Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                                  24 May 2024

Time:                                  10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                             Cr M Williams, Chair

Cr J van Beek, Deputy Chair

Cr M Buddo (HDC)

Cr Tania Kerr (HDC)

L Malde (NZTA)

Cr K Price (NCC)

Cr Kate Taylor (CHBDC)


Advisory members         I Emmerson (Road Transport Association)

In Attendance:                N Ganivet (Napier Port) (online)

A Hallett (NZ Police)(online)

D Murray (AA)

A Robin (HBRC Māori Committee)

B Wilson (Te Whatu Ora)


In Attendance:                K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation (online)

L Hooper – Governance Team Leader

TAG                                    B Cullen – HBRC Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst

M Hardie – WDC (online)

J Pannu – HDC (online)



1.        Welcome/Karakia /Housekeeping /Apologies

The Chair, Martin Williams, welcomed everyone to the meeting and Api Robin opened with a karakia.




That the apologies for absence from Linda Stewart and Mayor Craig Little and for lateness be accepted.

van Beek/Price




RTC14/24          That councillor Marcus Buddo is appointed as the Hastings District Council representative for today’s meeting.

van Beek/Price



2.        Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.        Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 3 May 2024



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 3 May 2024, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 deliberations


The Chair and Bryce Cullen introduced the item and provided an overview of the themes from submissions to the draft RLTP. Questions and discussions traversed:

·  Main changes recommended have arisen from the NZTA and HB Regional Recovery Agency submissions.

Councillor Tania Kerr arrived at 10.14am

·  In relation to the recommendation to not amend the RLTP in response to submissions has been made where the points the submitters have raised have been considered but are either addressed already in the RLTP or are outside the scope of the RLTP. All submitters will receive a letter which includes decisions made as they relate to their submission.

·  Changes to the capital projects resulting from the updated SHIP include Tairawhiti and HB Resilience now being programmes of work (within which specific projects are identified such as Devil’s Elbow), retaining their original priority.

·  Inaccuracies in the Port information will be corrected by staff.

·  TREC has done a significant amount of work on alternative corridors already in their planning and initial business case processes and will be sharing high-level information with the community.

·  It was noted that Mr Haliburton was not specifically interested in the rail corridor being an alternate state highway route, instead using it as a previous example.

·  It was noted that the Waipawa and Wairoa bridge cycling lanes are classified as safety measures and will be retained in the capital projects programme despite not being funded in this RLTP.

·  Refer Glenn Marshall’s submission in relation to ‘take the lane’ to the RoadSafe and TAs’ active transport teams.

·  It was suggested that Carol-Anne Guard is included in conversations, as an advocate for the disabled, during the development of plans and strategies and Bryce Cullen explained that the TAG intends to engage with Carol-Anne as a subject matter expert on future public transport projects.

·  Cost-benefit analysis across the whole network could come up with some very different answers to transport-related issues, including emissions and health.

·  It was suggested that alternate routes for state highways should be funded by NZTA as permanent detour routes, specifically rural roads.

·  Need an integrated strategy to drive how the region moves away from cars to public and active transport.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.        Receives and considers the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 deliberations staff report.

2.        In response to submissions and as recommended by the Transport Technical Advisory Group, amends the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 (RLTP) by:

2.1.         including clear and concise commentary on how the Future Form and Function Review, as well as the East Coast Connectivity Business Case, will help the region plan for transport system resilience both now and into the future in both the Executive Summary and the relevant section of the final RLTP.

2.2.         including all additions as set out in the Hawke’s Bay Airport Ltd submission except for 3.7.1.

2.3.         adding commentary in the emissions reduction section (3.3.1) of the RLTP, on the role that modern, efficient buses play in reducing emissions.

2.4.         ensuring enhanced resilience across the transport system is highlighted in the final RLTP – including the local road and state highway investments and the need for clearly planned-for and adequately funded network alternatives and redundancy.

2.5.         ensuring there is a clear view across both activities and prioritisation, of how proposed investments align with the Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS) and deliver on the desired outcomes.

2.6.         including commentary about the potential of alternative funding sources for transport system investments across Hawke’s Bay, such as tolling and Public-Private Partnerships, within the investment programme in chapter 7 of the RLTP.

2.7.         retaining both the Waipawa (with original prioritisation) and Wairoa (as a future capital project) walking and cycling connection projects in the RLTP.

