MINUTES OF A meeting of the Māori Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 10 February 2021

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M McIlroy - Chair

                                      M Apatu (from 10.18am – 11.37am)

Cr R Barker

B Blake

P Eden

Cr R Graham

R Hiha

H Hilton

Cr C Lambert

Dr R Maaka

Cr H Ormsby

M Paku

A Robin

P Sciascia


In Attendance:          J Palmer –Chief Executive

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

K Brunton – Group Manager Policy & Regulation

T Munro – Māori Engagement Coordinator

M Taiaroa – Senior Advisor

D Evans – Manager Catchments Delivery

D Roughton – Catchment Advisor

L Tupuola – GIS Analyst

M Miller – Manager Consents

T Petrie – Program Manager Environmental Protection & Enhancement

D Cull – Strategy & Governance Manager

A Madarasz-Smith – Team Leader Marine & Coasts

A Roets – Governance Advisor



1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chair, Michelle McIlroy, welcomed everyone to the meeting and Haami Hilton opened with a karakia.

Cr Rick Barker advised he may need to be excused for a period during the meeting, and Rose Hiha and Peter Eden advised early departure at 1pm and 2pm respectively.




That the apologies for absence from Katarina Kawana, Zack Makoare and for lateness from Marei Apatu be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.

Michelle McIlroy declared an interest in item 11 as the Chair of Te Hononga o Nga Awa te Kahui Trust for Wairoa.



Alternate Members for 10 February 2021 Meeting


There were no alternate members.


4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on 18 November 2020


Correct spelling of Rongomaiwahine in item 7



Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 18 November 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record as amended.





Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


Wairoa Taiwhenua – Michelle McIllroy

·    Highlighted the continued water issues in Wairoa, advising Wairoa District Council has not been granted a 35 year wastewater discharge consent but instead a shorter term, and progress with the Wairoa Awa Restoration planting programme.

·    Requested Anna Madarasz-Smith, Team Leader Marine Coasts speaks later in the meeting about water quality and E.coli readings relating to kaimoana gathering and recreation. It was suggested that signs be put up at popular swimming sites notifying public to avoid swimming in the rivers after heavy rainfall and to visit the LAWA website for the latest information

Cr Rick Barker left the meeting at 10.09am

Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Mike Paku

·    Raised concerns about the constraints on Taiwhenua resources and workload to meet councils’ increasing regulatory and engagement requirements

Marei Apatu arrived at 10.18am

·    Investigate a wananga with expert staff, Taiwhenua and Council on water issues and requirements for tangata whenua to ensure correct information and advice is provided through engagement; wananga tying everything (land, water, coast) together for the Kotahi Plan Change is supported by HBRC CE, at the earliest opportunity.

·    There is a significant proposal in LTP around funding Taiwhenua engagement in the multi-year Kotahi Plan process including procurement of mataraunga; whether this funding is sufficient is unknown, and HBRC will continue to engage with Taiwhenua as LTP is being developed.

·    TANK and Tukituki resource consents involve active volunteer efforts from marae, te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Tamatea Settlement Trust and Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc natural resources group and opportunity to rationalise efforts for everyone.

Cr Rick Barker returned at 10.27am

·    Important that Taiwhenua reps on Māori Committee are properly informed and educated in relation to the framework of engagement through the Kotahi process

Te Whanganui a Orotu – Peter Eden

·    Gave an update on Marae restoration, Capacity building and the ability to build on CDEM response plans, a meeting with HDC on the housing crisis to identify pathways and options for papakainga housing

·    Te Pania is pataka kai and concerns about the contaminants deposited on the reef in dredge materials

·    Te Whanganui a Orotu area includes parts of Mohaka catchment so iwi needs to be involved in the Plan Change

·    Current permitted 20m3 will be reduced to 5m3 per day through the TANK Plan Change and opportunity to look at domestic water allocation for papakainga and whether provisions are based on a per household or per property basis

Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea – Dr Roger Maaka

·    January was full on to get all activities up and running, and have transitioned to a more formal way of working including delegating attendance at different hui. Suggests wananga start at wider picture then bore down to details of different issues in further hui, perhaps by Taiwhenua area.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua reports”.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


Need for a process to respond to questions raised in the Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā, whether that is through the follow-ups for the next meeting, able to be answered at the time, or answers communicated off line; so they aren’t left hanging.

