MINUTES OF A meeting of the Māori  Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 9 September 2020

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M McIlroy – Co-chair

M Paku – Co-chair

M Apatu

Cr R Barker

P Eden

R Hiha (until 12.45pm)

H Hilton

K Kawana

Cr C Lambert

R Maaka (until 12.10pm)

Cr H Ormsby

A Robin

P Sciascia


In Attendance:          J Palmer –Chief Executive

P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

C Edmonds – Acting Group Manager Strategic Planning

N Heath –  Area Manager Northern Hawke's Bay

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant

S Gilmer – FEMP Project Manager



1.       Welcome/Karakia /Apologies/Notices

The Co-chair, Michelle McIlroy, welcomed everyone and Haami Hilton offered a karakia to open the meeting.

Dr Maaka, Api Robin and Rose Hiha advised their early departure at 12pm and 1pm respectively.

The Committee offered condolences to Councillor Martin Williams on the passing of his mother.

Te Pou Whakarae noted that Items 11. Ahuriri Regional Park Joint Working Group and 12. Ahuriri Estuary and Catchment – Agency Activity Stocktake have been withdrawn from the Agenda.




That the apologies for absence from Councillor Rex Graham, Bill Blake and Zack Makoare be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Māori Committee meeting held on 8 July 2020



Minutes of the Māori  Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 8 July 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


Heretaunga update, taken as read, from Marei Apatu highlighted:

·    submissions on the TANK Plan Change

·    Ongoing work of Nga Pou Mataara Hau which monitors and measures a range of cultural indicators with western science derived proxy indicators to report on the “state” of the Tukituki awa

·    Protocol developed for Mauri monitoring while remaining cognisant of the potential “tohu” (tuna, manu, whitebait, awa condition and cultural presence

·    Cultural monitoring results can ultimately be used to indicate a particular Mauri “state” or condition and compared with future cultural monitoring

·    Where western science is supporting Mataurangi mauri and vice versa

·    It was noted that Joella Brown has been appointed as Proxy for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.

The Kahungunu Executive report prepared by Michelle McIlroy was taken as read.

Wairoa Taiwhenua update by Katarina Kawana covered:

·    Planting Day at Te Rauhina marae organised by Tiaho school and Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngati Kahungunu to plant over 600 natives adjacent the Okaka urupa

·    Planting Waihirere Regional Park at Takitimu marae on Thursday 6 August 2020 - 2 hectare of native plantings

·    Wairoa River Cultural Impact Assessment applying the Mauri Compass is due, but will take a further week to complete

·    Mauri compass – way to assess changes to a range of parameters important to iwi and hapū and offers a visual presentation of data to understand the current state across a range of factors (holistic view) and potential to incorporate into HBRC’s SoE report appropriately

Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui Orutu from Peter Eden covered:

·    key points on the Draft MOU with NCC, draft Māori Committee Charter, Driver licencing for rangatahi, Covid-19 and better health services, Mohaka Plan Change and the use of 1080

Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea by Dr Roger Maaka noted:

·    CHBDC has produced an iwi engagement document which was endorsed by iwi

·    Tangata whenua engaged through the significant process of the CHB District Plan to incorporate tangata whenua views and concerns

·    Three areas of focus over recent months were community action networks, funding regimes (post Covid-19), Tipuna public notification (archaeological reports in process) and Lake Whatuma Management Group appointments

·    Paora Sciascia’s leave of absence until early 2021 has been approved by the Tamatea Settlement Trust and the Proxy will attend in his stead during that time.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua reports”.





