Meeting of the Roadsafe Governance Group
Date: Friday 18 February 2011
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street Napier
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Action Items - There were no Outstanding Action Items this Month
Decision Items
4. Financial Report
5. Draft Terms of Reference
Information or Performance Monitoring
6. Minutes from RoadSafe Meetings held on 30 March 2010 and 23 April 2010
7. Co-ordinator Reports
8. General Business
Roadsafe Governance Group
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Financial Report
1. The attached financial report presents a financial overview for the RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay project for the six months from 1 July 2010 to 31 December 2010.
2. The report shows that the expenditure is slightly higher than 50% at this time of the year but this is offset by funding from other agencies.
3. In line with the decision made by the Governance Group in 2010, only one community provider receives funding from RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay. The project is the Child Driveway Runover Education Project run by Te Tai Whenua o Heretaunga, this project was approved by the Governance Group in May 2010. Also attached to this financial report is a six month report relating to this community provider funding and progress with the project.
4. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
4.1. The decision does not fall within the definition of the Council’s policy on significance.
4.2. The persons affected by this decision are the RoadSafe Governance Group members.
4.3. Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others having given due consideration to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be effected by or have an interest in the decisions to be made.
That the RoadSafe Governance Group: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receive the financial position report as at 31 December 2010 and note the progress report for the Driveway Runover Project.
Linda Anderson Regional Manager RoadSafe Hawke's Bay |
Carol Gilbertson Governance and Public Transport Manager |
1View |
Financial Report - 1 July - 31 December 2010 |
2View |
Community Provider - 6 Month Report |
Financial Report - 1 July - 31 December 2010 |
Attachment 1 |
FROM 1 JULY 2010 TO 31 DECEMBER 2010
Expenditure |
Actual $ |
Annual Plan Forecast $
% of forecast |
Internal Time |
106,468 |
210,882 |
50%1 |
External Costs |
114,666 |
172,000 |
67%2 |
Total Costs |
221,134 |
382,882 |
Less Income |
TLA contributions |
41,265 |
41,265 |
100% |
Other community providers |
35,987 |
0 |
3 |
Subsidies & Grants (NZTA) |
137,983 |
318,617 |
51% |
Total income |
215,235 |
359,882 |
Net Funding Required |
23,000 |
Explanatory Notes:
1. Internal time is 50% of forecast which is on track for this time of the financial year.
2. External costs slightly higher than 50% but the additional expenditure is offset by other external funding contributions from ACC, District Health Board, Police, Highway Network (NZTA) and HB Primary Health Organisation.
3. Total funding from other sources confirmed at 31 December of $35,987, this included funding from providers identified in Note 2 above.
Funding from Other Sources
A total of $35,987 has been received from other providers, these include contributions from ACC, District Health Board, Police, Highway Network (NZTA) and HB Primary Health Organisation. The RoadSafe Regional Manager and Co-ordinators continue to seek funding contributions from other providers during the year, any contributions received will be advised to the Governance Group at their regular meetings.
Community Provider - 6 Month Report |
Attachment 2 |
Community Provider 6 Month Report
Project: Child Driveway Runover Education
Project Leader: Aroha Karaitiana Injury Prevention Health Promotion Coordinator |
Te Tai Whenua o Heretaunga |
6 Month Report |
Name of Project: Driveway Runover Project
As at 22 December 2010 we have used $630.00 of the $3000.00 we received from Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay. This was used to purchase a ‘Check, Supervise, Separate’ Banner with base from Nelson Signs.
We have used our Home Driveway Runover Demonstration Kit at the annual Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Primary Schools Kapahaka Festival which was held at Maraenui School in November, over 20 Primary Schools from our region participated, with many parents and families also in attendance it was a great opportunity to promote about Home Driveway Runover Prevention.
We also used the kit at our Family Start Whanau Xmas Celebrations in December, over 200 parents and children attended, many parents were curious about the display, we were able to share the safety messages with them.
