Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: 10 February 2023
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr M Williams, Chair
Cr J van Beek, Deputy Chair
Mayor C Little – WDC
Cr T Kerr – HDC
Cr K Taylor – CHBDC
Cr K Price – NCC
L Stewart – NZTA
Advisory members: M Broderick – NZ Police left at 1.22pm
P Michaelsen – AA
N Ganivet – Port of Napier Ltd virtually
In Attendance: Mayor A Walker - CHBDC alternate
S Downs – NZTA alternate
M Hardie – TAG
K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation
K Nimon – Transport Manager
B Cullen – Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst
R Malley – TAG
S McKinley – TAG
J Pannu – TAG
P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor
The Chair welcomed everyone led the meeting in an opening karakia.
RTC1/23 That the apologies for absence from Angus Hodgson and Api Robin be accepted.
Councillor Tania Kerr gave notice of discussions relating to northern road access to the HB Airport.
Councillor Martin Williams advised that Dr Bridget Wilson from Te Whatu Ora will be joining the Committee as the health representative and welcomed her as a guest pending formal confirmation of her appointment.
2. Conflict of Interest declarations
Councillor Kerr declared an interest in relation to item 10 as Chair of the Regional Sports Park Trust.
Regional Transport Committee Terms of Reference and member appointments |
The Chair introduced the item, and discussions highlighted: · Health sector advisory representative is to be specified as representing Te Whatu Ora · Wairoa District Council representatives are Mayor Craig Little and Councillor Chaans Tumataroa-Clarke as alternate. · Dr Bridget Wilson will be Te Whatu Ora’s non-voting representative, with formal confirmation to be provided. · CHBDC representative is Councillor Kate Taylor and Mayor Alex Walker as alternate. · Terms of Reference, with tracked changes, to be brought to the May Committee meeting for confirmation. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and considers the Regional Transport Committee Terms of Reference and member appointments staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 3. Agrees to the membership as detailed in the Terms of Reference adopted by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on 16 November 2022, and accepts the appointment of representatives, being: 3.1. Councillor Martin Williams representing Hawke’s Bay Regional Council as Chair of the Regional Transport Committee 3.2. Councillor Jerf van Beek representing Hawke’s Bay Regional Council as Deputy Chair of the Regional Transport Committee 3.3. Councillor Kate Taylor and Mayor Alex Walker as alternate, representing Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. 3.4. Councillor Tania Kerr and Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst as alternate, representing Hastings District Council. 3.5. Councillor Keith Price and Mayor Kirsten Wise as alternate, representing Napier City Council. 3.6. Mayor Craig Little and Councillor Chaans Tumataroa-Clarke as alternate, representing Wairoa District Council. 3.7. Linda Stewart and Sarah Downs as alternate, representing Waka Kotahi. 3.8. Angus Hodgson representing KiwiRail as a non-voting advisory member. 3.9. Matthew Broderick representing New Zealand Police as a non-voting advisory member. 3.10. Nicolas Ganivet representing Napier Port as a non-voting advisory member. 3.11. Paul Michaelsen representing Automobile Association (access and mobility, including private motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users) as a non-voting advisory member. 3.12. Ian Emerson representing Road Transport Association NZ (road transport industry) as a non-voting advisory member. 3.13. Api Robin representing the HBRC Māori Committee (cultural and environmental interests) as a non-voting advisory member. 3.14. Dr Bridget Wilson representing Te Whatu Ora (instead of Health sector) in Hawke’s Bay as a non-voting advisory member. 3.15. A representative of active transport in the Hawke’s Bay region to be confirmed. CARRIED |
Setting the priorities and principles for the Regional Speed Management Plan |
Bryce Cullen, Transport Strategy & Policy Analyst, introduced the item, which was taken as read. Discussions covered: · Suggestion that a principle for “whole of system approach” and another around active transport and “access to safe multi-modal/active transport” be added. · Road Controlling Authorities (Waka Kotahi and District & City councils)) will consult with their communities’ on their individual plans which will then be drawn together into a Regional Plan for consultation at the regional level. · Beaches need to be included in RCA speed plans. · School/kura ‘walking/cycling distance catchments’ to be taken into account in multi-modal transport to-from school. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and considers the Setting the principles and priorities for the Regional Speed Management Plan staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 3. Adopts the principles and priority areas as proposed; being: Principles 3.1 Safe communities and connections for all, applying a whole of system approach 3.2 Greater public and community understanding of safe system principles, and by all those involved in transport network planning and decision-making 3.3 Increased connectivity within and between communities – designed with and for the community 3.4 Network coherence across the region and beyond the region 3.5 Increased opportunity for, and access to safe multi-modal/active transport 3.6 A speed management approach that serves the needs of the community that the network is serving / supporting 3.7 Work with Iwi and community leaders as key partners in the development of speed management plans 3.8 Movement and place framework - speed limits will be appropriate for the function, the surrounding environment and design of the road, reflecting that people use them in different ways Primary priority areas 3.9 Schools/Kura and their immediate walking and cycling catchments 3.10 Marae Other priority areas 3.11 Community plan areas 3.12 Those streets and roads with currently misaligned speed limits across our urban and rural networks 3.13 Isolated rural communities and beaches in the region 3.14 Town centres 3.15 Locations with the presence of other key community facilities, such as hospitals, parks, rest homes, early childhood education centres, etc 3.16 Road works zones, as applicable and appropriate 3.17 Active transport corridors. CARRIED |
