Meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Date:                 Monday 10 June 2013

                          and Tuesday 11 June 2013

Time:                9.00 am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street






Item       Subject                                                                                                                  Page


1.         Welcome/Prayer/Apologies/Notices 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations  

3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 29 May 2013

4.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the  Regional Council Meeting held on 29 May 2013

Decision Items

5.         Confirmation of Intention to Appoint

6.         The Making and Attesting of the Declaration Required by Members

7.         Submissions on the Draft Annual Plan 2013-14

8.         Draft Annual Plan 2013/14 Staff Internal Submission




Monday 10 June 2013

SUBJECT: Confirmation of Intention to Appoint


Reason for Report

1.      At its Council meeting on 29 May 2013, Council received a report recording the resignation of Councillor Eileen von Dadelszen.

2.      Council then determined by resolution its intention to fill the vacancy at its next subsequent meeting by appointing Mr Murray Douglas.

Legal Requirements

3.      At its 29 May 2013 meeting, Council fulfilled its legal requirements to receive notification of Mrs von Dadelszen’s resignation, and determine its intention that the vacancy be filled by appointing Murray Douglas.

4.      Council was then required to advertise the intention to appoint Murray Douglas as Councillor for the Hastings Constituency. This advertisement occurred on 1 June 2013.

5.      Council is now required to complete the appointment process by passing a resolution confirming the appointment of Murray Douglas, then Mr Douglas can be sworn in as a councillor and join the Council table.

Decision Making Process

6.      Council is required, in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) to make a decision in relation to this item. Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

6.1.   The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

6.2.   The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

6.3.   The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

6.4.   The persons affected by this decision are the ratepayers of the Region.

6.5.   Options were previously considered and debated at the Council meeting held 29 May 2013.

6.6.   The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

6.7.   Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Confirms its intention, as determined at the Council meeting of 29 May 2013, and as advertised on 1 June 2013, to appoint Murray Douglas as Councillor for the Hastings Constituency.





Liz Lambert

General Manager (Operations)




There are no attachments for this report.


Monday 10 June 2013

SUBJECT: The Making and Attesting of the Declaration Required by Members


Reason for Report

1.      Schedule 7, Part 1, clause 14 of the Local Government Act 2002 states:

“(1)    A person may not act as a member of a local authority until –

(a)   that person has, at a meeting of the local authority following the election of that person, made an oral declaration in the form set out in subclause (3); and

(b)   a written version of the declaration has been attested as provided under subclause (2).

(2)     The written declaration must be signed by the member and witnessed by –

(a)   the chairperson; or

(b)   the chief executive of the local authority.”


2.      Council has determined that it wishes to appoint Murray Douglas as Councillor for the Hastings Constituency.

3.      Murray Douglas is now required to make the oral declaration as set out below and to sign a similar written declaration as attached.


4.      “I, Murray Douglas, declare that I will faithfully and impartially, and according to the best of my skill and judgement, execute and perform, in the best interests of the Hawke’s Bay Region, the powers, authorities and duties vested in or imposed upon me as a member of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council by virtue of the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or any other Act.”



1.      That Murray Douglas makes his oral declaration and attests his written declaration in accordance with LGA requirements.




Liz Lambert

General Manager (Operations)





Declaration by Member




Declaration by Member

Attachment 1







Declaration by Member




I,  ……………………………………………………., declare that I will faithfully and impartially, and according to the best of my skill and judgement, execute and perform, in the best interests of the Hawke’s Bay Region, the powers, authorities and duties vested in or imposed upon me as a member of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council by virtue of the Local Government Act 2002, the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or any other Act.




Dated at Napier this 10th Day of June 2013.




Signature: ..............................................................





Signed in the presence of:






Andrew Newman

Chief Executive



Monday 10 June 2013

SUBJECT Submissions on the Draft Annual Plan 2013-14


Reason for Report

1.      The purpose of this paper is to outline the process to be undertaken to hear and consider submissions received on the draft Annual Plan 2013-14.


2.      The draft Annual Plan 2013-14 was publicly notified in local media between 3 and 8 April 2013 and was available from 3 April 2013 for public consideration as required by the Local Government Act 2002.