The kit’s success lies in that it is interactive ‘hands on’, seems to be more effective than a pamphlet.
I am looking to use our kit in the new year 2011 at other community events and would like to get some t shirts made up promoting driveway safety.
Kind regards Aroha Karaitiana Injury Prevention Co-ordinator Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
Roadsafe Governance Group
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Draft Terms of Reference
1. This report presents a draft Terms of Reference for RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay for the Governance Group to consider and adopt, following any changes made at this meeting.
2. As the previous Terms of Reference have not been updated since March 2008 and this is the first meeting of the RoadSafe Governance Group in the new triennium, it is now timely to consider a revised terms of reference, which is shown in Attachment 1.
3. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
3.1. Sections 97 and 98 of the Act do not apply as these relate to decisions that significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
3.2. Sections 83 and 84 covering special consultative procedure do not apply.
3.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of the Council’s policy on significance.
3.4. The persons affected by this decision are members of the RoadSafe Governance Group.
3.5. The options considered are to adopt the proposed terms of reference or stay with the old terms of reference.
3.6. Section 80 of the Act covering decisions that are inconsistent with an existing policy or plan does not apply.
3.7. Council can exercise its discretion under Section 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Act and make a decision on this issue without conferring directly with the community or others having given due consideration to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be effected by or have an interest in the decisions to be made.
That the Roadsafe Governance Group : 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Consider and adopt the proposed Terms of Reference for the RoadSafe Governance Group.
Linda Anderson Regional Manager RoadSafe Hawke's Bay |
Carol Gilbertson Governance and Public Transport Manager |
1View |
Draft RoadSafe Hawke's Bay Terms of Reference |
Draft RoadSafe Hawke's Bay Terms of Reference |
Attachment 1 |
RoadSafe HB
1. To develop, coordinate and implement road safety programs focussing on key road safety issues identified in Strategic Documents, including Safer Journeys 2020, Communities at Risk Register, NZTA Briefing Notes and Road Safety Action Plans
2. Develop a RoadSafe HB Strategic Plan incorporating the key road safety issues identified in the Strategic Documents (as above) and develop work plans to address these issues with a Regional and local focus.
3. Collaborate with key road safety partners to increase the sphere of influence, raise awareness and reduce risk and harm in relation to fatal and serious crashes.
4. Establish relationships with Community Providers to support activities in relation to key road safety issues.
5. The RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Governance Group are a sub-committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee and includes representatives from the funding organisations of the Territorial Local Authorities, Police and New Zealand Transport Agency.
Governance Group: Inspector Chris Wallace Les Probert (Mayor Wairoa) Kathy Furlong (Councillor Napier) Terry Kingston (Councillor CHB) Tania Kerry (Councillor Hastings District Council)
Chairman Alan Dick
Governance and Public Transport Manager |
Roadsafe Governance Group
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Minutes from RoadSafe Meetings held on 30 March 2010 and 23 April 2010
1. Attached are the minutes from the RoadSafe Governance Group meetings held on 30 March 2010 and 23 April 2010 for the Committee’s information, these minutes do not need to be confirmed by the Governance Group. As part of the duties to be undertaken at the end of the triennium any outstanding minutes are to be ratified by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, this was done at the Council meeting in September 2010.
2. The minutes have been included in this agenda to allow any discussion by members on previous items as the Governance Group has not met formally since April 2010.
1. That the minutes from the meetings held on 30 March 2010 and 23 April 2010 be noted.
Carol Gilbertson Governance and Public Transport Manager |
1View |
Minutes - 23 April 201 |
2View |
Minutes - 30 March 2010 |
Date: |
23 April 2010
Time: |
Venue: |
Mohaka Room Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER
Present: |
AJ Dick – Chairman C Wallace – Police N Speers – Territorial Authority K Furlong – Territorial Authority T Kingston – Territorial Authority L Anderson – Regional Transport Safety Co-ordinator L Probert – Territorial Authority C Goble - NZTA C Gilbertson – Public Transport Manager
Minutes - 23 April 201 |
Attachment 1 |
1. Demand Management Community Programme – Draft Activity List for 2010/11 – 2011/12
Mrs Linda Anderson and Mrs Carol Gilbertson presented a draft activity list for 2010/11 – 2011/12. The Committee were asked to provide any comment and input into the draft list prior to it being presented to the Regional Transport Committee later in the day. There was discussion about what priorities were for the next two years and minor amendments were made to the draft activity list.
