Minutes of a Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 9 September 2022
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr M Williams – HBRC – Chair
Cr C Lambert – HBRC – Deputy Chair
Mayor A Walker – CHBDC
Cr K Price – NCC
L Stewart – Waka Kotahi/NZTA
Deputy Mayor T Kerr – HDC
In Attendance: A Robin – HBRC Māori Committee
P Michaelsen – AA (virtually)
Cr J Van Beek – Cycling Governance Group (left at 2.32pm)
Cr K Taylor – CHBDC
I Emmerson – Road Transport Association
K Brunton - HBRC Group Manager Policy and Regulation
K Nimon - HBRC Transport Manager
P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor
TAG L Malde – Waka Kotahi
S Downs – Waka Kotahi
T Mills – NCC (virtually)
S McKinley – CHBDC (virtually)
M Hardie – WDC (virtually from 9.42am)
J Pannu – HDC (virtually)
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and led an opening karakia.
No apologies were received. Seventy seconds of silence acknowledged the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 10 June 2022
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 10 June 2022, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings |
The follow-ups were taken as read. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings. CARRIED |
Call for Minor items not on the Agenda |
Deputation from Walter Breustedt on transport decarbonisation |
Tania Kerr introduced Walter Breustedt, who delivered a presentation highlighting: · Government policies are largely focussed on increasing the electric vehicle fleet – these all have batteries which create four to seven tonnes of CO2 during manufacture · There is a place for traditional combustion engines – we need to manage these better including reducing the extent of engine idling time. In some other parts of the world stationary vehicle idling is an offence · A practical step to reduce emissions in HB would be to target the courier delivery fleet. Each courier van stops/idles 150 to 300 times per day for up to five minutes a time. Eliminating such idling for each van would reduce emissions by 2.6 to 3.1 tons of CO2 p.a. and reduce fuel costs for the operator by $1,900 to $2,400 p.a. · Suggest that HB introduce a twelve month trial involving courier delivery businesses |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Deputation from Walter Breustedt on transport decarbonisation verbal report and presentation. CARRIED |
Submissions received on the Draft Regional Public Transport Plan |
The Chairman introduced the item and set out the process to be used throughout the day. The Committee will be deliberating on 16 September 2022, following which recommendations on the proposal will be considered by HBRC on 28 September 2022. |
· Anders Christopherson (Submitter 3) Regular bus user generally in favour of proposal, particularly keen on buses later than six pm and even later in the 2030 phase. Concerned about sufficient drivers to expand the service - does not want to see cancellations like recently. Would consider rates increase to speed up the rollout. Does not have a preference for increased Friday and/or Saturday services. · Te Ara Bergstrom (Submitter 29) Lived in Europe for many years where train services are common and well patronised. Too much reliance on cars in NZ, would like to see passenger train options, in particular CHB – a frequent light rail service. · Glenys Libby (Submitter 42) Clive resident – inadequate bus services to/from Clive. Wants regular (20min) service particularly for children and the elderly. Clive/Haumoana/ Te Awanga ratepayers contribute to public transport network but only get two buses a day. This only suits commuters to Napier and Hastings. Many similar submissions from Clive residents seek at least an hourly service. · Simon Nixon (Submitter 221) Supports the proposal but costs are too high. Need to get more passengers on the buses. Believes 20 minute services would be ideal; some are 10 minutes in the proposal. Some routes are too long – need more core bus services to hubs. · Alan Spinks (Submitter 214) Cars and buses are too slow and congest the same roads. Electric trains are the solution. People won’t walk much more than 4 minutes to catch a bus and are reluctant to wait any length of time – services proposed are not frequent enough. Suggest a loop service around city centres with suburban lines from there. Need a train service between Napier and Hastings including to the airport. · Paula Fern (Submitter 141) Lives in CHB – the proposed bus service in CHB is not adequate, need to get vehicles of all types off the road. CHB and the wider province need an electric railcar service. A feasibility study for rail completed some time ago indicated costs then of $10/$12m. Introduction of a CHB bus service is a practical/timely next step with rail being a long term solution. · Duncan Darroch (Submitter 225) Clive resident -representing Bike HB. Endorses the proposed shift of focus from service coverage to patronage. HB bike trails need to be supported as part of the overall transport network – multi modal journeys are the answer. Build infrastructure/hubs at bus stops to enable cyclists, scooter riders etc to park and ride – not just cars. Clive could be one of the hubs with an hourly