.1 Friday 18 February 2011
4.2 Wednesday 20 April 2011
4.3 Friday 8 July 2011
4.4 Thursday 22 September 2011
4.5 Thursday 17 November 2011
5. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
5.1 Sections 97 and 98 of the Act do not apply as these relate to decisions that significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
5.2 Sections 83 and 84 covering special consultative procedure do not apply.
5.3 The decision does not fall within the definition of the Council’s policy on significance.
5.4 Section 80 of the Act covering decisions that are inconsistent with an existing policy or plan does not apply.
5.5 Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others having given due consideration to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be effected by or have an interest in the decisions to be made.
The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Approves the proposed Regional Transport Committee meeting dates for 2011 and includes those dates on the Council’s 2011 meeting schedule.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
There are no attachments for this report.
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Mid Term National Land Transport Programme Report
1. This paper introduces the NZTA midterm report on the National Land Transport Programme.
2. December 2010 was the midpoint in the three year 2009-2012 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). Consequently the NZTA is taking this opportunity to provide both a regional and national update on progress in delivering the Programme. A presentation on this issue will be made by NZTA.
3. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Committee receives the report.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
There are no attachments for this report.
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: NZ Cycle Trail Update
1. This agenda item provides an update on the New Zealand Cycle Trail bid at the request of the Regional Transport Committee Chairman.
General Information
2. The New Zealand Cycle Trail project is a National government concept, determined from an earlier employment summit, aimed at stimulating growth initiatives in the current economic climate. The initiative proposes the establishment of a series of iconic cycleway rides that would provide employment, regional cooperation, stimulate economic development and tourism within New Zealand as part of a $50 m stimulus package. So far the Government has approved a total of $45.6 million for a series of 18 Great Rides throughout New Zealand.
3. A 3 stage bid and funding process was managed by the Ministry of Tourism. In September 2009, local MPs promoted a concept of a “great ride” within the Tukituki valley from Havelock North to Waipawa as part of a Hawke’ Bay bid for funding. Regional Council Staff proposed an additional 3 trails to the current network, which included: (1) Tukituki Valley – River Road to Red Bridge and Haumoana/TeAwanga connections; (2) Ahuriri connection from Park Island to Westshore and (3) Western Heretaunga Plains connection from Hastings to Taradale. These options would complete a peripheral integrated loop around a Hub and Spoke cycleway experience, primarily centred around the major population centres of Napier and Hasting (see Appendix 1). A bid for funding the Hawke’s Bay Trails was submitted to the Ministry on the 18th December 2009.
Landscapes Ride
4. On 13 August 2010, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and The New Zealand Cycle Trail project signed a contract for the construction of the Landscapes Trail. The 55km Landscapes Trail connects the existing Rotary pathways and loops around the Tukituki Valley, Te Mata Peak, the village of Havelock North and includes a section along the coast between Haumoana and Te Awanga.
5. To date the majority of this trail’s sections have been completed with the most recently finished being the Blacks Bridge to Clifton section. Currently work to widen sections of Waimarama Road and Tukituki Road is underway to enable the construction of cycle lanes.
Water Ride
6. On 4 February 2011, a further contract was signed for a new Hawke’s Bay Trail called the Water Ride. The Water Ride takes in Napier’s Marina precinct, and then loops through a wetland estuary, with views of landmarks, coastal scenery and wildlife, while also passing through both Maori and European cultural heritage areas. The Water Ride stands on its own as a day-loop option but riders can add on the Landscapes Ride, where the first section is already open, for longer riding or multi-day options. The Water Ride can also be used by commuters to Bay View, the airport and Napier.
7. Construction has not yet begun on the Water Ride. The Regional Council is working with Napier City Council and landowners to finalise design.
8. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report.
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
1View |
NZ Cycleways Update |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: NZTA Regional Director's Report
1. This item introduces the NZTA Central Region Regional Director’s report as provided in Attachment 1.
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Committee receives the Regional Director’s Report.
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
1View |
Regional Director's Report |
Attachment 1 |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee
Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA Regional Director Central |
Date: |
9 February 2011
The purpose of this report is: · to provide an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Programme in the Hawke’s Bay Region · to provide an update on key initiatives that may impact the strategic development of the regional transport network
There are no updates on NZTA actions in the Hawkes Bay RLTS, following our report in December 2010. Specific updates on key state highway projects related to RLTS actions are provided in Appendix 1 of this report.