It was agreed that prior to the list finally being submitted to the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) that Mr Goble and Mr Wallace would be shown a copy of the activity list to ensure all priority areas were covered.
1. That the Governance Group agree in principle to the draft activity list as presented and note that prior to the list being finally submitted to NZTA Mr Goble and Mr Wallace would review the list.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.00am.
Signed as a true and correct record.
date: ...……….............................. chairman: ..........................................
Date: |
30 March 2010
Time: |
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER
Present: |
A Dick – Chairman C Wallace – Police N Speers – Territorial Authority K Furlong – Territorial Authority L Anderson – Regional Transport Safety Co-ordinator E Renner – CHB Co-ordinator A Jessep – Roadsafe Administrator M Drury – Minute Secretary
Minutes - 30 March 2010 |
Attachment 2 |
1. welcomE/apologies
Chairman Dick welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that some agenda items would be discussed out of order.
Apologies were received from Mrs C Gilbertson, Ms D Elers and Ms B Cairns
2. confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on WEDNESDAY, 19 NOVEMBER 2009
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 19 November 2009, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.
2(a) matters arising from minutes of meetings held on WEDNESDAY, 19 NOVEMBER 2009
6. Co-ordinator Reports
Public Transport Development between Mahia and Wairoa
Responding to a question from Chairman Dick, Mrs Anderson advised that further discussions would occur after the objectives and options available had been investigated.
3. action items from COMMITTEE meetings
There were no action items.
Mrs Anderson presented the third quarter of the 2009-2010 financial report and advised that to date 46% of the budget had been spent. Mrs Anderson advised that although there appeared to be large amounts of funds unspent in some areas, some projects were awaiting confirmation and the purchase of educational material and media campaigns. Mrs Anderson also advised that there were still problems with the formulae functions in the spreadsheet which required further attention and attention would also be given to the layout of the current spreadsheet for easier understanding.
Following a suggestion from Chairman Dick, Mrs Anderson would send an updated financial report ending 31 March 2010 to all Governance Group members.
Mrs Anderson also explained that several projects carried over in the 2008/09 financial year which were funded by ACC would be completed this year however funding received from ACC in the 2009/10 financial year may be carried over into the next financial year depending on progress achieved and the implementation of those projects. Responding to a question from Chairman Dick, Mrs Anderson believed that ACC funding would be ongoing.
Mrs Anderson outlined discussions held with Ms Karen Clarke in regards to strategic planning and advised Ms Clarke would hold a workshop with relevant staff in the near future.
Inspector Wallace updated the Group on a recent meeting with service providers in the Waikato which he and Mrs Anderson had attended. Inspector Wallace drew the Group’s attention to a Strategic Plan that had been developed by Environment Waikato in conjunction with the recent release of the Safer Journey 2020 Strategy.
The Group then discussed the proposed strategic planning to be undertaken and noted that it also linked into the plans of the RTC and agreed that a draft be prepared for discussion by the Regional Transport Committee.
The Group also discussed the partnership roles in several projects and the key roles that community providers play in Roadsafe Programmes. Following discussion on the booster seat programme, Inspector Wallace undertook to confirm whether this topic was part of the Police school programme for Years 1 and 2.
Councillor Kingston expressed concern about the lack of coverage of Roadsafe activities in the local CHB newspaper. In response, Mrs Anderson clarified that there were a significant number of high profile articles included - either comments by the RoadSafe HB Regional Manager or articles which had been instigated by her. Mrs Anderson will ensure media articles include CHB and Wairoa.