Policy staff will follow-up with their District/City Council counterparts at the next HB Policy Planners meeting about the concerns raised in relation to “failure to identify” wahi tapu adequately, including potential to use Te Kupenga app.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





HBRC Chair and Chief Executive's Verbal Updates on Current Issues


Cr Rex Graham introduced the item beginning with successful hui held in Wairoa on tripartied commitments, highlighting:

·    Had unsuccessful community meeting in Mahia on “Predator Free Mahia” and unsure whether the programme will be successful, however will continue building relationships.

·    Meetings held with Tom Keefe, Ngati Pahauwera on the Wairoa hort program

·    Waitangi Day celebrations in Clive and at the Regional Sports Park were very successful with 5,000 – 10,000 participating

·    Met with Minister Mahuta on several topics including Three Waters, Māori Wards and the housing shortage and homelessness (70% of homeless are Māori) in Hawke’s Bay.  HB councils want to keep control of three waters in the Region and not in Palmerston North or elsewhere. Proposal of how Hawke’s Bay intends to keep control and management in our own rohe needs to be put forward to the Minister.

·    Huge challenges in Hawke’s Bay, particularly around predator control, evident on own property.

James Palmer presented the current organisational activities and challenges ahead, highlighting:

·    2020 was dominated by Covid-19 and the Drought response with Civil Defence still on alert for Covid community transmission

·    Regional economic recovery in a good position and employment is growing

·    $30m flood scheme upgrades well underway for Wairoa, Heretaunga and Tukituki with particular focus on local businesses and Māori employment

·    $4.2m in erosion and riparian fencing underway – so much interest from landowners that budgets already exceeded

·    $3.65m Whakatipu Mahia Predator Free programme funding is still pending

·    Regional Recovery Manager working with Te Kahui Ohanga o Takitimu on Matariki programme management

·    Government has formally announced the RMA will be scrapped and replaced with three new pieces of legislation

·    This year – ramping up work on Kotahi Plan; TANK Plan Change hearings scheduled for May/June 2021; awaiting Outstanding Water Bodies decision and report from the Independent Commissioners; Water Conservation Order still undergoing appeals through the Environmental Court

·    Reviews of possum control and Plant Pest management are under way in response to 2020 s17a review

·    22 prosecutions since September 2020 and frustration with speed of judicial processes, example being incident in December 2019 only just making it to court in March 2021

·    Climate crisis subject of continued focus of flood control schemes, coastal hazards and sea level rise, water use efficiency, security and storage, and Transport

·    Te Mana o Te Wai and Te Mana o Te Taio prioritise ecological and environmental health above everything else

·    Rabbit control is individual landowner responsibility under Regional Pest Management Plan and Council assists with information about tools

·    A request was made for data in relation to how Council is meeting KPIs for Māori employment

·    Te Whanganui a Orotu engagement in relation to Ahuriri Estuary and plans for the estuary as an important taonga for the marae.



That the Māori Committee receives the “HBRC Chair and Chief Executive’s Verbal Updates on Current Issues”.







Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 14:


Raised by


Api Robin

Chemical spill at Ahuriri Estuary

Peter Eden

Pakuratahi awa

Peter Eden

Economic Development

Peter Eden

Karewarewa Stream

Mike Paku

Porangahau River

Paora Sciascia

Winning Local Elections wananga series

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Ngati Parau Waiohiki activity

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Council foyer

Cr Rex Graham

Consent workshop in Tamatea

Dr Roger Maaka





Māori Representation on Hawke's Bay Regional Council


Pieri Munro introduced the item and thanked Leeanne Hooper for her contribution as author.  Discussions covered:

·    A Council workshop is scheduled on 17 February ahead of the 24 February Council meeting to decide the way forward in light of the Local Electoral (Māori wards and Māori constituencies) Amendment Bill

·    If Council decides to establish Māori constituencies, a Representation Review will be undertaken to determine what the constituencies will be and the number of councillors

·    Constituency and ward boundaries don’t align with marae or Taiwhenua boundaries

·    Decision to be made is whether or not to establish Māori constituencies in time for the 2022 elections and the details or mechanics will be worked out after that decision has been made, through the Representation Review

·    Tangata whenua want Māori seats despite the mechanics being undesirable and if the May decision of Council is not to create them for HB it will be seen as a deliberate foul, devaluing Māori given the statements Government is making

·    Taiwhenua representatives and Taiwhenua boards unwavering in unanimous support for Council to establish Māori constituencies for the next (2022) election



That the Māori Committee:

1.    Receives and considers the “Māori Representation on Hawke's Bay Regional Council” staff report.

2.   As mandated representatives of the Taiwhenua and Executive supports the Council taking immediate action to:

2.1.      revoke the previous (18 November 2020) resolution to hold a poll on the establishment Māori constituencies at the next (2022) election, and

2.2.      resolve to establish Māori constituencies for the next (2022) election.




Marei Apatu left the meeting at 11.40am.

Further discussion covered:

·    Cr Hinewai Ormsby stated her support for the option for Council to “resolve to initiate public engagement to gauge wider public sentiment ahead of reconsidering the establishment of Māori constituencies prior to 21 May 2021

·    The Chief Executive advised that the Māori Affairs Select Committee has called for submissions on the Bill with closing date tomorrow, 11 February 2021

·    The Chair, Michelle McIlroy will make a submission to the Māori Affairs Select Committee on behalf of the Māori Committee, in support of the Local Electoral (Māori wards and Māori constituencies) Amendment Bill.



Integrated Catchment Management - Catchment Delivery Section


Dean Evans, Dean Roughton and Lee Tupuola provided an update on the activities and achievements of the Catchment Management team with discussions covering:

·    Dean Evans gave a brief overview of their current activities undertaken, specifically around the delivery and outcomes of the Erosion Control Scheme and the Protection and Enhancement Project, including a heat map showing engagements with landowners on riparian planting and fencing projects

Api Robin left the meeting at 11.50am and returned at 12.02pm

·    Positive engagement with landowners has surpassed expectations and continues to gain momentum which exceeded the budget for the current financial year

·         Dean Roughton presented on his work in the Waipuka Catchment, showing the benefits of the riparian fencing and planting works undertaken with 7 landowners in the catchment which flows into the Ocean Beach lagoon. Work with landowners around the entire picture including preparation for planting by clearing willows & blackberry, sourcing native plants suitable for the area and conditions, plant protection and maintenance and pest management.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Integrated Catchment Management - Catchment Delivery Section” staff report.




The Committee adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 12.34pm.

The Committee welcomed Katrina Brunton, Group Manager Policy and Regulation to the Māori Committee.

The Chair invited Anna Madarasz-Smith to answer questions with regard to water quality for safe kaimoana gathering.  Discussions traversed:

·    Recreational water quality monitoring program is run for 20 weeks over the summer period, part of which looks at popular shellfish gathering sites and collects data on contamination levels

·    At any time it is unsafe to swim, in accordance with National Guidelines, it is also unsafe to collect kaimoana and the public is advised to avoid collecting shellfish after heavy rains

·    Work is underway on compulsory values for mahinga kai required by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and Te Mana o Te Wai and to be able to give more useful advice around collection of kaimoana species

·    MPI will alert the public when marine bio toxins are present

·    HBRC in collaboration with the District Health Board puts signs up if areas have ongoing issues

·    Key message is to not collect any shellfish after a heavy rainfall event and refer to the Land & Water Aotearoa (LAWA) website for the latest information

·    Mangawhio has never been suitable for shellfish gathering and should be signposted

·    State of the Environment monitoring collects data on enterococci, faecal and e.Coli levels and macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) during the winter period

Rose Hiha left the meeting at 12.53pm.



Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read, with discussions covering:

·    Te Pou Whakarae acknowledged the Māori Committee members representing on these Committees

·    Māori economy currently growing faster than the general economy

·    Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee on 3 February received a presentation and video clip from the Whangawehi Catchment Management Group, the Guardians of the Ruakituri River (Nuku Hadfield) asking for Council support with restoration Freshwater Improvement Fund co-funded projects. Local mana whenua was unaware of the initiatives and have not been approached or engaged

·    Where HBRC is a primary party in initiatives then the Council will work with mandated mana whenua

·    Te Pou Whakarae will ask Nathan Heath, Northern Hawke's Bay Area Manager, to follow up with the Ruakituri group on tangata whenua engagement as Te Tiriti partnership

·    Suggested that committee agendas are circulated to all members of the Māori Committee so advance notice can be given of potential issues



That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings”.





Significant Organisational Activities Looking Forward Through February 2021


The report was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Significant HBRC Activities Looking Forward through February 2021 staff report.





February 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update


The report was taken as read:

·      Big picture report of legislative changes coming, e.g. National Policy Statements and Standards and RMA reform, to be provided to the Environment and Integrated Catchments committees to also be presented to the Māori Committee.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “February 2021 Statutory Advocacy Update” staff report.





Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda




Raised by

Whitebaiting - “The Plight of the humble White Baiter on our local rivers 2020-21” was tabled and read out, requesting that a working party be formed to investigate a change to the requirement for removal of whitebait stands as well as support for renaming the Clive River.

Api Robin

Chemical spill in Ahuriri - More information and report requested on the chemical spill and potential impacts on Te Whanganui a Orotu Ahuriri estuary.

Peter Eden

Pakuratahi awa - Hineuru and Pahauwera Iwi developing orchards in the area of Tangoio marae and seeking remedy of flooding caused by the rivermouth being blocked and seek Council response

Peter Eden

Economic Development - Request for information about how Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s economic planning will affect Māori.

Peter Eden

Karewarewa Stream - Karewarewa stream currently dry which clearly indicates a problem and asking Council to look into what’s causing the ongoing issues and a Plan to fix them.

Mike Paku

Porangahau river - issue with the river running dry within a couple of days and seeking solutions in this ongoing problem

Paora Sciascia

Request for a wananga about water allocation and water consents for Tamatea Taiwhenua and marae leaders to build knowledge to enable informed discussions about complex water security issues.

Dr Roger Maaka

2022 Local Election Wananga series – Cr Ormsby and Cr Bayden Barber (Hastings District Council) holding first “Winning Local Elections” wananga on 26-27 March at Pukemokimoki Marae. Register through Facebook page. Not for profit and bipartisan. Focus on how to run a successful campaign and how to be a good candidate.

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Ngati Parau Waiohiki activities - received $375,000 for Waiohiki marae renovation through the PGF. Gemco (builders) will be off site mid March, and invitations will be sent out mid Feb for the opening of the marae. Kaitiaki rangers course offered which was successful through the PGF Jobs4Nature fund – employs and trains 12 hapu members around fencing our waterways and riparian planting. Started building a native nursery on the marae site. Had Tahiri Papakainga opening of 5 whare in December bringing total of 20 papakainga whare.

Cr Hinewai Orbmsy

Council foyer - always envied the Wairoa District Council foyer Māori carvings and asking for Māori Committee support to get carvings for the HBRC foyer as a signal to the community of the Council’s partnership with tangata whenua.

Cr Rex Graham





Long Term Plan 2021- 31 Development Update


That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 15 Long Term Plan 2021- 31 Development Update  with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being:





Long Term Plan 2021- 31 Development Update

s7(2)(i) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.




The meeting went into public excluded session at 1.32pm and out of public excluded session at 2.06pm


Haami Hilton led the group in offering a karakia to close the meeting.




There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 2.07pm on Wednesday, 10 February 2021.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................