Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: 4 August 2023
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr M Williams, Chair
Cr J van Beek, Deputy Chair
Cr T Kerr – HDC
Cr K Price – NCC
L Stewart – NZTA
Mayor A Walker – CHBDC
Advisory members: A Hallett– NZ Police
B Wilson – Te Whatu Ora
D Murray – Automobile Assn.
A Robin – Māori Committee
N Ganivet – Port of Napier Ltd (online)
R Stratford – HB Airport (online)
A Hodgson – KiwiRail (online from 2.13pm)
In attendance N Peet – HBRC Chief Executive
P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor
K Brunton – HBRC Group Manager Policy & Regulation
RTAG M Allan – HBRC Transport Manager
B Cullen – HBRC Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst
C Hansen – Consultant for Waka Kotahi
M Taylor – Waka Kotahi
R Malley – NCC
M Hardie – WDC (online)
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Api Robin led an opening karakia.
That the apologies for absence from Councillor Kate Taylor, and Mayors Sandra Hazlehurst and Craig Little be accepted. CARRIED |
The Chair welcomed Dr. Nic Peet, HBRC Chief Executive, who introduced himself to the Committee.
2. Conflict of interest declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 5 May 2023
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 5 May 2023, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings |
Taken as read |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings. CARRIED |
Call for minor items not on the Agenda |
RTC27/23 |
Recommendations That Regional Transport Committee accepts the following Minor items not on the Agenda for discussion as Item 12
Williams/Kerr CARRIED |
Neill Gordon Deputation – Safe Cycling |
The Chair introduced Neill Gordon and Duncan Darroch who spoke on safe cycling in HB, highlighting: · HB has the lowest physical activity rating of any province in NZ. · Bike trails are not accessible for all members of the community; in particular there are too many gates and barriers that need to be negotiated. · Christchurch (post-earthquake) is a good example of how cycling can be integrated into transport networks - HB now has a similar opportunity. There has been a lot of talk about active transport in the past – action is now urgently required. · Post cyclone there is an urgent need to clean up the roading and cycle trail networks between Napier and Hastings including removing silt blocking cycle ramps. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Neill Gordon deputation. CARRIED |
Bryce Cullen introduced the item which was taken as read. Discussion and comments included: · In recent workshops the Committee has discussed the strategic framework for the RLTP, including the vision for the next 20-30 years and the 10 year priorities that will flow through to policy requirements and the work programme to be undertaken. · Government’s Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport which will set the direction for regions to follow is yet to be released, however priorities are expected to include adaption, resilience and recovery. · Immediate priorities for HB to include in its RLTP are adaptation; resilience; recovery – building back better, incorporating diverse transport modes; and community to be at the centre of the transport system design. · Focus to be on action/getting things done in the short term, bearing in mind the future needs of the community. · RTC to consider piloting some proposals such as dedicating/reshaping some urban transport corridors for active transport users only. · Current network needs to be maintained with active transport and modal changes being added. · Another focus needs to be keeping the rural road network resilient. · Regional Transport Advisory Group and some RTC members will work together to finalise the wording of the RLTP for presentation to the Committee for approval for consultation. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and notes the 2024-2027 Regional Land Transport Plan staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 3. Delegates authority to Martin Williams and Tania Kerr to work with officers to finalise the drafting of the Regional Land Transport Plan strategic vision, objectives, policies, and 10-year priorities to reflect the discussion and themes raised during the meeting. CARRIED |
Pippa McKelvie introduced the item. Discussions and comments included: · The Climate Action Joint Committee (CAJC) is responsible for producing a Regional Emissions Reduction Plan. Part of the Plan is a chapter on transport emissions which are approx. 20% of HB’s overall carbon emissions. · 17 priorities included in the draft transport emissions chapter are presented for consideration and prioritisation by RTC. After this has been completed, the chapter will be presented to the CAJC at its mid-August 2023 meeting. · The chapter should include commentary that maintaining the current roading infrastructure is the most sustainable option. Rural communities are isolated and must continue to have access to a resilient roading network. · The chapter could benefit from commentary on how diverse the HB community and region is, particularly the rural aspect. The chapter currently has an urban focus. · Focussing on reducing emissions will also have a positive effect on the overall health and wellbeing of the community. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and considers the Transport emissions reduction staff report. 2. Endorses the proposed transport actions for inclusion in the Transport Chapter of the Regional Emissions Reduction Plan with the inclusion of the discussions and themes set out by the Regional Transport Committee at this meeting. The Committee delegates authority to Martin Williams and Alex Walker to work with officers to finalise the wording of the Transport Chapter before it is considered by the Climate Action Joint Committee. CARRIED |
Waka Kotahi / NZTA Regional Relationships Director's update |