Chairman Dick advised he had received a letter from NZTA advising that NZTA Board at its March meeting had agreed on a new strategic investment framework for the DMCP (Demand Management and Community Programmes) activity class which would have three investment streams with most of the available funding being allocated in the first investment stream.
The Group discussed the implications from this amendment and the assessment criteria for the DMCP Activity Class. The following points were noted:
· The 3 year funding provision will end at 1 September 2010 so it is anticipated all current programmes would be completed by that date;
· 2 year funding would be available from 1 July 2010 dependant on whether criteria is met;
· Interim funding from 1 July 2010 to 1 September 2010 would be approved by NZTA;
· Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay future safety programmes would fit into the high strategic fit as all issues in that criteria would be addressed;
· It was important when making the funding application that strong focus was placed on Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay’s limited resources, the successful partnerships that have occurred and potential programme partners;
· A standard template was currently being developed with the deadline for the funding application to be lodged on line now 30 May 2010 and a draft be sent to NZTA by 7 May 2010;
The Group also agreed that the draft funding application be included on the RTC’s meeting agenda for Friday, 23 April 2010.
1. That the Governance Group:
1.1 Endorse the development of a Strategic Plan and that it be initiated at staff level but that Inspector Wallace represent both the Police and theGovernance Group;
1.2 Request that Ms Codlin, Group Manager Strategic Development also be involved in the preparation of the Plan and that the Strategy prepared by Environment Waikato be used where appropriate as a template;
1.3 That the Governance Group request Mrs Anderson prepare a draft funding application by 7 May 2010 a copy to be presented at the RTC meeting on 23 April 2010 with the final version to be lodged with NZTA by 30 May 2010.
6. funding request
Prior to discussion on Funding applications, the Group discussed the current email process seeking approval for applications. It was agreed that funding applications would be sent via the mail system for approval and returned to Mrs Anderson for action.
Mrs Anderson then outlined her projects that she was awaiting approval for.
1.1 Projects |
1.2 Approved |
1.3 Value |
1.4 Motor Cycle Training |
1.5 Yes |
1.6 Roadsafe: $6,000 1.7 |
1.8 Loss of Control on Rural Roads |
1.9 Yes |
Roadsafe: $8,000 |
1.10 Bluelight |
1.11 Yes |
1.12 RoadSafe HB: Provide funding to Bluelight $6,000 |
1. The Governance Group:
1.1 Approves the Motor Cycle training project to the value of $6,000.00
1.2 Approves the Loss of Control on Rural Roads project to the value of $8000
1.3 Approves the Bluelight project to the value of $6,000.00
Mrs Anderson outlined to the Group the funding applications received.
The Group considered the funding applications and agreed that the following application could be approved.
1.13 Projects |
1.14 Approved |
1.15 Value |
1.16 Omahu Kohanga Reo |
1.17 Yes |
1.18 $490 |
1.19 Ramblers Cycling Club |
1.20 No |
1.21 |
1. The Governance Group:
1.1 Approves an application from Omahu Kohanga Reo project for cycle helmets to the value of $490 on condition that an audit be undertaken in 12 months and Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay arrange the purchase of helmets.
1.2 Declines an application from Ramblers Cycling Club for Traffic Management Training to the value of $4,000.
The Group reviewed the co-ordinators’ reports and congratulated the Co-ordinators on a large number of successful activities undertaken in all areas from December 2009 to February 2010.
1. That the Governance Group receives and notes the Co-ordinators’ Reports for the period December 2009 – February 2010.
DIA: Community Internship Opportunity
Mrs Anderson advised that Ms Benita Cairns, Roadsafe Coordinator for Wairoa had requested an opportunity to be involved in the DIA Community Internship programme which gave staff members of an organisation the opportunity to work inside or alongside a non profit organisation to achieve specific targets or goals. If the application was successful, Ms Cairns would commit to 5 hours RoadSafe time and 5 hours personal time; this may change as the level of work has not been confirmed and the RoadSafe portion may be reduced.
