Regional Council Workshop
Date: Wednesday 27 November 2024
Time: 11.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Title Page
1. Welcome/Karakia/Apologies
2. Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy implementation 3
3. Reimagining Flood Resilience 5
Council - Workshop
Wednesday 27 November 2024
Subject: Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy implementation
Reason for report
1. Following the Council workshop on 25 September 2024, this workshop provides an opportunity for Councillors to consider a draft community engagement approach for the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy.
2. The Council (and in parallel the Strategy’s Joint Committee) has been working to a schedule of meetings and workshops to develop and confirm the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy.
3. The Joint Committee confirmed its final recommendations to HBRC, including a final proposed Strategy document, by resolution on 9 August 2024. With that decision, the work of the Joint Committee largely concluded, although the Joint Committee remains in place should HBRC wish to seek any further support or clarification.
4. On 28 August 2024 Council resolved to receive the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 along with the Joint Committee’s recommendations, and instructed the Chief Executive to provide advice on the pathway to implementation taking into account all of HBRC’s priorities.
5. Today’s workshop on the Coastal Hazards Strategy is the fourth with HBRC this year:
5.1. 10 April 2024 – provided an overall summary of the Strategy and its development process, summarised the Funding Review undertaken by Raynor Asher KC and the Memorandum of Transition (MOT) that resulted from it, summarised the outcome of an HBRC internal review undertaken as due diligence prior to entering in to the MOT, presented the working draft funding model and presented updated financial analysis on the impact on HBRC from leading Strategy implementation as contemplated by the MOT.
5.2. 19 June April 2024 – provided an update on the funding principles developed by the Joint Committee, presented the updated working draft funding model and initial rating analysis undertaken by HBRC staff.
5.3. 25 September 2024 – provided an opportunity to discuss the outcome of the Joint Committee’s work and workshop process options for HBRC to take the Strategy through to community consultation and implementation.
5.4. 27 November 2024 – workshop to consider options and approaches for community engagement in 2025.
Workshop outline
6. At the workshop, staff and advisors will deliver a presentation setting out proposed community engagement:
6.1. Objectives
6.2. Key messages
6.3. Approach / methods.
Next steps
7. Feedback from today’s workshop will inform the final proposed approach to community engagement, to be presented to the Council meeting on 18 December.
8. The meeting on 18 December will also provide the opportunity for Council to clarify the status of the Strategy and where to next with the project in response to the Joint Committee’s recommendations.
Authored by:
Simon Bendall Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager |
Desiree Cull Strategy & Governance Manager |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |
Council - Workshop
Wednesday 27 November 2024
Subject: Reimagining Flood Resilience
Reason for report
1. This workshop paper updates councillors on the progress being made to design a framework for engagement on ‘Reimagining flood resilience’ for the Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme and the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme.
2. This workshop follows on from the presentation given on 16 October 2024 - Reimagining Flood Resilience: Scheme Reviews Community Engagement.
3. A powerpoint presentation will outline the key steps that are underway to progress this project, including:
3.1. Engaging with PSGEs to co-design the proposed process
3.2. Update on engagement with the relevant partners and stakeholders.
3.3. Work undertaken with the relevant Territorial Authorities.
3.4. Draft principles for project
Next steps
4. A decision paper will go to the Regional Council meeting on 18 December 2024.
Authored by:
Louise McPhail Manager Recovery |
Simon Bendall Project Lead - Traverse Environmental |
Approved by:
Chris Dolley Group Manager Asset Management |