December 2010 was the midpoint in the three year 2009-2012 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). Consequently the NZTA is taking the opportunity to provide both a regional and national update on progress in delivering the programme. A separate presentation on this issue will be made at the RTC meeting.
2.1 Update on State Highway and Network Ops Activities in the NLTP
As noted in our report to the RTC in December 2010, the delivery of regional State highway activities is generally on track with the two large projects in the Hawkes Bay Region, namely Matahorua Gorge and SH50A Southern Extension, expected to be open to traffic in March 2011.
Investigation work is currently underway to quantify issues associated with heavy vehicle use of two significant bridges in the Hawke’s Bay region. The Waitangi Washout Bridge on State Highway 2 south of Napier is programmed for replacement in the current NLTP. Detailed investigations of the bridge condition are progressing to provide a better understanding of the timing needs for replacement. An analysis will also be carried out to confirm the structural capacity of the structure and clarify whether replacement represents the best value for money outcome. This work is expected to be completed by March 2011.
State Highway 5 Mohaka Bridge deck repairs are also included in the 2009-12 NLTP. Currently there are some structural issues that are requiring management of overweight loads crossing the bridge, and in some cases supervision of the loads. A detailed structural review addressing these issues will be completed before March and any physical works required to address any structural issues will be carried out this year. The review will also help us understand the HPMV capability and identify the best value for money option to deal with deck maintenance.
The Hawkes Bay pavement renewal programme continues with an estimated renewal length of 13Km, due to be completed this financial year. Whle progress on this programme has been slower than anticipated, completion is still expected before winter 2011. Work is also underway restoring pavement damaged during storm events in October last year. In particular, this will remove the carriageway width restrictions that have been in place on State Highway 2 at Waikoau Hill.
Further details on the regional State highway programme are available in Appendix 1, and will also be provided in the mid term NLTP presentation at the RTC meeting (as noted above).
2.2 Update on NLTP Funding Approvals by the NZTA
In the December 2010 funding review, approvals were given for:
· SH2 Matahorua Gorge
In the January 2011 funding review :
· SH2 Waitangi Bridge
· Wairoa DC Emergency Work
· Wairoa DC Emergency Work, Special Purpose Roads
· Wairoa District Council Minor improvements work
· State Highway emergency work
3.1 Regional Road Safety
Significance to RTC |
A safe land transport system is a key goal in Regional Land Transport Strategy |
Details |
The 2010 year closed with 8 fatal accidents recorded in the Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne regions combined. This is below the regional target set under the former Road Safety to 2010 strategy. The graph of fatalities has been trending downwards for a number of years and this outcome is consistent with that trend giving some confidence that this is a managed outcome. The NZTA will continue to work with stakeholders to deliver a safer transportation network, as part of Safer Journeys - NZ’s road safety strategy to 2020. |
High Productivity Motor Vehicle (HPMV) routes
Significance to RTC |
Supporting the provision of effective connections for economic growth and productivity |
Details |
Progress in this region is tracking well against national project milestones, with stakeholder discussions continuing. Recent acheivements have included: · As reported last meeing, the Port of Napier route has now been cleared for loads up to 62T. It has been necessary to review vehicle configurations because the proposed trucks could not achieve safe tracking through the intersections on the route. · Routes from Omahu Road and Whakatu/Toamoana to the Port of Napier have been cleared for HPMV up to 62 tonnes, and applications to use this route have been fast tracked through the process to alleviate load consolidation resrictions applying at the Port to this season’s squash exports. An excellent example of the HPMV capability achieving efficiencies and enhancing growth and productivity. · The priority has been focussed on processing these high gain projects, but progress on analysisng the capability of structures on the other routes identified has also been progressing.
It is expected that a full report on HPMV capability, demand and development requirements will be delivered to the next RTC meeting.
3.3 Streamlining
Significance to RTC |
Will impact 2012-15 RLTP & NLTP processes |
Details |
The Streamlining Transport Invesment project is working towards streamlining the transport planning, programming and funding allocation system, with the intent of improving customer service and reducing compliance costs. The project intends to move the NZTA from a focus on funding for outputs, towards investing for outcomes.
We plan to meet with key officers in local authorities this quarter to introduce them to the scope and principles of the project. It is also expected that a presentation on streamlining will be made at the next RTC meeting.
3.4 State Highway Classification
Significance to RTC |
Impacts on regional state highway networks and NLTP development. |
Details |
A state highway classification system is currently under development by NZTA, with support from the Ministery of Transport. The classification system is a tool to help NZTA set the long term strategic direction of the state highway network and will form part of the State Highway Network Strategy, which is currently under development. It will be an important contribution to long term land transport planning for NZ.
