Minutes of a meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Date: 22 September 2023
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr J van Beek (HBRC)
Cr H Browne (NCC) Chair
Cr A Corban (HDC)
Cr M Dixon (HDC)
E Ratima (Mana Ahuriri Trust) from 10:15am
Cr A Redstone (HDC)
Cr N Simpson (NCC)
Alternates: Cr S Siers – HBRC – not in attendance
Cr T Kerr – HDC – not in attendance
Cr A Brosnan – NCC – not in attendance
In Attendance: S Bendall – Traverse Environmental, Project Manager
M Clews – HDC
H Bosselmann – NCC
M Thomsen – HBRC
P McKelvie-Sebileau – HBRC
R Ashcroft – Frank Engagement
A Doak – HBRC Governance Advisor
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and advising he would need to leave early to attend to other Council matters.
It was noted that when Councillor van Beek departs the committee will lose quorum and the meeting will close.
CLI49/23 That the apologies for absence from councillors Xan Harding, Keith Price and Annette Brosnan be accepted.
Redstone/van Beek
2. Conflict of interest declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee meeting held on 11 August 2023
Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee meeting held on Friday, 11 August 2023, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Current coastal projects update |
Simon Bendall introduced the item and invited Heather Bosselmann (NCC) and Mark Clews (HDC) to provide comment on projects undertaken by their respective councils. Discussion covered: · The Rangatira Revetment project is near completion and is expected to open in October. · Engagement with the community regarding the Maraetotara River at Te Awanga is ongoing. A workshop the previous week with residents, HDC and HBRC in attendance discussed wide-ranging issues including coastal erosion, importing gravel (and associated consent requirements), flooding and stormwater. This situation presents a mix of river and coastal issues and the need for HDC to manage assets in the interim before the Coastal Hazards Strategy is adopted was highlighted. Evelyn Ratima joined the meeting at 10:15 am · HDC staff are still working to arrange workshops for all NCC and HDC councillors on the Tonkin + Taylor Coastal Inundation Assessment – Clifton to Tangoio report presented to a workshop in May 2023. Since then new LiDAR data has been incorporated but has not changed the recommendations. The report is to be used as the basis for determining Building Code matters such as minimum floor levels as part of TLA building consents. · The Climate Action Joint Committee has met twice and adopted their terms of reference. There are a range of views and perspectives amongst members and a workshop is being arranged to bring the group together. |
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the Current coastal projects update. CARRIED |
Project Manager's update |
Simon Bendall introduced the item, providing an update on central government activity including: · The release of a discussion document on the National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-making (NPS-NHD) which will not be progressed this term but is gearing up. The Clifton to Tangoio Strategy was initially at the forefront however others have caught up so it’s important to consider how we might inform and work with the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). · The Environmental Select Committee’s Inquiry into climate adaptation is under way. · If submissions are made on behalf of the Joint Committee, if in scope, TAG will form the basis of those submissions for circulation via email and potential sign-off by the Chair. |
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Project Manager’s. CARRIED |
Follow-up actions update |
Simon Bendall introduced the item. · A meeting for staff from HBRC, HDC and NCC on the coastal inundation assessment is being arranged in November 2023 and a workshop for councillors will follow. · Any relevant updates on managed retreat workstream will be provided in the Project Managers Update going forward. |
That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the Follow-up actions update. CARRIED |
Communication and Engagement Plan 2023-24 |
Simon Bendall introduced Rebecca Ashcroft of Frank Engagement, who presented a strategic overview of the communications and engagement strategy. · A speech competition for primary and high schools was suggested as potential means to engage the whole community · Using Tangata Whenua artists in the community to engage with Tangata Whenua was suggested. |
Councillor Jerf van Beek left the meeting at 10.51am and the quorum was lost.
The quorum having been lost, the meeting closed at 10.51am on Friday 22 September 2023.
Hawke’s Bay Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives Stocktake |
Simon Bendall introduced the item and discussions covered. · The interaction between rivers, sea level rise and coastal inundation as highlighted by the Tonkin + Taylor Coastal Inundation report is outside of the scope of the Strategy and its intended use is by TAs when planning for development, e.g. residential zoning. · The reality that HBRC is responsible for managing river flooding hazards and the NPS-NHD is an instrument to assist councils to prevent development in flood risk areas. · The Climate Action Joint Committee will produce an overarching Strategy for Climate Adaption. · It was questioned whether tsunami should remain in the Joint Committee’s Terms of Reference (ToR), noting this work is being led by CDEM Joint Committee and was not contemplated by the community panels established for the Strategy or this Joint Committee. A minor amendment to Appendix 1 of the ToR will be proposed to the next Joint Committee meeting accordingly. |
Evelyn Ratima offered a karakia to close the meeting.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Date: by Joint Committee resolution 10 November 2023 Chair: Jerf van Beek