3.      The availability of the Plan was notified in Our Place, through local media and was available on Council's website from 3 April 2011. Copies of the draft Plan were distributed to all persons and agencies on the Council's mailing list, which includes libraries, local authorities, interest groups and stakeholder groups.

4.      A requirement of the Local Government Act 2002 is to have a Summary of the Plan. This Summary was included in the April 2013 issue of Our Place and distributed to approximately 56,000 households in the region, during the week of 8 April 2013.

5.      Four public meetings were held in each of the main centres during April, to promote the draft Annual Plan and encourage submissions, however attendance was very poor with the highest number (7) attending the Napier meeting.

6.      Submissions closed at 5.00pm on Friday 10 May 2013. Submissions were acknowledged and copies of all submissions were distributed to Councillors on Tuesday, 14 May 2013.

7.      This year, Council received 62 submissions, 32 of whom expressed a wish to verbally submit to the Council. Subsequently, 1 submission (#36) has been withdrawn.

8.      Copies of the Staff responses to submissions were sent to each of the submitters on 30 May 2013.

9.      In recent years, Council received the following number of submissions in relation to Annual Plan / 10 Year Plan:

9.1.      Long Term Plan 2012-22 received 583 submissions

9.2.      Annual Plan 2011-12 received 46 submissions

9.3.      Annual Plan 2010/11 received 135 submissions (57 ordinary, 78 s36 charges)

10.    The procedure for considering submissions will be that Council:

10.1.   Hears all verbal submissions as per the attached timetables, and Council’s internal submission

10.2.   Considers those submissions, bearing in mind the verbal submissions made in support of the written submissions and staff responses to submissions which are attached

10.3.   Resolves any changes to be made to the draft Annual Plan 2013-14 based on the decisions made on submissions from the general public, and the Council’s internal submission.

11.    Subsequent to Council’s decisions on the submissions, the draft Annual Plan will be revised to incorporate the necessary amendments. Council will then adopt the final Annual Plan on 26 June 2013.

12.    Following the adoption of the Plan on 26 June each submitter will receive a letter from Council setting out Council's resolution(s) pertinent to their specific submission, and the reasons for the resolution(s).

13.    The final Annual Plan will be distributed within one month of the date of adoption as required under Section 93 (10) of the Local Government Act 2002.

Decision Making Process

14.    Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

14.1.       Sections 83 and 85 of the Act set out the requirements of the Act where special consultative procedure applies with consideration of the draft Annual Plan 2011/12.

14.2.       The issues to be considered in this paper are those issues raised by members of the community that have submitted to the Council on the Annual Plan. All submissions are an integral part of the special consultative processes set out in Section 83 and 85 of the Local Government Act 2002.



That Council:

1.         Agrees that the decisions to be made on issues submitted on the draft Annual Plan 2013-14 are made after the provisions included in Section 83 and 85 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed.

2.         Receives and considers the verbal and written submissions.




Leeanne Hooper

Governance & Corporate Administration Manager


Paul Drury

Group Manager

Corporate Services




Monday 10 June 2013 Timetable




Tuesday 11 June 2013 Timetable




Staff Responses to 2013-14 Annual Plan Submissions


Under Separate Cover


Monday 10 June 2013 Timetable

Attachment 1


Monday 10 June 2013



Submission #


Topic(s) of Submission


Meeting Commences




Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park Trust, Jock Mackintosh

Application for funding



Rail Action Group, Ken Crispin

Gisborne-Napier railway


Staff Internal Submission



Morning Tea




Rotary Club of Waipukurau, Rotary River Pathway Committee, Roy Fraser (Chair)

Funding application



Creative Hawke’s Bay, Roger King (Chair)

Update on Creative HB activities



Sport Hawke’s Bay, Colin Stone & Kevin Murphy

HB Tourism and Regional Events Strategy



Napier Motel Association, Evan Jennings (Secretary)

HB Tourism



Napier Tourism Association, David George




Film Hawke’s Bay Trust, Tessa Tylee

Application for funding



Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Kevin Atkinson (Chair)

Funding application



Hastings District Council

Afforestation; Oil & Gas Exploration; Whakatu Road/Rail Hub; Regional Sports Park Funding; Regulation






