Decision Items (Public Excluded)
1. 2024-2027 Three-year Plan
Community outcomes 2024-2027
Groups of Activities 2024-2027
Statement of fostering contributions to decision-making for Maori 2024-2027
Financial Strategy 2024-2027
Infrastructure Strategy
Financial Statements 2024-2027
Accounting policies 2024-2027
Significance and Engagement Policy 2024-2027
Treasury Liability Management and Investment Policies 2024-2027
Statement on Council Controlled Organisations 2024-2027
Significant Forecasting Assumptions 2024-2027
Statement of Proposal to amend the Fees and User Charges Policy
Statement of Proposal to amend the Revenue and Financing Policy
Statement of Proposal to amend the Rates Remission and Postponement Policies
Three-Year Plan 2024-27 Consultation Document
2024-2027 Summary and Submission form