Minutes of a meeting of the Climate Action Joint Committee
Date: 14 August 2023
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
HBRC Council Chamber 159 Dalton Street Napier 4110 |
Present: Cr H Browne (NCC) – Deputy Chair
Cr D Eaglesome-Karekare (WDC) (online)
Cr X Harding (HBRC)
Cr T Kerr (HDC)
M McIlroy (Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa)
Cr A Redstone (HDC) ((online)
Mayor S Hazlehurst (HDC) (online)
Mayor A Walker (CHBDC)
Cr T Aitken (CHBDC)
In Attendance: N Peet – HBRC Chief Executive
D Cull – HBRC Strategy & Governance Manager
C Holland – He Pou a Rangi Principal Analyst
P McKelvie-Sebileau – HBRC Climate Action Ambassador
T Gilbert – HBRC Senior Advisor – Māori Partnerships
A Doak – Governance Advisor
The Chair for the meeting, Hayley Browne, welcomed everyone and Te Rangihau Gilbert opened with a karakia.
CAJCC8/23 That the apologies for absence from councillors Annette Brosnan and Roz Thomas and for lateness from Councillor Tim Aitken be accepted.
2. Conflict of interest declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Climate Action Joint Committee meeting held on 22 May 2023
Minutes of the Climate Action Joint Committee meeting held on 22 May 2023, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
· Desiree Cull introduced the item, advising the amended Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee have so far been adopted by Hastings District, Napier City, Wairoa District and Hawke’s Bay Regional councils. · Central Hawke’s Bay District Council will consider the ToR at their September 2023 meeting. Councillor Aitken joined the meeting at 1:05pm · It was noted that no tangata whenua representatives were in attendance and that the process of PSGE appointments is ongoing. · Wairoa DC TAG appointments will be followed up. |
That the Climate Action Joint Committee: 1. Receives and considers the Climate Action Joint Committee Terms of Reference update. 2. Accepts the Terms of Reference following as adopted by the partner councils. CARRIED Climate Action Joint Committee Terms of Reference 1. Name and status of Joint Committee 1.1. The Joint Committee shall be known as the Climate Action Joint Committee. 1.2. The Joint Committee is a joint committee under clause 30(1)(b) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act (the Act). 2. Purpose 2.1. Climate mitigation and adaptation is core business for councils. It spans multiple council workstreams such as urban planning, land-use and resource management, transport, flood protection, coastal hazards and emergency management. Without duplicating effort, the purpose of the Joint Committee is to support a coordinated and collaborative response to address the complex challenge of Climate-Resilient Development[1] for the communities of Hawke’s Bay. 2.2. The focus of the Joint Committee’ will be promoting action to mitigate climate change (emissions reductions and offsetting) and adapt to the changing regional climate. 2.3. The Joint Committee aims to support communities and industries to become resilient to the effects of climate change and to thrive within the means of our natural environment in a manner that aligns with central government policy on climate change[2]. 3. Objectives 3.1. Oversee and guide the development and implementation of a Regional Emissions Reduction Plan including recommending actions for partner councils to consider for inclusion in their Long Term Plans. 3.2. Oversee and guide the development and implementation of a spatial Regional Climate Risk Assessment to deliver on responsibilities under the National Adaptation Plan to: 3.2.1. Reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change 3.2.2. Enhance adaptive capacity and consider climate change in decisions at all levels 3.3. Strengthen resilience 3.4. Support compliance with the statutory requirement to “have regard to” the National Emissions Reduction Plan and the National Adaptation Plan in all RMA-related plans of partner councils[3]. 3.5. Inform planning to drive climate-resilient development in the right locations within the Future Development Strategy required under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development, and the Regional Spatial Strategy and regional combined plan proposed under the Spatial Planning and Natural and Built Environments legislation. 3.6. Collaborate on the delivery of key services for infrastructure impacted by climate change on respective councils. 4. Membership[4] 4.1. Up to two elected members from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council; being the Chair and one other elected member, and one alternate. 4.2. Up to two elected members from each Territorial Authority within the Hawke’s Bay region; preferably the Mayor and one other elected member, and one alternate. 4.3. Each Post [Treaty] Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) within the Hawke’s Bay region is invited to appoint one member, and one alternate. 4.4. Up to two members and one alternate appointed to represent the Ngāti Kahungunu Taiwhenua and Board representatives on the HBRC Māori Committee[5]. 4.5. Under clause 30A(6) Schedule 7 of the Act, the power to discharge any member on the Joint Committee and appoint his or her replacement shall be exercisable only by the body that appointed the member. 5. Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson 5.1. The Chairperson of the Joint Committee will be the Chair of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. 