Meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                 Wednesday 15 November 2017

Time:                11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Attachments Excluded From Agenda


item       subject                                                                                                                   page


6.         Regional Pest Management Plan Proposal

Attachment 1:      Proposed Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038        2

7.         National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry

Attachment 1:      Visual Aids from Ministry for Primary Industries                             95

Attachment 2:      NES-PF Regulations                                                                       97


Proposed Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan 2018-2038

Attachment 1



Visual Aids from Ministry for Primary Industries

Attachment 1


Visual Aids from Ministry for Primary Industries

Attachment 1


NES-PF Regulations

Attachment 2