The Group discussed Ms Cairn’s request and noted that funding for the hours spent undertaking the community internship programme if her application was successful would be met by DIA.
1. That the Governace Group approve Ms Benita Cairn’s request to apply for a DIA Community Internship programme
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.55am.
Signed as a true and correct record.
date: ...……….............................. chairman: ..........................................
Roadsafe Governance Group
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: Co-ordinator Reports
1. Attached are reports from the RoadSafe Co-ordinators - Ethna Renner - CHB Coordinator, Jacque Apaita - Wairoa Coordinator and Linda Anderson – Regional Manager which provide an update on activities within the RoadSafe Co-ordinators support areas.
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
That the RoadSafe Governance Group receives and notes the Co-ordinator Reports. |
Carol Gilbertson Governance and Public Transport Manager |
1View |
Report - Linda Anderson |
2View |
Report - Ethna Renner |
3View |
Report - Jacque Apata |
Report - Linda Anderson |
Attachment 1 |
Reporting Period: September 2010 - February 2011
Regional Manager : Linda Anderson
ISSUES/ACTIONS - What is the key focus and what are the key objectives |
LINKS/JUSTIFICATION - What action plans/strategies are linked or what is the reason/s for focusing on this issue |
PARTNERS - Who else or what other organisation/s are involved. |
ACHIEVEMENTS - What has been achieved so far and/or what are reasons for not achieving |
PLANNED ACTIVITY - What actions if any are planned for the next reporting period |
Speed & Alcohol Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Speed, Drugs and Alcohol related crashes.
-HB Youth Alcohol Resource Development
-Youth Alcohol Expo
-Loss of Control: Regional Project
-Summer Series: Fatigue
-“Just Another Saturday Night”
-Christmas Campaign Party Register
Operation Unite/Checkpoints
Tell Someone You Love……
Ask Me For Options
Thirsty Whale Bus |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Alcohol in Our Lives: Liquor Act Review -Communities at Risk Register |
RoadSafe HB
Police/ACC/HBDHB/HB PHO/ RoadSafe HB
-The new Brand was launched in November 2010. SOBA .D has been chosen to represent Youth for the HB Region.
-This is a Regional Project based on one that has been undertaken in BOP. It will be a whole community Expo with a focus on youth and alcohol. The event is planned for the 9th-13th May 2011
-Sally/Linda/Police to participate in the Eastern District A&P Shows
-Proposed date for Fatigue Stop-Easter Weekend/Danks Classic Fishing Competition
-We are funding/supporting development of a DVD highlighting a horrendous fatal crash involving two brothers. Two killed and two critically injured. This is a compelling story and is being lead by Sergeant Iain Cheyne.
-Modifications have been made to the Party Register Project. Including the generic pack being modified for Work Place Christmas parties.
-RoadSafe HB supported the major checkpoints prior to Christmas. This is always considered a successful part of our program, being able to provide Brief Intervention with a novel message (Christmas Goody Bag) is the highlight of the year.
