Minutes of a meeting of the Regional Council
Date: 27 April 2022
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr R Barker (Chair)
Cr W Foley
Cr C Foss
Cr N Kirton
Cr C Lambert
M McIlroy (Māori Committee Co-Chair)
Cr H Ormsby
A Tapine (RPC Co-chair)
Cr J Taylor
Cr J van Beek
Cr M Williams
In Attendance: J Palmer – Chief Executive
P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships
K Brunton – Group Manager Policy and Regulation
C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management
L Hooper – Team Leader Governance
A Siddles – Chief Information Officer
C Comber – Chief Financial Officer (via Zoom)
T Skerman – Regional Water Security Programme Director
D Broadley – Communications & Engagement Manager
S Bell – Team Leader Strategy & Performance
The Chair welcomed everyone and Councillor Jacqueline Taylor led the group in offering a karakia to open the meeting.
RC29/22 That the apology for absence from Mike Paku is accepted.
van Beek/Ormsby
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on 30 March 2022
Minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-ups from previous Regional Council meetings |
The item was taken as read. |
Significant organisational activities looking forward through May 2022 |
James Palmer introduced the item, noting that although Council activities have been significantly impacted by the recent flooding events in Central Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa work programmes remain generally on track. Discussions and queries covered: · A request was made for an update on pollution monitoring results in relation to urban waterways. · It was advised that weekend meetings are generally preferred by the community, particularly in rural areas, so they don’t interfere with work commitments. · In response to the Wairoa floods, Chris Dolley advised that the Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) team has been working to follow-up with affected landowners and have partnered with GNS and Wairoa District Council to do a flyover to gather intelligence on impacts on the landscape. In relation to schemes, a helicopter flyover has been done to carry out condition assessment and the Asset Management team is now following up on questions and queries from people within the schemes and on communications lists. It was suggested an update on the ICM team activities be provided to the 11 May EICC meeting in Wairoa. · Significant gravel movement from the recent flooding means that river berms will need to be re-surveyed and that work will take several months to carry out. · In relation to the Tukituki chillean needle grass exemption, a map will be provided to show the size of the area and what has changed. · A recent hui up at Ruakituri showed the extensive impacts of flooding and land slips in the area. With the bridge washed out it is now a 2 hour trip to town, and Apiata Tapine advised that he’d been told it will be 6 weeks before the foot bridge is completed. There was a query in relation to when Genesis opened the Lake Waikaremoana floodgates. · A Facebook Live session is scheduled on 10 May, 6-7pm, to share the results of the coastal bird survey with the public. Results were presented to the Māori Committee in November last year, and a request was made for the results to be presented to councillors. · In response to a query in relation to giving visibility to Napier-Meeanee flood scheme works it was advised that key strategic IRG flood scheme activities are reported monthly through the key strategic (or change) projects section of the significant activities report however operational BAU activities will not be reported outside of what is reported in the quarterly organisational performance reports. Staff will give some thought to how reporting can be improved. · The result of the ‘great ride’ to Whirinaki being cancelled due to land acquisition issues is the withdrawal of central government funding, and staff are investigating where the associated HBRC funding might be redirected to, e.g. commuter pathways. · It was queried what the themes raised by landowners in Right Tree Right Place survey responses were and the number of pilot farms have committed as well as a reminder of what the timeline and next steps for the project are. · A request was made for an update on SkyTEM and another on deer management. |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Significant organisational activities looking forward through May 2022 staff report. CARRIED |
Call for minor items not on the agenda |
That Council accepts the following Minor Items Not on the Agenda for discussion as Item 13.
Regional Sector Shared Services Council Controlled Organisation - statement of proposal for consultation |
James Palmer introduced the item, which seeks adoption of the statement of proposal for consultation and agreement to the consultation and submissions period and timeframes. Discussions covered: · Need to ensure a clear 14 day consultation period, not including the notification day · Include explanation around the uptake of additional services being the subject of future Council decisions · Appropriate commentary on the financial implications will be included in the decision paper that Council considers following consultation. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the Regional sector shared services Council Controlled Organisation - statement of proposal for consultation staff report. 2. Agrees that the decision to adopt the Statement of Proposal for consultation is in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 and that Council can make this decision without conferring with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 3. Adopts the Regional sector shared services Council Controlled Organisation statement of proposal as proposed. 4. Agrees the proposed submissions and decisions process timeframes proposed. CARRIED |
Appointment and Remuneration of Directors policy for adoption |
James Palmer introduced the item, which was taken as read. Discussions traversed: · directors to subsidiaries of HBRIC are appointed by HBRIC’s Governance, Appointment and Remuneration Committee in consultation with HBRC · the underlying principle of the policy is that only independent directors with relevant commercial expertise will be appointed to subsidiaries in future, not councillors unless by a specific resolution of Council granting an exemption. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the Appointment and remuneration of directors policy for adoption staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 3. Adopts the Appointment and remuneration of directors policy as amended. Foss abstained CARRIED |
Section 16 consultation to take charge of adapting to coastal hazards |
Chris Dolley introduced the item which relates to consultation proposed on the Regional Council taking charge of coastal hazards adaptation and the transfer of existing assets. Consultation on the Strategy itself and associated rating models and activities will be carried out as part of the next Long Term Plan process, in 2024. Discussions covered: · Two in-person community engagement sessions will be run by staff with representatives of the Joint Committee in attendance · It was reiterated that there is to be a two stage consultation process with this first round solely about the Regional Council taking the lead on coastal hazards adaptation and the transfer of existing assets · The H18 protection structure is proposed to be privately owned by the landowners and not included in the asset transfer · Any community infrastructure assets in the intervening period will require a separate decision of Council to be included in the MOT · There is nothing in current legislation to prevent privately owned coastal protection structures being built · Consultation materials need to be clear that the Strategy itself is not being consulted on at this stage. |
RC34/22 |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Section 16 Consultation to take charge of adapting to coastal hazards staff report. CARRIED |
Report from the 6 April 2022 Māori Committee meeting |
Michelle McIlroy introduced the item, and highlighted: · Change of leadership at Ngati Kahungunu with the election of Bayden Barber as Chairman. Haami Hilton re-elected as Wairoa Kaumatua. New Board includes Nigel Howell (Wairoa), Hori Reti (Te Whanganui-a-Orotū), Thompson Hokianga (Heretaunga), JB Smith (Tamatea) and Hayden Hapi (Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua) · Katarina Kawana was unable to represent the Māori Committee on the Biosecurity Working Party so the Committee supported Peter Eden to replace her. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Report from the 6 April 2022 Māori Committee meeting. CARRIED |
Councillors' reports from meetings of outside bodies |
There were no meetings to report. |
Discussion of minor items not on the agenda |
Summary report from the 8 April 2022 Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee |
The item was taken as read. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Summary report from the 8 April 2022 Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee meeting. CARRIED |
Confirmation of Public Excluded minutes of meeting held on 30 March 2022 |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting being Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes Agenda Item 14 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:
Councillor Foss left the meeting at 3.01pm
14. Confirmation of public excluded minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on 30 March 2022
RC38/22 |
Public Excluded Minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. Ormsby/Kirton CARRIED |
RC39/22 That the meeting moves out of Public Excluded session.
Van Beek/Ormsby
The meeting went into public excluded session at 3.01pm and out of public excluded session at 3.02pm
Pieri Munro led the group in offering a closing karakia.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 3.03pm on Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIR: ...............................................