MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 12 March 2021

Time:                          11.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr M Williams – Chair

Mayor A Walker – CHBDC

Mayor C Little – WDC

Deputy Mayor T Kerr – HDC

Cr K Taylor – CHBDC

Cr K Price - NCC

Mr O Postings – NZTA


Advisory members

(non-voting):             A Robin – HBRC Māori Committee

M Clayton – NZ Police

A Palairet – Napier Port

I Emmerson – Road Transport Association


In Attendance:          K Brunton – Group Manager Policy and Regulation

                                   J Lloyd – CHBDC

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



1.      Welcome/Karakia/Apologies/Notices

The Chair, Cr Martin Williams welcomes everyone to the meeting and opened with a karakia.

Mayor Alex Walker noted that she has to depart at 12pm, but that her alternate Cr Kate Taylor will be in attendance for the meeting.


RTC1/21     That the apologies for absence from Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst, Paul Michaelson and Mike Harding be accepted.




2.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

Api Robin declared an interest in item 6 Regional Land Transport Plan Submissions as an active Board Member and Deputy Chair of Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui ā Orotu as well as serving on the Māori Trustees Kohupatiki Marae.

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.      Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 11 December 2020



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 11 December 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings.





Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 11


Raised by


Api Robin





Transport Manager’s March 2021 Report


The report was taken as read.

·    A request was made for an update on the Driver Licensing programme including what success looks like and outcomes.

·    A workshop session prior to the meeting considered the delivery of the RoadSafe programme, currently agreed and monitored at the staff Technical Advisory Group level, including funding, the Road Safety action plan, KPIs and reporting. The workshop agreed that direction setting, oversight and accountability for the RoadSafe programme should sit with the RTC at the Governance level and proposed a motion to that effect.



That Regional Transport Committee

1.      Receives and considers the “HBRC Transport Manager’s March 2021 Report” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Adopts the Road Safe Programme as proposed, as the activities to be funded under the Regional Land Transport Plan.

4..    Assumes direct Governance oversight over and responsibility for the RoadSafe programme through:

4.1   Setting the expected outcomes, performance targets and resourcing required to achieve the RoadSafe Action and Annual plans

4.2.  Approving the RoadSafe Action and Annual plans based on the recommendations of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay to deliver the outcomes and targets

4.3.  Acknowledges and continues to support the work of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay.





March 2021 Public Transport Update


The report was taken as read.

·    It was noted that passenger numbers appear to be increasing as a result of the introduction of the new BEE-card

·    The RedCross Health Transport Service is now run by St John, and operating differently in Central Hawke’s Bay

·    A suggestion was made that some conversations between the Total Mobility Scheme and service providers need to be held about service delivery and costs.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “March 2021 Public Transport Update” report.





Regional Land Transport Plan Submissions


The Chair introduced the item and the hearing of submissions commenced.

11.15am Dick Hilton, EIT Director of Capital Planning (Submitter 6)

·    Fully supportive of a regional initiative to provide public transport systems to reduce traffic congestion and provide a framework for sustained growth and economic development for Hawke’s Bay

·    Have made numerous representations over the years to the councils to promote strategies to significantly reduce the daily use of private motor vehicles coming onto and leaving the EIT campus

·    EIT would consider contributing to any of the initiatives, particularly potential provision of a free bus service

·    A request was made for the number of students based in Central Hawke’s Bay – which Mr Hilton will provide.

11.32am Murray Deakin (Submitter 26)

·    Concerns raised about constant clouds of dust from SH38 stretch between Mangapapa and Tuai.  Multiple appeals raised to the RTC and the various councils to seal this section of the road.

·    Serious safety concerns about the loose gravel on Mangapapa bridge

·    Needs a two lane sealed road

·    Once the Tangarakau gorge is sealed, this will be the only unsealed State Highway in NZ.

11.44am Duncan Darroch (Submitter 44) – via zoom

·    Railway crossings pose an increasing safety concern for Hawke’s Bay

·    Future improvements to e-biking/e-scooters/bikes are a certainty – pathways to accommodate must be planned now and implemented within the next 5 years

·    A safe transport system for all and which contributes to carbon neutral HB

·    Limited choice for HB residents and high dependence on car usage

·    Lack of crucial safety improvements on cycleways

·    Travel behaviour change initiatives to promote and encourage change to active models

·    Priority:  SH2 Hawke’s Bay Expressway – safety improvements on SH51 between Waipatu and Whakatu to meet transport needs of residents, schools and primary production.