Jacqueline & Nigel Burbury, Te Hapua Orchard

Water Management



Twyford Irrigators Group, Jerf van Beek

Water Management



Heinz Wattie's Limited, Bruce Mackay

Water Management



Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association, Dianne Vesty

Water Management; Ngaruroro Water Storage Scheme; Resource Management Charges; Biosecurity


Deliberations / Decision Making



Simon Cowan

Water Management / Water Storage



Genesis Reforestation Project, Marion Thomson

Funding application; Regional Resources, Strategic Planning



Paul Bailey

RWSS; Regional Resources; Oil & Gas Exploration; Supports funding Sustaining HB Trust



Gary Glenn

RWSS; Regional Resources; Oil & Gas Exploration



Jacqueline Glenn

RWSS; Regional Resources; Oil & Gas Exploration



Tom Belford

RWSS; Strategic Partnerships



Environment Centre / Sustaining HB Trust, Terry Kelly (Trustee)

Funding application; Water Storage; Environmental Education; Air Quality & Heat Smart; Regional Resources; Solar Hot Water; Biodiversity Strategy; Environmental Initiatives; Strategic Planning; Climate Change


Afternoon Tea




Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, Dr Adele Whyte

Iwi engagement



Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Marei Apatu

Iwi engagement



Pauline Tangiora

Water storage; Rates



Derek Williams

RWSS; Regulation; Biosecurity



Mac Kirkwood

Governance; Air Quality & Clean Heat



Karamu Enhancement Group

Environmental Initiatives; Regional Resources


Deliberations / Decision Making



Tuesday 11 June 2013 Timetable

Attachment 2


Tuesday 11 June 2013



Submission #


Topic(s) of Submission


Meeting Commences




Hawke’s Bay Federated Farmers, Bruce Wills



Deliberations / Decision Making



Enviroschools, Sonya Sedgwick

Environmental Education



Animal Health Board, Stu Hutchings




TBfree New Zealand, Dennis Mitchell



Deliberations / Decision Making



Morning Tea



Deliberations / Decision Making



Meeting Close and Lunch




Monday 10 June 2013

SUBJECT: Draft Annual Plan 2013/14 Staff Internal Submission


Reason for Report

1.      This report sets out a number of items that, in the opinion of staff, require inclusion in the Draft Annual Plan 2013/14 (AP).

Comment on Issues

2.      This paper includes the following items.

2.1.         Carry forward of expenditure and revenue from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

2.2.         Amendments to expenditure and revenue provisions that are required due to changes in circumstances since the draft AP was adopted by Council.

(see attachment 1 for the impact of these adjustments on the general funded deficits as shown in the draft AP).

2.3.         Other amendments required to be made to the draft AP which reflects changes to proposed charges – eg, resource management charges and any substantive changes to wording in other areas of the AP document.

Groups of Activities

Economic Development

3.      Project 179 – Economic Development

3.1.         Seek $30,000 to be carried forward from 179-2380 (consultancy).  $20,000 for Massey related work and $10,000 for China related activities.  The Massey initiative did not start until Feb 2013. This $20,000 carry forward allows anticipated project commitments to be funded. The initiative links to building a foundation of R&D in the region, which leverages RWSS.  The China related activities carry forward of $10,000 supports a collaborative Business Hawke’s Bay initiative involving other councils and private sector aimed at growing international trade. The initiative has been slow to develop but is now being driven with strong governance and will progress early in the 2013/14 year. The initiative links to value added food and RWSS supply chain.

Effect on Plan

3.2.         An increase in funding for project 179-2380 of $30,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


3.3.         That the Council approves the carry forward in project 179-2380 of $30,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with Massey and China related activities.

Strategic Planning

4.      Project 192 – Strategy and Planning

4.1.         Seek $77,000 to be carried forward from 192-2380 (consultancy).  $62,000 for Biodiversity Strategy Development and $15,000 for work associated with the development of Plan Change for Natural Hazards.  Progress on the Biodiversity Strategy to date has involved the establishment of a steering group and external working group.  Strategy vision and objectives have been drafted and discussed by the Steering Group and a review of strategy approaches has been completed and a preferred approach identified.  A regional biodiversity inventory programme is underway.  The majority of the work requiring external resources to deliver the regional biodiversity strategy will take place in the 13/14 financial year. These include costs associated with a developing a regional biodiversity inventory, biodiversity accord and forum. The development of Plan Change for Natural Hazards has not progressed pending possible changes to legislation.  The date for notification has also been pushed out to July 2014.

