MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 19 June 2020

Time:                          10.00am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr Martin Williams – HBRC – Chair

Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst – HDC

Cr Charles Lambert – HBRC – Deputy Chairman

Mayor Craig Little – WDC

Oliver Postings – NZTA

Cr Keith Price – NCC

Cr Kate Taylor – CHBDC (Alternate for Mayor Alex Walker)


In Attendance:          Tom Skerman – Group Manager Strategic Planning

                                    Pieri Munro – Te Pou Whakarae

                                    Api Robin – HBRC Māori Committee

Craig Daly – AA, Alternate for Paul Michaelsen

Matt Broderick – NZ Police

Andrew Palairet – Port of Napier Ltd

Ian Emmerson – Road Transport Association

Linda Anderson – Team Leader Roadsafe HB

Liz Schlierike – Roadsafe Coordinator

A Roets– Governance Administration Assistant


TAG                           A Redgrave – HBRC

R Malley – NCC

S McKinley – CHBDC

M Clews – HDC

J Pannu – HDC


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chair, Cr Martin Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened with a karakia.

Pieri Munro, Te Pou Whakarae welcomed and introduced Api Robin as representative of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Māori Committee.


RTC7/20    That the apologies for Paul Michaelsen (AA), Emma Speight (NZTA), Paul Michaelsen (AA), Mike Hardie (WDC) and Mayor Alex Walker be accepted



2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements for the 19 June 2020 Regional Transport Committee Meeting



That Councillor Kate Taylor be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 19 June 2020 as short term replacement on the Committee for Mayor Alex Walker.


4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 27 March 2020



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on Friday, 27 March 2020, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.





Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The item was taken as read.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings.

Williams/ Taylor




Call for Minor Items not on the Agenda



That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following “Minor Items Not on the Agenda” for discussion as Item 14:


Raised by

Update on the Governance Group providing oversight on the NZTA drivers licensing funding

Cr Kate Taylor

Tangata whenua input and contribution to the Transport Committee

Api Robin





Update on the Regional Transport Study and Regional Land Transport Plan


Anne Redgrave introduced the item and thanked everyone for their participation in the recently held workshops.  The Transport Future workshop held by Zoom during lockdown and was well attended and received.  Discussions traversed:

·    First of three workshops for the Program Business Case development held, second workshop on 22 June to discuss the programme of activities needed over the short, medium and long term. GHD Ltd will be presenting to help understand how the study links together with the Investment Logic Map being developed this far

·    The Network Operating Framework (NOF) is nearly completed

·    An updated context section being proposed for the RLTP was attached to the Agenda, and staff are seeking approval of the initial sections provided

·    Statutory deadline for having the RLTP completed is 30 April 2021 to enable NZTA to release the National Land Transport Plan by the end of June 2021

·    The RLTP may possibly be extended due to Covid-19 pandemic and consequential delays to the release of the Government Policy Statement by 30 June 2021 – however there’s been no formal notification from Government to date

·    Transport Sector Interest Group  (TSIG) has developed a number of common documents and templates to facilitate the development of the RLTP, including a significance policy in the legal review stage

·    TSIG also developing a suggested common prioritisation process for activities included in the RLTPs for which funding is being sought. This is intended to assist NZTA to determine which projects are highest priority

·    The strategic case section of the Programme Business Case and the Network Operating Framework will be completed by early July 2020

·    Concerns raised about large traffic counts in Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay and urge that Wairoa and CHB are kept in the RLTP freight studies.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives and considers the Update on the Regional Transport Study and Regional Land Transport Plan staff report.

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s adopted Significance and Engagement Policy, and that the Committee can exercise its discretion and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community or persons likely to have an interest in the decision.

3.      Approves the initial sections of the draft Regional Land Transport Plan outlining the regional context for the plan, incorporating amendments agreed at the 19 June 2020 Regional Transport Committee meeting.





