MINUTES OF A meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Date:                          Friday 7 August 2020

Time:                          10.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr J van Beek (Chair)

          Cr Tania Kerr _HDC – Deputy Co-Chair

Cr K Price – NCC

P Paku – Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust

Cr H Browne – NCC

Cr M Williams – HBRC

Deputy Mayor A Brosnan – NCC

T Huata – Mana Ahuriri Trust

Cr A Redstone – HDC


Alternates:                Cr A Colbyn - HDC

          Cr N Simpson – NCC


In Attendance:          S Bendall, Project Manager – Traverse Environmental

                                    P Munro, Te Pou Whakarae - HBRC

C Goodier, Team Leader Engineering – HBRC

C Thomson, Chief Financial Officer – NCC

M de Vos, General Manager Infrastructure Services - Napier Port

R Ashcroft-Cullen, Communications Advisor – HBRC

J Kingsford, Director Infrastructure – NCC

M Clews, Principal Advisor: District Development – NCC

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant




1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

          The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Pieri Munro opened with a karakia.




That the apologies for Councillors Hinewai Ormsby, Malcolm Dixon, Rick Barker, Tania Hopmans and Chris Dolley be accepted.

van Beek/Brosnan



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

Cr Williams declared a possible Conflict of Interest in relation to Whakarire Ave update item as Cr Williams represented the landowner during legal proceedings.

There were no other Conflict of Interest Declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on 1 May 2020



Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee held on Friday, 1 May 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.







Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee accepts the  following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 11:


Raised by

“Visibility” of this committee

Cr Jerf van Beek





Actions from Previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee


Simon Bendall gave an update on the outstanding items:

Port of Napier update: Michel de Vos in attendance to give an update on the Port of Napier.

Whakarire Ave Revetment:  Presentation by Caroline Thomson (NCC) on the “funding” decisions will be presented at today’s meeting.

Private and Public splits developed by TAG:  Simon Bendall has started drafting a paper to explain the preliminary private and public splits developed by the TAG in 2017 as a proxy to inform an initial affordability assessment, and would circulate when available – work in progress.


Request for actions from Council on risks of sedimentation and protection of urupā at Bay View:  Letters were circulated in December 2019 to Councils.  Have not had a formal response from Councils yet and will raise it shortly.

Invite LGNZ President/Minister for the Environment to a future joint committee meeting:  HBRC Councillors have met with Minister Parker recently and Minister Shaw has indicated that he is keen to attend a future meeting. James Palmer, CE of HBRC has engaged with the Minister of Environment and had very good conversations in this space.  Will be bringing a report in the workshop component of the meeting.

Caroline Thomson, NCC gave a presentation on determining the private/public funding split.  Discussions covered:

·         Section 101(3)a of the Local Government Act sets out the recommendations of what Councils needs to consider when making a funding decision that might have an impact on Council’s financial management

·         Councils need to consider community outcomes relating the process, distribution of benefits, time frame, exacerbators, cost and benefits and overall impact of funding on the community

·         Consolidated to 3 steps being:  Identify beneficiary and/or exacerbator;  Apportion costs according to benefits;  and Rationale & impact of funding mechanism

·         Cost apportioned based on varying degrees of benefit

·         Total cost split between the areas that stand to benefit the most (Private Good) OR Total cost spread evenly over whole community (Public Good)

·         Rationale:  Determining the overall impact of funding on the community, affordability and is it reasonable.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the “Actions from previous Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meetings” report.

van Beek/Price




Port of Napier Update and presentation


Michel de Vos gave an update on the Wharf 6 development and construction work.  Further discussions:

·        Construction began early 2020 and is well underway

·        Construction includes pile construction, dredging and environmental projects including the penguin relocation and creation of an artificial reef

·        The dredging activity is currently removing silts and clays; material not suitable for sand nourishment and Westshore (as proposed by the Strategy)

·        To date a volume of 62,292m3 has been dredged - Dredged material is deposited at an offshore disposal area 5 nautical miles North East of Napier City – noted the material being dredge at the moement is fine silts and is not suitable for inshore sand nourishment at Westshore

·        An artificial reef is being developed to offset the potential for adverse effects on marine environment by  Wharf 6 Construction activities

·        The reef will be developed with characteristics and structure that provide a suitable habitat to enhance reef organisms and food source for fish species

·        An on site penguin sanctuary has been established where penguins are moved from harm from the construction area and placed in the sanctuary in the hope to return in the breeding season.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the verbal “Port of Napier Update and Presentation” report and presentation.

van Beek/Price




Tāngata Whenua Engagement


Pieri Munro gave an update on the approach taken to engage with Tāngata Whenua throughout the development of the Strategy:

·        A document was tabled at the meeting outlining specific engagement with several Iwi representatives such as with Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, Mana Ahuriri Incorporated and Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust.

·        Key initiatives were highlighted along with the need for continued engagement.

·        Three members from the Post Settlement entities are representing on the committee respectively, being Tania Hopmans (Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust), Tania Huata (Mana Ahuriri Incorporated) and Peter Paku (Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust).

·        Simon Bendall offered to present the Strategy directly to Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, Mana Ahuriri Incorporated and Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust should this be useful at any stage, and noted that there was a standing offer to attend any meetings of those entities to present and answer questions.




That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives and notes the verbal “Tāngata Whenua Engagement” report.

van Beek/Price




Project Manager's Update


Simon Bendall provided a verbal update with discussions highlighting:

·         The project budget for 2019-2020 was overspent by $29k, as a result of additional external consultant support being sought

·         The Design workstream progressed very well and accounted for most of the project spending in the previous financial year.