Effect on Plan

4.2.         An increase in funding for project 192-2380 of $77,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


4.3.         That the Council approves the carry forward in project 192-2380 of $77,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with the development of the Biodiversity Strategy and plan change for Natural Hazards.

Regional Resources

5.      Project 303 – Huatokitoki

5.1.         Seek $80,000 to be carried forward from 303-1225 (income – MPI grants) and $80,000 carried forward from 303-2380 (consultancy) for Huatokitoki research and related activities. The allocation of funding has not been taken up in the 2012/13 financial year because the focus (coupled with staff resignations and replacements) has been on the Tukituki plan change and RWSS related work. This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable the Huatokitoki to deliver its agreed research outputs. Note that should Council choose not to carry this money forward it will be required to be paid back to MPI. It is not available for return to the general council funding bottom line.

Effect on Plan

5.2.         An increase in expense for project 303-2380 of $80,000 in 2013/14 funded by unexpended income for project 303-1225 of $80,000 that was unspent in 2012/13 and carried forward to 2013/14.


5.3.         That the Council approves the carry forward in project 303-2380 of $80,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with delivering the final objectives on the Huatokitoki sustainable farming fund project and also the carry forward from 2012/13 to 2013/14 (project 303-1225) of prepaid revenue of $80,000 from the Ministry of Primary Industries.

6.      Project 310 – Regional Groundwater Research

6.1.         Seek $220,000 to be carried forward from 310-2380 (consultancy) for the groundwater research that was not able to be completed in the 2012/13 year. The external funds for this project are required to build a linked surface and groundwater hydrogeological model. The development of such a model is a critical part of the TANK process and will be required to inform policy development.  The development of the model has taken longer than anticipated with key modeling staff being focused over the current year on Tukituki catchment work.  While the current year has seen NIWA join our project with its Waterscapes project the year has largely been consumed by project planning.  Groundwater lysimeters installed this winter along with concurrent gauging work this summer will provide valuable data to begin the model development early in the new financial year.  This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable this work to be completed. Section 36 charges associated with these expenses will also need to be carried forward to 2013/14.  This will equate to 35% of the $220,000 being $77,000 of income.

Effect on Plan

6.2.         An increase in funding for project 310-2380 of $220,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13 and section 36 income of $70,000 carried forward to 2013/14, this sum not being charged to consent holders in 2012/13.


6.3.         That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 310-2380 of $220,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with groundwater research projects and the associated section 36 charges of $70,000 relating to this expenditure from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

7.      Project 312 – Regional Surface Water Ecological

7.1.         Seek $30,000 to be carried forward from 312-2380 (consultancy costs) for the surface water research that was not able to be completed in the 2012/13 year. The cost is related closely to project 310 and is the water quality component of the surface/groundwater model.  It will be utilised at the time the model development begins. This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable this work to be completed.  Section 36 charges associated with these expenses will also need to be carried forward to 2013/14.  This will equate to 35% of the $30,000 being $10,500 of income.

Effect on Plan

7.2.         An increase in funding for project 312-2380 of $30,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13 and section 36 income of $10,500 to 2013/14, this sum not being charged to consent holders in 2012/13.


7.3.         That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 312-2380 of $30,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with surface water research projects and the associated section 36 charges of $10,500 relating to this expenditure from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

8.      Project 339 – Regional Land Research and Investigations

8.1.         Seek a total of $210,000 to be carried forward from project 339 consisting of $42,000 for aerial survey/photography, $118,000 for consultancy and $50,000 for external lab costs for land research that was not able to be completed in the 2012/13 year. The funding is required for the soils and erosion components of the surface/groundwater modelling to inform the land use impacts on water quality aspect of the surface/groundwater model development.  It has not occurred with staff being focused on Tukituki catchment modelling. This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable this work to be completed.  There are no section 36 charges to carry forward as this is a land focused project.