Debrief on 20 April 2020 Regional Transport Workshop


Anne Redgrave gave a debrief on the Regional Transport Workshop held on 20 April with specific emphasis on innovation, climate change and more diverse, demand-led options for public transport.  Discussions traversed:

·    Presentations made on Transport systems, transport network optimisation and the Timaru On Demand bus trial, which is going very well

·    Important messages around Land use planning and planning for facilities in communities – how people choose to travel and how often

·    Much higher levels of walking and cycling around communities (Queenstown study case)

·    Suggested that Vicki Butterworth be invited to a future RTC meeting to share her understanding of how the transport networks are connecting

·    The Network Cycle Group has been working on a revised plan on the commuter links between Napier and Hastings and how those networks are joined together  – important to understand the wider vision and how it links in to the overall Regional Transport Plan

·    The best transport plan is a good land use plan with universal access and design as a key principle

·    important to keep networks simple and legible

·    Prudent to get public transport working successfully and demand focussed.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Debrief on 21 April 2020 Regional Transport Workshop report.





Transport Manager's Report


Anne Redgrave introduced the item and updated the committee on a range of transport issues with discussions highlighting:

·    A Submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement was prepared and submitted in May 2020 – had no feedback yet

·    Covid-19 had a significant effect on transport, noting a significant drop in traffic flows during April and May, declined bus patronage and increased cycling counts on arterial routes and state highways

·    Funding for transport has been significantly affected by the pandemic and lower revenues into the National Land Transport Fund

·    Number of accelerated transport projects have been included in the Hawke’s Bay recovery package recently announced by central government

·    Bus services are currently being promoted as a “free” service until further notice

·    A list of “other” potential projects not funded through the RLTP will be provided (i/e Silverstream, Waikare Gorge etc)

·    TAG Group to provide a coordinated plan with NZTA on opportunities for growth construction and services

·    Report to be received by TAs on how to coordinate the delivery of additional response funding for RLTP in an integrated way within existing resources.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Transport Manager’s” report.





NZTA Central Region - Regional Relationships Director's Report


Oliver Postings gave an update on regional projects with discussions covering:

·    Work on capital projects has resumed with each project having a Covid-19 safety plan with construction Health and Safety NZ standards

·    Arataki Version 2 is being prepared – will assess the likely impacts of Covid-19 on the Land Transport System and identify opportunities

·    Investment Decision Making Framework (IDMF) final report expected release in early June

·    Draft on Investment Prioritisation Method has been deferred

·    Economic recovery may need to be considered in the 2021-24 NLTP

·    NZTA will release additional RLTP development guidance working closely with Transport Special Interest Group (TSIG) – to complete draft by end August 2020

·    Transport Agency Investment Proposal (TAIP) postponed until August

·    REG partnership will publish its first National Road Controlling Authority Report at the end of June 2020 (on both the REG and LGNZ websites)

·    Innovating Streets for People pilot fund launched for temporary projects with a pathway to permanence – Covid-19 response projects considered immediately and guidance for RCAs being developed

·    Urban Development Programme recently established and currently developing the Planning Better Places guide to outline key principles – guide to be released for engagement in July 2020

·    Asset Management Data Standard is being developed to establish a common language to describe land transport assets – input into the development is vital

·    Accessible Streets Consultation is a package of national rule changes to support a move away from private vehicle use in urban centres to more energy efficient, low-cost and healthier transport – a national framework with local adaptations to fit local conditions – 9 proposals in total

·    TradeMe has launched a new search filter which allows to search vehicles for sale by safety rating – also check the Right car Website

·    An update on Hawke’s Bay’s Regional road projects and the Provincial Growth Fund Projects was presented and discussed.

·    Concern raised about the high crash rate on SH5.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the ”NZTA Central Region – Regional Relationships Director’s Report for June 2020”.





Roadsafe Hawke's Bay June 2020 Update


Anne Redgrave introduced Linda Anderson – Team Leader Roadsafe HB and Liz Schlierike – Roadsafe Coordinator, whom gave an update on road safety statistics in the region and activities undertaken by Roadsafe Hawke’s Bay.  Discussions traversed:

·    Due to Covid-19, there has been a halt on RoadSafe Activities and programmes

·    Hawke’s Bay Youth Road Safety Expo will be held 10-14 May 2021 with a wider scope than alcohol issues

·    Edinburgh University Collaboration with Roadsafe HB – seeking permission to use two of the existing projects for a post graduate degree in health promotion

·    Roadsafe HB will be providing education material on project management, strategic alignment and evaluation

·    Liz Schlierike gave an overview on activities in Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay – Billboard projects on road safety messaging on local rural roads

·    Driver licencing support project in Wairoa College under development

·    Concerns raised about boy racers speeding on the rise.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “RoadSafe Hawke's Bay June 2020 Update” staff report.





