Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Planning Committee


Date:                                    17 May 2023

Time:                                    1.00pm


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              T Hopmans (Co-chair) – Maungaharuru Tangitū Trust

Cr H Ormsby (Co-chair)

Cr T Hokianga (Deputy Co-chair)

K Brown  – Hineuru Iwi Trust

T Eden – Mana Ahuriri Trust

L Kele – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

N Kirikiri – Te Toi Kura O Waikaremoana

Cr J Mackintosh

Cr C Lambert from 1.32pm

M McIlroy – Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust

M Mohi – Ngati Tuwharetoa Hapu Forum

T Thornton – Ngati Pahauwera Development & Tiaki Trusts

Cr X Harding online

M Hazel – Hineuru Iwi Trust

Cr M Williams


In Attendance:                    P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

C Edmonds – Manager Policy & Planning

N Nicholson – Team Leader Policy and Planning

Cr S Siers

G Ide – Principal Advisor Strategic Planning

M Johansson – Director Communication & Engagement

L McPhail – Recovery Manager

P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor

A Doak – Governance Advisor




1.         Welcome/Karakia /Apologies

The Co-chairs welcomed everyone; Pieri Munro opened the meeting with a karakia.



That the apologies for absence from councillors Jerf van Beek, Di Roadley, Will Foley, and Keri Ropiha and from Cr Charles Lambert (for lateness) are accepted.



A quorum was not present to establish the meeting, however would be present with the arrival of Councillor Charles Lambert so the meeting proceeded.



Welcome Michelle McIlroy and farewell Api Tapine


Pieri Munro welcomed Michelle McIlroy to the RPC as the representative for Tātau Tātau o te Wairoa and acknowledged her predecessor Api Tapine for his service to the RPC, including the Co-chair role.


Welcome Mana Hazel and farewell Karauna Brown


Pieri Munro acknowledged the service that Karauna Brown has provided to the Committee and welcomed Mana Hazel as the newly appointed representative of Hineuru Iwi Trust. Karauna will remain as an advisor to assist Mana Hazel over the remainder of 2023 as he transitions into the role.

Pieri Munro also welcomed Tania Eden, the Mana Ahuriri Trust representative, to her first RPC meeting and similarly Cr Thompson Hokianga to his first RPC meeting.



Co-Chair Cr Hinewai Ormsby thanked Pieri Munro for his leadership in the role of Interim Chief Executive and the Executive Leadership Team for their work during the cyclone event, both in their usual roles and as Civil Defence Controllers.

The many Marae that stood up to help their communities were also thanked and the ongoing difficulties that communities are facing were acknowledged.

The recent passing of JB Smith and Pat Magill, both strong community leaders, was noted.


3.         Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Call for minor items not on the Agenda


A call for minor items was accepted by the Chair - to be considered at the end of the meeting.



That the following minor items will be discussed as Agenda item 10

·         The clearance of debris from the awa at Tangoio

·         Powhiri for Dr Nic Peet (incoming Chief Executive)





Regional Planning Committee tangata whenua representation on Council’s committees


The item was withdrawn.


Cyclone Gabrielle – response, recovery and reviews


Pieri Munro introduced the item, followed by Louise McPhail, HBRC Recovery Manager, Ceri Edmonds and Gavin Ide. Discussions covered:

·    Land categorising process is still underway at central government level

·    Phase 2 Recovery Fund applications are now open with up to $10,000 available for individuals, community groups and Marae who meet the criteria

·    Actual cyclone rainfall figures might be up to 20% higher due to the effects of wind at collection sites, and were significantly higher (in some cases double) than forecast by MetService. MetService performance is likely to be looked at by various reviews being undertaken. The Co-chairs will send a strongly worded letter to NEMA regarding the inadequate forecasting provided by MetService.

·    There will be independent reviews of the Civil Defence Group response to Cyclone Gabrielle and of the performance of HBRC’s flood and drainage networks during the cyclone.

Cr Charles Lambert joined the meeting at 1.32pm- quorum established

·    Regional Recovery Framework and associated structures were outlined

·    HBRC leads the Environmental Resilience Pou, one of four pou in the framework

·    The first edition of the HB Regional Recovery Plan was started in April 2023 and is due for submission by the Regional Recovery Agency to central government by 30 June 2023.

·    The second edition of the plan is now being developed and will include community consultation with completion due September 2023, for presentation to the incoming government.

·    Teams from councils across HB will be reaching out to the community in a coordinated way to help develop plans, either in partnership with councils or separately depending on local requirements. Some mana whenua are already involved with councils as they develop locality plans; these will feed into the second (and subsequent) edition of the HB Regional Recovery Plan.

·    There are already good examples of local recovery plans, including the Omahu community.

·    The Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Act (SWELA) and the Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Act (SWERLA) were enacted in March and April 2023. These address general administration matters and also allow the Government to act more quickly by using Orders in Council rather than typical Parliamentary processes.

·    Orders in Council still take time (weeks/months) to come into effect as each Ministry involved has input into the process. Any consultation involved is likely to be quite limited.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the Cyclone Gabrielle – response, recovery and reviews staff report.





Kotahi Plan verbal update


Ceri Edmonds and Nicola Nicholson introduced the item, noting that the Kotahi project has been paused due to the major impacts that Cyclone Gabrielle has had on the community and on the Council’s staff resourcing. Discussions covered:

·    Council is still working to meet the December 2024 deadline for producing the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. This timing is being discussed with MfE – who has indicated a response is not likely before August 2023.

·    The water quality baselines for Kotahi have shifted significantly however the freshwater components of Kotahi still need to be, and are being worked on.

·    Co-Chairs agreed to write a formal letter to MfE requesting an extension of the December 2024 deadline. The Council has the responsibility for setting the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, and will need to consider and approve the letter.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the Kotahi Plan verbal update.





Freshwater Management Units


The Chair introduced this item and tangata whenua representatives requested that the decisions be deferred until the next meeting of the RPC.



That the Regional Planning Committee defers consideration of the Freshwater Management Units report and associated decisions to the next scheduled RPC meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 2.49pm and reconvened at 3.01pm


May 2023 Policy Projects update


The Chair introduced the item, which was taken as read.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the May 2023 Policy Projects update staff report.





May 2023 Statutory Advocacy update


The Chair introduced the item, which was taken as read.



That the Regional Planning Committee receives and notes the May 2023 Statutory Advocacy update staff report.





Minor items not on the Agenda


·    Tania Hopmans. The community is concerned that the debris (including a shipping container) in the awa at Tangoio has not been cleared yet. The area has no flood protection and is vulnerable even in smaller rain events. The community is now being emotionally as well as physically impacted and immediate action is sought.

·    Pieri Munro – a powhiri for Dr Nic Peet (the incoming HBRC Chief Executive) will be held on 10 July 2023.



There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 3.08pm on Wednesday, 17 May 2023.

Signed as a true and correct record.

Date:  16 August 2023 by RPC resolution                    Chair:  Tania Hopmans