MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Council
Date: Wednesday 30 September 2020
Time: 11.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
R Barker
W Foley
C Foss
N Kirton
C Lambert
M McIIroy (Māori Committee Co-Chair)
H Ormsby
M Paku (Māori Committee Co-Chair)
A Tapine (RPC Tāngata Whenua Representative)
J van Beek
M Williams (via Zoom)
In Attendance: I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management
T Skerman – Regional Water Security Programme Director
J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services (via Zoom)
E Lambert – Group Manager Regulation
C Edmonds – Acting Group Manager Strategic Planning
L Hooper – Governance Lead
D Keracher – Acting Manager Regional Projects
M Groves – Acting Regional Asset Manager
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, followed by the group offering a karakia led by Cr Hinewai Ormsby.
RC135/20 That the apology for lateness from Councillor Rick Barker be accepted.
Michelle McIlroy advised that she will leave at 1pm and Hinewai Ormsby at 2pm.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Extraordinary Regional Council Meeting held on 15 September 2020
Minutes of the Extraordinary Regional Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 15 September 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings |
The item was taken as read, with Iain Maxwell advising an email will be sent to councillors requesting specific focus areas for the 14 October State of our Environment workshop with councillors and tangata whenua representatives. |
That the Council receives and notes the “Follow-up Items from Previous Regional Council Meetings” staff report. CARRIED |
Significant Organisational Activities Through October 2020 |
The item was taken as read, with questions and discussions traversing: · Bowtie term explained as risk assessment having the issue in the middle with the controls on one side and outcomes on the other, forming a bowtie shape · CCTV being considered to deter antisocial behaviour including illegal dumping at Waitangi and Pakowhai Regional parks as a means of deterrence in addition to gates to limit access and the Warden. Proposals for key locations will be put forward through the Long Term Plan process. · Note value of staff 4 wheel drive vehicle training in preventing accidents, in light of two recent fatal farm accidents · Science reporting, including State of Environment and the coastal water quality monitoring buoy, and how that information is shared with Council through the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee · Questions raised in relation to iwi engagement on the Mohaka Plan change, and who is involved from headwaters · Matiti urupa and the costs of repatriating tipuna Rick Barker arrived at 11.18am · NCC stormwater discharge and HBRC Westshore tidal gates resource consent applications will be issued once draft consent conditions have been agreed |
That the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the Significant HBRC Activities through October 2020 staff report. CARRIED |
Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
That Council accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 16
Report and Recommendations from the Corporate and Strategic Committee |
Neil Kirton introduced the item as Chair of the Committee, which was taken as read, highlighting significant discussions on the regional water security programme. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the “Report from the Corporate and Strategic Committee”. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on these items without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in them. Report and Recommendations from the 12 August 2020 Finance Audit and Risk Sub-committee 3. Accepts the HBRC Procurement Policy and Manual as amended to strengthen HBRC’s ability to support the region’s economic recovery. 4. Approves both the Risk Management Policy and the Risk Management Framework as proposed, and as being appropriate and sufficiently robust to manage Council’s significant risks. Regional Water Security Programme – CHB Project 5. Acknowledges that staff will not progress, at this stage, a business case for pre-feasibility for above ground water storage sites, but will progress cost and benefit assessment of smaller scale storage and the Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Study. 6. Urgently progresses the Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot, including comprehensive engagement with iwi, landowners and the wider community on all aspects of the proposed pilot. 7. Further engages with the Central Hawke’s Bay community through the Regional Water Assessment project to develop broader non-storage policy solutions and interventions for achieving water security in that district. 8. Urgently progresses a focussed and targeted engagement strategy with Central Hawke’s Bay iwi, landowners and the wider community on the Regional Water Assessment project to develop broader non-storage policy solutions and interventions for achieving water security in Central Hawke’s Bay, including water use conservation and efficiency measures, farm systems and land use change, water allocation, recycling and recovery policies. 9. Requests that staff report back on the focussed and targeted engagement strategy at the next available Council meeting. Cycleway Co-funding 10. Supports and approves the loan funding of $418,500 for the Waimarama Road Safety Improvements, Ahuriri Underpass Improvements, and Bayview Whirinaki Trail capital priority projects to leverage Central Government funding approved by the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment. 2019-20 Annual Interim Results and Carry Forwards for 2020-21 11. Approves the carry forward of all expenditure requests from the 2019-20 to the 2020-21 budget; being: Operating Expenditure Carry Forward
