Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Planning Committee


Date:                                    16 August 2023

Time:                                    1.30pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              T Hopmans (Co-chair) – Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust

Cr H Ormsby (Co-chair)

Cr T Hokianga (Deputy Co-chair)

K Brown – Te Kopere o te Iwi Hineuru

T Eden – Mana Ahuriri Trust

Cr Will Foley

Cr X Harding

L Kele – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

Cr C Lambert

Cr J Mackintosh

M McIlroy – Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust

Cr D Roadley

K Ropiha – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

T Thornton – Ngati Pahauwera Development & Tiaki Trusts

Cr J van Beek (online)

Cr M Williams


In Attendance:                    N Peet – Chief Executive

M Hazel – Te Kopere o te Iwi Hineuru

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae

A Doak – Governance Advisor

S Bendall – Coastal Hazards Strategy Project Manager

G Ide – Principle Advisor Strategic Planning

N Nicholson – Acting Manager Policy & Planning


1.         Welcome/Karakia /Apologies /Housekeeping

The Chair, Tania Hopmans, welcomed everyone and a karakia was offered to open the meeting.


RPC4/23          That the apologies for absence from Nicki Kirikiri and Mike Mohi be accepted.



2.         Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee meeting held on 17 May 2023



Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from previous Regional Planning Committee meetings


Nic Peet introduced the item and advised:

·  Items 1, 2 and 4 have been completed

·  In terms of item 3 there is an Order in Council being considered under the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act 2023 to extend the deadline for the National Policy Statement for Fresh Water by 3 years.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives the report Follow-ups from previous RPC meetings.





Call for minor items not on the Agenda


That the Regional Planning Committee accepts the following Call for minor items not on the Agenda for discussion as Item 12


Raised by

Mohaka Plan change

Theresa Thornton

Freshwater Management Units

Tania Eden

Wairoa Debris

Michelle McIlroy

Standing update – recovery categories for whenua Māori

Tania Eden





Regional Planning Committee Tāngata Whenua appointees' Remuneration Review


This item was withdrawn.


Councillor Jerf van Beek joined the meeting online at 1.46pm


Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy and its Mātauranga Māori workstream updates


Simon Bendall introduced the item, which was taken as read. Highlights from discussions included:

·  Matauranga Māori workstream born out of the need for more effective engagement with tangata whenua. Developed by the TAG with Joint Committee tangata whenua members and with support from HBRC’s Māori Partnerships team.

·  Aramanu Ropiha is supporting the workstream, she had authored previous Cultural Values Assessment.

·  The project was looking to identify the values tangata whenua  have for the coast – specifically attempting to answer the question ‘is there anything that has been proposed to deal with coastal hazards that will be worse.’

·  The Strategy team would  engage at individual level over the next few months. By end of year the goal was to get an idea of what had been said and then present a draft for testing.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy and its Mātauranga Māori workstream updates report.





Kotahi Plan update


Katrina Brunton explained that work is being undertaken in terms of vision and values and Te Mana o Te Wai with the PSGEs for each Takiwa and engagement with PSGEs and Taiwhenua has started. Discussions covered:

·    It is not for the Council to make a determination where there are overlaps between the PSGEs and Taiwhenua and the team is working with Māori Partnerships to best facilitate these conversations.

·    In terms of Mohaka the team met a month previously to enable the consultant to start the next engagement phase which will hopefully produce a tangata whenua state of the Takiwa.

·    There is an order in council under consideration proposing an extension for Fresh Water Management and a decision on it is expected by 5 September.

·    The recovery and rural recovery teams are focusing on work to develop the environmental resilience plan.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the Kotahi Plan update.





Update on Government's proposed resource management system reforms


Nic Peet introduced the paper explaining that the Natural and Built Environment Act and the Spatial Planning Act progressed through their third reading in parliament the night before and Royal Assent should be given in the coming week.  Discussion covered:

·  There will be changes to consenting with immediate effect that will need to be implemented.