·         $300,000 budget for 2020-21 financial year has been allocated to the workstreams and project expenditure is being tracked

·         Concept designs and costings based on the Community Panel’s recommendations have been developed by the Design workstream and have workshopped with this committee and externally peer reviewed

·         Next, these will be tested with the community prior to being finalised

·         TAG are also engaging with HBRC’s Science team on ecological considerations for this work

·         Concerns have been raised by Mana Whenua particularly around renourishment impacts on reef systems – some early data gathering opportunities are being investigated

·         The Funding Workstream remains the most challenging workstream - continues to work towards an aligned position between Councils and is part way through an intensive Councillor engagement process

·         Regulatory Workstream and Managed Retreat are being advanced with consultant input and are well advanced

·         Triggers workstream has not advanced – have allocated some funding and intend to progress through the panel members in the community over the coming months

·         The recent outcomes from the Resource Management Review Panel and National Climate Change Risk Assessment were also discussed

·         Proposed to have reports on the RMA Changes and the National Climate Change Risk Assessments at the next meeting.[SB1] 


Rebecca Ashcroft-Cullen gave an update on current Coastal Hazards Communication work currently being undertaken including planning for community engagement sessions.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Project Managers Update” report.

van Beek/Brosnan




Current Coastal Projects Update


The Chair asked the respective TAG members to provide an update on the items:

Whakarire Ave Revetment Works (Jon Kingsford, NCC)

·    Extensive consultation with landowners has been held and resulted in changes into the design work which will result in an application of extension of the current resource consent conditions

·    Landowners requested further consultation around landscaping outcomes

·    Full intention to proceed with the project – need to adapt processes to align with the good work Napier Port is doing (i.e. Penguin habitat)

Extended consent area for sand deposition at Westshore (Craig Goodier, HBRC)

·    Consultation with all stakeholders, including Iwi has progressed and will be a staged approach

·    Documentation to extend the consent condition will be available around end September 2020 for consideration.

Haumoana 18, (Mark Clews, HDC)

·  A letter report has been produced for the H18 section of coast and provides guidance for consideration on available protection options, coastal strategy summary, review of sheet pile protection option, possible alignments, indicative costs and an outline of a staged approach if residents were motivated to proceed

·  The letter report has been provided to the Landowner representative for initial consideration and we are awaiting advice as to next steps.

Capeview corner (Mark Clews, HDC)

·    Work has continued on preparing for lodgement of consent documents for this project

·    The design report has been completed and consent documents are well advanced as part of this

·    Landowner negotiations are advancing and consultation with Iwi, Treaty Settlement partners and DOC are planned over the coming weeks - Hoping to lodge consents by end of August.


Clifton toe Rock (Mark Clews, HDC)

·  HDC has been approached to assist with a consent application to progress a toe rock protection section of work between the existing revetment wall and the Clifton boat ramp, similar to that put in place on the revetment alignment while we sought consent

·  The parties are the Clifton Reserve society and Clifton Marine club

·  HDC is assisting with the development of a letter design report, consenting processes and integrating consultation with the Cape View project.

North Shore Road erosion / Whirinaki (Mark Clews, HDC)

·  HDC is assisting local residents with possible minor protection advice for an eroding section of coast adjacent to North Shore Road

·  A letter report has been produced that considers analysis of beach profile data, recent changes, comparison with coastal strategy detail and consideration of possible community mitigation measures

·  Residents have a copy of the report and we are providing further advice on planting, shoring works and consenting requirements for further consideration.

·    Looking at all options and opportunities that might assist residents in mitigating measures

·    Proposed to have up to date photographs of the project and work undertaken there.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee receives the “Coastal Projects Update”

van Beek/Redstone




Joint Committee Independent Facilitator


The chair introduced the item asked Simon Bendall to lead the discussion:

·         In February 2020 the committee considered the appointment of a chair and the concept of appointing an independent facilitator

·         TAG was tasked to explore the options for the appointment of an independent facilitator and it was found that it may be beneficial for targeted discussion points to appoint such person

·         TAG suggested that the Joint Committee appoint a panel of 2-3 members to consider and recommend a suitable person for this role - would then be considered by the full Joint Committee before any appointments are made

Cr Martin Williams left at 12pm

·         An appointment panel was formed by Cr Browne (NCC) and Cr Kerr (HDC) to advance this matter.

·         Tāngata Whenua member of the Joint Committee and HBRC Councillor (provisionally Cr Jerf van Beek) will be appointed to the panel subject to further discussion with their respective organisations.



That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee:

1.     Receives the “Joint Committee Independent Facilitator” report; and

2.     Appoints the following Joint Committee members to an appointments panel to develop recommendations on the appointment of a Joint Committee Independent Facilitator and subsequently request the TAG to develop the Terms of Reference

2.1.   Cr Hayley Browne (Napier City Council)

2.2.   Cr Tania Kerr (Hastings District Council)

2.3.   Provisional appointment, Cr Jerf van Beek (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council)






Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda





Raised by


“Visibility” of this committee:

·          Having more visibility of this committee and having quarterly meetings is just too far apart

·          Propose to have more frequent meetings

·          The chair will have discussions with TAG in their work and bring visibility on their work forward

·          Proposing to have a site visit / bus trip similar to what was done with Panel members in 2017[SB2] 

Cr Jerf van Beek





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.34am on Friday, 7 August 2020.

Tania Huata offered to close the meeting with a karakia.

Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................


 [SB1]Can we add a new action for this please

 [SB2]Can we add an action for this please