Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                 Friday, 8 July 2011

Time:                10.15am


 Council Chamber

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



 Attachments Excluded from Agenda


item       subject                                                                                                                   page


9.         Transport Manager's Report

Attachment 3:     Spreadsheet of Studies and Plans                                                     

Attachment 4:     Project Timeline - RLTP                                                                     

13.       RoadSafe Hawke's Bay Update

Attachment 2:     Motorcycle Practical Safety Training Day - photos                           

Attachment 3:     Youth Alcohol Expo - photos                                                              

Attachment 4:     RoadSafe Strategic Plan                                                                        

Spreadsheet of Studies and Plans

Attachment 3


Project Timeline - RLTP

Attachment 4


Motorcycle Practical Safety Training Day - photos

Attachment 2






Youth Alcohol Expo - photos

Attachment 3


RoadSafe Strategic Plan

Attachment 4