bus service and increased bike carrying capacity on the buses. Cape community needs a bus loop – cost is not the issue; accessibility and frequency of services are key factors. Bus stops need to include a shelter, better signage (electronic) and have cycle lock up facilities. · Russell Turnbull (Submitter 206) virtually Go Bus – national bus operator and current HBRC bus contractor. Cash needs to be removed as a fare option (about 10% of revenue) – it is elsewhere in NZ and immediately reduces assaults and robberies. Service reliability is affected by the distance of bus routes – there are some longer routes being proposed. During peak traffic loads it would ideal to have priority bus lanes and signal jumps at traffic lights to maintain service reliability. Real time electronic signage would benefit bus users by reducing anxiety. Expanding service times could be a safety issue for drivers. New routes planned for Hastings should be held off until the MyWay trial has been completed. Westshore services are being diminished. CHB service should not be limited to just peak times. Reliability is a major concern – bus driver shortage continues to be an issue. Go Bus is actively recruiting; driver safety and pay are the major issues. · Mark Read (Submitter 203) (virtually) Horizons adopted their Public Transport Plan two weeks ago. Similar to HB –a large rural area that needs to serviced. Difficult for any Council to provide a region-wide service and into adjacent regions. Horizons’ plan includes supporting rail opportunities into the future. Looking to strengthen their relationship with HBRC particularly around future transport options across regional boundaries. · Grace Fulford (Submitter 199) Turners and Growers (T & G) representative. Would like to see specific services for Whakatu shift workers. Many current and potential employees have limited transport options – suggest a bus service similar to a school run/express service but matching shift patterns. Potentially business could alter their shifts to fit in with a transport service. Employers may be willing to contribute to a service to improve staff recruitment/ retention. · Carol-Ann Guard (Submitter 99) From the disability community. Having a bus service available to the disability community is the issue – none in CHB for instance. MyWay service has been a revelation to the community and needs to be expanded. Travel should be free for support people. Drivers should receive training on managing disabled customers and a symbol should be added to the Bee card to easily identify disabled passengers. Bus timetable changes and other communicationss should be ‘on the bus’ as well as usual media channels. Bus stops should be improved and relocated to public amenities such as pools, libraries, medical centres. A disability reference group should be established to enable stronger connection between the sector and the Committee/ TAG. · Michelle Lucas (Submitter 222) CCS Disability Action. Public transport is one of the major issues facing the disabled community. My Way – on demand bus service has been excellent; a game changer for the community. Transport costs are excessive – fare exemptions for support workers/carers should be happening. Research why ‘journeys are not taken’? Need clear access routes to bus stops. All aspects of the proposed plan are important – the cost, time saving/frequency and the location of bus stops. · Blanche Paewai – Ashcroft (Submitter 219) Sport HB – disability service provider. Disability sector is particularly vulnerable to weather- often will not travel from home to a bus stop in poor weather. MyWay service is excellent as it is door to door – concession cards needed for support people. CHB bus service is needed – bus timetables and change information needs to be more widely available including on buses. Rail is an ideal solution for the disabled – easier to access than buses. · James Howard/Chris Candy (Submitter 226) Tranzit Group- bus operators. General support, particularly route 12 - introduce route 11 (Whakatu) earlier than planned. Driver safety is an issue with the introduction of late night services. CHB service is needed and would be well used. Timetabling drivers for new routes/shifts needs to be looked at as drivers don’t want split shifts. Additional services/hours will aid driver recruitment. · Kate Taylor / Josh Llyod CHBDC . Plan should be inspirational and should include rail. A 3-day community survey about the plan yielded 383 responses – transport is important and rail is recognised as the ‘green’ option. The planned bus service should be brought forward and extended to beyond commuters - include weekends, holidays. New services should not be funded by a rate increase -service and frequency are important but cost is a major factor. CHBDC could look at providing a park and ride facility in the future. · Robin and Margaret Gwynn (Submitter 211) Climate change is upon us – the plan does not include how to reduce emissions; no mention of electric buses or trains. Moving people onto public transport may contribute to reducing emissions. Climate change is the issue. The plan doesn’t connect to any other cities / regions nearby and is not visionary. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and considers the written submissions and social media feedback on the Draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2022-2032. 2. Receives and considers the verbal submissions on the Draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2022-2032 as presented by members of the community 3. Receives and accepts fifteen late submissions received on the future of rail in Hawke’s Bay. CARRIED |