5.2. At the first meeting of the Joint Committee the members shall elect a Deputy Chairperson. 5.3. The mandate of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson ends if that person, through resignation or otherwise, ceases to be a member of the Joint Committee. 6. Delegated authority The Joint Committee has delegated responsibilities for: 6.1. Guiding and monitoring climate mitigation and adaptation across the region with current and relevant technical inputs. 6.2. Leading regional emissions reduction plans including recommending actions for consideration to partner councils to include in their long term plans 6.3. Leading spatial regional climate risk assessments to deliver on responsibilities under the National Adaptation Plan 6.4. Setting targets, including interim goals, towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 6.5. Monitoring regional greenhouse gas emissions (community carbon footprint) on a regular basis and reporting annually on implementation of regional emissions reduction plans 6.6. Considering and recommending key emissions reduction actions to each of the partner councils and industry for consideration 6.7. Advocating for and/or advancing the objectives of regional climate action by submitting on and participating in processes, at the Joint Committee’s discretion, including but not limited to: 6.7.1. Council long term plans 6.7.2. Council annual plans 6.7.3. District and regional plan and policy changes 6.7.4. Reserve management plans 6.7.5. Asset management plans 6.7.6. Notified resource consent applications 6.7.7. Central Government policy and legislation 6.7.8. Investigating and securing additional sources of funding to support regional decarbonisation, offsetting and protecting communities from the impact of climate change. 6.8. For the avoidance of doubt, the Joint Committee can only make recommendations to partner councils. Without legally binding subsequent council decisions, the partner councils agree to: 6.8.1. Have particular regard to the recommendations of the Joint Committee in developing policies, determining priorities, and allocating resource 6.8.2. Progress, to the fullest possible extent, actions identified through joint planning and decision-making arrangements. 7. Powers not delegated The following powers are not delegated to the Joint Committee: 7.1. Any power that cannot be delegated in accordance with clause 32 Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. 7.2. Decisions relating to the allocation of funding for undertaking investigations, studies and/or projects in climate adaptation, offsetting or climate mitigation and matters relating to consenting. 8. Meetings 8.1. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council standing orders will be used to conduct Joint Committee meetings as if the Joint Committee were a local authority and the principal administrative officer (Chief Executive) of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council or his or her nominated representative were its principal administrative officer. 8.2. The Joint Committee shall hold meetings at such frequency, times and place(s) as required for the performance of the functions, duties and powers delegated under this Terms of Reference, at least three times per year. 8.3. Notice of meetings will be given as far in advance a possible to all Joint Committee members, and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. 8.4. Meetings may provide for members’ attendance by audio-visual link if required. 8.5. Members, or their confirmed alternates, will attend all Joint Committee meetings. 8.6. The quorum will consist of a majority of members. 9. Voting 9.1. In accordance with clause 32(4) Schedule 7 of Act, at meetings of the Joint Committee each member has full authority to vote and make decisions within the delegations of the Terms of Reference on behalf of the body that appointed them without further recourse to the appointing body. 9.2. Where voting is required, each member has one vote. 9.3. Best endeavours will be made to achieve decisions on a consensus basis. 9.4. The Chairperson at any meeting has a deliberative vote and, in the case of equality of votes, may use a casting vote. 10. Good faith 10.1. In the event of any circumstances arising that were unforeseen by the partner councils or their representatives at the time of adopting these Terms of Reference, the partner councils and their representatives hereby record their intention that they will negotiate in good faith to add to or vary these Terms of Reference so as to resolve the impact of those circumstances in the best interests collectively of the partner councils taking into account also the views of the Regional Planning Committee and Māori Committee appointed members in relation to those circumstances. 11. Remuneration 11.1. Each partner council shall be responsible for remunerating its representatives on the Joint Committee and for the costs of those persons' participation in the Joint Committee. 11.2. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council as the Administering Authority shall be responsible for remunerating the HBRC Māori Committee representatives and the PSGE representatives on the Joint Committee for travel and attendance as per its agreed meeting fees policy. 