Capital Expenditure Carry Forward
Reports Received 12. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Corporate and Strategic Committee 12.1. Eastern Screen Alliance Deputation: Building A Regional Screen Industry in Hawke's Bay (and presentation) 12.2. Regional Drought Relief Fund 12.3. Update on Covid-19: CDEM Financial Report and Resurgence Planning 12.4. Dr Nick Jones Covid-19 Resurgence Update 12.5. HBRC Covid-19 Response Review Update 12.6. HBRIC Ltd and Napier Port Quarterly Update (Public Excluded) 12.7. Organisational Performance Report for Period 1 April to 30 June 2020. CARRIED |
Report and Recommendations from the Māori Committee |
Mike Paku introduced the report, which was taken as read, highlighting that the Charter and Terms of Reference was re-focussed through several hui, to reflect the Treaty of Waitangi as its foundation. |
The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the “Report and Recommendations from the Māori Committee” and commentary provided by the Co-chairs. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to have an interest in the decision. Māori Committee Terms of Reference, Charter and Work Programme 3. The Māori Committee has revised their Terms of Reference and Charter and recommends that the Regional Council adopts these as proposed. 4. In line with the Charter and Terms of Reference, the Māori Committee is required to propose a work programme to Council for the triennium period. The Māori Committee recognises the need to develop a triennial work programme alongside and as an integrated feature of the 2021-31 Long Term Plan discussion and therefore recommends production of the triennial work programme be a collaborative and mana enhancing feature within the 2021-31 LTP process. Reports Received 5. Notes that the following reports were provided to the Māori Committee 5.1. Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates 5.2. Tangata Whenua Orientation and Remuneration 5.3. Farm Environmental Management Plans 5.4. Northern Hawke's Bay Area Update and Wairoa Catchment Delivery Case Study 5.5. Introduction to the Future Farming Trust 5.6. Verbal TANK Plan Change Submissions update 5.7. August 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update 5.8. Significant Organisational Activities through September 2020. CARRIED |
Proposed Schedule of 2021 Council and Committee Meetings |
The item was taken as read, with suggestions made to: · Keep July free of meetings if possible, and potential to shift EICC July meeting to make that possible · Consider whether one week of each school holiday period is kept free of meetings · Consider shifting April FARS to accommodate one free week of the April school holidays. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the “Proposed Schedule of 2021 Council and Committee Meetings” staff report. 2. Agrees that Council can exercise its discretion and make these decisions without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decisions 3. Requests that staff update the proposed schedule in accordance with feedback from today’s meeting and bring back a final version for adoption at the 28 October 2020 Regional Council meeting. CARRIED |
Flood Control Resilience Funding |
David Keracher and Martina Groves introduced the item, which was taken as read, with discussions covering: · This funding and these projects fit with the Long Term Plan process under way, with the budgets aligned to the levels of service review · Decisions made today will need to be factored in to the LTP budget discussions – bringing forward funding to years 2 and 3 · Some of the projects are scheme funded so do not impact on ‘other’ budgets whereas project 2 will require consultation with the scheme ratepayers · The item has not gone to a Committee prior to Council due to time constraints imposed by the deadline by which the Ministry requires contracts to be signed · Staff received a draft contract this morning and will distribute to councillors for their information · In relation to a proposal for upper Tukituki gravel extraction by a local contractor, it was advised that the proposal will be considered as part of the process for this project · Clear value and merit for the region’s waterways and climate change adaptation, to be accelerated with significant Central Government funding. |
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Receives and considers the “Flood Control Resilience Funding” staff report. 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision; acknowledging that the UTT Gravel Extraction (Project 2) will be subject to consultation through the 2021 Long Term Plan consultation process. 3. Authorises the Chief Executive Chief as signatory for an HBRC Funding Agreement Contract with the Infrastructure Reference Group managed by the Provincial Development Unit for funding four projects approved as part of the Crown’s Flood Control Resilience Funding. CARRIED |
Affixing of Common Seal |
1. The Common Seal of the Council has been affixed to the following documents and signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive or a Group Manager.