Mayor Alex Walker left at 11.55am

11.56am Guy Wellwood (Submitter 7)

·    Extend rail services in Hawke’s Bay, current rail is under utilised

·    Too many cars and trucks on roads causing congestion and pollution

·    Gisborne District has in some detail set out their draft plan for the restoration of the Wairoa-Gisborne line – would like to see same in the HB RLTP

12.07pm Nichola Henderson (Submitter 61)

·    Supports multi modal transport encouraging active transport, connectivity and links for walkers and cyclists through good urban design and tracks and trails planning

·    Recommends that capacity for walking and cycling is included at the conceptual stage of new and improved roading projects

·    Recommends there is sufficient funding for rural road maintenance, so safety does not impact active transport and recreation

·    Recommend that councils are encouraged to have access friendly policies on managing and retaining unformed legal roads.

12.52pm Allan Newton (Submitter 40)

·    Concerns raised about no significant improvements to the Wairoa SH2 in the RLTP

·    Road already classed as “high risk” – need to redesign and re-start this road

·    The budget of $450M is too little, expecting more to be done for road user charges being charged

·    Significant effects on the Wairoa community wellbeing

·    Unaffordable for residents to travel from Wairoa to Hastings Hospital

·    Propose that a 110km zone be introduced between Napier and Wairoa

·    Wairoa in need of decent roads to reduce the death toll by 40%

·    Improved and affordable traveling for Wairoa community.

1.00pm Sonya Newton (Submitter 62)

·    Concerns no roading development of SH2 between Napier and Wairoa projected in the plan

·    Lowering of gradient of hills and straightening out the road will lower carbon emissions and widening the road allow for more and safer passing opportunities

·    NZTA had identified this highway as “high risk”, but nothing in the plan to address/mitigate the risks

·    People’s lives are at risk as a direct result of the quality and standard of the road – urging to address this issue

·    Weather events cause road blockages and prevent emergency services from operating effectively and efficiently and having appointments cancelled for patients

1.12pm Sonya Smith (Submitter 53)

·    Travelling between Wairoa and Hastings for patients and labouring women of great concern

·    Wairoa airport is not fit for purpose the runway 300m short of CAA guidelines to accommodate bigger planes

·    WDC does not offer public transport

·    HB DHB and PHO HHB provides some transport options to Hastings

·    Area between Lake Tūtira and Tangoio is the most frequently closed due to constant flooding/slips or traffic accidents

·    No mention in RLTP on safety and risk issues on this road.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives the “Regional Land Transport Plan Submissions” staff report.

2.      Receives and considers the written and verbal submissions made by submitters on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's March 2021 Report


The report was taken as read, and Oliver Postings gave a brief update on regional projects and activities undertaken.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s March 2021 Report”.





Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives


NZ Police, Mark Clayton

·    Have concerns about increased incidents of driver distractions and fatigue

·    Similar complaints on road conditions and upkeep of several roads

·    2021 will be increasing checkpoints.

Napier Port, Andrew Palairet

·    Busy time of year with log volumes increasing – will more than likely hit record volumes this year on both rail and road

·    Wairoa rail is running smooth with currently two trains per weekend running – Hope to extend to all week service if possible/ sustainable.

·    Disappointment expressed that KiwiRail does not engage with this Committee

·    Napier Port is directly engaging and looking for opportunities to work with KiwiRail

·    Construction of Wharf 6 remains on track

·    Proposed Whakatu inland freight hub will not progress until further consultation with local iwi and Whakatu residents has been undertaken

·    Came to a satisfactory arrangement with Central Government in relation to the funding proposed for Whakatu inland freight hub

Road Transport Agency, Ian Emmerson

·    Biggest concern is around road surface and safety

·    Supporting Police work in drunk driving and testing.



Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda




Raised by

GoBus - The following document was tabled.


The Chair offered to raise this matter with the Transport Manager and the Group Manager Policy and Regulation.

Api Robin




The meeting adjourned at 1.22pm on Friday 12 March 2021.