Active Transport |
Katie Nimon introduced the item with discussion highlighting: · Following the June 2022 RTC meeting, TAG met and acknowledged that TAG itself should be considering all transport modes in more depth, as well as climate change, emissions reduction, planning, engineering, road safety, etc. · Active transport community representatives might attend appropriate TAG meetings /workstreams as a reference group as invited. · Active transport interests may be represented at RTC level by way of an advisory member (non-voting) if the Committee’s terms of reference were amended to include such representation. RTC voting membership is set by the Land Transport Management Act 2003. · A regional cycling governance group (RCGG) has existed for a number of years and they attend HDC active transport committee meetings. RCGG was initially established to assist local Councils when the cycling trails were established and is not viewed as being representative of all active transport modes although it has advocated for strengthening the active transport voice across HB. RCGG had expected to have full voting representation at RTC. The proposal now is that a community-led active transport group would ineract at TAG level and perhaps also appoint an advisory member to RTC. · RCGG has developed a regional cycle plan, which in draft and does not have a whole of network approach. · The most recent Regional Transport Plan (RLTP) has clearly recognised active transport as a key factor in reducing vehicle kilometres travelled/achieving emissions reductions. RTC now has an integrated network approach rather than a road network emphasis. · Any community based Regional Active Transport Committee (RATC) or similar, would need to be a stand-alone entity as other RTC advisory members are, rather than being an entity that is administered by HBRC or another Council. · Proposed structure/representation for active transport groups is similar to other regions across the Central NI where it works well · A reference group for the disability sector should be considered by TAG. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives and notes the Active Transport staff report 2. Acknowledges the intended formation of a Hawke’s Bay Regional Active Transport Committee (RATC) comprising a community appointed and facilitated committee representing active transport interests at regional level, including cycling and walking, as the key community stakeholder for all future transport infrastructure planning and investment decisions with active transport implications 3. Recommends that the terms of reference of the Committee be amended (as soon as possible in the next triennium) to: 3.1 Record active transport as an express function of the Committee, with active transport to be a standing agenda item at each Regional Transport Committee meeting 3.2 Include an advisory member dedicated to Active Transport on the Regional Transport Committee (with the intent that this would be the Chair of the Regional Active Transport Committee when established) 3.3 Require that the Technical Advisory Group to invite the Active Transport advisory member to attend all workstream discussions involving active transport, and consult the Regional Active Transport Committee (when established) regarding the active transport implications of all transport infrastructure planning and investment decisions in the region. CARRIED |
Transport Manager’s September 2022 report |
Katie Nimon introduced the item, highlighting: · Updates provided by the relevant TAG members. CHBDC reports a large number of slips following many significant rain events over the past few months. · MyWay trial was launched without the Government half price bus fare scheme as it was considered this might impact its results. The community card pricing concession is being connected to Bee Cards; available from 1 February 2023. · NZTA is trialling (Northland and Gisborne) a Driver Licencing scheme to allow rurally isolated regions to get licence testing in place; likely to expand into other areas such as HB early in 2023. An update will be provided to the March 2023 RTC meeting. · Napier trial of MyWay is being developed, hopefully starting in July 2023. · A freight distribution business case is being developed for consideration during the next RLTP cycle. Inadequate TAG resources has impeded progressing this project and staffing levels are being increased. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Transport Manager’s September 2022 report. CARRIED |
NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's September 2022 report |
