Risk &



Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council


Date:                                    10 April 2024

Time:                                    9.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              Cr H Ormsby, Chair

Cr W Foley, Deputy Chair

Cr X Harding

Cr T Hokianga (online)

Cr N Kirton

Cr C Lambert

Cr J Mackintosh

M Paku, Māori Committee Co-chair

Cr D Roadley

Cr S Siers

Cr J van Beek

Cr M Williams


In Attendance:                 N Peet –Chief Executive

S Young – Group Manager Corporate Services

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

C Comber – Chief Financial Officer

L Hooper – Team Leader Governance

D Cull – Manager Strategy & Governance Manager

M Johansson – Director Communications & Engagement

S Bell – Team Leader Strategy & Performance

J Keown – Team Lead Communications

V Fauth – Finance Manager (online)

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management



1.         Welcome/Karakia/Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and led the group in opening the meeting with a karakia timatanga.


RC40/24        That the apology for absence from Tania Hopmans and for lateness from Councillor Will Foley be accepted.

Ormsby/van Beek


2.         Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council meeting held on 27 March 2024



Minutes of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council meeting held on Wednesday, 27 March 2024, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.

Williams/van Beek




2024-2027 Three-year Plan


The Chair, Hinewai Ormsby, introduced the item, a significant milestone in the LTP process.

Councillor Will Foley joined the meeting at 9.18am

Discussions traversed:

·  Councils across the country are experiencing challenges this LTP round, exacerbated for HB by the after-effects of Cyclone Gabrielle and the commitments required for recovery.

·  Nic Peet summarised the process to date including that the three-year unaudited plan was enabled by SWERLA.

·  Desiree Cull, Chris Comber and Susie Young outlined the plan development process which commenced with strategic direction setting, followed by a series of workshops for priority setting, updating the community outcomes and levels of service to accommodate activities being slowed to make funding savings, along with reviews of the policies, financial statements and strategies underlying the Long Term Plan.

·  Telemetry is delivered by Integrated Catchment Management but the upgrades and replacements required after Cyclone Gabrielle are funded by Asset Management through the North Island Weather Events (NIWE) - Hawke’s Bay Crown Funding Agreement.

·  It was agreed the ‘improve’ performance target for HBRC delivers a coordinated programme to reduce its own carbon footprint statement would include numbers to be more measurable, e.g. improve by 5%

·  For the Māori Partnerships survey of tangata whenua representatives, it was agreed the performance target will be “increasing level of satisfaction”

·  The level of service statement 7. needs to be more specific to what’s going to be done over the next 3 years.

·  The Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) performance target needs to state ‘kept up to date (current)’ rather than maintained.

·  Some of the costs for the Cyclone Gabrielle emergency response extend through this and the next financial year.

·  Road safety workshops/ events are set through the road safety programme, by the Regional Transport Committee in collaboration with the transport technical advisory group, Waka Kotahi and aligned with NZ Police.

·  Performance targets for renewing consents under TANK plan change are set at 100% for each of the next 3 years and will be met through the engagement of consultants to ‘backfill’ as no additional staff resource is available, partly because of a shortage of consent planners coming through universities.

·  In the Infrastructure Strategy, the wording of the ‘delivery’ statements for water storage are to be reviewed to ensure that it isn’t implied that Council is the ‘builder’ of the infrastructure.

·  The rates affordability benchmark is not a specific percentage defined by the Act and the benchmarks are going to be thoroughly reviewed for the next LTP process. The exceedance in 2024-2025 is considered acceptable in the circumstances.

·  For Enviroschools, it was queried whether a performance measure could be around the number of projects students are participating in, e.g. planting days, rather than increasing the number of schools participating.

·  Forestry assets are valued and when forests are harvested the revenue is shown in the detailed financial statements.

·  What we have to take to the community is ‘where we are now’ (9%) however there should be a bit of a look ahead that includes the work to make the flood schemes more resilient.

The meeting adjourned at 10.32am and reconvened at 10.50am, with councillors Jerf van Beek and Thompson Hokianga not in attendance.

·  Desiree Cull introduced the policies that have been reviewed and updated through the process and advised that pg 13 of the Fees and Charges Policy has been changed to include a specific statement to advise that the LGOIMA charges are based on the Ministry of Justice guidelines.

·  Revenue & Financing Policy changes reflect consequential amendments to accommodate the Category 2 funding decisions.

·  The designed copy of the consultation document has been provided to councillors in hard copy to see what the final document that goes to the public will look like – the content is the same as the document provided for this meeting.

·  The ongoing insurance claims process for rebuilding assets could extend over 2-3 years and as claims are paid that money will be used to repay debt.

·  Graphic for CHB rural didn’t match the figures in the table, has been resolved by removing the table and only having one set of figures in the graphic.

·  Need to match ‘phasing out’ of clean heat/ sustainable homes loans’ in summary document to align to the CD.

·  “Investments to deliver higher returns to keep rate increases lower over the longer term”

·  Sample properties – are they good examples? Staff used largest street, middle property in large residential areas.

·  Need to highlight somehow that the 9% increase in year 3 is likely to be different.

·  Deferral of Ahuriri and Wairoa regional parks not to include a date.

·  All 4 areas where ‘new schemes are proposed’ – the ‘capital’ funding is not specifically proposed for consultation – the funding options for the ongoing maintenance and operations is what is in question.

·  Agreed to change the CD title to ‘recovery focused’ instead of ‘special’

Councillor Jerf van Beek re-joined the meeting at 11.34am

·  Jenny Keown and Mike Johansson provided an overview of the engagement process including drop-in sessions with councillors and a Facebook Live event.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and notes the Consultation on the 2024-2027 Three-Year Plan staff report.

2.      Adopts the following documents for public consultation for four weeks from 15 April 2024 through to 15 May 2024:

2.1.       The suite of supporting information relied on for the content of the Consultation Document and that provides the basis for the preparation of the Three-Year Plan, being:

2.1.1.       Community Outcomes

2.1.2.       Groups of Activities – levels of service and performance measures

2.1.3.       Statement on fostering contributions to decision-making by Māori

2.1.4.       Financial Strategy

2.1.5.       Infrastructure Strategy

2.1.6.       Financial Statements

2.1.7.       Accounting Policies

2.1.8.       Significance and Engagement Policy

2.1.9.       Treasury, Liability Management and Investment Policies

2.1.10.     Statement on Council Controlled Organisations

2.1.11.     Significant Forecasting Assumptions

2.2.       Statement of Proposal on proposed amendments to the Fees & User Charges Policy and Fee Schedule.

2.3.       Statement of Proposal on proposed amendments to the Revenue and Financing Policy.

2.4.       Statement of Proposal on proposed amendment to the Rates Remission and Postponement Policies.

2.5.       Consultation document Have your say Hawke’s Bay - on our recovery focused Three-Year Plan 2024-2027, noting this will be designed prior to release for consultation.

2.6.       Four-page summary including submission form.

3.      Delegates to the Chief Executive final approval of any further minor editorial changes to the supporting information, draft policies and consultation document agreed at the meeting prior to being made available for public consultation.




The group offered a karakia whakamutunhga to close the meeting.



There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 12.04pm on Wednesday, 10 April 2024.

Signed as a true and correct record.

Date: by HBRC resolution 29 May 2024                       Chair:  Hinewai Ormsby