MINUTES OF An extraordinary meeting of the Regional Council



Date:                          Tuesday 15 September 2020

Time:                          11.30am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     R Graham - Chairman

R Barker

W Foley (via Zoom)

C Foss

N Kirton

M McIIroy (Māori Committee Co-chair) (via Zoom)

H Ormsby

M Paku (Māori Committee Co-chair) (via Zoom)

A Tapine (RPC Representative) (via Zoom)

J van Beek

M Williams


In Attendance:          J Palmer – Chief Executive

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

J Ellerm – Group Manager Corporate Services

I Maxwell – Group Manager Integrated Catchment Management

E Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

C Edmonds – Acting Group Manager Strategic Planning

L Hooper – Governance Lead

T Goodlass – HB LASS Programme Manager



1.       Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, and Pieri Munro first acknowledged the passing of Councillor Williams’ mother before leading the group in offering a karakia.

Mike Paku advised he would leave the meeting following resolution of agenda item 4.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 26 August 2020



Minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on Wednesday, 26 August 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.

van Beek/Ormsby




Receipt of the Hawke’s Bay Three Waters, Business Case of Three Waters Service Delivery Options Report


James Palmer introduced the item, highlighting that this is the culmination of more than two years of work regionally in anticipation of Central Government reform. Three waters service delivery is function of TAs, however the regional council chose to participate in the review in light of its regulatory responsibilities for the performance of the assets and infrastructure.

Toni Goodlass acknowledged the significant contribution to the process by Pieri Munro, who led the tangata whenua engagement process.

The substantive decision sought is agreement to support the continuing collaboration with all the region’s councils on the engagement with and implementation of the Central Government three waters service delivery reform programme.

In response to a query in relation to Napier City Council’s position and/or support and participation in continued collaboration, Toni Goodlass advised that NCC has signed the memorandum of agreement with Central Government and challenges around perceived funding inequities and cross subsidisation are being discussed with the Department of Internal Affairs.

In response to a query about residual assets after the transfer of three waters infrastructure to the centralised entity, Toni Goodlass advised there are specific pieces of work that will need to be undertaken and referenced the “impact on Councils” section in the report.

Proposed governance model will require legislative reform prior to implementation and consideration given to community representation and democratic decision making.

In order for the model to work for the region the key Hastings and Napier councils must participate.

Region can either rise to the challenge and engage to influence the outcomes of the reform or wait for Central Government to dictate how services will be funded and delivered, and by whom.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives the report titled Hawke’s Bay Three Waters, Business Case of Three Waters Service Delivery options for information purposes only, noting that no decision relating to the recommendations set out in the report are required by Council.

2.      Notes that Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Wairoa District Council have opted in to the government three waters reform and stimulus programme committing our councils to engage in the first stage of the reform programme. This includes working together with neighbouring councils and government to consider the creation of multi-regional entities.

3.      Agrees that the Hawke’s Three Waters, Business Case of Three Waters Service Delivery Options report provides this Council’s representatives with the detailed information and analysis to engage with government to identify approaches to service delivery reform design that considers the recommendations, findings and challenges from the report.

4.      Based on the principles agreed in the Hawke’s Bay Triennial Agreement, agrees to continue the collaboration between the five councils as the region engages in the Central Government Three Waters Reform programme.



Mike Paku left the meeting at 12.42pm


Leveraging Council's $1M Recovery Fund


Iain Maxwell introduced the item, which was taken as read, noting that the bid will be progressed whether or not Council agrees to provide leveraged funding as proposed in order to accelerate two environmental enhancement projects in the Ahuriri and Porangahau catchments, creating community assets that will benefit future generations.

Central Government’s “Jobs for nature” programme and opportunities for rangitahi to be trained and upskilled.

Grants and subsidies for landowners’ erosion control works are set in Policy for the region.

Neil Kirton left the meeting at 1:00pm

Suggestion that opportunities for leveraging the remaining $300k for shovel ready projects in the Wairoa area are explored.



That Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

1.      Receives and considers the “Leveraging Council's $1M Recovery Fund” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Notes the opportunity to utilise the Recovery Fund for leveraging funding from the Freshwater Improvement Fund (FIF) for two large environmental enhancement projects and agrees to support the funding of the Ahuriri Catchment and Porangahau Catchment projects as part of an application to the FIF by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and the Porangahau Catchment Group.




Councillor Martin Williams thanked his fellow councillors for their messages of support, before Pieri Munro led the group in closing the meeting with a karakia.


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.09pm on Tuesday, 15 September 2020.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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