The NZTA, together with the Ministry of Transport is currently seeking the views of stakeholders and the community about the function performed by different highways and the criteria and thresholds used to classify these highways. The NZTA will be making a presentation on the draft proposals at the RTC meeting.
3.5 SH38 Upgrade
Significance to RTC |
Inter-regional issue |
Details |
NZTA has made progress recently in seeking to resolve differences in cost estimates to upgrade SH38. NZTA has now revised its costs to reflect current markets rates, and has undertaken an analysis of comparative costs for similar projects throughout the country. This work will enable the NZTA to have a robust discussion with Wairoa Council staff on the current differences costs estimates and a discussion on suitable design standards for a road of this type. NZTA expects this meeting will be scheduled within the month.
3.6 Model Communities
Significance to RTC |
Regional significance |
Details |
The Model Communities Initiative has been formally launched by Hastings District Council with an emphasis on community eduction, promotion and training. Excellent progress has also been made on construction work on the main sections of the Flaxmere and Omahu cycle arterials.
3.7 National Infrastructure Plan
Significance to RTC |
Key part of the transport sector strategic policy framework |
Details |
The second iteration of the National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) is currently under dvelopment. The NIP describes the Government’s current infrastructure investment plans and policy programmes, and sets out areas of future focus. The aim of the second version will be to create a common understanding of the long-term infrastructure issues facing NZ and help coordinate the national response to those issues, across infrastructure sectors and owners.
A joint NZTA/MoT team has been set up to provide input to the NIP.
Attachment 1 |
Appendix 1: Hawkes Bay Regional State Highway and Network Operations Activities in the NLTP
The following table provides an update on state highway activities in the National Land Transport Programme. Progress against the NLTP is shown as follows:
Green: achieved or on track to deliver against the NLTP (as at August 2009)
Amber: issues affecting deliver against NLTP expectations
Red: initiative/project phase at significant risk of not being deliver or completed e.g. due to a fall in funding priorities
NLTP Activity - (Committed, probable and possible phases only)
Phase |
Status |
Comment |
Renewals |
OK |
Operation and Maintenance |
OK |
New and Improved infrastructure |
Matahorua Gorge Realignment |
Construction |
OK |
Expected to be open in March 2011 |
SH50 Southern Extension (HB Expressway) |
Construction |
OK |
Expected to be open in March 2011 |
Waipukurau Overbridge Realignment |
Construction |
OK |
Complete |
Dillons Hill Realignment |
Construction |
OK |
Complete |
Dillons Hill Realignment Stage 2 |
Construction |
OK |
Complete |
Waitangi Washout Bridge Replacement |
Investigation |
Caution |
Pending outcome of load capacity and condition analysis in March 2011. |
Tarawera Hill Realignment and PL |
Investigation |
OK |
Currently in the early stages of scoping and iwi liason |
SH2 South of SH50 Passing Lane |
Construction |
OK |
Operational December 2010 |
SH2 /50 Intersection Improvements |
Construction |
OK |
Construction programmed for 2011/12 |
College Rd to Silverstream |
Design |
OK |
Design programmed for completion August 2011. |
SH2 Poukawa Swamp Southbound Passing Lane |
Construction |
OK |
Construction programmed for 2011/12 |
SH2 Poukawa Swamp Northbound Passing Lane |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended, fall in funding priority |
SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Northbound |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended, fall in funding priority and safety issues |
SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Southbound |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended, fall in funding priority safety issues |
Corkscrew Gully Northbound Passing Lane |
Design |
Caution |
Design completion due 2011/12. Construction will be subject to property purchase and alignment with funding priorities. |
Corkscrew Gully Southbound Passing Lane |
Caution |
Design completion due 2011/12. Construction will be subject to property purchase and alignment with funding priorities. |
SH2 Kennels Corner and Curve South |
Investigation |
OK |
Early stages of Investigation, local issues to address with stakeholders. |
Te Mahanga Nth - Passing Lane |
Construction |
Caution |
Opening date currently programmed for April 2011 |
Te Mahanga Sth - Passing Lane |
Design |
Caution |
Environmental court hearing is pending in relation to property issues |
SH2/50A Paki Paki Intersection with SH50A |
Investigation |
OK |
Scoping study to be initiated early 2011 |
SH2 Napier Rd Intersection |
Investigation |
OK |
Progressing towards Notice of Requirement. |
SH2 Pilcher Rd Intersection |
Investigation |
OK |