June 2020 Public Transport Update


Anne Redgrave provided an update on the public transport operations with discussions highlighting:

·    Significant disruptions during the Covid-19 outbreak

·    Bus services continued to operate during lockdown, although significantly reduced. Contractors were paid on the existing contracted fees to ensure that the industry remained operative and no jobs were lost

·    Due to Covid-19 and lower patronage, a fare-free period has provided an opportunity for an accelerated implementation of the new card system. Once the system goes live, a simplified flat fare system will be in operation for a period of 3-4 months.

·    NZTA has topped up the difference in what a “Total Mobility” passenger would normally pay

·    The Chair acknowledged all GoBus drivers, who were amongst all the other frontline essential services, put themselves at risk to deliver an essential service to the community during the lockdown period.Correspondence acknowledging their hard work and efforts has been sent to all GoBus drivers.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives and notes the “June 2020 Public Transport Update” report.





Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives


NZ Police – Inspector Matt Broderick:

·    Conceptual thinking around Cops on e-bikes for summer policing campaign – been trialled in Wellington and Christchurch to reasonably good effect and to be rolled out elsewhere. HB is the perfect place to roll this out – seeks the Committee’s feeback on the concept

Craig Little:

·    Covid-19 had a significant impact around the country, and in Wairoa particularly

·    Government funding allows for new projects and to assist businesses during this time

·    Submitted applications for other government funding projects and hoping to hear back soon

Robin Malley, NCC

·    New speed legislation:  NZTA managing and procuring new speed cameras

·    Thinking about how local councils can get involved with this project

Craig Daly

·    CHB heavy transport study with particular focus on the earlier Heretaunga Plains Transport Study and an overlying traffic study which will look at the whole of Hawke’s Bay on heavy movement vehicles across both state highways and local roads with particular focus on outer regions as well to understand where traffic is coming from. Could potentially be done by CHBDC?

Sandra Hazlehurst, HDC

·    Excited to see traction on the State Highway 51/Waipatu Community projects going forward

Kate Taylor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

·    PGF application for Porangahau Road/SH 52 – looking forward to the road works between Waipukurau and Waipawa being finished

·    Exciting spacial planning for Otane, Waipawa and Waipukurau which includes initiatives for a cycling network and intermodal transport

Ian Emmerson

·    Thanking Councillors in the region and nationwide for initiating and setting up toilet facilities throughout the region for transport services (bus and truck drivers) during the lockdown period

Api Robin

·    Tangata whenua input:  Councils have all submitted on their Roading and Transport plans – may be a lack of consultation with iwi – Stantec will be in contact about Iwi input and tangata whenua view relating to this

Andrew Palairet, Napier Port

·    Log transport:  Potentially moving scaling stations in Ahuriri and Pandora area to a different location

·    C3 making improvements to their technology which will increase speed in the facility – will have an impact on the region and truck turnaround

·    Potential developing Whakatu 12ha landholding in a regional freight hub – applied for shovel ready PGF funding

·    Looking into investing in more 40ft container trucks

·    Wairoa Rail:  on hold due to lower log movements in log down period

·    Cruise liners have been severely impacted by Covid-19 – likely to be reduced the coming season (Oct – March)

·    Brief paper to be prepared for the next meeting on the impact of weight distribution and movements in the region associated with Napier Port.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the “Verbal Updates by Advisory Representatives





Discussion of Minor Matters Not on the Agenda




Raised by

Update on the Governance Group providing oversight on the NZTA drivers licensing funding  allocation:

·    continuation of the funding governance group providing oversight of the NZTA driver licencing allocation has been agreed

·    Shared local funding secured through the Matariki partners

·    Next phase is to establish the governance group to distribute funding

Cr Kate Taylor

Tangata whenua input and contribution to the Transport Committee (was discussed in Item 13 above)

Api Robin






There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.30pm on Friday, 19 June 2020.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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