HBRC Chief Executive’s Verbal Update on Current Issues


James Palmer presented the organisation’s performance and current focus, highlighting:

·    Significant Activities report gives a broad breakdown of the organisation’s activities

·    2019-20 FY $1.9M deficit however work programmes largely delivered

·    2020-21 rates freeze and expected $6.1m shortfall to be borrowed

·    Current focus on developing the 2021-31 Long Term Plan which will emphasise Council’s action on Climate Change

·    Staff salary bands frozen for 2021

·    Covid-19 response: more than  $1M spent on welfare response, 170 staff deployed

·    Over 700 businesses helped with $1.5m in NZ Trade & Enterprise vouchers

·    Central Government funding granted for flood protection scheme upgrades including projects in Wairoa, Heretaunga and Tukituki; Jobs 4 Nature funding for Whakatipu Mahia predator free, erosion fencing with more Jobs 4 Nature funding in pipeline for freshwater catchments and regional alliances for conservation and biodiversity

·    CDEM on alert and ready to move to Levels 3 and 4 if there’s a Covid resurgence

·    Freshwater reforms finalised including new regulations on farm for HBRC to enforce and faster planning processes required to set limits & provide for Te Mana o Te Wai by 31 December 2024

·    Recently completed a section 17a (efficiency & effectiveness) review of Biosecurity and biodiversity work which will inform changes to Council’s delivery of those activities.

Api Robin left at 12.08pm, and Dr Roger Maaka left at 12.10pm



That the Māori Committee receives the “HBRC Chair’s Verbal Update on Current Issues” report.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


·    Mana whenua advise that the disposal site at Ōpoutama is now sealed, and raised concerns about the damage being caused to the sand dunes and mahina kai by tractors driving on the beach.

·    Katarina Kawana will provide the Wairoa Taiwhenua Cultural Impact Report to Te Pou Whakarae one week from today.

·    In response to a query, it was advised that the Rates Remission Policy does not apply to payment of section 36 Science charges and a policy for the remission of those charges is being developed through the Long Term Plan development process.

·    There will be a Making Good Decisions Course on 5 & 6 October in Napier, and members are asked to signal their interest to the Māori Partnerships team.

·    Pieri Munro briefly spoke about cultural competency within HBRC and the broader context and understanding of Te Ao Māori, Treaty Settlements and the Treaty and its implications and relevance for local government and the statutory framework that the Council operates within. The slides will be attached to the follow-ups for the next Committee meeting.

·    Some Central Government funding grants were advised by CE’s earlier presentation and others will be advised once further announcements have been made.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 19.


Raised by

3 Waters Review

Peter Eden

Workshops and wananga (te mana o te wai)

Peter Eden

Agendas and meeting frequencies

Michelle McIlroy

Gravel extraction

Marei Apatu

Waahi tapu

Marei Apatu

Annual & Long term plans

Marei Apatu

Introduction to Nathan Heath

Pieri Munro

Wiki o te reo Māori

Pieri Munro

Cultural capability app

Pieri Munro



The committee adjourned at 12.45pm and reconvened at 1.15pm with Rose Hiha absent.


Introduction to the Future Farming Trust


The Future Farming Trust introduced trustees Tom Belford, John van der Linden, Phillip Schofield, Scott Lawson and Greg Hart and provided an overview of the Trust’s work.  Discussions traversed:

·    Aim for the trust is to promote, inspire and celebrate farming systems that enrich the environment and the community to drive future change

·    Committed to appointing a Māori representative to the Board and seeking guidance about how to involve Māori landowners

·    Wairoa Taiwhenua invited FFT to visit farms in the Wairoa area.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Introduction to the Future Farming Trust”





Māori Committee Terms of Reference, Charter and Work Programme


The item, presenting the draft document resulting from sub-committee hui, was taken as read with questions and discussions traversing:

·    Purpose of the Committee to actively participate in and contribute to Council decision-making processes, working in partnership

Api Robin re-joined the meeting at 1.44pm

·    Te Pou Whakarae acknowledged the Māori Committee and the sub-committee (Api Tapine, Peter Eden and Roger Maaka) for developing the Terms of Reference, Charter and work programme template

·    In response to a query about where Wāhi tapu is captured in Council’s plans and policy documentation, it was advised that Wāhi tapu is primarily the responsibility of District and City councils, and those bodies need to be approached in relation to unregistered wāhi tapu sites. Some sites are not registered because tangata whenua do not want them to be.

