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MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group


Date:                          Monday 31 August 2020

Time:                          1.30pm



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     R Barker (Chair), HBRC

S Hazlehurst, HDC

C Little, WDC

A Walker, CHBDC

K Wise, NCC


In Attendance:            N Bickle, HDC

N Blunden – Emergency Management Advisor - Planning

M Davidson, CHBDC

R Graham, HBRC (Alternate)

A Hickey, NEMA

L Lambert – Group Manager Regulation

J Lawrence – Group Welfare Manager

E Lennan – Emergency Management Advisor

I Macdonald – Group Controller HB CDEM

S May, WDC

          J Palmer, HBRC

N Simpson, NCC (Alternate)

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and Mayor Kirsten Wise introduced and welcomed Cr Nigel Simpson as Napier City Council’s alternate representative on the Joint Committee.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee meeting held on 8 June 2020



Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee meeting held on Monday, 8 June 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Action Items from Previous HB CDEM Group Joint Committee Meetings


·    Thank-you function for Covid-19 Civil Defence staff/volunteers and essential services was well organised and a great success; thoroughly enjoyed by attendees.

·    Group Plan Review is currently on hold due to Covid-19 response

·    Risk Reduction:  Has been initial consultation with HBRC and strategic planners on the review of the regional policy statement and plans

·    2018-19 Annual Report was circulated to all councils for consideration.  Question arose as to how councils would like to deal with the 2019-20 annual report.



That the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee receives the “Action Items from Previous HB CDEM Group Joint Committee Meetings” report.





Call for Minor Items Not on the Agenda


There were no items raised for discussion



2019-20 Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Financial Report


Ian Macdonald gave a brief update on the status and break down of the 2019-20 Financial report with discussions covering:

·    Covid-19 response has had a significant impact on the Group’s finances

·    The provision of emergency welfare support and direct operational response costs resulted in $1,692,324 additional expenditure.  This was largely covered by claim to central government, under expenditure in non-response budgets and using existing reserve.

·    Staff recommended that the small $2,562 deficit in the reserve be recovered through managing expenditure over the 2020-21 financial year

·    Concerns raised that the depleted reserve fund poses a risk that the Group won’t have the funds to provide the level of service the community requires should a significant event occur

·    2020-21 rates have been struck and there are no short term options available to provide for a reserve other than any under expenditure that may occur this year.

·    Committee agreed strong support for retention of a reserve fund to support any future event response.

·    Propose the 2020-21 budget forecast be presented to the next committee meeting for consideration.

·    Noted an annual report will be presented to the next meeting.



That Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the “2019-20 Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Financial Report” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Council can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Adopts the 2019-20 Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Financial Report.

4.      Agrees that the 2019-20 overspend from the COVID-19 response be held as a deficit in the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group targeted rate reserve account, and that this deficit will be recovered through the management of expenditure in future financial years.





CDEM Group Covid-19 Resurgence Planning and Future Work Programme


Ian Macdonald introduced the item, proposing that the Committee endorses the decisions made by the CEG about the future work programme . Discussions traversed:

·    Necessary to review the Group Plan post the Covid-19 response

·    Continues to be a high risk of a potential resurgence of Covid-19

·    The Group Controller made initial decisions to ensure that Group office staff can support a response and that work/projects add value to the response

·    Some initial resurgence response planning has been completed and further prioritised

·    The Group Plan review is delayed, but still deemed fit for current purpose – the National Plan review has also been delayed

·    Needs assessment training with key agencies is continuing

·    Function training packages have been developed and training will continue over the next few weeks

·    National training programmes to commence soon – Agencies are able to nominate staff to undertake training with NEMA.



That Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the “CDEM Group COVID-19 Resurgence Planning and Future Work Programme” staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Administrating Authority’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Endorses the Coordinating Executives Group decisions on the direction of the Group work program, including COVID-19 Resurgence Planning, over the next 6-12 months.





Amendments to the Hawke's Bay CDEM Group Plan: Controller and Recovery Manager Appointments


Ian Macdonald introduced the item, which was taken as read.



That Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Joint Committee:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Joint Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision.

2.      Makes a minor amendment to Appendix 5: Key Appointments of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan pursuant to section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and makes appointments and changes to the roles of Group Controller as follows.

2.1.      Adds Pieri Munro (Alternate) to the Group Controllers list:

2.2.      Removes David (Jim) Tetlow (Alternate) from the Group Controllers list:





Covid-19 After Action Review:  March to June 2020


Natasha Blunden presented the “After Action Review” and a brief snapshot of emerging themes.  Discussions traversed:

·    The After Action Review (AAR) provides those who participated in the response with an opportunity to provide feedback about the response

·    A thorough debrief process with stakeholders, internal staff and TLA staff following the Covid-19 response, led by an independent consultant and conducted through a series of surveys, interviews and workshops

·    A final AAR report capturing lessons learnt and recommended corrective actions to improve the way HB CDEM responds to future emergencies will be presented to the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG) on 19 October 2020 and to this committee on 23 November

·    There is an appetite for iwi involvement at an operational level, and relationships built during the Covid-19 response will continue to be strengthened

·    Tihei Mauri Ora would like to have coordinated incident management system training as part of readiness for a future response

·    There has been good cooperation between council staff and mayors had a great impact on the response by providing a link between communities and businesses

·    NZ Police were very complimentary of how the CDEM Group dealt with the response

·    One more workshop will be held before the final report will be released



That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee receives and notes the “COVID-19 After Action Review 2020” staff report.





Hikurangi Response Plan Project Completion


Natasha Blunden gave a presentation on the Hikurangi Response Plan and the outcomes of the scenario undertook for the past two years.  Discussions highlighted:

·    The Hikurangi Response Plan(HRP) was funded by the NEMA-administered Resilience Fund and managed by East Coast LAB and included five CDEM Groups

·    The HRP has been concluded with the release of the Hikurangi Response Plan toolbox on 2 July 2020

·    The project produced a suite of public education resources and tools for public education

·    The resources will be used to assist with regional response planning and inform conversations with stakeholders on the risk posed by the subduction zone

·    Proposed that the CDEM Group undertake a practice to encourage businesses in Napier tsunami zones to practise evacuation routes

·    Every year a national earthquake drill and tsunami hikoi (walk) “ShakeOut” is held in October to practice evacuation to higher ground

·    Currently running a promotional campaign to encourage businesses and schools to undertake the ShakeOut practice

·    Eastcoast LAB link to the Hikurange Response Plan Toolbox can be found here:



That the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Joint Committee receives and notes the “Hikurangi Response Plan Project Completion” staff report.





Discussion of Minor Items Not on the Agenda


There were no items for discussion.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.29pm on Monday, 31 August 2020.

Signed as a true and correct record.




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