Effect on Plan

8.2.         An increase in funding for project 339 of $210,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


8.3.         That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 339 of $210,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with regional land research projects.

9.      Project 340 – Land Monitoring

9.1.         Seek a total of $35,000 to be carried forward from project 340 consisting of $10,000 for aerial survey/photography, $25,000 for consultancy for the soil mapping and erosion control project.  This project is new for the region and vital for catchment management and targeted soil erosion control.  Improving the quality and resolution of soil mapping for the region will enable more detailed and comprehensive modelling work to occur in future to inform policy development.    Staff associated with this work have been focused on the Tukituki project and so have not yet begun this.  This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable this work to be completed.



Effect on Plan

9.2.         An increase in funding for project 340 of $35,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


9.3.         That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 340 of $35,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with land monitoring projects.

10.    Project 341 – Air Quality

10.1.       Seek a total of $20,000 to be carried forward from project 341-2380 (consultancy costs) for the air quality control project.  This project is underway but will not be completed this financial year.  This fund will therefore need to be available during 2013/14 to enable this work to be completed.

Effect on Plan

10.2.       An increase in funding for project 341 of $20,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


10.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 341 of $20,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with air quality projects.

11.    Project 385 – Regional Park Reserves

Regional Resources

11.1.       Seek a total of $500,000 to be carried forward from 385-2385 (contractors).  $400,000 for the installation of new handrails (inner and outer) on the pedestrian crossing facility on Black Bridge over the Tukituki River at Haumoana to ensure a safe cycle and walking corridor on this busy bridge. This work programme has been scheduled for a start in early July 2013.  $100,000 to be carried forward for the completion of Hawke’s Bay Trails including information signage, distance and direction signage, planting, seating and other miscellaneous work. This work programme is expected to run from July to September 2013

Effect on Plan

11.2.       An increase in funding for project 385-2385 of $500,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.  This project is fully funded from external loan funding.


11.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 385-2385 of $500,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with the installation of new handrails on the pedestrian crossing facility on Black Bridge and to cover costs associated with the completion of Hawke’s Bay Trails, noting that this expenditure is funded from loan raising.

12.    Project 385 – Regional Park Reserves (Other Open Space Projects)

12.1.       Seek $900,000 to be carried forward from 385-2650 (land acquisition).  It is anticipated that further open space projects will be submitted to Council for funding in the 2013/14 year and beyond, and accordingly it is requested that the $900,000 remaining be carried forward to assist with the funding of these projects.

Effect on Plan

12.2.       There is no effect on public good funding as this carry forward request of $900,000 is fully funded from loan funding.





12.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 385-2650 of $900,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to provide funding for future open space projects and also the corresponding loan be carried forward of $900,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14.


13.    Project 460 – Navigational Aids and Regulations

13.1.       A paper was presented to Council on 20 March 2013 covering a proposed increase in Harbourmaster liability insurance.  The request was for a further $80,000 of insurance premium so that Council had an additional $75m insurance cover (cover increasing from $25m to $100m).  Council approved in principle to this proposal but the funding source was to be determined prior to the adoption of the Annual Plan 2013/14. Discussions have been ongoing with Napier Port in order to agree a contribution for this cost.  Napier Port has agreed to contribute $30,000 towards the insurance costs for the next two years.  Staff will be exploring other long term insurance options with other Council’s to try and reduce costs across the country.  The remaining $50,000 of premium is proposed to be funded from general funding.

Effect on Plan

13.2.       An increase in funding for Harbourmaster liability insurance of $80,000.  Of which $30,000 will be funded from a contribution from Napier Port and $50,000 funded by an increase in Council’s general funded deficit for 2013/14.


13.3.       That HBRC approves the expenditure of an extra $80,000 in premium for Harbourmaster liability insurance and provide for additional revenue of $30,000 contribution from Napier Port.

Emergency Management

14.    Project 712 - Readiness and Response

14.1.       Seek $33,000 to be carried forward from 712-2750 (other direct costs) to complete the workspace fit out and equipment purchases for the new CDEM Management Officer (Readiness) and CDEM Administration Support roles which were commissioned by Council for the 2013/14 year.

