MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 8 July 2020

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       M Paku, Co-chair

M McIlroy, Co-chair

M Apatu

Cr R Barker (from 12.24pm)

B Blake (via Zoom)

P Eden

R Hiha

H Hilton

K Kawana (Proxy - Wairoa) (via Zoom)

Cr C Lambert

Z Makoare (from 10.50am)

Cr H Ormsby

A Robin



In Attendance:          P Munro – Te Pou Whakarae Māori Partnerships

C Dolley – Group Manager Asset Management

K Hashiba – Terrestrial Ecologist

A Roets – Governance Administration Assistant



1.       Karakia /Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chair, Michael Paku welcomed everyone to the meeting and Haami Hilton opened with a karakia.

Te Pou Whakarae, Pieri Munro noted that a late report in relation to Item 7 “HBRC Chair and CE Verbal Update on current issues” will be tabled at the meeting.

The Chair noted that a workshop will be held following conclusion of the meeting to discuss the Charter and other issues.



That the apologies for absence from Cr Rex Graham and Paora Sciascia, for lateness from Cr Rick Barker, Dr Roger Maaka and Zack Makoare, and for early departure from Rose Hiha and Cr Charles Lambert be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declared.



Alternate Members for 8 July 2020 Meeting


There were no alternates appointed for today’s meeting.


4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on 6 May 2020


Correction, Page 3, Item 6 “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates”:

Consider that TANK submissions period may provide insufficient time to respond.



Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Wednesday, 6 May 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record as amended.





Follow-ups from Previous Māori Committee Meetings


Pieri Munro and Chris Dolley spoke to the item, which was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives the “Follow-up Items from Previous Māori Committee Meetings” report.





Take Ripoata Ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua Representatives' Updates


The Kahungunu Executive report from Michelle McIlroy was taken as read, with kōrero highlighting:

·    Wairoa River sedimentation remains of concern

·    one Climate Change Working Group meeting held so far in 2020 and no future meetings scheduled as yet

·    awaiting the outcomes of $2million worth of PGF applications for marae renovations

·    unconsented dumping station at Blue Bay was advised to Tania Diack, Team Leader Consents at HBRC, has since been locked and would like a report on the outcomes of the compliance/enforcement investigations.

Katarina Kawana spoke to the Wairoa Taiwhenua report, with kōrero highlighting:

·    Institute of Geological Nuclear Sciences Ltd - Wairoa Taiwhenua - Ngāti Kahungunu Hikurangi Subduction Joint Partnership is investigating earthquakes and slip behaviours with focus of the next 12 months to be on whakapapa of Ruaumoko to build awareness in communities, including community education resources

·    Wairoa Awa Cultural Liaison with HBRC Works Group is engaging with Taiwhenua about planting days to be held

·    Request to provide deadline by which the Cultural Impact report will be completed and received

Bill Blake spoke to the Wairoa Taiwhenua report, highlighting:

·    Māori Committee in Mahia currently undertaking a Survey of the ancestral hotspots in rivers, particularly whitebait

The Ahuriri Taiwhenua report from Peter Eden was taken as read, with kōrero highlighting:

·    50,000 Manuka and native trees to be planted starting tomorrow for the Te Matai[PM1]  restoration project

·    Increased korero and major concern for whanau around closure of Ahuriri for kai moana.  Question about what measures are undertaken to protect this.

·    Mangaharuru Tangitū now providing input to Waipātiki Development which appears to be going ahead despite HBRC objections

The Heretaunga Taiwhenua report from Marei Apatu was taken as read, with kōrero highlighting:

·    TToH of the opinion that TANK Plan Change 9 should not go ahead – unsustainable management practices for water need to be addressed as a priority including over allocation and renewal of consents to take water from the unconfined aquifer, PC9 should be directive regulation rather than a staged approach, and the loss of matauranga māori with regards to Māori interest and values. Encourage and support individual marae to make submissions to the TANK Plan Change in advance of the 4 August 2020 deadline for submissions.

