Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Council


Date:                                    26 October 2022

Time:                                    9am


Napier War Memorial Centre

48 Marine Parade

Bluff Hill



Present:                              Cr W Foley

Cr X Harding

Cr T Hokianga

Cr N Kirton

Cr C Lambert

Cr J Mackintosh

Cr H Ormsby

Cr D Roadley

Cr S Siers

Cr J van Beek

Cr M Williams


In Attendance:                 J Palmer – Chief Executive

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy and Regulation

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

S Young – Group Manager Corporate Services

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

L Hooper – Team Leader Governance

P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor

L Kele – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

K Ropiha – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

A Hiha – Mana Ahuriri Trust

P Sciascia – Heretaunga Tamatea

M Mohi – Ngati Tuwharetoa Hapu Forum

T Thornton – Ngati Pahauwera Development & Tiaki Trusts



1.         Welcome/Karakia/Apologies/Notices

Cr Sophie Siers apology for lateness was noted.

The meeting opened with a pōhiri including Karanga, Whaikōrero with speakers and waiata from Mana Whenua and on behalf of councillors, whanau, manuhiri and supporters.

Councillors crossed the floor to HBRC and a karakia formally closed the pōhiri.



The making and attesting of the declarations required by elected members


All elected members made their oral declarations and attested their written declarations.

Charles Lambert                  Māui ki te Raki Constituency

Di Roadley                             Wairoa Constituency

Neil Kirton                             Ahuriri/Napier Constituency

Hinewai Ormsby                 Ahuriri/Napier Constituency

Martin Williams                   Ahuriri/Napier Constituency

Xan Harding                          Heretaunga/Hastings Constituency

Jock Mackintosh                 Heretaunga/Hastings Constituency

Jerf van Beek                       Ngaruroro Constituency

Will Foley                              Tamatea/Central Hawke’s Bay Constituency

Thompson Hokianga         Māui ki te Tonga Constituency


The meeting adjourned at 11am and reconvened at 12pm

Cr Sophie Sears joined the meeting at 12pm


The making and attesting of the declarations required by elected members


Sophie Siers made and attested her declaration.

Sophie Siers                          Heretaunga/Hastings Constituency



The election of the Chairperson


James Palmer introduced the item with an overview of the process to be followed.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Resolves to adopt voting system B for the election of the Chairperson of Council as detailed in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25(3) of the Local Government Act 2002.

2.      Confirms that in the case of determination of Chairperson by lot if 2 candidates tie for the most votes the method used shall be for the Electoral Officer of Council (Leeanne Hooper) to draw one name from a suitable container with the Group Manager, Corporate Services acting as scrutineer during this process. The candidate whose name remains in the container will be declared elected Chairperson.



3.      Martin Williams nominates Hinewai Ormsby, which is seconded by Neil Kirton

4.      There being no further nominations, Councillor Hinewai Ormsby is declared Chairperson of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

5.      Councillor Hinewai Ormsby made her oral declaration and attested her written declaration.

The Chief Executive relinquished the Chair to Hinewai Ormsby at 12.15pm.


The election of the Deputy Chairperson



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Resolves to adopt voting system B for the election of the Deputy Chairperson of Council as detailed in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25(3) of the Local Government Act 2002.

2.      Confirms that in the case of determination of Deputy Chairperson by lot if 2 candidates tie for the most votes, the method used shall be for the Electoral Officer of Council (Leeanne Hooper) to draw one name from a suitable container with the Chief Executive acting as scrutineer during this process. The candidate whose name remains in the container will be declared elected Deputy Chairperson.

3.      Charles Lambert nominates Will Foley, which is seconded by Jerf van Beek.

4.      There being no further nominations, Councillor Will Foley is declared Deputy Chairperson of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

Lambert/van Beek




The fixing of the date and time of the First Ordinary meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council confirms that its first ordinary meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 November 2022 commencing at 1.30pm in the Council Chamber at 159 Dalton Street in Napier.

Harding/van Beek




Relevant legislation affecting councillors


James Palmer introduced the item and provided an overview of the Local Government Act, LGOIMA, Public Records Act, Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act (LAMIA), Crimes Act, Secret Commissions Act, Financial Markets Conduct Act and the Health and Safety at Work Act; advising that more detailed information is available online for those interested.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Relevant legislation affecting councillors staff report.



Pieri Munro led the group in offering a karakia to close the meeting.


There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 12.38pm on Wednesday, 26 October 2022.

Signed as a true and correct record.


DATE: ................................................                           CHAIR: ...............................................