That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision. 2. Confirms the action to affix the Common Seal. CARRIED |
Report from the 11 September 2020 Regional Transport Committee Meeting |
Charles Lambert introduced the item, highlighting focussed work on development of the Regional Land Transport Plan leading up to its adoption by August 2021 as well as reports from Roadsafe HB, on public transport and the new ticketing system, and about driver licensing and the Draft Hawke's Bay Regional Cycle Plan 2020-25. Concerns were raised in relation to the bus transporting passengers from Wairoa to Hawke’s Bay Hospital. There was a query raised in relation to which committee meetings are live-streamed. |
1. That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and notes the “Report from the 11 September 2020 Regional Transport Committee Meeting”, including that the following reports were provided to the Regional Transport Committee 1.1. Regional Land Transport Plan 1.2. Draft Hawke’s Bay Regional Cycle Plan 2020-25 1.3. Transport Manager’s September 2020 Report 1.4. September 2020 Public Transport Update 1.5. RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay September 2020 Update 1.6. NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s September 2020 Report 1.7. Update from the NZTA Investment Assurance Team 1.8. Update on Napier Port and Port Related Activities Impacting Regional Transport 1.9. Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives. CARRIED |
Report from the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee |
Hinewai Ormsby introduced the item, which was taken as read, as Chair of the Committee, highlighting presentations made by members of the community about their environmental enhancement initiatives. Discussions covered: · Findings of the Biosecurity and Biodiversity section 17a report, particularly in the area of Possum control, and how improvements and changes of delivery will be progressed through the LTP and beyond · Reminder for councilors to submit their nominations for certificates of appreciation for environmental initiatives to Leeanne Hooper · Water security engagement plan and engagement with mana whenua in particular. |
1. That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council receives and considers the “Report from the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee”, noting that the following reports were provided to the Environment and Integrated Catchments Committee. 1.1. Call for Certificate of Appreciation Nominations 1.2. Regional Water Security - Community Engagement Options via the Regional Water Assessment 1.3. Works Group Annual Report 1.4. Enviroschools Update 1.5. Hawke's Bay Biosecurity & Biodiversity Section 17a Effectiveness and Efficiency Review 1.6. Te Karamu 1.7. Karamu Enhancement Group Deputation - Management Plan for Parks Reach 1.8. Haumoana Ecology Group Deputation - Working with HBRC to Enhance Cape Coast Wetlands Ecology 1.9. Forest & Bird Napier Branch Deputation - Little Bush Reserve. CARRIED |
Councillors' Reports from September 2020 Meetings of Outside Bodies |
Cr Jerf van Beek spoke about his work on the Regional Cycling Governance Group, including presentation of the draft Hawke's Bay Regional Cycle Plan 2020-25 to the Regional Transport Committee, as well as cycling safety and promoting cycling to work. |
Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda |
Cr Martin Williams, Michelle McIlroy and Apiata Tapine left the meeting at 12.29pm
The meeting adjourned at 1230pm and reconvened at 1.15pm
Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay Trust Presentation |
The Chairman introduced Debbie Monahan, Charles Daugherty and Sarah Reddish, representatives of the Biodiversity HB Trust, who made a presentation about the work of the Trust and the state of biodiversity and indigenous habitats in the region. · Ecosystems support the region’s wealth and health as the foundation of a sustainable economy · Many ways to harness community led environmental groups, of which there were more than 4000 in 2000 · The Trust adds value by harnessing community environmental action and channelling that toward areas of greatest return, especially via partnerships with councils, DoC and others using ‘network of networks’ to bring initiatives and resources together · The establishment of catchment groups through the TANK plan change provides opportunities for the Trust to bring those groups together with resources and information to enhance the biodiversity of their catchments. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.48pm on Wednesday, 30 September 2020.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................