Linda Stewart introduced the item highlighting: · $16.95m budgeted over the next 4 years to improve access to driver testing in remote areas · Waka Kotahi is co-investing with four private companies to improve Coastal shipping services. There are potentially significant decarbonisation and road congestion benefits · HB RLTP budget tracking information/graphs were presented. Funding for the RLTP period (2021-24) needs to be used during that period. · Significant activities in the region include 13 bridges in Hastings being strengthened. SH51 safety improvement design phase is well underway · Maintenance programme for 2022/23 covers 141 sites with a total roading distance of 123kms · SH5 timelines have been pushed back to allow a steering group, reference group, the governance structure, and an independent Chair to be established. The business case for SH5 looks at strategic matters, and also needs to include maintenance and operational matters as well as feedback received on the recently reduced speed limit. · In future, highway speed limit reviews will involve more consultation with local councils and communities. This may enable roads with a shorter distance to be reviewed quickly, particularly where the community supports reducing speed limits. · NZTA has an asset management plan to identify potential issues in advance rather than being reactive to problems as they occur. Road bridges are fully assessed every six years and routinely inspected every two years. Associated budgets are a competitive process. Issues identified with SH2 Esk Valley bridge will likely be strengthened not replaced. · Waka Kotahi has established the scope of the Strategic case for freight and logging project and is now considering how to prioritise the roads involved. A draft plan is expected by the end of the year with an update to the Committee early in 2023. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s September 2022 Report. CARRIED |
Waka Kotahi update - Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) |
Lisa Malde introduced this item providing a presentation that highlighted: · ERP internationally have three mantras – Avoid emissions, Shift travel modes and Improve vehicle efficiency – collectively known as ASI · Two thirds of NZ emissions are produced by the light vehicle fleet · Government emission reduction target is 41% by 2035. Three focus areas have been identified to reduce reliance on cars by supporting active and public transport, rapid adoption of low emissions vehicles, decarbonising heavy transport and freight. · Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) reduction targets for regions and cities will be set by the end of 2022. Councils will need to incorporate ERP targets, policies etc in their 2024 LTPs. · Indicative VKT reduction target for Napier/Hastings combined urban area is 16%; major city targets are in 20% - 35% range · Transport Choices funding package of $1.5b is in place to assist the country to meet ERP targets. There is specific funding for recruiting and retaining bus drivers, decarbonising the public transport fleet, vehicle scrapping and replace scheme and to help build active transport networks. · HBDHB undertook a transport mode shift campaign with its staff and achieved an 18% reduction in private car use in a two year period. · It is not yet clear who will be leading regional ERPs. |
That the HB Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the Waka Kotahi update – Emissions Reduction Plan staff report. CARRIED |
Verbal updates by advisory representatives |
The Chairman led discussions which highlighted: · KiwiRail has been encouraged to be an active member of the RTC but has not been - TAG will approach KiwiRail about participation. · AA acknowledged the assistance of Waka Kotahi in addressing road user issues brought to their attention by AA members. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Verbal updates by advisory representatives”. CARRIED |
General business |
Added by RTC resolution 16 Sept 22 |
During the course of the meeting, Council representation on the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) was discussed and for flexibility, it was suggested that HBRC (when reviewing the Committee terms of reference at the triennium) considers including all Mayors and HBRC Chair as ex-officio members of RTC. This would see two Councillors being appointed as the representative and the alternate for CHBDC, HDC, NCC and WDC rather than requiring one of the representatives to be the Mayor of each of these Councils. |
That the Regional Transport Committee supports an amendment being made to its Terms of Reference, during the triennium Committee structure review process, to allow the Hawke’s Bay Mayors and HBRC Chair to be ex officio members of the RTC. CARRIED |
Bayview-Whirinaki Cycleway Project closure |
That the Regional Transport Committee excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 14 Bayview-Whirinaki Cycleway Project Closure with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded. The reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are:
The meeting went into public excluded session at 3.55pm and out of public excluded session at 4.02pm
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 4.02pm Friday, 9 September 2022.
Signed as a true and correct record.
Date: RTC resolution 16 September 2022 Chairman: Martin Williams