Minutes of a Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                                  Friday 3 December 2021

Time:                                  10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                             Cr M Williams – HBRC – Chair

Mayor C Little – WDC (zoom)

Cr K Price – NCC

L Stewart – NZTA (zoom)

Cr T Kerr – HDC (zoom)

Cr K Taylor – CHBDC

Cr G Taylor – NCC (zoom)


Advisory members         A Robin – HBRC Māori Committee

in attendance:                 C Daly – AA

M Broderick – NZ Police

N Ganivet – Port of Napier Ltd (zoom)

S Walker – Road Transport Association


In atendance:                  K Brunton – HBRC Group Manager Policy & Regulation

K Nimon – HBRC Transport Manager

P Martin – HBRC

R Malley – NCC (zoom)

S McKinley – CHBDC (zoom)

M Hardie – WDC (zoom)

M Clews – HDC (zoom)

J Pannu – HDC (zoom)

S Downs – NZTA (zoom)

R Ashcroft – HBRC Communications Advisor

V Butterworth – HBRC Cycle Network Coordinator

M Groves – HBRC Manager Regional Assets


1.        Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Api Robin opened with a karakia.




That apologies for absence from Ian Emmerson, Cr Charles Lambert, Mayor Alex Walker and Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst be accepted.




2.        Conflict of interest declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.        Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Meeting held on 17 September 2021



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 17 September 2021, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The Chair introduced the item and matters discussed covered:

·    Waka Kotahi responded to a letter from the Committee regarding the sealing of SH38 and will consider a discussion paper at their December 2021 meeting

·    Letter to the Minister of Education seeking ongoing involvement in rural school bus route policy matters is currently being finalised

·    On-demand public transport trial discussion with the Regional Sports Park may be extended to include Pettigrew Green Arena.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “follow-ups from previous Regional Transport Committee meetings.





Call For Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “minor items not on the agenda” for discussion as item 12:


Raised by

Bus routes - driver safety concerns

Api Robin

Waipatu Marae bus stop

Api Robin






Transport Manager’s December 2021 Report


Katie Nimon introduced the item which was taken as read. Discussions covered:

·    One of the two proposals expected for the on demand public transport trial has been received

·    A service delivery review of HB Roadsafe functions (under Section 17a of the Local Government Act 2002) is nearing completion

·    An evaluation of the Timaru on demand public transport pilot has been completed and will be circulated to Committee members

·    A request was made for regular progress updates on RLTP delivery.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and considers the “ Transport Manager’s December 2021 Report”.





Bay View-Whirinaki Cycleway


Martina Groves and Vicki Butterworth presented the item. Discussions covered:

·    There have been delays in NCC negotiations with a small number of landowners due to the complexities involved and limited staff resources

·    If access to the required land is not possible, the cycleway could be downgraded from a “Great Ride” and no longer qualify for government funding support.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Bay View-Whirinaki cycleway” staff report.





Roadsafe Update and 2021 Expo Feedback


Katie Nimon introduced the item, which was taken as read. Discussions covered:

·    In conjunction with the Police, a driver fatigue campaign is being planned for late January as people travel home from the holidays

·    Annual Roadsafe expo will be held in May 2022. Improved digital feedback channels will be put in place to help improve feedback responses from schools.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and considers the “Roadsafe update and 2020 expo feedback” staff report.





December 2021 Public Transport Update


Katie Nimon introduced this item. Discussions covered:

·    An interactive “on buses” survey is being undertaken shortly. Possible / future users of the on-demand service will be identified and surveyed as well. Timaru’s “MyWay” branding will be utilised for the trial

·    Total mobility scheme will shortly be switching to the digital “Ridewise” solution, which is in common use across the country.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “December 2021 public transport update” report.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's December 2021 Report


Linda Stewart introduced this item and delivered a presentation. Discussions covered:

·  Waka Kotahi is looking long term – current three year planning cycle is too short

·  Waka Kotahi is heavily involved in the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) with 30 streams of new work in place. ERP aims for less vehicles / km travelled, more active transport, decarbonising heavy and public transport

·  Regional transport committees will need to provide detailed plans in future to align with ERP which has an ‘avoid-shift-improve’ theme

·  HB Regional Land Transport Plan – significant progress has been made already, including feasibility work for SH5 (Napier-Taupo) now being underway. Improvements to the Napier-Wairoa road will be discussed next year

·  Speed limit decision for SH5 will be made in mid-December and implemented in February 2022

·  Forestry industry use of the roading network is challenging.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “NZTA central region – Regional Relationships Director’s December 2021 report”.





Verbal updates by advisory representatives


Updates covered:

·    Police – SH5 road safety campaign has been a success with less traffic notices being issued, less accidents and road deaths falling from eight last year to nil in the year to date

·    Napier Port – Whakatu Inland Port project is on hold however continues to be discussed with the local community. Port infrastructure is being improved to cope with rising forestry log traffic

·    Road Transport Assn – forestry roading is deteriorating. If SH5 speed limit is lowered to 80km/h, trucking traffic is likely to be noisier, less fuel efficient and more polluting.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “verbal updates by advisory representatives”





Discussion of minor matters not on the agenda




Raised by

Bus routes & driver safety concerns. Api Robin read and tabled a letter (following) regarding bus routes and driver safety.

Api Robin

Waipatu Marae bus stop. The Committee was informed about the removal of bus stop outside Waipatu Marae.

Api Robin





Api Robin closed the meeting with a karakia.



There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 12.19pm on 3 December 2021.


Signed as a true and correct record.



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