2.8.         adding specific reference to the Genesis site at Tuai and its importance to the region as a lifeline piece of infrastructure, to highlight the importance of the State Highway 38 corridor and the need to ensure investments are made to enhance the resilience of the corridor.

2.9.         ensuring that all minor changes or refinements needed are made to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 ahead of adoption by the Regional Council, including capital works programmes via the State Highway Improvement Proposal along with Maintenance, Operations and Renewals (MOR) and other investment programmes.

2.10.      refining the content of the Regional Land Transport Plan to accurately reflect Napier Port volumes and operations.

2.11.      including the Regional Recovery Agency’s submission in the final Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 (RLTP) with:

2.11.1.      an overview of the works and funding required across the region is included in chapter 7 of the RLTP. This would identify the need for enhanced Funding Assistance Rates by councils as well as the bespoke funding requirements.

2.11.2.      a sub section of the RLTP investment programme (chapter 7) is created, which includes the full list of councils’ costed recovery and rebuild projects (as at 30 April 2024), Funding Assistance Rates required, the overall funding short fall, bespoke funding needs and contextual commentary.

2.11.3.      the above points built into the Executive Summary to outline and highlight its importance.

2.12.      including the updated Capital Works Programme as follows.







Waikare Gorge Implementation




Future Form & Function review & PBC




SH2 4 laning


Tairāwhiti Wairoa Resilience – Rebuild programme


SH2 Devil’s Elbow


SH2 Opotiki to Napier – Highest Resilience risk sites

SH38 Tuai sub – station to Wairoa and Frasertown bridge

SH38 Wairoa to Murupara stage 2

SH38 Frasertown bridge EOL replacement

Hawke’s Bay Resilience rebuild programme


SH5 Taupo to Napier – highest resilience risk sites


SH5 Lucky Hill Bridge to SH5 / SH2 and Eskdale flood management

SH5 Mohaka bridge upgrade

SH5 Taupo to Napier priority 2

SH2 Napier to Takapau



Mahia Connectivity 




SH2 Waipawa bridge shared path




SH5 (incl. safety) programme of work




Te Mata – Waimarama roundabout




North Eastern Connector – Hastings




SIP SH2 Paki Paki to Napier – Median Barrier




SH2 Eskdale commercial vehicle rolling safety centre



Capital projects for future consideration / future years





SH2 Waipukurau revocation

Scheduled for 27 – 30 NLTP. Retained for visibility and future programmes

Wairoa bridge walking / cycling connection

Important to Wairoa residents and forms a key missing link in their transport system. Retain in the programme for future years


2.13.      including reference to ‘take the lane’ into the Active Transport section of the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 and for consideration by Roadsafe

2.14.      commencing all references to the Public Transport Plan, including policies 2.1 and 4.2, with ‘subject to funding’.

3.        Delegates the Regional Transport Committee Chair, Councillor Martin Williams, and Councillor Tania Kerr, the approval of necessary updates and editorial changes to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 and the final version for adoption by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

4.      Writes to the New Zealand Transport Agency to request that:

4.1          any plans or business case processes, either underway or planned, include clear and explicit planning about network options for alternative routes and network redundancy/resilience (including on local roads) within those. This must include a transparent and equitable funding arrangement to ensure the alternative route is suitable to sustain high levels of traffic, both commercial and private vehicles.

4.2          a robust optioneering and investigation process in relation to the expressway four-laning, encompassing the local roading network as key feeders and integration of other transport modes, to ensure the future form and function is most resilient, effective and efficient.

4.3          NZTA and Transport Recovery East Coast (TREC) make the planning and optioneering that has been undertaken to consider transformative alternate routes for State Highway 2 (north to Wairoa) and /or alternative routes for network redundancy publicly available, including the design and economic evaluation information used, and allow the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee to have continued input into the TREC processes.

5.        Requests that the Transport Technical Advisory Group prepares and reports on a delivery programme for the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 policies directed to driving greater uptake of active transport and public transport within funding constraints.

6.        Recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council adopts the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034, which incorporates the decisions of the Regional Transport Committee meeting of 24 May 2024, and submits it to the New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi).




Api Robin closed the meeting with a karakia.


There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 11.41am on Friday, 24 May 2024.

Signed as a true and correct record.

Date: 12 July 2024 by RTC resolution                           Chair:  Martin Williams