Zack Makoare arrived at 10.50am

Further kōrero covered:

·    HBRC Treaty of Waitangi obligations and how Council demonstrates its commitment to the principles of the Treaty within its legislative parameters and the Treaty Partnership

·    Making Good Decisions course – encourage members to attend.  Course dates to be provided

·    As a Māori Committee collectively support implementation of a better process in relation to Treaty of Waitangi to affect change in water management, to enact the true intent of the RMA

·    Seeking an HBRC presentation of its position in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi and effectiveness of cultural competency within the framework of HBRC.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Take Ripoata ā Takiwā – Taiwhenua reports”




6A     Late Item:  Update from the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) – Api Robin

Api Robin updated the Committee on a recent hui facilitated by Stantec for the region’s councils, highlighting:

·      The Transport review cycle is triennial and is currently focussed on Freight Supply Chain (Whakatu hub), Transport Choice, Resilience (roading and general maintenance), Safety, Community wellbeing (improvements to support health and environmental outcomes) and Economic Growth (transport opportunities to enable tourism, Māori land development and regional productivity)

·      The Review work programmes include developing of a ‘long list’ of projects, evaluating and identifying a recommended programme, presenting to RTC and Waka Kotahi, then finalising the programme (September)

Cr Rick Barker arrived at 12.24pm

·      No public transport solution for Wairoa and Waipawa.

·      Māori Committee would like to engage with the RTC on development of the Transport Strategic Plan.


MC24/20      That the Māori Committee receives and notes the late “Update from the Regional Transport Committee” from Api Robin.



The meeting adjourned at 12.30pm and reconvened at 1.00pm.


Scheme Ecological Management and Enhancement Plans- Braided River Bird Census


Chris Dolley introduced Keiko Hashiba, Territorial Ecologist who gave a presentation on the results of the river bird census carried out across the Tutaekuri, Ngaruroro and Tukituki rivers as part of the Ecological Management and Enhancement Plan. Kōrero covered:

·      Asset Management operates a number of flood control and drainage schemes across the region, with maintenance carried out under the Environment Codes of Practice

·      There are site and river specific Environment Enhancement plans and these take a systematic approach to looking at cultural and ecological value systems of those river systems to enhance and support those values going forward and to mitigate potential adverse impacts of flood protection activities on braided rivers.

·      The bird survey carried out in 2019 forms a core part of the effectiveness monitoring concerning river birds

·      Flood protection activities is likely to have neutral or positive impacts on braided river beds

·      A further survey is planned for spring/summer 2020-21 to provide comprehensive information on river birds to determine the effectiveness of EMEP

·      Have broader korero on enhancing other mauri areas such as river health etc

·      Proposed to develop a communications plan and engage with tamariki to educate about behaviour around rivers and the environment

·      Māori can assist by placing rāhui on rivers during breeding season.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “Scheme Ecological Management and Enhancement Plans- Braided River Bird Census” staff report.





HBRC's 2020-25 Strategic Plan


Ceri Edmonds. Acting Group Manager of Strategy and Planning introduced the item, noting the Strategic Plan was adopted at the 24 June Council meeting and is available on Council’s website.  Discussions traversed:

·      Feedback from Māori Committee has been incorporated into the 2020-25 Strategic Plan, including explicitly referencing the kaitiakitanga role of tāngata whenua and cultural connection with water.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “HBRC’s 2020-25 Strategic Plan” staff report.





HBRC Chair's Verbal Update on Current Issues


In the absence of HBRC’s Chair and Chief Executive, Pieri Munro presented and tabled the Chief Executive’s update report, covering.

