Notes of a Regional Council Workshop


Date:                                    24 April 2024

Time:                                    11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              Cr H Ormsby, Chair

Cr W Foley, Deputy Chair

T Eden (RPC Deputy Co-chair)

Cr X Harding

Cr T Hokianga

Cr N Kirton

Cr C Lambert

Cr J Mackintosh

Cr D Roadley

Cr S Siers

Cr J van Beek (online)

Cr M Williams


In Attendance:                 N Peet –Chief Executive

S Young – Group Manager Corporate Services (online)

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

L Hooper – Team Leader Governance

J Kingsford – Manager Regional Projects

H Fraser – Works Group Manager



1.         Welcome/Karakia/Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone and the group offered a karakia to open the workshop.

Apologies for absence were tendered by Mike Paku and Tania Hopmans.




Flood Resilience Strategy


Nic Peet introduced the session. Chris Dolley explained the workshop as a starting point for developing a strategy for flood resilience in the face of a fast-changing climate. Discussions covered:

·  An overview of the history of key decisions including 2015, 2018 and 2021 LTPs, with slow and steady approach to making improvements and asset replacements at key sites.

·  Levels of service and levels of protection are modelled and account for things like slash through freeboard. Bridges were not normally included in modelling in the past. Linked in to TREC through Waka Kotahi and others highlighting the impacts of bridges on other infrastructure and the need for bridge design to change given the Cyclone Gabrielle event, e.g. higher, longer span. Specifically, have discussed the Awatoto rail bridge with Kiwirail and stressed the need for a better-designed replacement for the temporary bridge that’s in place now.

·  Modelling for over-design events has been done, including a failure mode analysis done of the Heretaunga Scheme done in the 1999 which articulated what might happen (where would the water go) in an over-topping or failure event. Some scenarios played out in Cyclone Gabrielle but others didn’t. Also, currently T+T is running over-design event modelling, including a 500-year post-Gabrielle event in addition to probable maximum flood.

·  One potential improvement to Council’s information-sharing is to make more of this type of work (1999 report) available to the public via the hazards web portal.

·  More meaningful ‘measures’ need to be used to communicate the level or severity of river flows/ floods.

·  Models have been updated with the Cyclone Gabrielle data, and going forward, modelling is being used to determine where the most significant issues are likely to occur and identify a wide range of options for how to mitigate against those failures happening.

·  Understanding the flood plain as a whole and having thresholds is key to future response management– through a flood plain management plan. These flood plain management plans would include areas of risk and thresholds for when action needs to be taken, e.g. evacuations.

·  Had the forecast data for Cyclone Gabrielle from MetService been accurate the flood models would have shown the flooding that occurred and the response by CDEM would have been much different and potentially tens of thousands of people would have been evacuated.

·  Have new flood forecasting tools that run in the background 24/7.

ç next 3 years work

·  Very good knowledge and experience base in HB, or in NZ. The Dutch model comes up often, and have looked at using in the past however very expensive. National tax funds hundreds of millions of dollars of maintenance work which is simply unaffordable for NZ. Philosophy is all about protecting people and buildings and they have moved whole rivers to protect communities, which doesn’t ‘mesh’ with the NZ view of ‘giving rivers room’.

·  Modelling of future events, factoring in climate change, is being done.


·  The Flood Plain Management Plan (to be developed) will be community focused and talk about the risks and options for interventions to mediate those risks and strongly connected to the districts and their District Plans, including how communities can interact with warnings and alerts. These will replace the technical, internal looking documents we currently have.

·  Tonkin + Taylor modelling being done for overdesign events (500yr, post-Cyclone Gabrielle) including secondary flow paths, detention of flood waters, room for the river and nature based solutions. Challenge will be how HBRC engages with the community on a wide range of solutions/interventions as part of the plan into the future. Will work with T+T to share their work with the independent flood scheme performance review panel and potentially present to council in a month or so.

·  Key point is that if you live on a flood plain there are interventions that can be made/built, but they all have limits.

·  Rules around evacuation include that it must be done in daylight and you must allow sufficient time.

·  T+T is also investigating the costs associated with interventions.

·  Before the deluge – the sector’s business case to government for investment in flood resilience is currently with the government for consideration. HBRC has not sought more funding in addition to the $250M we already need to deliver on, however still actively involved in Crown funding discussions.

·  $3M has supercharged the scheme review programme from 10 years be completed by 2026, with those reviews ultimately bound to identify additional investment required.

Martin Williams left at 12.22pm

·  The (Raikes) report that John Bostock tabled during the Revenue & Financing Policy Review hearing has been provided to the independent flood scheme performance review panel and to T+T.

·  The following slides highlight the evolving picture associated with flood resilience.

Martin Williams rejoined the meeting online at 12.25pm.

·  Urban stormwater networks are the responsibility of the district and city councils and taking account of those in district plans. Stormwater networks interact with flood schemes when they run into rivers.

·  Scheme reviews for smaller schemes include engagement with those communities, however there has been a tendency to keep costs low to the detriment of the scheme, e.g. maintenance work not done because it was deemed too expensive by the community. Expect that there will be recommendations for significant funding to bring some of the smaller schemes back up to acceptable levels of service – not just for current landowners but for all generations.

·  Status of scheme reviews is:


 out to market and will all be completed by the end of 2026

·  Looking at ways to provide value include:

·  T+T report on the Tukituki review recommended gravel extraction to a greater extent and a contract for tender is going out next week.

·  Need to make programmes of work and their timeframes visible internally and to the community.

small forests for wastewater discharges

·  T+T presented their work to date on the Upper Tukituki review and HBRC has already commissioned the removal of gravel in front of Waipawa, plus a couple of areas have been identified where the river is perched and changing the grade line is recommended.

·  It was suggested that community engagement needs to start with the question “what should we do for flood resilience”? rather than proposing solutions for the community to comment on. Resourcing will have to be scoped with the comms & engagement team.

·  If this is going to be Council’s number one strategic priority, the conversations will come after the LTP. Getting from present to future, the elements are 1. Evidence gathering, 2. Develop the proposed approach to future resilience with engagement with the community, leading to 3. Decisions (2027 LTP). The $250M Category 2 work will be running parallel. A timeline will be developed.

·  All infrastructure providers are sharing information and working together, particularly through the Regional Recovery Agency infrastructure pou.

·  Important to promote future workshops as a means of providing the community with information about what the Council is doing and where work is at.

A karakia was offered to close.


The workshop closed at 1.13pm on Wednesday, 24 April 2024.