12. Technical Advisory Group and Reporting 12.1. A technical advisory group (TAG) will service the Climate Action Joint Committee. 12.2. The TAG will comprise of staff members from the partner councils who are working in climate mitigation and adaptation and will involve subject matter experts as required to ensure linkages with other workstreams, such as the work of the Regional Transport Committee and Napier-Hastings Future Development Strategy Joint Committee. The TAG will be led by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Climate Action Ambassador along with the dedicated climate roles at Napier City Council and Hastings District Council. 12.3. Following each meeting of the Joint Committee, the TAG shall create a summary report of the business of the meeting which will be distributed, for information, to each partner council for inclusion in the agenda for the next available council meeting. Such reports will be in addition to any formal minutes prepared by the Administering Authority, which will be circulated to Joint Committee members. 13. Variations to the Terms of Reference 13.1. Any member may propose a variation, deletion or addition to the Terms of Reference by putting the wording of the proposed variation, deletion or addition to a meeting of the Joint Committee for recommending to the partner councils if agreed. 13.2. Amendments to the Terms of Reference must be agreed by all partner councils before taking effect. Recommended for Adoption 13.3. The Climate Action Joint Committee, made up of the following members, confirms this Terms of Reference as adopted by the five partner councils. |
The meeting adjourned at 1:10pm and reconvened at 1:20pm.
Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst and Councillor Denise Eaglesome-Karekare left the meeting during the break.
Pippa McKelvie-Sebileau introduced Chis Holland from He Pou a Rangi (the Climate Change Commission) who delivered a presentation about setting and monitoring emissions targets, including the ETS structure, and advice on national adaptation to government. The presentation and discussions covered: Michelle McIlroy joined the meeting online at 1:25pm · Advice from the commission considers a wide range of factors including social, economic and Te Ao Māori. Mayor Hazlehurst re-joined the meeting online at 1:34 pm. · Transport emissions reduction shows the greatest opportunity for reductions. · Big savings can also be made in industry, energy and building through technologies such as low emissions buildings. · Agriculture requires breakthrough technologies for significant reductions. · The lack of defined cost for mitigation and adaption for communities – especially those dealing with recovery. It is estimated that by 2050 the cost of meeting the targets will be 1% of the entire economy but impacts will not be shared evenly. · All major parliamentary parties are on board with the commission’s targets with disagreements ‘at the margins’ about how to accomplish the goals. · Councils need to look around the margins for solutions that will have the greatest benefit for the Hawke’s Bay community. · The roles of native and exotic planting both in terms of emissions off-setting and in terms of benefits to the environment more broadly such as te mana o te wai. Councillor Eaglesome-Karekare re-joined the meeting at 1:56 pm. · The impact of exotic planting on the landscape and communities after slash deposits and the Commission’s view that slash should be converted to biofuel for revenue not left in place. · Carless days as inspiration from the past and working from home as a contemporary alternative. · The debate over how to measure soil carbon and the potential for other complementary non-forestry offsets such as the restoration of wetlands and peat lands. · The split gas approach empowers decision makers with more options. · Biodiversity credits and the recognition by the Commission that biodiversity should be recognised and rewarded. |
That the Climate Action Joint Committee receives and notes the Climate Change Commission presentation by Chris Holland. CARRIED |
Te Rangihau Gilbert offered a closing karakia.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 2.15pm on Monday, 14 August 2023.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Date: 11 December 2023 by Climate Action Joint Committee resolution Chair: Hinewai Ormsby
[1] Climate Resilient Development is a framework developed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th report – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. It combines strategies to adapt to climate change with actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to support sustainable development for everyone (FAQ 6: What is Climate Resilient Development? ipcc.ch )
[2] Including UNFCCC Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
[3] From 30 November 2022 it is a legal requirement for local government to ‘have regard to’ the national adaptation plan and the emissions reduction plan when preparing or changing regional policy statements, regional plans and district plans. (Guidance note environment.govt.nz)
[4] Membership will be reviewed at the end of the three-yearly cycle.
[5] HBRC Māori Committee has 13 tangata whenua representatives, 3 from each of the Taiwhenua (and Wairoa Kahungunu Executive) within the Hawke’s Bay regional boundary and 1 from the Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc Board.