Effect on Plan

14.2.       An increase in funding for project 712-2750 of $33,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


14.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 712-2750 of $33,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to provide funding for workspace fit out and equipment purchases for the new CDEM staff.

15.    Project 713 - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Coordination

15.1.       Seek $27,000 to be carried forward from 713-2395 (contributions) to continue with the Lifelines programme in 2013/14 which was not able to be completed in 2012/13.  CDEM levy other Councils and Utility providers to contribute to the Lifeline programme and the funds are used for essential infrastructure and resilience projects.

Effect on Plan

15.2.       An increase in funding for project 713-2395 of $27,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.




15.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 713-2395 of $27,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to provide funding for the Lifeline programme.

16.    Project 713 - Civil Defence and Emergency Management Coordination

16.1.       Seek $25,000 to be carried forward from 713-2750 (other direct costs) budget to continue the Group Plan process in 2013/14.  This plan is the critical strategic document on Civil Defence for the Region.  The funds carried forward are to be used to fund a Group Plan Coordinator to bring this plan together.

Effect on Plan

16.2.       An increase in funding for project 713-2750 of $25,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


16.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 713-2750 of $25,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to continue the Group Plan process.

17.    Project 715 – Flood Risk Assessment

17.1.       Seek $25,000 to be carried forward from 715-2380 (consultancy) budget. The aim of this project is to continue to improve Council’s knowledge and understanding of flood risks from the areas exposed to severe weather events and the effects of runoff onto low lying land and into the network of drains streams and rivers of the region. The effects on flooding patterns and inundation within the region due to urbanisation and land use changes and also due to climatic conditions are an important part of the flood risk assessments. 

17.2.       By having such knowledge and understanding of potential flooding in the region, Council is able to accurately and rapidly respond to enquiries regarding flooding and the potential impact of climate change on that flooding, effectively manage flood events when they occur.

17.3.       The 2012/13 annual plan provided for external input of $45,000 to this project.  This will not be spent as engineering staff have been fully committed to other projects.  During the year discussions have been ongoing with both Hastings District Council and Napier City Council engineers regarding progressing this work to better define flood risk and approaches that will help mitigate that risk.  Staff believe that it this is important work and wish to progress it during the 2013/14 year.  Accordingly staff seek to carry forward $25,000 of money unspent in the 2012/13 year to enable this to be done in the 2013/14 year.

Effect on Plan

17.4.       An increase in funding for project 715-2380 of $25,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


17.5.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 715-2380 of $25,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to continue the flood risk assessment programme.


18.    Project 797 – Regional Land Transport Strategy

Regional Resources

18.1.       Seek $30,000 to be carried forward from 797-2380 (consultancy) for Council to commence the production of the new Regional Land Transport Plan during 2013/14. The allocation of funding has not been taken up in the 2012/13 financial year because the New Zealand Transport Agency had previously advised Council they needed to produce a “One Network Plan” – this is now no longer the case and new legislation requires Council to produce a new Regional Land Transport Plan prior to 30 June 2015.  50% of these costs are to be charged to NZTA therefore $15,000 of NZTA income will also be carried forward.

Effect on Plan

18.2.       An increase in funding for project 797-2380 of $30,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13. This has an effect on expected income from NZTA in the 2012/13 financial year, where $15,000 will no longer be realised. It is anticipated that there will be a contribution from NZTA of $15,000 in the 2013/14 financial year.


18.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 797-2380 of $30,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to provide funding for Council to commence production a new Regional Land Transport Plan and for the carry forward of the associated income of $15,000 from NZTA.

Governance and Community Engagement

19.    Project 840 – Community Representation and Regional Leadership

19.1.       Seek additional funding of $30,000 for increases in Councillor remuneration as set out by the Remuneration Authority letter dated 30 April 2013.  This adjustment to remuneration comes into effect after the 2013 elections and would run for 38 weeks of the 2013/14 financial year. This provides an additional $30,000 of costs over budgeted figures assuming that all of the position of responsibility funding pool is fully allocated.

