Meeting of the Corporate and Strategic Committee



Date:                 Wednesday 5 June 2019

Time:                9.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Attachments Excluded From Agenda


item       subject                                                                                                                   page


7.         HBRC 2019-20 Annual Plan

Attachment 1:      Draft 2019-20 Annual Plan
(provided to Corporate and Strategic Committee members only)

Attachment 2:      Annual Plan Two Page Spread for public information
(provided to Corporate and Strategic Committee members only)

Attachment 3:      Carry forwards detail for Capital and Operating Expenditure           3

Attachment 4:      Letter to all commercial ratepayers explaining the change in ratio 14     

Carry forwards detail for Capital and Operating Expenditure

Attachment 3


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Letter to all commercial ratepayers explaining the change in ratio

Attachment 4


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