-This project was developed in the form of a large pink heart bil- board. The message: “Tell someone you love….always drive sober” Information packs were created (every product had the same message on it) as a Christmas goody bag (gold bow and all) with heart shaped mints/ nail files/lip balm/purse pack tissue etc. It was intented that they be passed on to a loved one/friend etc. These where given out at the Checkpoints/ TAG supported us in the CBD promoting the same message. Also a number of mini displays where created and at a number of workplaces had these on display. The feedback we received from them was amazing…”Wow I will give my son one of these, this is cool” -A number of late night premises where provided with t-shirts/ aprons/posters/wallet cards (taxi numbers) promoting sober driver messages. Staff where provided with a t-shirt/bar apron Front: “Do you have a sober driver?” Back: “Ask me for options” Wallet Cards These where situated on the bar and staff were asked to encourage patrons to use taxi’s, have a sober driver or take the Thirsty Whale bus home. Posters were also provided with local taxi numbers on them -RoadSafe HB funded the Thirsty Whale Bus as a Sober Driver option. Havelock was offered the same service but are happy with the supply of Taxis |
-The roll out of the Brand/ messages/format/activities will be discussed at the Regional Road Safe Coordinators meeting in March 2011 -All HB Schools have responded and will attend. Sub-groups have been set up to manage the planning processes. We are currently on track and will meet fortnightly from here on
-Completed. We undertook a Post Evaluation from people that attended and where overwhelmed by the positive feedback we received and where voted the Best Display award at the Wairoa Show. The partners will meet to debrief and look to including this as part of our Yearly Program.
However there has been some disappointment in the fact that work to be undertaken by other Project Partners to date has not been completed. This is to be discussed at the Regional RSAP in February. -Yet to be confirmed -We have generally run Fatigue Stops/News Paper Articles/Info Packs to raise awareness of the risks of fatigue, I decided we needed to look for more creative ways to raise awareness and to combine it with an event. I am providing road safety messages to all registered anglers in the Danks Classic, including: bottled water/ info packs/merchandise/ spot prizes/prizes and a display during the competition. In return they include our messages on the radio/newspaper/t-shirts etc -The development is progressing extremely well, in fact a very proud moment when I saw the ‘teaser’. This is to be developed to be sent to the schools inviting them to book the presentation. Jarrod is having coaching lessons around presenting, he will now be the main speaker at the upcoming expo along with Iain Cheyne/guest at the party. The presentation DVD is near completion as well.
-This had minimum success but will be advertised earlier next year and we will utilize Security/ Community Patrol Staff to deliver the promotion to each work place on their rounds. We also purchased cell phones for each district as many people don’t have landlines and people are now able to register by text. An evaluation is currently being undertaken (Registered Parties) to review processes etc -Ongoing involvement -This always provides great feedback and is also a great way to profile joint activities with Police and RoadSafe HB through the media. Comment: “This was the best thing that could happen for me at Xmas, I was driving sober (as I always do) and this was a lovely acknowledgement (goody bag) and this woman approached me on the street and passed this on. -This theme will be further developed to include speed, fatigue and restraints. We will approach the same (different workplaces) and repeat this. Each place said at any time they are happy to support the campaigns, they felt good about supporting a great cause.
-Evaluation currently underway
Intersections Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Intersection related Crashes
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020
Police/RSHB/ACC |
-No activities currently planned |
-Planning to begin 2011 Intersection Campaign
Vulnerable Road Users Reduce the Incidence and Severity of motorcycle related crashes and provide practical driver training sessions to increase skill levels of riders. -Motorcycles
Bike Wise Month
Runner Bots
Three Chances |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys Strategy 2020 -Walking & Cycling Strategy |
ACC/RSHB/Reference Group Police
RSHB/Southseas Television and Film School |
-Postponed 2010 (Weather) -Motorcycle Safety Day planned for 20 February 2011
-I had been approached by a Journalism Student completing Degree in Film and Television. Her final assignment was to create a DVD. This was on a crash involving a Hukarere Student. She drank at 3 separate locations and each time chose to drive with the last one resulting in a serious crash and she is now in a wheelchair.