Effect on Plan

19.2.       An increase in funding for project 840 of $30,000 in 2013/14 will increase Council’s general funded deficit for 2013/14.


19.3.       That HBRC approves the new expenditure in project 840 of $30,000 to cover costs associated with the increase in Councillor remuneration as set out by the Remuneration Authority.

20.    Project 877 – Specific Regional Projects

Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust Earthquake Exhibition in Napier Museum

20.1.       A sum of $45,000 remains in this reserve to assist with the funding of the earthquake display in the new Museum building when completed.  This sum is required to be carried forward to the 2013/14 year to be made available to fund enhancements at the earthquake display on completion of the new Museum building.

Effect on Plan

20.2.       An increase in expenditure during 2013/14 for project 877 of $45,000, to be funded from the Specific Regional Projects scheme funds which will not now be spent during 2012/13.


20.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 877001 (cost code 2395) of $45,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with the funding of further upgrades to the earthquake exhibition display planned as part of the new Museum building project.

21.    Project 889 – Interest Group Liaison

21.1.       Seek $50,000 to be carried forward from 889-1144 out of the unbudgeted grant received from the Office of Treaty Settlements for the transition provision for the Regional Planning Committee. This is being used to fund fees for the Maori representatives on the Committee, allowances and meeting expenses which were also unbudgeted. It is suggested to split the $50,000 over the next two years, $25,000 for 2013/14 and $25,000 for 2014/15 along with the corresponding expenses of $50,000 over the two years.

Effect on Plan

21.2.       An increase in funding for project 889 of $25,000 in 2013/14 and 2014/15 is offset by increased expenses so there is no effect on the plan.


21.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward in project 889 of $25,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to cover costs associated with the Regional Planning Committee, noting that the remaining $25,000 will be provided for 2014/15.

22.    Project 893 – Regional Infrastructure

22.1.       Project 893 for 2012/13 includes Council approved contributions to significant regional community facilities of $1,750,000, made up of $500,000 for the Wairoa Community Centre upgrade and $1,250,000 for the Te Mata Park Visitor Centre and Regional Sports Park (Hockey Turf).  All of these projects were delayed during the 2012/13 year and the contributions were not made but are due to require the funding in the 2013/14 year.  The Wairoa Community Centre upgrade is awaiting confirmation of funding from other entities before the project can begin.  The Te Mata Park Visitor Centre is going through the resource consent process and the Regional Sports Park (Hockey Turf) is yet to confirm an agreed plan with specified other parties which is a stipulation of the HBRC funding.  These contributions were to be funded by $1,300,000 loan funding as part of the $7.5m loan funding for capital projects of regional significance and $450,000 from the sale of land non-investment account. Seek that the $1,750,000 contributions be carried forward to the 2013/14 year and that the funding associated with this is also carried forward to 2013/14.

Effect on Plan

22.2.       There is no effect on public funding for this carry forward request as the $1,750,000 is fully funded.


22.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward of contributions in project 893-001 of $1,750,000 (representing $500,000 for the Wairoa Community Centre, $500,000 for a visitor and education centre at Te Mata Park and $750,000 for Regional Hockey Turf facilities in Hawke’s Bay) from 2012/13 to 2013/14 and also the associated loan funding of $1,300,000 and funding from the sale of land non-investment account of $450,000.

23.    Project 913 – Systems Integration Projects

23.1.       Seek $30,000 to be carried forward from 913-2380 (consultancy) for the completion of financial system enhancements.  There has been a full redevelopment of the regulatory billing solutions which has not been completed during the 2013/14 year.  This is due to the reprioritisation of internal resources and the complexity of the solution design.  The carry forward of $30,000 is required in the 2013/14 year to complete this project.

Effect on Plan

23.2.       An increase in funding for project 913-2380 of $30,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


23.3.       That the Council approves the carry forward in project 913-2380 of $30,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14 to complete the financial systems enhancements.