Linda Stewart introduced this item with discussions covering: · The current National Land Transport Plan is coming to an end in June 2024. · GPS is expected to be released prior to the election in October 2023. · The upcoming RLTP – this is a standard mechanism that allows regions to present funding proposals for specific transport purposes. It is important that RTC advise Waka Kotahi (WK) of all its priorities even if some are not seen as a good fit for specific funding channels in place. · Councils now have the ability to more easily reshape existing roads for specific purposes such as car free zones around schools or pedestrian only precincts. · An update of local roading projects was provided including SH38 where planning is well advanced to trial an innovative tarsealing method. · Road maintenance – as a result of the wet spring and then the Cyclone, many maintenance projects have been deferred until September/October 2023. · SH5 (Napier - Taupo) safety improvements will be starting shortly. The Programme Business Case (PBC) for SH5 is progressing through WK and will be considered by their Board on 28 September 2023. · SH5 speed limit review – draft report is being peer reviewed; expected to be released before the election. This will affect the PBC for SH5 and needs to be factored into this when it becomes available. · Over the past 10 -15 years there has been consistent under-investment in roading assets. If the network is not maintained adequately, this issue is likely to become serious as roads reach the end of their lifespan. LGNZ passed a remit at its recent conference petitioning the Government on this matter. · WK has response, recovery, resilience and rebuild funding budgets and there is also emergency works funding. These terminologies can be confusing - which budgets can be accessed for what events is not clear. CHB now has some $50m of emergency works funding requests being considered by WK with no decisions yet – there needs to be some action on these matters. · The funding model for roading works and maintenance is broken – a long term funding model is required. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Relationships Director’s update and presentation. CARRIED |
Regional Transport Programme (RTP) August 2023 update |
Bryce Cullen introduced the item with discussions and comments including: · RTP process was discussed – a draft RTP needs to be prepared by the end of 2023 and adopted in April 2024 after a public consultation process. Additional RTC meetings will need to be held during this period - late 2023 through to April 2024. · Speed Management Plan – the deadline for completion of this plan is 5 October 2023 including a public consultation period. An 18 month extension is currently being sought from WK which would see the plan being finalised in October 2024. · Active Transport representation on RTC – the Committee is waiting for a community based Regional Active Transport body to be formed. A representative from that group will be an advisory member of the RTC. NCC are planning to introduce an Active Transport Committee similar to one that exists at HDC. · Regional Public Transport Plan – due to funding constraints, HBRC has been unable to approve a pilot public transport service from CHB to Hastings/ Napier. Other funding avenues are still being pursued and such a service will be included in the RLTP with funding options such as a targeted rate or higher fares being considered for it. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Transport Programme August 2023 update. CARRIED |
Regional Road Safety update |
Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read. Discussion included: · A ‘crash card’ has been developed by a number of agencies (including ACC) to assist the public and first responders when a motorcycle rider is unresponsive after a road accident. · A range of videos and tip sheets will provide drivers with information on how to better operate a vehicle and develop safe driving behaviours. These resources are being distributed to stakeholders including driver licencing providers and secondary schools. · Roadsafe HB is being rebranded with input from councils across HB. · Rail safety campaign starts next week targeting level crossing safety. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Update. CARRIED |
Public Transport August 2023 update |
Transport Manager Mark Allen introduced the item with discussions and comments including: · Public Transport (PT) services were reduced following Cyclone Gabrielle and are still not back to previous levels. The Redclyffe bridge is about to reopen which will allow some services centred on EIT to be reset; these are currently being finalised. · Getting other services back to pre-cyclone levels is being hampered by driver recruiting issues. When drivers are employed, the lead time for getting having them fully licensed, trained and in-service is 10 – 12 weeks. · On Demand PT – a report on the Hastings MyWay trial is expected shortly. Trialling a similar service in Napier is now longer being considered due to funding constraints. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Transport August 2023 update staff report. CARRIED |
Verbal updates from Advisory Representatives |
The Chair invited advisory members to provide updates: · Air New Zealand services at HB Airport have not yet returned to pre Covid-19 levels. · AA membership is close to 2 million. Concerns amongst members include road maintenance, network resilience, drink drivers, EV charging network, cell phone use in cars, regional State Highway safety and emissions reduction. · Te Whatu Ora - planning for Hastings Hospital redevelopment is starting and will include a review of staff and patient transport options. Other major health sites across HB are scheduled to have their transport sustainability plans reviewed. · Police - Cyclone recovery has been all consuming. The Waiohiki community will be impacted by the re-opening of the Redclyffe Bridge. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Verbal updates from Advisory representatives. CARRIED |
12. |
Minor items not on the Agenda |
Api Robin led a karakia to close the meeting.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 3.45pm on Friday 4 August 2023.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Date: 3 November 2023 by RTC resolution Chair: Martin Williams