·    It was requested that James Palmer puts forward the concerns expressed around wāhi tapu sites to his counterpart at Hastings District Council.

·    Joella Brown has been appointed as Proxy for Heretaunga Taiwhenua and the Terms of Reference needs to be updated accordingly

·    Wording in the Charter to be tidied up, e.g. Chair not Chairman ahead of going to Council for adoption.

·    Sub-committee to be formed to work through the detail and responsibilities of protecting wāhi tapu sites.



1.      That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “Māori Committee Terms of Reference, Charter and Work Plan”.

2.      The Māori Committee recommends that Hawke’s Bay Regional Council:

2.1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring with the community.

2.2.      Adopts the Māori Committee Terms of Reference, Charter and Triennial Work Template as proposed, with the inclusion of amendments agreed at today’s meeting.






Tangata Whenua Orientation and Remuneration


The item was taken as read.



That the Māori  Committee receives and considers the “Tangata Whenua Orientation and Remuneration” staff report.





Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.

Peter Eden provided an overview of the 2 September Corporate and Strategic Committee meeting topics including the 2019-20 Interim financial results and carry forwards, the Organisational Performance Report for 1 April to 30 June, Covid-19 CDEM Financial Report, Resurgence Planning and a review of the HBRC Response, Regional Economic Recovery and water storage. Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the organisation and the region.



That the Māori Committee receives and considers the “Reports from Regional Council and Committee Meetings”.





Farm Environmental Management Plans


Shane Gilmer provided a presentation about Farm Environment Management Plans (FEMPs).  Discussions traversed:

·    FEMP provides a summary at farm scale of the potential risks in a farming operation and how risks will be managed

·    Tukituki Catchments Plan focusses on reducing contaminants entering surface and ground water through rules for riparian fencing and planting, and specifically for winter grazing

·    FEMP is a fine scale tool for identifying contaminant risk on each paddock and areas with greatest contaminant/nutrient loss

·    FEMP targets four major contaminants from agriculture that degrade water quality such as sediment, phosphorous, E.coli / faecal contaminants and Nitrogen

·    Proposed ‘scale-up’ in 2021-31 LTP to achieve goal of all farms in the region having a FEMP by 2025 – which means another 3000 FEMPs over the next 4 years

·    Mahinga Kai is now a mandatory metric regional councils are required to measure and interested in tangata whenua feedback on opportunities for HBRC to incorporate in our FEMPs and how that might look

Cr Rick Barker left at 2.39pm.

·    Work being done to develop a Māori cultural indicator framework and would welcome input to include those measures, including mahinga kai, into FEMPs



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Farm Environmental Management Plans” staff report.






Northern Hawke's Bay Area Update and Wairoa Catchment Delivery Case Study


Te Pou Whakarae introduced Nathan Heath, newly seconded Northern Area Manager.  The item was taken as read with questions and discussions covering:

·    The newly created role supports the delivery programmes across Northern Hawke’s Bay including building and maintaining key relationships within the community, particularly with Māori as 64% of the population

·    Wairoa has long standing multi-jurisdictional issues to be addressed

·    There may be a need for a Compliance/Enforcement officer based in Wairoa, and this will be investigated through the LTP development process

·    The Annual workplan for the 2020-21 FY has been endorsed by management and is under way.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Northern Hawke’s Bay Area Update and Wairoa Catchment Delivery Case Study” staff report.



The meeting adjourned at 3.08pm and reconvened at 3.19pm.


Verbal TANK Submissions Update


Ceri Edmonds gave a general overview of the TANK Plan Change submissions and the timeline projecting forward.  Discussions traversed:

·    Received 240 submissions, longest being 150 pages

·    Three industry pro-forma or template submissions received from Beef & Lamb (9), Winegrowers (22) and HortNZ (31)

·    Submissions received from Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust, NKII, Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu

·    38 submissions received from Mangaroa marae, and from other marae and iwi/hapu groups including Matahiwi marae, Mihiroa marae, Korongata marae and Ngati Hinemanu

·    Submissions received from other Māori organisations such as Māori Climate Commission, Te Tumu Paeroa, Takitimu Māori Council

·    Other submissions received from Napier and Hastings councils, HB Fish & Game, Ahuriri Estuary Protection Society, DoC, Environmental Defence Society, MfE, Fire and Emergency NZ and the NZ Defence Force, etc.