Capital Expenditure Adjustments

24.    Capital Expenditure – Proposed Guppy Road Building Extensions

24.1.       The 2012/13 LTP provided $630,000 for the deferred maintenance and extension of the Operations Group building in Guppy Road.  This was to be funded by external loans and the asset replacement reserve. This project has been deferred during 2012/13 due to management focus on the RWS and Dalton Street building repairs projects.  There is also ongoing uncertainty over the potential sharing of the premises with DOC and MPI due to their restructuring.  It is recommended that this provision for capital expenditure and external funding is carried forward to the 2013/14 year where a full assessment can be made on this project.

Effect on Plan

24.2.       There is no effect on public funding for this carry forward request as the $630,000 is fully funded.


24.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward of capital expenditure and external funding for the deferred maintenance and extension of the Operations Group building in Guppy Road of $630,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

Plant and Equipment

25.    Technical Capital - Hydrology

25.1.       Seek $50,000 to be carried forward from 2012/13 Hydrology Technical Capital budget for New River Flow ($20,000) and Rainfall Stations ($30,000).  These capital items were not purchased during the 2012/13 year due to the focus of staff attention being on the RWS and other projects.  These capital items will be required in the 2013/14 year in order to carry out those projects.

Effect on Plan

25.2.       An increase in funding for Hydrology Technical Capital of $50,000 in 2013/14 funded from unexpended funds in 2012/13.


25.3.       That HBRC approves the carry forward of Hydrology Technical Capital items of $50,000 from 2012/13 to 2013/14.

Dalton Street Building

25.4.       On the 20th February 2013 Council agreed to the increase for the Dalton Street remediation work to $975,000 in 2012/13 and $1,237,000 in 2013/14.  Costs to the end of May 2013 are $456,000 and it is estimated that the costs will reach around $850,000 for the 2012/13 year.  Therefore staff recommend that the balance of unspent funds in 2012/13 be carried forward to the 2013/14 year to allow for the completion of the project.

Effect on Plan

25.5.       There is minor effect on public funding for this carry forward request as the interest payable on internal loan funding will decrease in 2012/13 and increase in 2013/14.


25.6.       That HBRC approves that the amount of $975,000 allocated by Council to be spent in 2012/13 for the Dalton Street remediation works that is not spent during that financial year be carried forward to 2013/14.  This unspent balance is estimated to be $125,000.

Other Amendments Required to the Draft Annual Plan 2013/14

Resource Management

26.    Monitoring of RMA Regulations

26.1.       To add clarity that Council does and can charge for the monitoring of Resource Management Act regulations staff recommend that the following paragraph be added to page 55 of the Annual Plan:

Monitoring of RMA Regulations

Where Council is required to monitor regulations under the Resource Management Act, a fixed charge of $104 for the first hour and then an additional charge  based on actual and reasonable charges in Table 6.”

26.2.       And that Table 6 (page 61) is amended to reflect this by replacing:

“Compliance/impact monitoring & auditing of Tier 1 Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plans”


“Compliance/impact monitoring & auditing of Tier 1 Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan, and Monitoring of Resource Management Act regulations.”

Effect on Plan

26.3.       Make changes as per recommendation below.


26.4.       Add paragraph to page 55:

Monitoring of RMA Regulations

Where Council is required to monitor regulations under the Resource Management Act, a fixed charge of $104 for the first hour and then an additional charge  based on actual and reasonable charges in Table 6.”

26.5.       Amend Table 6 (page 61), to add “and Monitoring of Resource Management Act regulations”.

26.6.       That HBRC approves the amendments to page 55 and 61 in regards to the clarification of Council charging for Resource Management Act regulations.

Decision Making Process

27.    Council is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

27.1.       Sections 83 and 85 of the Act set out the requirements of the Act where special consultative procedure applies with consideration of the draft Annual Plan 2013/14.

27.2.       The issues to be considered in this paper are those issues raised in Council’s internal submission on the Plan.  All submissions are an integral part of the special consultative processes set out in Section 83 and 85 of the Act.



That Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made on the issues submitted to the Draft annual Plan 2013/14 are made after the provisions included in sections 83 and 85 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed.

2.      Receives and considers Council’s internal submission.




Manton Collings

Corporate Accountant



Paul Drury

Group Manager

Corporate Services




Summary of Financial Impact of Internal Submission Recommendations




Summary of Financial Impact of Internal Submission Recommendations

Attachment 1