-The first training day is planned for the 20th February 2011. We have a guest appearance by Aron Slight/demonstration by a motorcycle group/on and off track road safety activities etc. We will then develop ongoing training activities over the next year. We have registered assessors attending and participants will achieve their basic Certification in Motorcycle Safety -Support coordinated activities: Go By Bike Day/Work Place Challenge -This is a project lead by Police. It is currently being delivered at Peterhead School and now starting at Irongate. Police provide a running program for kids, they gain a number of social skills/physical activity etc. This was then a unique opportunity to for us raise awareness around pedestrian safety etc. The intention is to continue to roll this out to a number of skills. We are developing a road safety program that the participants complete over the school term -The DVD has been completed and Chanala is back in HB preparing to return to study to do a further Degree. We are proposing that Chanala also present at the upcoming Youth Alcohol Expo. I will also investigate other opportunities for her to support other ‘in school presentations’ |
Loss of Control Rural Roads |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020
ACC/Police/RSHB |
-As Above |
-Project to be reviewed at next Regional RSAP February 2011 |
Restraints Increase the correct knowledge and compliance usage rate for 0-5yr olds and encourage use of Booster Seats
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Safe Kids National Campaign |
RoadSafe HB: Coalition Coordinator HB Safekids Coalition/Plunket Police Compliance Trust |
-A number of resources have been developed for education purposes. Also an implementation plan is currently being developed -2011-2012: Safekids Campaign –Driveway Runover |
-We are proposing to sub-contract two staff to provide education sessions to ECE/ Kohanga/Child Care Centres |
Fatigue Raise awareness of risks of driving while tired and promoting road safety by pre-planning your trip |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020
Police/ACC/RSHB |
-As Above |
-As Above |
Planned Activities |
-We have scheduled a Regional RSAP for the 16th February 2010. There has been inconsistent engagement from some road safety partners and we need to review processes, commitment etc. This is an opportunity to bring everyone together to discuss. I raised the issue for RoadSafe HB (as we had inherited the coordination and had become extremely time consuming for the Coordinators) since this time there has been an increased participation and we now have Nap/Hastings running well and would like to bring CHB/Wairoa into alignment as well.
It will be proposed that we either have x2 Regional/x2 Local or x1 Regional and x3 Local. These need to be valuable to us all I feel they need to be running well as they will form part of the reporting/review of RoadSafe HB at the end of the financial year. |
Regional Strategic Planning Meeting |
-A proposed date has been set in March for a Regional RoadSafe HB Team meeting. We need to review the Strategic Plan to ensure our projects/objectives are still meeting our outcomes/high risk road safety issues -This will also be timely to review our Work Plans and for new staff to develop theirs -We will also discuss the implementation of the new Youth Alcohol Brand and the roll out of this product/messages etc |
-The new SADD Coordinator has been appointed. I discussed with him the opportunity to re-establish the Stakeholder group. He is supportive of this happening. I will set a meeting date for this and ascertain interest from Road Safety Partners |
Party Register Wairoa |
-I have met with Wairoa Police and we have re-established to Party Register in Wairoa, Jacque will be tasked with the implementation and development of this project in Wairoa |
Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan |
-RoadSafe HB is a key stakeholder in the development/.implementation of the Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan. This is being lead by the HB District Health Board |
Safe Communities Accreditation |
-Napier successfully gained accreditation as a Safe Community. I am now involved in the working group to roll out the objectives outlined in the plan |
Report - Ethna Renner |
Attachment 2 |
Reporting Period: September 2010-February 2011
Regional Manager : Linda Anderson (Ethna Renner)
ISSUES/ACTIONS - What is the key focus and what are the key objectives |
LINKS/JUSTIFICATION - What action plans/strategies are linked or what is the reason/s for focusing on this issue |
PARTNERS - Who else or what other organisation/s are involved. |
ACHIEVEMENTS - What has been achieved so far and/or what are reasons for not achieving |
PLANNED ACTIVITY - What actions if any are planned for the next reporting period |
Speed & Alcohol Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Speed, Drugs and Alcohol related crashes.