·    Expect further submissions in October 2020, and Hearings in May 2021.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the verbal TANK submissions Update’.





August 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update


Ceri Edmonds provided the Statutory Advocacy Update with discussions highlighting:

·    Provided to the Regional Planning Committee on a 6-weekly basis and relates to proposals upon which the Regional Council has an opportunity to make comments or lodge a submission on Council’s behalf relating to resource consent applications, district plan reviews/changes, private plan change requests, non-statutory strategies, structure plans, registrations prepared by territorial authorities and government ministries and agencies

·    HBRC provided an extensive update on the marine and coastal area back in 2017 Takutai Moana applications (referred to Table 4 in the Item). The Regional Council does not receive the applications, these go to the High Court. The Court provides HBRC with updates on the progress of these applications as an ‘interested party’ to all the applications.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “August 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update” staff report.





Significant Organisational Activities Through September 2020


The item was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the Significant HBRC Activities through September 2020 staff report.





Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda




Raised by

3 Waters Review workshop on 4 September 2020

·    Disappointed that members were “uninvited” to the Workshop. Toni Goodlass was very remorseful and apologetic about the mistake that the invitation was extended to the entire committees and it wasn’t in any way a reflection on the type of the partnership sought. The workshop was intended for elected councillors only due to Covid-19 restrictions and their decision making responsibilities.

Peter Eden

Workshops and wananga

·    How to set up structures and frameworks to incorporate Te Mana o Te Wai into the agenda and hui discussions to be effective and efficient, and add value.

Peter Eden

Agendas and meeting frequencies

·    Meeting frequency discussed, and agreed to review wananga / meeting intervals at the end of the year

·    Propose to have a wananga on the State of the Environment before the end of 2020 with tangata whenua members of the Māori and Regional Planning committees on issues across land, water, climate and sea and current status on the environment.

Michelle McIlroy

Global Gravel extraction consent and river channels

·    HBRC has applied for global resource consents for the Ngaruroro, Tutaekuri and Tukituki catchment rivers, which will have a number of conditions relating to sustainable extraction, river ecology and health and safety

·    applicants sought a 25 year resource consent term while iwi wanted the consent granted for 10 years with a 5 year review

·    A kaitiaki liaison group was established and is developing a Terms of Reference (ToR) for the group and working with the applicant to develop an MoU to satisfy the co-management relationship expectations.

·    It was suggested that rather than bespoke kaitiaki groups a more holistic approach to the catchment is taken through the Kotahi plan change.

Marei Apatu

Annual Plan and Long Term Plans

·    Advocating for HBRC to engage much earlier with Māori and tangata whenua on the LTP and Annual Plan.

Marei Apatu

Introduction to Nathan Heath – was made in item 14.

Pieri Munro

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

·    Māori language week 14-20 September (Mahuru, Hepetema)

·    30 flags purchased to raise awareness of Māori Language week will be displayed on Marine Parade in Napier, in CHB and in Hastings

Sponsored by all 5 Councils

Pieri Munro

Cultural capability app “Te Kupenga”

·    A digital app developed to access Te waiata, karakia, kupu and explanations

·    Will be launched on 21 September 2020.

Pieri Munro



The Chair read the opening of Te Mana o te Wai report by way of closing, being:

Te Mana o te Wai – the health of our wai, the health of our nation

Hinewai Ormsby led the group in offering Pū Rākau waiata, following which Haami Hilton offered a karakia to close the meeting.



There being no further business the Co-chair declared the meeting closed at 3.56pm on Wednesday, 9 September 2020.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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