Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                                    12 July 2024

Time:                                    10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              Cr M Williams, Chair

Cr M Buddo (HDC)

Cr T Kerr (HDC)

Cr K Taylor (CHBDC)(online)

Cr G Mawson (NCC)

L Stewart (NZTA)


Advisory members         I Emmerson (Road Transport Association)

In Attendance:                 A Hallett (NZ Police) (online)

D Headifen (KiwiRail)(online)

D Murray (AA)

A Robin (HBRC Māori Committee)

B Wilson (Te Whatu Ora)


In Attendance:                 K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

L Hooper – Governance Team Leader

TAG                                       B Cullen – HBRC Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst (online)

M Clews – HDC

M Hardie – WDC

R Malley – NCC

S McKinley – CHBDC (online)

J Pannu – HDC (online)

L Hooper – HBRC Team Leader Governance

C Chapman – WSP Wairoa



1.         Welcome/Karakia /Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone and Api Robin opened the meeting with a karakia.



That the apologies for absence from councillors Keith Price, Jerf van Beek and Chance Tumataroa-Clarke, and Mayors Kirsten Wise and Craig Little, and for lateness from Councillor Marcus Buddo be accepted.




RTC18/24         That Councillor Greg Mawson be appointed as the Napier City Council representative on the Regional Transport Committee for the meeting of 12 July 2024 as a short term replacement for Keith Price and Kirsten Wise.




2.         Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 24 May 2024



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 24 May 2024, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.



Councillor Marcus Buddho arrived at 10.04am


Regional Transport Programme July 2024 update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read, and provided a brief update on each of the workstreams which covered:

·  RLTP in finalisation process ahead of the Regional Council meeting to adopt and submit it to NZTA.

·  The proposed new setting of speed limits rule is quite different than the previous rule and is in some ways very prescriptive while at the same time not sufficiently detailed in regards to funding and community consultation/ support requirements. A question remains around whether previous community consultation can be relied on or has to be done again. Speed reduction needs demonstrated public support but reversing previous decreases does not. Further analysis and advice will be provided to the Committee once the consultation has finished.

·  The funding is significantly less than what was requested for public transport and there is currently no funding for the proposed CHB express bus service trial. It is important to keep the CHB trial in mind as an initiative for when funding allows.

·  A business case process is underway with Waka Kotahi for the updated Public Transport system implementation.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Transport Programme July 2024 update.



Councillor Kate Taylor left the meeting at 10.19am and rejoined at 10.27am


RoadSafe Hawke's Bay update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read.

·  Support for driver licensing funded by NZTA has been fully utilised and the agreements satisfied, and the programme no longer exists. A trial programme of mentoring by Ignite was wildly successful and RoadSafe continues to support driver licensing through various programmes.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the RoadSafe Hawke's Bay update staff report.





Public Transport July 2024 update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read, and highlighted farebox recovery and patronage (117%) increases since reinstating full bus services to pre-cyclone levels at the end of January 2024.

Katrina Brunton announced that Russell Turnbull has been appointed as the HBRC Transport Manager and will start on 22 July.

Discussions covered:

·  Investigating ways to reduce costs of the Total Mobility scheme, working with Auckland Transport.

·  MyWay to continue through the last year of the GoBus contract and will seek its continuation through negotiations for the new contract.

·  Governance oversight of the bus contract is provided by the requirements set in the Regional Public Transport Plan and the Waka Kotahi procurement process and not in relation to the actual contract or tender details which are operational matters.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Transport July 2024 update staff report.





Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update


Linda Stewart spoke to the update, based on the detailed presentations attached to the Agenda. Queries and discussions covered:

·  NZTA is required to give effect to the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport which outlines the government’s ambitions investment plan for Transport with the priority objective of increasing economic growth and prosperity.

·  NZTA has finalised the investment prioritisation method and is working through prioritising of all bids into the NLTP and confirmation of funding is expected to be provided to regions in September.

·  The section of expressway 4-laning between Prebensen Drive and the Links Road roundabout has been prioritised and site investigations have begun.

·  Safety improvements funding is committed, the funding for the Rebuild work is separately Crown funded, and the $100 M for corridor funding is subject to the 2024 funding bids.

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst joined the meeting online at 11.05am

·  The funding bids (SH5 business cases) are in the NLTP and decisions will be made by the end of August.

·  NZTA to link in with Central Hawke’s Bay DC in relation to the alternative route from Havelock North to Waipawa, to be included in discussions with HDC.

·  Reality of the trade-off that getting the funding for the expressway 4-laning may be at the expense of SH5 work.

·  Waikare Gorge bid doesn’t currently include realignment.

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst left the meeting at 11.16am

·  It was noted, in relation to the Roads of National Significance (RONS), that the GPS lists the RONS that the Government wants included as priorities for funding within the NLTF. However, the NZTA Board makes the final decisions on what is funded within the ranges of each activity class and it would be overreach by the Minister and Government to direct the Board on what is or is not funded.

Councillor Kate Taylor left the meeting at 11.20am



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Waka Kotahi/NZTA Central Region Regional Relationships Director’s update.



Angela Hallett joined the meeting online at 11.29am

Daniel Headifen (KiwiRail) and Scott Elwarth (TREC) joined the meeting online at 11.32am


Public Forum


Ross McLeod, Regional Recovery Agency CE, provided an update on the transport related recovery work. Discussions covered:

·  Working alongside NZTA and their investment advisors, working up the programme detail and allocating the $91M funding for this year to individual projects.

·  The Minister has asked that the multi-year programme is worked up in the same manner so that a new funding agreement with the Crown doesn’t have to be negotiated every year.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the HB Regional Recovery Agency verbal update.





Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update


Scott Elwarth spoke to the update as provided in the attachment to the Agenda, with discussions covering:

·  In relation to the ‘time travel’ working group, a concern had been expressed by the community about the meetings taking place during work-day times.

·  The good work of the TREC engagement team was acknowledged.

·  A new Waikare Bridge (recovery funded) could be designed to modern standards in its previous position however it could still be overtopped. If struck by a car or debris the bailey bridge could be lost.

·  Daniel Headifen added an update on the KiwiRail elements of the East Coast Rebuild that highlighted detailed discussions about design requirements for a new Awatoto rail bridge are being discussed and what happens (repair or replace) will depend on what KiwiRail can afford; 23 sites between Ashhurst and Paki Paki repairs are being consulted on as part of the TREC processes.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) update.





Verbal Advisory Representative reports


David Murray (AA) advised that AA is investigating congestion charging to develop a policy.

Ian Emmerson (Freight) – reiterated concerns previously expressed about potholes on SH5 and repairs not withstanding normal winter weather.

Angela Hallett (NZ Police) – current focus is on setting delivery measures for road safety activities.

Bridget Wilson (Te Whatu Ora) – the team is in the final stages of preparing a regional health and transport report – about transport and the key challenges and opportunities around improving air quality and physical activity – and will bring that to a future RTC meeting.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Verbal Advisory Representative reports.





Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings


The item was taken as read.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the follow-up items from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings.



Api Robin offered a karakia to close the meeting.


There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 12.16pm on Friday, 12 July 2024.


Signed as a true and correct record.

Date: 6 September 2024 by RTC resolution               Chair:  Martin Williams