Minutes of a Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                                    5 May 2023

Time:                                    12.30pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              Cr J van Beek – HBRC Chair

Cr M Williams – HBRC virtually

Mayor C Little – WDC virtually

Cr Tania Kerr – HDC

Cr Kate Taylor – CHBDC

Cr K Price – NCC

L Stewart – NZTA

Alternates:                        Mayor K Wise – NCC

Mayor S Hazlehurst – HDC

Mayor A Walker – CHBDC virtually

S Downs – NZTA


Advisory Members:          B Wilson – Te Whatu Ora

D Murray – Automobile Assn.

I Emmerson – Road Transport Assn.

N Ganivet – Port of Napier virtually

R Stratford – HB Airport virtually

A Robin – Māori Committee


In Attendance:                 D Headifen – KiwiRail

D Gordon KiwiRail virtually

D Suisted HB Airport virtually

P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor

TAG:                                     B Cullen –  Transport Strategy and Policy Analyst

V Nanayakkara – Waka Kotahi

R Malley – NCC

K Nimon –  Transport Project Manager

S McKinley – CHBDC virtually

M Hardie – WDC virtually


1.         Welcome/Karakia /Apologies

The Chair, Jerf van Beek, welcomed everyone and Api Robin opened the meeting with a karakia.


2.         Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 10 February 2023



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 10 February 2023, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





HB Airport deputation - Northern Roundabout


Rob Stratford from HB Airport gave a presentation. Discussions and queries covered:

·    Airport is seeking a second road access point by adding a roundabout at the northern approach to the airport

·    Airport is a Civil Defence lifeline and remained operational to provide Civil Defence support and community connectivity (Wi-Fi and power) during Cyclone Gabrielle

·    Having only one access road is a risk for the community and for the airport itself in the event of an emergency on site

·    If business case is endorsed by RTC, the proposal will need to be included in the RLTP



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the HB Airport deputation and supports the proposal for a second roundabout being assessed through Regional Recovery Planning and the Regional Land Transport Plan process.





Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings


The Chair introduced the item, which was taken as read



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings.





Regional Transport Committee Terms of Reference and member appointments


Leeanne Hooper introduced this item, which was taken as read. Comments and queries covered:

·    Allow an alternate for advisory members

·    Clarify that if council member and alternate both present, there is only 1 vote counted



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the Regional Transport Committee Terms of Reference staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Confirms the Terms of Reference for the Committee (as follows) as adopted by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on 29 March 2023 as amended to allow Advisory members to have an Alternate.

4.      Agrees to the membership of the Regional Transport Committee including:

4.1.       Advisory member Rob Stratford, representing Hawke’s Bay Airport

4.2.       Advisory member David Murray representing Automobile Association, replacing Paul Michaelsen.



Regional Transport Committee

Terms of Reference

Adopted by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council resolution 29 March 2023


The purpose of the Regional Transport Committee is to:

1.        Prepare the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) and any significant variation to the RLTP for adoption by the Regional Council, in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

2.        In accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003, adopt a policy that determines significance in respect of:

2.1.      variations made to regional land transport plans under section 18D of the Land Transport Management Act 2003, and

2.2.      the activities that are included in the regional land transport plan under section 16 of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

3.        Prepare the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) for adoption by the Regional Council, in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

4.        Monitor the implementation of the Regional Land Transport Plan and the Regional Public Transport Plan.

5.        Plan and provide for emissions reductions through multi modal activities.

6.        Plan and provide for active transport in the region.

7.        Advocate on strategic regional and inter-regional transport matters to Central Government and other key stakeholders as appropriate.

8.        Make recommendations in support of land transport activities that are eligible for national funding and align with the regional land transport plan.

9.        Approve submissions to Central Government, local authorities and other agencies on Regional Transport Committee matters.

10.     Monitor and provide advocacy on regional road safety matters.

11.     Monitor passenger transport objectives and make recommendations to the Regional Council on public transport policies.

12.     Provide the Regional Council with any advice and assistance it may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.



Voting Members

Two elected members of the Regional Council, being:

­  Councillors Martin Williams and Jerf van Beek

One representative and one alternate, appointed by each of the following organisations, being:

­  Wairoa District Council: Mayor Craig Little and Cr Chaans Tumataroa-Clarke as alternate

­  Hastings District Council: Cr Tania Kerr and Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst as alternate

­  Napier City Council:  Cr Keith Price and Mayor Kirsten Wise alternate

­  Central Hawke's Bay District Council:  Cr Kate Taylor and Mayor Alex Walker as alternate

­  New Zealand Transport Agency, being Linda Stewart and Sarah Downs as alternate


Advisory Members (non- voting)

­  New Zealand Police (representing road safety), being TBC (& alternate if appointed)

­  Automobile Association (representing access and mobility, including private motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users), being David Murray (& alternate if appointed)

­  Port of Napier – representing the Port and coastal shipping- Nick Ganivet (& alternate if appointed)

­  KiwiRail (representing rail issues) - Angus Hodgson (& alternate if appointed)

­  Road Transport Association NZ (representing the road transport industry) being Ian Emmerson (& alternate if appointed)

­  HBRC Māori Committee (representing cultural and environmental interests) – Api Robin

­  Te Whatu Ora HB representative - Dr Bridget Wilson (& alternate if appointed)

­  HB Regional Active Transport Committee (name to be confirmed) representing active transport, to be confirmed (& alternate if appointed)

­  Hawke’s Bay Airport - Rob Stratford (& alternate if appointed)


One Regional Council elected member, being Cr Martin Williams

Deputy Chair

One Regional Council elected member, being Cr Jerf van Beek


Majority of voting members (4)


In accordance with section 105(7) of the Land Transport Management Act, at any meeting of the RTC, the Chairperson, or any other legislated person presiding at the meeting:

(a)    has a deliberative vote and

(b)    in the case of an equality of votes, does not have a casting vote (and therefore the act or question is defeated and the status quo is preserved).