Johanna Birrell deputation - Te Whatu Ora HB safe cycling report |
Johanna Birrell from Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay, supported by Dr. Bridget Wilson, made a presentation that highlighted: · HB staff survey revealed lack of safe cycling routes key reason hospital workers don’t cycle to work · Hastings based research estimated the health cost-benefit ratio of 1:11 from improvements in cycling infrastructure. Measurable, positive returns on investment in safe cycling infrastructure. · Several recommendations of the report include establishing visionary policies for reallocating street space for pedestrians and cycling (including mandatory upgrades during street renewals based on traffic conditions and establishing off-road direct cycle highways. · Suggested that the report is used as a resource for TAG when developing the Regional Land Transport Plan, particularly safe cycling initiatives. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Johanna Birrell deputation - Te Whatu Ora HB safe cycling report and commends the report to the Technical Advisory Group for application in the development of the next Regional Land Transport Plan. CARRIED |
Regional Land Transport Plan investment and delivery update |
Katie Nimon introduced the item which highlights early, high level inputs to the 2024 Regional Land Transport Plan that staff are beginning to develop. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Land Transport Plan investment and delivery update and requests that a workshop is held to discuss development and delivery of the 2024 Regional Land Transport Plan. CARRIED |
Transport Emissions Reduction Plan update |
Katie Nimon and Bryce Cullen introduced the item, which was taken as read. · Transport TAG will be involved in development of ‘transport emissions reduction’ chapter, which will be workshopped with the RTC prior to being finalised for inclusion within the overall Regional Emissions Reduction Plan; a key focus for the Climate Action Joint Committee. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Transport Emission Reduction Plan update staff report. CARRIED |
Regional Transport Programme update February 2023 |
Katie Nimon introduced the item, requesting feedback from members on the programme tracker which is in the format proposed for future reporting to the RTC. Feedback included: · Particular matters to be prioritised according to legislative timeframes and when decisions need to be made. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Transport programme update February 2023 staff report and requests that staff prioritise items (on the Regional Transport Programme tracker) for future reports where decisions need to be made. CARRIED |
Regional Road Safety update |
Bryce Cullen introduced the item, noting that an integrated approach to road safety involves moving from the traditional ‘inform and educate’ model to a model where communities identify their own road safe landscape and local solutions. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay staff report and endorses the new approach. CARRIED |
10. |
Public Transport update |
Katie Nimon introduced the item which was taken as read. |
The Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Public Transport update staff report. CARRIED |
Active Transport update |
Katie Nimon presented the item with assistance from Bryce Cullen and Robin Malley, noting: · NCC is redesigning Carlyle Street, the Balmoral area and Murphy Road in Taradale with active transport users in mind · Technical Advisory Group includes community members with active transport expertise · HBRC has offered assistance to help establish the Regional Active Transport Committee (RATC) which, once formed, will have advisory representation at RTC and be involved with TAG. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Active Transport update staff report. CARRIED |
NZTA Regional Relationships Director's February 2023 report |
Linda Stewart presented the item, highlighting: · Ernst and Young is evaluating/reviewing the State Highway 5 80km/h speed limit introduction, which will be presented to RTC · The SH5 programme business case is expected by the end of July 2023 · Emergency works updates are provided to individual Councils but could be included in the report. Difficulties getting supplies and labour to carry out such work, particularly as the number of weather events increases. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Regional Relationships Director’s February 2023 report. CARRIED |
Verbal updates from advisory representatives |
Paul Michaelsen, AA is being more active in building relationships with key stakeholders including RTC members. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Verbal updates from advisory representatives CARRIED |
Martin Williams led a karakia to close the meeting.
There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 2.32pm on Friday, 10 February 2023.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Date: 5 May 2023 by RTC resolution Chair: Jerf van Beek