Regional Transport Committee Workshop



Date:                        Friday 6 September 2024

Time:                       12:30pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item          Title                                                                                                                                                                         Page


1.             Welcome/Karakia/Apologies

2.             MoE update on school services                                                                                                                     3

3.             Future workshops                                                                                                                                                5

4.             NLTP allocations                                                                                                                                                   7


Regional Transport Committee Workshop

Friday 6 September 2024

Subject: MoE update on school services


Reason for Report

1.      The report introduces representatives from the Ministry of Education to outline their policy around provision of school bus transport and how a current review process may have impacts on our region’s community. 


2.      The Ministry of Education (MoE) provide school bus transport services to student who meet the three eligibility criteria, being:

2.1.       The school must be the closest state or state-integrated school where the student can enroll.

2.2.       Students must live more than a certain distance from the school -

2.2.1.       For years 1 – 8 students must live at least 3.2kms from the school, over the shortest public road or pedestrian route.

2.2.2.       For years 9 – 13 students must live at least 4.8km from the school, over the shortest public road or pedestrian route.

2.3.       There must be no suitable public transport.

3.      The Ministry are proposing changes to the school transport services currently operated in Hawke’s Bay and have requested a workshop format with the Committee to have a dialogue on the changes and associated impacts.



Authored by:

Bryce Cullen

Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst

Russell Turnbull

Manager Transport

Approved by:

Katrina Brunton

Group Manager Policy & Regulation



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Regional Transport Committee Workshop  

Friday 6 September 2024

Subject: Future workshops


Reason for report

1.          This item introduces a discussion on future transport workshops, focusing on Public Transport, as well as the opportunity for the Committee to conduct field trips.




Authored by:

Bryce Cullen

Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst

Russell Turnbull

Manager Transport

Approved by:

Katrina Brunton

Group Manager Policy & Regulation




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Regional Transport Committee Workshop

Friday 6 September 2024

Subject: National Land Transport Plan allocations


Reason for Report

1.      This paper introduces the initial funding allocations by activity class following the adoption of the National Land Transport Plan (NLTP), providing an opportunity to discuss the implications of regional allocations. 


2.      The deadline for the NZTA board to adopt the NLTP was 30 August. At the time of writing, it is expected the NLTP will be published on 2 September 2024. Once published, we will have visibility of funding allocations for each activity class, along with a view of which capital projects have been funded.

3.      Given the short turnaround time anticipated, staff will not have had sufficient time to develop a detailed analysis on the full impacts of the funding allocations. However, an initial view will be provided to the Committee in this workshop with a ‘first glance’ and an opportunity to discuss potential impacts and next steps.

4.      Following detailed analysis, staff will bring advice back to the Committee at the December meeting, if required.



Authored by:

Bryce Cullen

Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst

Russell Turnbull

Manager Transport

Approved by:

Katrina Brunton

Group Manager Policy & Regulation




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