·    HBRC functions back to normal following the Covid lockdown

·    Financial challenges remain with reduced investment income and some significant cost pressures

·    CDEM Welfare response now focusses on foreign nationals stranded in New Zealand

·    2021-21 Annual Plan submissions closed last week and Hearing is on 15 July. Majority of submitters supported HBRC holding rates at current levels for the next year and creating a $1m recovery fund

·    Looking at more flexible working arrangements to optimise existing staff accommodation

·    2021-31 Long Term Plan development has started with the focus on Climate. Smart. Recovery.

·    Awarded a contract to install a new Finance system

·    Policy and Planning teams focus remains on TANK and Outstanding Water Bodies Plan Changes and the implementation of Government’s Essential Freshwater reform

·    Still exploring plan changes on a technical fix for Tukituki “nutrient tables” and air quality

HBRC current priorities include:

·    Consents team focussed on processing new land use consents required by around 280 farms in the Tukituki catchment and rollover water take consents in the Twyford area, and the Wairoa District Council wastewater consent hearings have been delayed by Covid-19

·    Napier City Council was issued an abatement notice for fixing wastewater outfall, and Hastings District Council for fixing a leaking sewer pipe in Havelock North

·    Number of prosecutions underway for burning, odour and effluent discharges

·    In the peak of the planting and fencing work under the Erosion Control Scheme and Riparian Planting programmes; and planting days will be held at regional parks and on the Karamu Scheme in the coming months

·    Sustainable Homes Scheme:  Ahead of budget.  Strong demand but starting to reach the limits of available funding

·    NZTA supporting HBRC in providing free bus services in Hawke’s Bay however demand remains disappointingly low

·    Asset Management Group continues with work to review Flood Schemes levels of service and asset conditions to feed into the Infrastructure Strategy for the LTP

·      Science Team is finalising the 5 yearly State of Environment report

·      Sarah Tully has been appointed as Recovery Manager to coordinate the 5 councils’ input into Matariki for recovery and provide coordination and oversight of the region’s economic recovery programme

·      Environmental Recovery projects - HBRC did not receive any funding from the PGF for a $10m fencing and planting package

·      In discussion with MSD to provide a pipeline of unemployed workers to match with fencing contractors – keen to talk to PSGEs and Taiwhenua on employment opportunities

Covid Recovery:

·      Substantial funding available for environmental projects, however, announcements likely to be delayed

·      HBRC CE has been appointed to the Reference Oversight Group advising the government on the $1.3 billion Jobs for Nature Programme – currently discussing investment strategy, process and priorities with officials

·      Unemployment and economic impacts of Covid-19 and the drought will continue over the next months or even years to come.

Cr Charles Lambert left the meeting at 2.10pm.



That the Māori Committee receives the “HBRC Update on Current Issues” report.





July 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update


The report was taken as read.



That the Māori Committee receives and notes the “July 2020 Statutory Advocacy Update” staff report.





Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda


That the Māori Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 12.


Raised by

Science charges on Māori reservation land

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Te Mana o Te Wai workshops

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Māori forms in the council

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

White baiting access

Marei Apatu





Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda




Raised by

Science charges on Māori reservation land

·    Council able to review Section 36 charges

·    All marae have charges but have remissions for rates from Council due to Māori reservation

·    Trying to understand what makes up the science charges and whether the Rates Remission Policy applies

·    Requests that staff provide information responding to questions

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Te Mana o Te Wai workshop

·    Encourage committee members to attend the Te Mana o Te Wai workshops offered by the Ministry of Environment and will provide details of the next workshop.

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

Māori forms in the council:

·    Need to give Māori members a place to sit at the Council table

·    Mana whenua to lead conversation in partnership with Council in terms of resources and making it possible

·    Building capacity on rangatahi meetings and activities

·    Identifying partnerships with mana whenua.

Cr Hinewai Ormsby

White baiting access

·    Clarification sought around access to parks during white bait season and processes involved.

Marei Apatu





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.30pm on Wednesday 8 July 2020.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................


 [PM1]Check whether this Te Matau or Te Matai restoration project