The meeting reconvened at 1.30pm on Friday 9 April 2021


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr M Williams – Chair

Cr C Lambert – Deputy Chair

Mayor A Walker – CHBDC

Mayor C Little – WDC

Cr K Taylor – CHBDC

Cr T Kerr – HDC



Advisory members

(non-voting):             A Robin – HBRC Māori Committee



In Attendance:                   M Baker – Acting Transport Manager

                                   K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

M Hardie – WDC (via zoom)

J Pannu – HDC

J Lloyd – CHBDC (via zoom)

P Martin – Senior Governance Advisor

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



4.      Welcome/Apologies/Notices

RTC8/21     That the apologies for absence from Cr Keith Price, Mayors Kirsten Wise and Sandra Hazlehurst and Emma Speight and for lateness from Mayor Alex Walker be accepted.



5.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Regional Land Transport Plan Submissions


The Committee recommenced hearing verbal submissions on the proposed Regional Land Transport Plan.

1.45pm Sonya Smith obo HB DHB (Submitter 53)

·    Wairoa health related travel issues and statistics highlighted that Wairoa people travel an estimated 1 million kilometres each year to visit health specialists and attend hospital appointments in Napier and Hastings

·    There is a bus service between Wairoa and Hastings hospital but the timetable is very limited and there are no comfort stops

·    Wairoa has no all-weather airport, so often emergency cases are transported by road, 1.5 hours or more to Hastings

·    Transport is the primary concern that Wairoa patients have about their treatment

·    Reliable roads are a priority with particular concern about the frequent closures occurring around the Devil’s Elbow and Tūtira

1.55pm Alain and Sarah Douylliez (Submitter 27)

·    Raised public health issues, noise pollution, heavy transport traffic safety issues

·    Rural areas are carrying more heavy traffic as travel times can be quicker than via major roads, especially the expressway if it is congested.

·    Expressway travel times have increased since the introduction of median barriers

·    Trucks should not be using roads that they do not need to

1.59pm Graeme Carroll obo Global Reach Associates (Submitter 52) - via Zoom

·    Getting rail back into HB will help meet demand for container freight and logs from Gisborne

·    GDC looking to reinstate rail line from Gisborne to Wairoa

·    Looking for HBRC to emphasise rail in the RLTP to signal intent to the Government

·    Submitter supports GDC advocating for the restoration of the rail line in their RLTP and wants HBRC to also support GDC plan.

2.11pm Robin Gwynn & Jenny Elliott obo Margaret Gwynn (Submitters 56 & 31)

·    Critical of draft plan, it needs greater vision to urgently address climate change issues

·    Economic foundation of the plan is flawed, need to refer to Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta report for the UK Treasury

·    Poor public transport at present, how will the proposed on demand bus service differ from taxis?

·    Provide incentives for commuters to use other transport modes instead of personal cars

·    95% of local freight carried on roads, should be looking at rail and sea option

·    Need to design cities for less travel

2.33pm Simon Nixon (Submitter 63)

·    Transport systems are a major contributor to lifestyle

·    Cycling is very dangerous in HB, there are no cycle lanes on roads that have 70, 80 or 100km/h speed limits.

·    Cycle lanes through roundabouts are the worst safety issue for cyclists

·    Urban transport is not well utilised despite a good fleet as it is expensive to use

·    Providing bus services in rural / semi-rural areas (like a lot of HB) is not practical

·    Cycling lanes are targeting commuters. There should also be a recreational consideration to encourage people to use and become confident on bikes.

2.44pm Jerf van Beek (Submitter 39)

·    Cycling is the transport solution we are looking for – experience in Holland and other European countries provide evidence of this

·    Plan should focus on climate crisis

·    Private car use is rising because cycling is dangerous and there are no incentives to use alternative modes of transport.

·    Poor road design hinders cycling use – there needs to be physical separation between vehicles and cyclists as painted road lanes don’t provide protection

·    Cycling is environmentally friendly, improves health outcomes (including less traffic accidents / deaths) and is cost effective.

·    100km of cycleway costs the same as one kilometre of roading.

