MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee
Date: Monday 28 June 2021
Time: 1.35pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: A Walker (CHBDC) - Chair
C Little (WDC)
S Hazlehurst (HDC)
N Simpson (NCC)
I Wilson – NEMA
In Attendance: J. Palmer – HBRC Chief Executive
I. Macdonald – Group Controller
D Coetzee - NEMA
M Davidson – CHBDC Chief Executive
K Tipuna – WDC Chief Executive
L Foulds - Emergency Management Advisor
B Bayliss – HDC Acting Chief Executive
J Sutherland - Acting Team Leader Community Resilience
E Lennan – Emergency Management Advisor
P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships
L Pearse – Team Leader Hazard Reduction
M Adye – Group Recovery Manager
P Martin - Senior Governance Advisor
1. Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices
The Chair welcomed everyone including guests from NEMA, Ian Wilson and David Coetzee, and led a karakia to open the meeting.
The Chair acknowledged Councillor Rex Graham’s recent resignation and past service to the Joint Committee as Chair.
The Chair noted that a quorum cannot be established for today’s meeting and so, in accordance with clause 14.5 of the Joint Committee’s Terms of Reference resolved:
CDE11/21 In the absence of a quorum, those members present establish a Sub-committee, in accordance with clause 14.5 of the Terms of Reference, to consider the matters on today’s Agenda and make relevant recommendations to the 30 August 2021 HB CDEM Group Joint Committee for decisions as required.
CDE12/21 That apologies for absence from Mayor Kirsten Wise and Councillor Rick Barker be accepted.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee held on 22 March 2021
Action Items from previous HB CDEM Group Joint Committee Meetings |
The item was taken as read. |
That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Action Items from Previous HB CDEM Group Joint Committee Meetings” report. CARRIED |
Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda |
Covid-19 Response Review |
Ian Macdonald introduced the item and discussions highlighted: · Review authored by Louise Bennett, previously Tairawhiti Civil Defence Emergency Manager · The Lessons of the HBCDEM Response to COVID-19 report was considered by CDEM Coordinating Executives Group at their meeting on 24 May 2021 · potential improvements will form part of a continuous improvement process being developed for CEG consideration at their next meeting on 26 July 2021 · HB CDEM developed its own welfare documents and systems and continued to utilise these after NEMA introduced its Awhina system – at that time HB CDEM viewed Awhina as being insecure being based in Singapore. · During the COVID 19 response, Iwi participated in the Regional Leadership Group with this being identified as an ongoing need. The process of formalising Iwi involvement at both CDEM governance and operational levels is now underway. |
That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Joint Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 2. Notes and endorses the “Lessons of the HBCDEM Response to COVID-19” staff report. CARRIED |
Community Resilience update |
Jae Sutherland introduced the item. Discussions highlighted: · Tsunami zone campaign, intended to empower people to act independently rather than waiting for instructions from authorities, letters will be distributed shortly · The campaign targets high tsunami risk communities including those that would be difficult for people to evacuate from · Communities likely to find themselves hosting others during a tsunami event are being provided with additional hosting information · Tsunami information boards have been or will be installed along the HB coastline including Mahia, Westshore / Bayview and Cape Coast areas. |
That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Community Resilience Update” staff report. CARRIED |
Group Manager’s General update |
Ian introduced the item and the following matters were highlighted: · CDEM staff retention and recruitment issues throughout NZ, including NEMA, particularly since the COVID 19 event. · “Know your tsunami zone” campaign will commence in early July 2021 with 30,000 landowners to receive a letter. Mayors will be approached to support a simultaneous media campaign. · A regional rapid building assessment system is being developed and will be considered by CEG at their 26 July meeting. · Government emergency management reforms are being introduced and NEMA looking for involvement from regional CDEM offices. This comes at a time when local government staff are already busy with various other legislative reform programmes. · Tiredness evident amongst HB staff following a series of CDEM events over the past year +. |
That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “Group Managers General Update” staff report. CARRIED |
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Update |
David Coetzee from NEMA introduced the item, highlighting: · Senior NEMA staff to make themselves more available to CDEM groups across NZ · Focus areas include developing and drafting a new Emergency Management Act, reviewing the national CDEM Plan and developing a National Disaster Resilience Strategy Roadmap. · Emergency Management Act will repeal and replace existing legislation, including a transition period. · CDEM Sector Strategy to be completed by the end of 2021 - seeking considerable input from partners to ensure there is Māori representation at both Joint Committee and CEG levels · CDEM groups and TLA staff key NEMA stakeholders and acknowledge the high level of demand in recent times · NEMA is considering options to better support regions, including possible co-locations. This might see NEMA supporting communities more rather than co-locating to assist CDEM groups. · NEMA reforms have a tight end of 2021 deadline and will require input from CDEM staff, and likely staff will be diverted from their community support work to achieve this. |
That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives and notes the “NEMA Update” staff report. CARRIED |
Chair noted that HBRC will soon be electing a new Chairperson who will need to undertake an induction process as Chair of the CDEM Group Joint Committee. Other Committee members may also benefit from attending the induction.
The Chair closed the meeting with a karakia.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 02.25pm on Monday, 28 June 2021.
Signed as a true and correct record.
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