Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 16 September 2022
Time: 10.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr M Williams – HBRC – Chair (virtually)
Mayor C Little – WDC (virtually)
Mayor A Walker – CHBDC
Cr K Price – NCC
Deputy Mayor T Kerr – HDC (virtually)
S Downs – NZTA
Cr K Taylor – CHBDC
In Attendance: A Robin – HBRC Māori Committee
K Nimon- HBRC Transport Manger
K Brunton- HBRC
P Michaelsen – AA (virtually)
P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor
J Pannu – HDC
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Api Robin opened with a karakia.
Apologies from Cr Lambert, Linda Stewart and HDC Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
Tania Kerr is a Trustee of the Regional Sports Park whose Chief Executive has completed a submission to the Committee.
3. Confirmation of minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 9 September 2022
It was noted that a matter relating to Council representation on the Regional Transport Committee was shown as being part of the Transport Managers Report when it was not. The minutes will be amended to show this as a general business item including the resolution. |
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 9 September 2022, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were confirmed as a true and correct record as amended. CARRIED |
Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) deliberations |
Katie Nimon introduced the item and discussions highlighted: · Draft RPTP now includes Whirinaki as an example of an outlying (non-urban) area eligible for community transport support to connect it to the main transport line. · Staff acknowledged for their efforts to incorporate the hearings feedback and produce a cohesive report/document. · CHB clearly supports the introduction of a bus service and would like this to be available earlier than the proposed mid-2024 introduction. · The vision for an integrated transport service is not quite set out in the plan. The regional spatial planning work being carried out soon will assist to clarify this vision, particularly for CHB. · The Plan includes a policy to review its effectiveness which might be expanded to look at how the plan is contributing to the vehicle kilometres travelled reduction targets specified in the Emissions Reduction Plan. · Route 2 (Onekawa, Napier) preferred option two will be incorporated into the Plan. · Public transport funding for the period through to 2024 was set in 2021. A new service (like the CHB trial) would require new funding to be approved, which in turn requires an LTP amendment with public consultation and Audit requirements. · Amendments made to show that RTC will investigate opportunities for intra and inter-regional rail passenger services. TAG will prepare a submission on this subject for the ‘Future of inter-regional passenger rail in New Zealand’ inquiry which is open for submissions until 6 October 2022 · Fare exemptions for mobility impaired and their support companions will be considered. There could be issues trying to implement this policy. · Next steps. Plan will need to be approved, then any new infrastructure required will be considered by TAG through a specific workstream. All Councils will be involved in this process.
RTC37/22 |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and considers the Deliberations on the Regional Public Transport Plan staff report in conjunction with the written submissions received and verbal submissions heard on 9 September 2022 2. Agrees that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue having considered these formal recommendations of the Regional Transport Committee (noting these recommendations were made having received and considered submissions received as the result of community consultation over the period 1 August through 31 August 2022) 3. Recommends that HBRC adopts the Regional Public Transport Plan, with the proposed amendments attached as discussed at the RTC deliberations meeting 16 September 2022. 4. Recommends to HBRC that it includes provision for the CHB bus service trial in its 2023 annual plan and that funding to support that trial is discussed with Waka Kotahi as a part of the annual plan process. CARRIED |
Api Robin closed the meeting with a karakia.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 11.39am on Friday 16 September 2022.
Signed as a true and correct record.
14 October
2022 Chairman:
Martin Williams
Executive: James Palmer