Redundant project, outcome being delivered through the Napier Road Intersection project |
Glencoe Gorge Realignment |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended, fall in funding priority |
HB Expressway Kennedy to Ngaruroro Improvements |
Investigation |
OK |
Scoping of options to improve efficiency and safety. Due to be complete end of 2011 |
SH5 Glengarry Hill North & Southbound Stock Effluent facility |
Construction |
Caution |
Opening date affected by contractural issues – now scheduled March 2011 |
Mohaka Bridge Deck Repairs |
Investigation |
OK |
Reprogrammed to start 2011, following outcome of initial investigations March 2011. |
SH5 Turangakumu to Windy Gap mass Action |
Investigation |
Critical |
Following outome for the Tutira section corridor mass action low BCR likely, project reprioritised. |
Tuiroa Cutting Realignment and Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Critical |
Reprioritised due to fall in funding priority |
HB Expressway Meeanee Quay Intersection |
Investigation |
OK |
Investigation into crash reduction scheme programmed for 11/12 |
Napier Airport to Bay View Passing Lanes |
Construction |
Caution |
Design practically complete - reviewing timing of project |
Bay View - 70kph Zone Traffic Management |
Investigation |
Critical |
Likely to be reprioritised due to fall in funding priority. |
Bay View to SH2/SH5 Intersection Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority. |
SH2/SH5 Intersection Improvements |
Investigation |
OK |
Scoping phase complete, initiating next phase of work. |
Tangoio Straight Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority. |
SH2 Wairoa Stock Effluent Facility |
Investigation |
Caution |
Project on hold pending agreement on regional funding share agreement for physical works and maintenance |
North of Tunanui Rd Realignment |
Investigation |
OK |
Geotech investigations underway. |
Whakaki Rd Curves Improvements |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project unlikely to proceed due to fall in funding priority |
Tahaenui Bridge Replacement and Realignment |
Investigation |
Caution |
Local land issues to be resolved - reprogrammed for review 2011 |
Gisbourne - Napier Passing Opportunities HB |
Design |
OK |
11 out of 16 initiated. 4 out of 16 practically complete. |
Mangakino Stream Bridge Replacement |
Construction |
OK |
Contract underway, operational by June 2011 |
Manga-o-Nuku Bridges |
Investigation |
OK |
Scoping due to start in early 2011/12 financial year |
Prebensen Drive/Hyderabad Road Interchange |
Investigation |
Caution |
Investigation being concluded. Low cost solution to integrate with Nelson City Council 4-lane project |
Mohaka Seismic Retrofit |
Construction |
OK |
Complete |
Tutira section corridor mass action |
Investigation |
Critical |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority. |
SH5 Te Pohue golf course to Mistletoe mass action |
Investigation |
Critical |
Reprioritised due to fall in funding priority. |
Waikaremoana Seal Extension SH38 |
Design |
Critical |
Project unlikely to proceed due to fall in funding priority |
Walking and cycling facilities |
Omahu Rd/Expressway Pedestrian Crossing |
Investigation |
Caution |
Internal review initiated - liaising with HDC to find a suitable outcome. |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Progress Report on Regional / Joint Projects
1. This item provides a progress report on the regional and/or jointly funded projects contained in the National Land Transport Programme for Hawke’s Bay.
Status of Regional / Jointly Funded Projects
Project Name |
NLTP Category |
Local funders |
Scheduled Date |
Status |
HB Regional Transportation Study – Heretaunga Plains |
Cat 2 |
Year 1 and 2 |
NZTA approved funding Tender has been awarded to GHD Consultants Ltd. Stage 1 - has been completed and signed off by the peer reviewer. Stage 2 - now completed with land use patterns now included in the model. Stage 3 - Initial runs of the deficiency model have been consistent with expected outcomes. It is anticipated that the study will be completed by early August. |
Wider Regional Transport Study |
Cat 2 |
Year 2 |
The scope of this project incorporates inter-regional freight issues particularly between Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay. The consultant is currently running interviews and data gathering. The completion date for the project has been extended 6 weeks and it is anticipated that the project will be completed in early August. |
Regional Public Transport Plan |
Cat 2 |
Year 1 and 2 (due to be completed Jan 2012) |
Project Team met in February; discussion document to be drafted for approval by the Project Team in March. Timeline for the production of the RPTP confirmed by the Project Team. |
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report titled ‘Progress Report on Regional / Joint Projects’. |
Esther-Amy Bate Planner |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
There are no attachments for this report.
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the General Business to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
16. |