-HB Youth Alcohol Resource Development
-Loss of Control: Regional Project
-Alcohol/Speed Campaigns
-Party Register
-Stakeholder Meetings
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Alcohol in Our Lives: Liquor Act Review -Communities at Risk Register |
RoadSafe HB
Police/RSHB/ACC/Engineers/ NZTA
-Youth Alcohol Brand Implementation
-Youth Alcohol Activities with a focus on Youth/Male/Maori Male
- Party Register CHB
- Re-establish relationships with key road safe partners
-Support the development of projects/events to include the SOBA. D Youth Alcohol Branding -Attend the Regional RSAP to discuss the completion/ conclusion of the project -Meet with key stakeholders to discuss joint operations -Investigate opportunities to work with SADD with a particular focus on Youth/Male/Maori Male -Initiate discussions to promote the Party Register in the CHB District -Initiate discussions with stakeholders to plan joint campaigns/activities
Loss of Control Rural Roads |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020
ACC/Police/RSHB |
-Project to be reviewed at next Regional RSAP February 2011 |
Vulnerable Road Users |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Walking and Cycling Strategy |
RSHB/CHB District Council/ Sport HB |
- Mayoral Challenge |
- Provide funding and coordination of the event |
Planned Activities |
-Attend the Regional RSAP
Regional Strategic Planning Meeting |
-Attend the Regional Strategic Planning Meeting -Initiate development of the Wairoa Work Plan
Relationship/Key Stakeholder Meetings |
-Meet with key stakeholders. Initiate discussions around joint road safety campaigns/events
HB Safekids Coalition |
-Support planned activites |
Report - Jacque Apata |
Attachment 3 |
Reporting Period: September 2010-February 2011
Regional Manager : Linda Anderson (Jacque Apiata)
ISSUES/ACTIONS - What is the key focus and what are the key objectives |
LINKS/JUSTIFICATION - What action plans/strategies are linked or what is the reason/s for focusing on this issue |
PARTNERS - Who else or what other organisation/s are involved. |
ACHIEVEMENTS - What has been achieved so far and/or what are reasons for not achieving |
PLANNED ACTIVITY - What actions if any are planned for the next reporting period |
Speed & Alcohol Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Speed, Drugs and Alcohol related crashes.
-HB Youth Alcohol Resource Development
-Loss of Control: Regional Project
Alcohol/Speed Campaigns
Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan
Party Register |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Alcohol in Our Lives: Liquor Act Review -Communities at Risk Register |
RoadSafe HB
Police/Engineers/ACC/ RSHB
RSHB/Police/HBDHB (Lead)
-Youth Alcohol Brand Implementation
-Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan
-Party Register Wairoa
-Support the development of projects/events to include the SOBA. D Youth Alcohol Branding -Attend the Regional RSAP to discuss the completion/ conclusion of the project -Meet with key stakeholders to discuss joint operations -Support the development and implementation of the Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan -Investigate opportunities to work with SADD with a particular focus on Youth/Maori Male -Coordinate the development and implementation of the Party Register Wairoa
Loss of Control Rural Roads |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020
ACC/Police/RSHB/Engineers |
-Project to be reviewed at next Regional RSAP February 2011 |
Vulnerable Road Users |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 -Walking and Cycling Strategy |
RSHB/Wairoa District Council |
-Mayoral Challenge |
-Provide funding and support as necessary |
Restraints |
-NZ Injury Prevention Strategy -NZ Transport Strategy -Road Safety Action Plan -Safer Journeys 2020 |
KE/Police/RSHB |
-Checking Clinic -HB Safekids Coalition |
-Support planned activities with Police/KE -Support planned activities |
Planned Activities |
-Attend the Regional RSAP
Regional Strategic Planning Meeting |
-Attend the Regional Strategic Planning Meeting -Initiate development of the Wairoa Work Plan
-Attend the Certificate Course in Injury Prevention (Wellington March 2011) |
Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan |
-Attend Wairoa Alcohol Action Plan Meeting (16 February 2011)
Relationship/Key Stakeholder Meetings |
-Meet with key stakeholders. Initiate discussions around joint road safety campaigns/events |
Roadsafe Governance Group
Friday 18 February 2011
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist the Committee note the General Business to be discussed.
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
Meeting dates for 2011 |
Linda Anderson |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
16. |