Regional Council, Territorial Authority and NZ Transport Agency representative members have full speaking and voting rights on all matters.

In circumstances where both the member and alternate are in attendance, only the member’s vote will be counted.

Advisory Members

The role of advisory members is to:

­  Provide advice to the Regional Transport Committee on matters pertaining to their advisory portfolios, when requested by the Chair

­  Report on relevant activities or events pertaining to their advisory portfolios.

Advisory members have full speaking rights on all matters, but no voting rights.

Meeting Frequency

Quarterly, or as required

Staff Executive

Group Manager Policy & Regulation and Transport Manager

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

The Transport Committee considers advice relating to strategic transport issues from a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), generally comprising roading and infrastructural planning officers from NZTA and the Territorial Authorities; and chaired by the HBRC Transport Manager. TAG members may attend RTC meetings and may provide advice at meetings when invited to do so by the Chair, but do not vote.





NZTA Regional Relationships Director's update


Linda Stewart introduced the item with comments and queries covering:

·    The Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) reduction programme is expected to improve public transport options, reduce vehicle traffic and vehicle emissions. Large cities are targeted first for this national programme

·    The roading construction season for HB has been extended to the end of May to compensate for lost opportunities during the cyclone

·    SH5 work is cyclone damage repairs, planned maintenance and safety improvements. The programme business case for SH5 long term resilience is still progressing – due September 2023

·    Waka Kotahi is considering a draft SH5 Speed Reduction Impact Study (by Ernst & Young) which will be released in the near future

·    Cyclone repairs are being carried out by an alliance of specific contractors to expedite matters and local contractors/ consultants will continue to be used by the alliance.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Relationships Director’s update.





Regional Transport Programme May 2023 update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Transport Programme May 2023 Update staff report.






Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) investment and delivery update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read. Comments and queries covered:

·  Investment Logic Map (ILM) for the RLTP was discussed at a workshop prior, which considered wording alterations and weightings for various factors including resilience and a new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that there is a functioning roading network. TAG will reassess ILM weightings aiming for resilience to have a 60% weighting

·  If the Hastings MyWay trial is viewed as being a success, then the planned Napier MyWay trial may not need to happen – the Napier service could be included in the RLTP with TAG incorporating the specifics

·  Government funding ($61M) to improve bus driver recruitment/retention has not yet been taken up in HB as access to the funding requires HBRC to contribute 49% of the costs involved and there is no budget for this unforeseen cost. The upcoming RLTP funding round will include a bid for this funding, to be available from June 2024.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Land Transport Plan investment and delivery update staff report, and endorses the proposed changes to the Investment Logic Map to reflect the post-cyclone environment.



Mayor Kirsten Wise left the meeting at 2.05pm



Regional Road Safety update


Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay update.

van Beek/Price




Public Transport update


Katie Nimon introduced the item, and comments and queries covered:

·    MyWay Hastings trial is currently being reviewed, acknowledging the service is dependent on having adequate staff - bus drivers and customer service staff.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Transport update.



Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst left the meeting at 2.30pm


Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery update from KiwiRail


Daniel Headifen and Dave Gordon (online) from KiwiRail introduced their presentation. Comments and queries included:

·    A temporary Clive rail bridge will be constructed shortly, then a permanent structure will be built at the same site

·    39km of damaged line between Napier and Wairoa mainly in the Esk Valley

·    While significant, the damage is not sufficient to consider rerouting the rail network so reinstatement is being planned. Insurance cover is held for a rebuild; enhancements are not being considered.

·    RTC continues to advocate for full reinstatement of the Napier to Gisborne rail line.

Councillor Kate Taylor left the meeting at 3.01pm

Councillor Martin Williams left the meeting at 3.06pm



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Cyclone Gabrielle recovery update from KiwiRail.

van Beek/Price




Verbal updates by Advisory Representatives


The chair introduced the item and updates covered:

·    David Murray (AA) thanked Waka Kotahi and other agencies for the  major efforts being undertaken to get transport systems operational.

·    Bridget Wilson (Te Whatu Ora) reiterated thanks to those involved in repair work, and acknowledged that roading resilience and liveable cities are also health priorities.

·    Ian Emmerson (Road Transport Assn) noted the commendable efforts being made to fix both and rail networks.

·    Nick Ganivet (Napier Port) acknowledged KiwiRail’s efforts to get their central NI lines open. This has enabled rail freight to be delivered to the Port by road from Hastings.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Verbal updates by Advisory representatives.

van Beek/Price



Api Robin closed the meeting with a karakia.



There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 3.12pm on Friday 5 May 2023.

Signed as a true and correct record.


Date: ................................................                            Chair: ...............................................