·  RPC was a special legislative requirement and how it will work with new Legislation will need to be resolved.

·  For now the focus is recovery and there will be time to take a breath before provisions have an impact.

·  Kotahi will remain the primary work of RPC.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the Update on Government’s proposed resource management system reforms.





July 2023 Policy Projects update


Nichola Nicholson introduced the item, which was taken as read. Discussions covered:

·  Work was ongoing on the Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Change

·  Mediation was set for the TANK Plan Change appeals

·  The Future Development Strategy was to go out for public consultation within the coming two months. Hastings District Council had suggested changes to the consultation document and these would need to be implemented.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the July 2023 Policy Projects update.





July 2023 Statutory Advocacy update


Saul Gudsell introduced the paper and brought attention to the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity which had just come into effect. Discussion covered:

·  That the Policy Statement was mostly focused on protection, but that there were some provision that looked to increase indigenous biodiversity as well.

·  The meaning of ‘at least no overall loss’ of indigenous biodiversity and if it was enabling decisions where avoidance is unachievable.

·  That for Regional Council that this would mean updating the Regional Policy Statement and Plan to reflect the provisions.

·  Territorial Authorities would need to map Significant Natural Areas and Taonga Species but regional council would assist and there would be need for partnership with tangata whenua as there had been with Sites of Significance.

·  The need for early and effective engagement in the Kotahi space

·  That the Significant Natural Areas provisions would not extinguish existing use rights but that it could prevent an increase to the intensity or scale of an activity

·  That there was an opportunity for this committee to think about partnership with private land owners.

·  Avenues for targets for indigenous Biodiversity cover in the urban area

·  That this was a very complex area in terms of Policy Statements, Environmental Standards, and RMA Reform with a number of moving parts and different timelines

·  The potential for biodiversity credits to assist in the restoration of Whenua Māori

·  Concern in some communities that the identification of Significant Natural Areas may lead to public works and land confiscation.

·  Roger Maaka’s contributions to Wai 262 which informed this Policy statement were acknowledged.

The National Policy statement was also discussed. It was noted that this was supported by a National Environmental Standard and that there were 2 consents for discharge to air for coal in the region but that these could also burn wood pallets. Discussion included:

·  That probably heaters that burned diesel for frost protection in the horticultural sector were not covered.

·  What would be effected which included potentially the timber processing industry in Wairoa, the hospital and other industry.

The introduction of a water services entity was noted as an ongoing discussion.

Interest was expressed in submitting on the Emissions Trading scheme, particularly around a permanent forest category and the introduction of biodiversity credits.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the July 2023 Statutory Advocacy update.




12                 Discussion of minor items not on the Agenda


Raised by

Mohaka Plan Change

Dealt with in item 8

Theresa Thornton


Dealt with in item 8

Tania Eden

Wairoa Debris

Michelle McIlroy explained that the Matangirau reserve board was not approached regarding the removal of debris from the coastline and queried if there was a consent. The sand dunes were cleared of any driftwood. Banded dotterel nest in the area and use debris to camouflage nests.

An offline conversation will be facilitated once staff identify what happened.

Michelle McIlroy

Recovery and land categorisation for whenua Māori

·  Tania Eden explained her concern that her Tangata Whenua colleagues on the Regional Planning Committee were missing out on oversight.

·  It was suggested that the recovery update item that goes to Regional Council every month could also come to RPC or RPC TW meetings.

·  It was noted that the Silt Recovery Taskforce updates emails some members receive are unreadable. They need simple headlines and an update.

·  It was also noted that the appointment of 4 tangata whenua representatives from RPC to the Cyclone Recovery Committee was unanimously opposed by Council.

Tania Eden



There being no further business the Chair welcomed Karauna Brown to lead a karakia to close the meeting and declared the meeting closed at 3.22pm on Wednesday 16 August 2023.

Signed as a true and correct record.

Date:  16 August 2024 by RPC resolution                    Chair:  Hinewai Ormsby