3.00pm Dean Hyde & Jade Peterson obo Younited - EIT Student Assn (Submitter 55)

·    Need better public transport for students travelling from CHB and Wairoa to Hastings & Napier, particularly to EIT

·    Students are increasingly under budget pressure, more and cheaper transport options are needed

3.10pm Mayor Craig Little obo Wairoa District Council (Submitter 60)

·    Roading network in and around Wairoa District has been neglected for decades

·    There are too few passing lanes on the Napier to Wairoa road

·    Mahia road network is in poor condition

·    WDC supports submission 57 from Eastern Transport Initiatives Group

3.20pm Wayne England obo HB Combined Taxis, (Submitter 33) - unable to attend, tabled the following statement


Mayor Alex Walker joined the meeting at 3.12pm

3.15pm Kelly Annand, Matt Broderick and Ave Tuliau Faka’osi obo Matariki Working Group (Submitter 25)

·    Drivers licencing options across HB are limited, need more rural licencing opportunities – to improve employment and health outcomes.

·    Need driver testing facilities in CHB and Wairoa

·    Road codes are not translated into sufficient languages. When translated they can be too literal for practical use.

·    Police are seeking a safe roading system which requires properly trained and legal drivers. Licensing equality should be a core consideration of the plan.

The meeting adjourned at 3.31pm and reconvened at 3.45pm.

3.45pm Mayor Alex Walker & Councillor Kate Taylor obo CHBDC (Submitter 54)

·    SH2 passing through Waipawa and Waipukurau is a major safety issue, particularly for pedestrians. Highway safety should be included in the plan

·    A combined cycleway and footpath between Waipukurau and Waipawa is needed. (A cycleway only is now under construction, funded by NZTA)

·    Public transport is non-existent in CHB; volunteer based transport services are available on a limited basis


3.55pm Paul Bailey (Submitter 35)

·    Climate change issues are not addressed in the plan

·    Public transport needs to be greatly improved before people will use it in sustainable numbers

Federated Farmers (Submitter 37) unable to attend, tabled the following statement

4.05pm Ani Tylee (Submitter 38)

·    Climate change is here; plan does not acknowledge or address this

·    20 minute city concept should be adopted – citizens have their needs catered for within a 20 min walk, public transport ride or bicycle ride.

·    Resurrect passenger rail link between Napier and Hastings

·    Reverse motor vehicle use to reduce emissions

·    Leadership from the HBRC is needed to achieve these goals

4.15pm Paula Fern (Submitter 48)

·    CHB Public Transport – no urgency for this need shown in the plan

·    Passenger rail across HB is required. Plan is too focused on roads, including the ambitions to move from petrol to EV cars.

·    Transition engineering is required - asking the right questions first

4.25pm Alan White obo Bike Hawke’s Bay (Submitter 50)

·    Wants cycling to be safe, comfortable and convenient for the public

·    The visions in the plan are too loose and weak, needs to prioritise active transport and be transformational

·    Whilst car parking remains abundant and affordable, the public is unlikely to change its car dominated transport behaviour. Parking is not mentioned in the plan.

·    E bikes and scooter options need to be taken seriously

Lance Simon (Submitter 11) – did not attend

David Sutherland (Submitter 4) – did not attend

4.35pm Jenny Elliot (Submitter 24)

·    Plan needs to address climate change and the need to change transport modes

·    Plan should address emissions issues as the first priority and emissions targets should be the primary measure of the plan

·    Government is targeting rail as an alternative transport option – plan needs to align with Government ambitions.

The meeting adjourned at 4.46pm and reconvened at 5.05pm

5.05pm Alistair Haliburton, Kate Nimon, Rex McIntyre and Sandy Walker obo Eastern Transport Initiatives Group (ETIG) (Submitter 57)

·    Recounted history of the Napier to Wairoa road

·    Past ETIG submissions have supported the road following the rail line as a solution

·    Significant weather events are no longer uncommon. It is inevitable that the road will be dramatically, perhaps permanently affected by a natural event if it remains as it is. Manawatu Gorge closure sited as a similar example.

·    Want HB RTC to start looking at alternates to the road channel, focussing on the Esk Valley to Tūtira section and to initiate a feasibility study for this purpose.

·    Livestock transporters are very wary of the road. Road improvements will reduce travel time, emissions and vehicle accidents, benefitting people and livestock.

·    A toll road could be a viable option to fund improvements

·    The East Coast community is isolated from the rest of the country by a poor road – holding back social and economic growth and detrimental to community health outcomes

·    Unlock the potential of northern HB by removing the roading choke point between the Esk Valley and Tūtira


The Chair led a closing karakia



There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 5.35pm on Friday, 9 April 2021.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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